Trial Of Love Chapter 396 - Means Nothing To Him

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Elizabeth and Jo were on the way to board their plan when Elizabeth's attention was suddenly caught by someone. She hastily went to that person causing Jo to wonder as to why she suddenly runs off.


She grabs hold of the woman whom she thought was Jackie. But as the woman turned to face her, it startled her to see a different person.

"Can I help you?" The woman asked.

"I'm sorry; I thought you were someone I know," Elizabeth replied embarra.s.sedly.

"No worries." The woman smiled as she headed her way.

Elizabeth bid the woman and as she was about to turn around, her face turned so red again when she saw Jo looking curiously at her with a meaningful smile.

"Don't ask!" She spoke in such a stretch manner.

"Chill…" Jo waved his hands and added, "Anyway, who was that?"

"I told you not to ask!"

Elizabeth walked away with a heavy heart as she headed to the boarding gate. She really thought the person could be Jackie. Since the day she made her decision to find answers for herself, she has not heard from Jackie at all and has been worried about her.

"Jackie, where are you?"

Meanwhile, somewhere on the western side of the world, Elder Lord Knightley stormed inside his son's office that was being occupied by Lord Knightley and his subordinates.

"What is the meaning of this?" Elder Lord Knightley roared like a lion from the information he just received.

"What's wrong?" Lord Knightley asked emotionlessly showing no care to his father's concerns.

"Why didn't you tell me we were able to track Liz this whole time?" He went closer to his son who continues to busy himself with the paper works. Seeing his son was not answering him, he turned to the Winston and the rest of the subordinates. "Why didn't you inform me?"

Winston shook his head worriedly from the look Elder Lord Knightley expressing towards them, but before he could answer, Elder Shou, step in and answered for them. "Elder Lord, you were too busy and you left the country."

"I was…" Elder Lord Knightley couldn't raise another word when he recalled what Elder Shou mentioned was true. He was too busy searching for the girl that he too has forgotten about the tracking system.  "Boy, what are you doing still doing all this nonsense paperwork? Is work more important than your daughter?"

"She's fine." Lord Knightley raised his head for a moment to answer his father.

"Why you?! Do you even worry about your daughter? She is somewhere in the air and I don't even know where she is heading and who she's with. I heard that that the Western Org even broke the code and tried to harm Liz yet here you are not doing anything."

Instead of answering his father, he pulled out one of the doc.u.ments and handed it to Winston to hand over to his father.

"What's this?" Elder Lord Knightley was dumbfounded as to why he suddenly received one of the ridiculous paperwork. As he read through what it was written, his eyes widen in shock from what it stated. "What have you done?"

"They dare lay their hand on my daughter." Lord Knightley's cold and hostile tone brought a s.h.i.+ver down everyone's spine.

"Must you really do this? If you do this it will affect the business market. You are declaring war with almost everyone in the Western Org. Most of them are in the underground society. Even with the help of the Zhao family, surely, this is a big risk." Elder Lord Knightly explained.

"No worries, the underground society won't be able to lay their hand on me."

"Boy, have you gone mad?"

"Elder Lord, don't worry, rest a.s.sured that everything will run smooth and it won't affect us at all." Elder Shou interrupted to put a halt between the two.

"Elder Shou, you are my son's teacher, I know you know that if he does this he is challenging the world. Two of the people on the list are among the top richest people in the world. They are known to be richer than us. Plus, they have a strong connection with the underground society. If he does this, it will also affect the reputation of our family."

"Don't worry Elder Lord; I'm sure he won't let anything happen to his in-laws." Elder Shou responded.

"What do you mean?" Elder Lord Knightley was bewildered to what Elder Shou was trying to imply.

"The girl is now making her move to recover her memory, I'm sure, and he too will soon make his move to recover her. Most of the underground society might know who she is, but they are unaware of whom she in yet…"

"You mean the old man?"


"Does he really care for Lizzy?"

"Who knows Elder Lord, all I can say is the old man is also making his move. There will be a battle within two societies. But only those on top will be aware of it and its result."

"Elder Shou, I just wish to end this now, I want to see my granddaughter, why are you not retrieving her yet when you already know of her location."

"In regards to that, it's best you speak with the master." Elder Shou spoke and prompted everyone in the room to leave.

As everyone left the room, Elder Lord Knightley was left all alone with his son and directly asked: "Why aren't you retrieving her."

"I want her to recover her memory."

"What? Why? If you wish to do that, then bring her home and call Petrovich."

Lord Knightley put down what he was doing and looked at his father. "No, she needs to recover them and find out who she is."

"What do you mean? She is your daughter, the heiress of the Knightley family, what more can she be?"

"Sadly, that not all who she is, she is to be the bride of someone and is to replay the life she was given."

