The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 739 R4 is Almost There

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Chapter 739: Chapter 739 R4 is Almost There

Zhang Yang felt extremely puzzled by his recent abnormal behavior, but he was unable to control himself.

Even during cla.s.s, when he saw Jian Dan, his mind would slightly wander.

He was a teacher! How could he have such thoughts about his own student?

It had troubled him for several days, and he hadn’t been sleeping well for several nights, so he was somewhat out of sorts.

“Teacher Zhang Yang, I’ve noticed you haven’t been looking well these past two days. Haven’t you been resting well?” Teacher Wu sat down beside Zhang Yang, asking with concern.

(Wu Ying was their cla.s.s’s English teacher, 28 years old, still unmarried, and she had a good impression of Zhang Yang.)

“Oh! Yes, I’ve had a lot on my mind recently, so I haven’t been sleeping well.”

“Is it because of that new transfer student that you’re worrying?”

“Transfer student? No! How could I possibly lose sleep over her?” The feeling of someone poking at a sore spot was quite unpleasant, especially when it was something he didn’t want others to know.

At that moment, Zhang Yang appeared somewhat fl.u.s.tered.

“You clearly are, and yet you won’t admit it. Aren’t you worried about her future because she has offended Teacher w.a.n.g?”

In their eyes, Zhang Yang had always been a very responsible teacher, and he was very good to his students.

After hearing Wu’s words, Zhang Yang’s tense nerves relaxed a bit, “Yes, the college entrance exams are coming up. Any issue at this time could affect their future university admissions!” Good thing she hasn’t realized.

“You always put your students first, never thinking about yourself!” Normally, Teacher w.a.n.g already didn’t favor Zhang Yang, and with this incident, Zhang Yang’s hopes of being promoted further were becoming increasingly slim.

Indeed, with Zhang Yang’s abilities, he should have been promoted to group leader long ago, but he hadn’t been able to because of Teacher w.a.n.g.

“What does it matter what I think, the students’ futures are what’s most important!”

Such responsible teachers were becoming rarer.

Since there was still time before began, Jian Dan and the other two left the cafeteria and went to the playground to rest.

“I’m happy that you’re willing to be friends with me, but I should warn you, if F4 finds out that you’re friends with me, they’ll definitely bully you too.”

“F4? What F4? Are we shooting a TV drama?”

“It’s those four guys you ran into in the bathroom! They call themselves F4!”

Jian Dan just briefly recalled the scene, and his stomach began to churn. “They dare to call themselves F4 with that att.i.tude? I think R4 suits them better, Rubbis.h.!.+ Four lumps of trash.”

“Pfft—Jian, your tongue’s quite venomous! But you’re right, it’s an apt description!” Xiaoting burst into laughter upon hearing Jian Dan’s words. “Probably in the entire school, you’re the only one who dares to describe them as trash.”

“Calling them trash is already being merciful! If we’re being strict, those four aren’t even worth comparing to tras.h.!.+” Jian Dan crossed his arms over his chest and spoke bashfully.

What did it matter if someone came from a good family? A person who doesn’t know how to behave is useless, regardless of their family’s status!

“Jian, aren’t you scared at all?” The worried expression never left Ouyang Jing’s face.

“If I were scared, I wouldn’t have helped you in the first place!”

Jian Dan had already been infuriated by the TV shows about school bullying, yet now, faced with the reality of it, how could he possibly stand by?

It could only be said that Jian Dan really was someone who easily attracted trouble, coupled with her inherently meddlesome nature; it would be strange if she didn’t find herself in some sort of trouble.

“Although I am afraid, Jian and I are friends. If Jian wants to be your friend, then naturally, I’m willing to be your friend too. When the time comes, it’s better for the three of us to face difficulties together than for you to endure it all alone!”

The words of the two girls were not just a little shocking to Ouyang Jing; they had such great courage, whereas he, as a man, had been so cowardly.

Being friends with them, he too had to be brave. He could no longer tolerate everything pa.s.sively as he had before.

To protect his friends, he would give it his all…

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You're reading The Beloved and Pampered Girl by Author(s): Tingting Guard Guqin. This novel has been translated and updated at and has already 51 views. And it would be great if you choose to read and follow your favorite novel on our website. We promise you that we'll bring you the latest novels, a novel list updates everyday and free. is a very smart website for reading novels online, friendly on mobile. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or just simply leave your comment so we'll know how to make you happy.