The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 636:1 Will Always Be Yours

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Chapter 636:1 Will Always Be Yours


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Jian Dan took out the lipstick from her bag and flipped the lid…

She smeared lipstick all over Chu Liyuan’s face…

However, Chu Liyuan was not angry at all. Not only was he not angry, he even felt that Jian Dan was especially cute at this moment. She was so cute that he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

A few minutes later, Jian Dan stopped and admired her masterpiece in satisfaction before nodding with a smile.

“You’re not angry anymore?”

“Actually, I wasn’t angry just now. I was just a little upset.”

Jian Dan whispered as she lowered her head.

“So… are you feeling better now?”

Jian Dan looked up and saw Chu Liyuan’ face. “Pfft! Yes!” Jian Dan burst out laughing as she looked at her masterpiece…

Chu Liyuan’s sudden approach made Jian Dan tense up instantly…

Seeing Chu Liyuan’s face getting closer and closer, Jian Dan closed her eyes.

I don’t know why, but Uncle and I have already kissed countless times. Why am I still as nervous as the first time?

Jian Dan still had not felt Chu Liyuan’s lips after a long time, so she opened her eyes. The moment she opened her eyes, she saw Chu Liyuan right before her eyes.

Because they were too close, she could only see Chu Liyuan’s deep eyes and feel his warm breath.


“Don’t close your eyes.”


“Look at me and remember firmly that I’m yours. I will always be yours only.” He planted a kiss on Jian Dan’s lips.

As their eyes met, their lips found each other…

“Uncle, I’ll hold you to your word. You’ll always be mine only.”

“Don’t you go back on your word. Otherwise… I’ll never see you again!”

“That day will never come. I’ll always be by your side, not even death can keep us apart.”

“How is that possible?”

“It is if I say so.”

“You’re mine in life and death. In your next life, you can only be mine.”

“Uncle, you’re so morbid! But I like it.”

Chu Liyuan raised her chin and kissed her again…

He was not going to stop this time… When he reached out to unb.u.t.ton Jian Dan’s clothes, she grabbed his warm hand. “No!”


“Um… When we were at the family residence just now, a “relative” suddenly came to visit.” Jian Dan said slowly as she looked at Chu Liyuan.

Chu Liyuan nodded and hugged Jian Dan from behind. His warm hand reached into Jian Dan’s clothes and rested on her abdomen. “Sweet dreams.”

Although Jian Dan’s Cold Womb Syndrome was much better, her tummy would be cold every time she was on her period.


Chu Liyuan’s hand warmed her cold tummy, so she soon fell asleep sweetly…

Jian Dan had a sweet dream. In the dream, she and Chu Liyuan were already very old and white-haired, but they were still very loving. They held hands and watched the sunset in the field of flowers together, snuggling against each other under the big old tree…

Perhaps the dream was too blissful, so Jian Dan chuckled in her sleep.

Chu Liyuan opened his eyes and looked at Jian Dan, who was smiling sweetly with her eyes closed. The corners of his lips curled up.

Jian Jian must be having a very happy dream. I wonder if I’m in her dream.

He gently planted a kiss on Jian Dian’s forehead and hugged her as he drifted off to sleep again…

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