"So, you're telling me you wish for her to recover such horrible memory as well."

"I dare not, but I have no choice, I have less than 2 months left, soon, the old man will come for her and I have no power to stop him from taking her away from him."

"Boy, tell me, have you still have no clue of who this man is?"

Lord Knightley shook his head desperately.

"Then let's hope Lizzy will regain her memory and find a solution to all these problems. But I fear she will no longer be the same, Lizzy."

"I fear that as well."

Unexpectedly, the conversation between father and son was interrupted when someone came knocking at the door.

"Who is it?" Lord Knightley asked.

"It's me."

"Come in."

As the door opened from the outside, the familiar figured walked in surprised Elder Lord Knightley. "Dear child, Jackie."

"Grandpa Knightley, it's been a long time." Jackie went closer to the old man and embraces him.

"Dear child, where have you been? I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Forgive me; I too have my own mission." She explained as her expression became all serious as she turned to face Lord Knightley. "I'm sorry, but I failed to capture him."

"It's fine." Lord Knightley sighs.

"Who are you trying to capture dear child?"

Jackie turned to Lord Knightley first to ask permission if whether such information should be shared. He prompted her, giving her the authority to release such information. "You see one of our friends whom we've been with since university is actually a member of the underground society. We discovered that he has a close connection with Professor Petrovich and we hope to get information from him about the old man and what happened to Liz in the past. However, he escaped."

"Who? Who is this person you're speaking of?"

"His name is Scott; he was one of our close friends as well."

"You mean, that boy who came with you last winter?"

"Yes, that was him."

Elder Lord Knightley was taken aback from the information he just found out as he realized something so crucial. "Did they send him to watch over her?"

The answer to his question was written clear on Jackie and Lord Knightley's face.

"So you mean, all this time, he has been preparing to take her away from us. All this time? Yet, we did nothing…"

"Grandpa Knightley, don't worry, I'm sure Scott is not that type of person."

"How sure are you child?"

"I mean, he treated Liz like his own sister."

"You mean?"

"I have a feeling both of them have a good relations.h.i.+p with each other. Maybe, after what happened he decided to watch over Lizzy in fear of people discovering who she is."

"Then, why is he running away from you?" Elder Lord Knightley couldn't understand why the boy would be running away from them if he is to protect Elizabeth.

"I don't know, I'm not sure yet. But since news of Liz being alive and the underground community has placed a price on her. More and more people are searching for her, even the Western Org are getting involved and forgetting the code."

"Tell me more?"

"My brother and I will be handling the Western Org with the help of Alex. We've already planned our course of action. Alex's family is one of the strongholds of the Western Org and without family background and the leaders.h.i.+p of Lord Knightley; we can take over the Western Org and take full control of it."

"So, you mean to take control of it and not challenge it?"


Elder Lord Knightley finally sought light in his son's plan. But he still couldn't understand one thing. "If he is running away from us and Liz in on the search to recover her memory. Does she know about Scott?"

"Before she ran away, she did ask me to look for Scott. However, Scott suddenly became untouchable and I wasn't able to contact him. I have a feeling Liz might have recovered her memory about Scott."

"If she has, how will she find him seeing you are unable to find him?"

The three of them realize that Elizabeth's journey will turn out to be a roller coaster. Who would have thought that the people she is looking for would be so hard to find just like her memory so hard to recover?

"Don't worry, someone is helping Lizzy, I'm sure that person has a good connection in the community."

"Hmm, you mean, Lizzy is not traveling alone."

"She isn't, I just hope they won't be caught. I mean, there are so many people looking for her and Yun Shen is one of them."

"Ah, that boy. I must do something about him."

"No need." Lord Knightley spoke.

"Why not?" Elder Lord Knightley roared furiously.

"Both men are on it."

Elder Lord Knightley looked puzzled and inquired, "You mean, Jayden and Xiaotong?"


Jackie was surprised to find out the Feng Xiaotong was also in a war with Yun Shen. She never thought there long years of friends.h.i.+p would be broken so easily because of Yun Shen's stupid action.

"So, what now?"

"Will wait. Sooner or later, she will come home and he will come for her."

The idea of Elizabeth coming home was like welcoming the bright spring and finally saying goodbye to the cold wind. But the fact, not all spring is warm and is sometimes cold just like the news of the old man coming to get Elizabeth. It is the worst feeling for them all and no one would be able to keep a straight face and be comfortable with the idea.

"Uncle, I'll be going, I need to find Alex and my brothers," Jackie said.


Both Elder Lord Knightley and Lord Knightley watch as Jackie steps out of the room.

"Child, tell me, is there really nothing we can do?"

"I am willing to give up everything including my life, yet it means nothing to him."

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