The Beloved and Pampered Girl Chapter 492: His Lass Is Finally Back!

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Chapter 492: His La.s.s Is Finally Back!


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Chu Liyuan’s eyes kept averting Jian Dan’s belly.

“Jian Jian, you haven’t eaten since yesterday. You must be hungry. Eat something first.”

“Chu Liyuan! How long are you planning to run?”

“Jian Jian, I love you! I don’t want to lose you again, and I can’t lose you again!”

Looking at Chu Liyuan’s expression, Jian Dan suddenly could not get angry. A proud person like him could actually do this for me. Why am I still being willful?

“Have you never thought that this baby is yours?” Jian Dan said slowly.

He wanted very much to think so too, but he hadn’t even touched Jian Dan’s lips ever since she returned.

How could this baby be his?

“This baby is yours. The c.o.c.ktail party.” Jian Dan reminded him directly.

“What?” Chu Liyuan looked up as though he had just woken up from a dream.

“You…” Jian Dan was puzzled when he saw Chu Liyuan’s shocked expression.

“That time… It was real?”

“Don’t tell me you’ve always thought that it was a dream?” Jian Dan voiced out her guess.

So, Chu Liyuan didn’t look forme after that time not because of Wei Qianqing, but because he thought it was all a dream that night?

Oh my G.o.d! What a silly goose.

No wonder he thought that the baby is someone else’s!

“I…” That’s right! That experience had been so real. How could it have been a dream?

Now that he thought about it, he just couldn’t believe it.

Chu Liyuan had been shrouded in misery. Suddenly, the sky was all bright and sunny now.

My baby! Am I going to be a father again?

Although he was already a father, it was different this time as he could personally experience the process this time round. Just thinking about it made him rather excited.

Wait… If the baby is mine, then last night… didn’t I put myself through h.e.l.l for nothing then?

“Jian Jian, I…”

“You asked for it. Who asked you not to ask me and pretend to be so n.o.ble some more?” Jian Dan retorted when she read Chu Liyuan’s mind.

Jian Jian is right. If I hadn’t been such a smarta*s, I wouldn’t have scared myself silly before figuring out the situation.

However, none of this is important now. What’s important is that I’m going to be a father again. Jian Jian finally accepted me again. Jian Jian belongs to me now. She will only belong to me only, be it in the past, present or in the future.

Chu Liyuan sat by the bed and held Jian Dan’s hand…

It had been a long time since he held Jian Dan’s hand without any worries.

It felt so good. He would hold these hands until they were old.

He looked up and met Jian Dan’s sparkling eyes. His eyes slowly moved down and lingered on her rosy lips…

Chu Liyuan felt his breathing quicken. How many times had he imagined such a scene?This day had finally arrived…

“Jian Jian, I want to kiss you.” Chu Liyuan whispered into her ear.

Jian Dan was a little shy, but did not reject him.

Chu Liyuan had waited too long for Jian Dan to accept him again…

The moment Chu Liyuan touched Jian Dan’s thin lips, he felt that he was the happiest man in the world.

Just as he was about to lose all control, he stopped himself in time.

In Jian Dan’s current condition, he could not… Although he was a little unsatisfied, he and Jian Dan had a lot of time in the future…

“Uncle, I’m hungry!”

Chu Liyuan’s lips curled into a huge smile.

He had never felt that the word ‘Uncle’ was such music to the ears as now.

His la.s.s had finally returned to him!

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