The Crimson Prince: Awakening 76 Chapter 14: Confessions

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"Another Will?" The king rubbed his temples. Will could tell he was at the end of his wits. "How could a son of mine who was raised by me turn out so evil?"

The king was dumbstruck. 'There can't be that big of difference between them. How can it be just my fault?' He thought as he stared at his son. "You could have had any possibility of you were raised in your proper home." A vein pulsated at the side of his head. Any thoughts of an evil son raised by him were like a hammer smas.h.i.+ng into his pride.

"I know how you must feel, father." Will tried to console him. "I feel nothing but respect when I look at you. Your newfound unwavering strength is awe inspiring." He allowed his suit of armor to resolve back into his cross, only leaving a black leather jacket with the royal emblem etched in gold on the back.

"Father," Will spoke again softly. He knew what thoughts must have been circulating in his head. "As you know, among others, my talent is unparalleled. Just knowing of Crystallia for almost two years, I've become quite formidable." Will's words were carefully spoken. Not one trace of arrogance could be heard within his tone. "Would I truly be satisfied growing in a kingdom with such immense power? I believe I needed to grow in a land where the mind was one's true source of power. I needed to be humbled, without this balance," Will looked as though it hurt to say what he had to. "I would never be satisfied."

Jonathan leaned against an adorned pillar. His heart warmed as he listened to his son's words. 'We've raised him well, Isabelle.' He looked up and let out a breath of air.

"I believe given the time I've spent on earth, we can have a true father and son relations.h.i.+p in the future." Will said with a smile in his eyes. Even though Jonathan would always be his dad, he still wished to know where he came from. He wanted to have a bond between blood.

King Ragnos's heart warmed with the honesty he heard within his son. There was no deception he could hear. "Thank you, son." He said in a soft tone. "Whatever the threat, I will put you first. If this other Will dares to enter our world, there will be no rock he can hide behind." Power poured out of the king as he resolved himself to the destined meeting. "I will teach a lesson to the would be conquerer in his father's place."

"I'll be there to help you with this goal." Will said as he returned his father's gaze. No matter how long it would take, the promise between the two would be as solid as stone.

"We all will be there." Maya said from behind Will as a pair of slender arms wrapped around him.

Feeling her touch, Will seemed to snap back to reality. "Father, there are still so many things I need to do."

"You've only just awoken, don't you think you should rest first?" King Ragnos looked concerned. He didn't want his son to over exert himself from pus.h.i.+ng past his limits so soon. "Don't forget, you are still a prince so long as I'm on the throne. We should have a feast to celebrate your return!" Worry was replaced with excitement at the prospect of having a celebration for his son's return. "I still haven't been able to celebrate your return properly since our reunion."

"I can agree with you." Will nodded. "Though, before we have our feast there's still a few things I have to do." Will stood his ground. Though he his woke up, he wanted to see all of the changes within the kingdom with his own eyes. "I need to go see Leo in Ember, I should be back within four days." He looked at Maya with affection. "We also need to move in to our new home."

"You will be staying in Ember, then?" King Ragnos couldn't help but have a slightly dejected look. Will couldn't blame him. The old man had been alone in the castle for many years, most likely hoping to fill the rooms with his family.

"Don't worry father." Will smirked mischievously as he slapped Maya in the rear. "Your grandchildren will be playing in the courtyard in no time!"

"Will!" Maya yelped as she jumped five feet in the air. She rubbed her bottom as she glared at Will. Within all the time he had spent with her, Will couldn't recall a single moment where her face had been so red.

The king looked at the couple, dumbfounded for a moment. A minute pa.s.sed without a whisper until something broke through the silence like a knife through b.u.t.ter. "Haha..." A chuckle sounded from the throne. "Hahahahaha!" The laughter then echoed through the throne room. "I didn't think you had it in you!" He slapped the armrest of his throne.

Jonathan could only sigh inwardly while putting his face in his hand, his hat barely concealing a grin. 'Then again, he still has a long way to go.' He thought as he shook his head slightly.

"Right then." Will stretched for a moment, then took Maya's hand in his. "Could you spare a few horses and a carriage to pick up our furniture?"

"There will be no need for that, actually." Jonathan regained his composure and openly showed a smile. "Leo sent you a gift."

Though Will had been around in astral form for so long, he didn't keep tabs on everyone at any given time, so even he was surprised when Jonathan told him Leo sent a present.

"Something that could rival a few carriages? Don't tell me he figured out a new method of transportation." He knew he tasked Leo with the project before he began his training, but he couldn't have known it would take such little time.

