The Tylingariea Epic 53 Chapter 11 The Forest Of The Old Elven Kings

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As the Six exited the Dessert of Blight they came across a large area that was near a large wooded forest that had an ancient sign that had old withered writing on it. Victor approached the sign and said " I can't read what's this sign says!" Nina pulled out her journal and said " this sign writing is in Old Elven King Speech. I just so happen to have a Old Elven King Speech translation to Terrain in my Journal" Nina looked at the sign and the looked at the journal and this is what the sign read "This is the Forest of the Old Elven Kings the Gateway to Pangar the Captail of the Elven Kingdoms." As Nina finished reading they stepped into the Forest of the Old Elven Kings.

Adam looked around and saw that everything was so beautiful. The leaves on the trees were colored in many different colors that Adam had never seen before. Adam heard many different birds chirping there sweet songs, there were animals running though the woods as the leaves crunched under there hooves. Adam could feel that this was a place of happiness and joy Suddenly Ralingar stopped and everything got quite. Adam noticed that the birds had stopped singing and all of the animals had ran away to hide. It was as if all of the joy was sucked out of the forest and replaced by darkness. The Six then heard a dark and sinister laugh

Zargorwarth sprang up from the earth and turned his wrist sealing the exit. He looked at Ralingar and said " I do believe you have something that does not belong to you." Zargorwarth extended his hand and motioned for Ralingar to come to him. " I will never give you the Dark Ring Fragment!" Ralingar cried and Zargorwarth shook his head and said darkly " oh brother always the one to pick a fight that you know you can't win." Zargorwarth cracked his neck and said " I was hopping that we do this the easy way and minimize the bloodshed." Zain was glade that there was enough room to fight Adam he was itching to kill Adam Zargorwarth held General Zain back and said " you will get your chance for your revenge but know try to kill my brother." General Zain nodded and lunged at Ralingar Zargorwarth glared at Adam and said to himself " now to see how powerful you really are Warrior of Light." as he rushed towards Adam

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