"Yeah, that thing." The king said awkwardly. "We kept it in the stables for you, I guess we can have that stall back finally."

"I know where it is," Maya spoke up from behind Will. "When you are ready, I can bring us there."

"Is there anything else you need, father?" His gaze swept the king. The old man looked tired after all the information Will had given him.

"No, if you are ready to depart, then I'll see you when you return." King Ragnos sighed inwardly. It would be some time before he would be able to reconcile with the fact that a son raised by him would turn out evil.

Will slightly bowed his head before turning to Jonathan. "Dad, would you show us out?" He smiled warmly as he looked at the tired cowboy. "There are still a few things I need to discuss with you."

Hearing his son call him dad warmed his heart. For most of the meeting, Will had called the king 'father' for what seemed more than courtesy. "Then we will take our leave, your majesty." Jonathan bowed deeply to the king before turning with his son and Maya, departing for the exit.

They walked past the many golden pillars leading to the exit in silence. It wasn't until they finally closed the door to the throne room that Jonathan took a deep breath. "I suppose there's more to the story besides an evil doppelganger?"

Will scratched his head sheepishly. "You really don't beat around the bush, do you dad?" His smile faded into a serious expression. "In a few days, myself and Maya will be returning to New York for a few weeks. She has had a trying few years, dying and coming back and the price she paid to do so." Will put an arm around Maya and drew her close. "I made a promise to her before my nap." He winked at her. "I intend to keep it."

Maya looked down in embarra.s.sment. Though she wore her training armor, she couldn't help but imagine the black tattered dress she had worn for almost two years. The holes at the bottom of the skirt as well as the frayed st.i.tching, most of the dress was coming apart. Even if she wanted to wear it every day, it probably wouldn't last more than another month before falling apart completely.

Jonathan let out a small cough, letting his son know he was still there. "What are your plans after this vacation?"

"I need you to come home and teach me to use the earth aura." Will shrugged as if it weren't a big deal.

"Earth aura?" Jonathan wrinkled his brows. "I thought the affinities come natural to you." He was thinking of the wind aura that Will could use now. He hadn't needed any training to reach perfection within the element.

"The wind aura came to me in a time of desperation. I can't wait until the next enemy shows up in order to learn more of my ability." Will brought his hand up, a little twister danced in his palm before he crushed it in a fist. "I need to be ready for whatever comes next."

Jonathan nodded his head in understanding. "Its good that you still have to train. I was worried that all of that power just came to you. It would be a waste." He breathed a sigh of relief. "When do you want to start your training?"

"Give me a month in our world to show Maya around. After that, you choose where we train. Until then, I'll be on my way." Having given the promised time, Will took Maya's hand and walked to the exit of the castle.

"Finally!" Will stretched his arms and yelled loudly. "I thought they would have gone on forever." He looked at Maya with a grin. "Are you ready to go?"

Maya shook her head and led the way. "I bet it was nice to see your dad again." She said with a grin. It had been years since she had seen her own father. In her eyes, Will was the luckiest man in the world for having two father figures.

"In the future, they will seem like your parents as well." Will said with an understanding smile. "They already seem quite taken by you."

Maya's face turned red with the thought. "Don't tease me." Will was being much more forward with her than he usually was.

"You are my family, Maya." Will's voice was quiet as he spoke. He didn't need to say it too loud for Maya to hear. Gooseb.u.mps formed along her arm as she kept walking.

"I am just a peasant farmer who got lucky." She tried to argue with Will. "You should be with someone of n.o.ble birth."

Will pulled her arm to stop. "There is no n.o.ble person that could compare to you." He said honestly. "Ragnos agrees."

Maya's eyes went wide. "What?"

"He was there every moment I was by your side while you watched over my body. He saw the immense care you took while keeping me safe. He is glad he saved you that time."

The truth was finally spoken. Maya brought her hand to her mouth as a tear dropped from her eye. "He saved me?"

"I may have said that my time on earth was what changed me for the better, but it was Ragnos saving you that truly made me into the man I am today."

Maya fell into his arms. She put her head on his chest and breathed heavily. She seemed to fit perfectly in those arms, as if she were made to be embraced by him.

Relief poured from her. For the longest time, she was clueless as to her purpose in Will's life, as well as the life she had been given. "A G.o.d may have been what gave me life, but you are the one who saved me."

Will smiled as he rested his head in her hair. "We were fated to be together since the moment I met you." Now that he was holding her in his arms, everything in the world seemed right.

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