Trial Of Love Chapter 395 - The Shadow Prince

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Elizabeth hopes for truth can finally be answered with the help of Jo who was ordered by Megan, she can finally find out the reason as to why her father or she herself removed her memory. So many questions have been pondering in her mind and the longing for the answer has been killing her within. It has been an agonizing life for her as she regains fragments of her memory, and to end it, it would be such a delight.

"Hey, are you alright?" Jo asked Elizabeth who seems to be out of herself.

"I'm fine, it's just I never expected that I'll soon be finding out the truth." She responded with great hope and spirit.

"Girlie, don't keep your hopes too high. I'm not even sure where to find this guy." Jo sighs desperately for as the days pa.s.sing by he still hasn't found any information on Scott.

"Who is this person anyway were looking for." She inquired with great curiosity.

"Well, people call him Scott. His one of Professor Petrovich close family members. If we find him, we'll surely be able to find the professor and as per what Megan said, you two seem to have a good relations.h.i.+p in the past." Jo explained with a mockingly smile.

"Define good relations.h.i.+p?" Elizabeth questioned with one of her brows raised in the air.

"Hha, what do you think Girlies, do you really think you have any good relations.h.i.+p in the past. I mean, you have recovered some of your memories right. Tell me, have you seen yourself having such a relations.h.i.+p with anyone?"

Elizabeth was annoyed with Jo's words. They were the bitter cold truth of her past. Indeed she has not lived a good life in the past and has no relations.h.i.+p with anyone. But someone, she can tell that deep in her memory she did have a good relations.h.i.+p with someone. That person was also the reason as to why she agreed to remove her memory in the first place.

"Shut up!" Elizabeth annoyingly responded.

"Hha, don't worry girl. I'm sure you have such relationsh.i.p.s in the past. I mean, even though you've tried killing Megan before and have killed most of our brothers and sisters in the past. It seems you have a good side in you as well, seeing that Megan cares so much for you and waste a year searching for you."

"Whatever…" She turned herself away from Jo as she gazed outside the window.

The two of them were on their way to the airport. Jo smiled seeing how annoyed Elizabeth looks whilst driving. Since the day they had breakfast together and ate the food the girl prepared, Jo's att.i.tude towards Elizabeth has changed. Somehow, he can understand why Megan liked her so much and why the brat did as well and even gave up his life for her.

"By the way, are you really sure about not changing your looks?" He asked.

"No one hardly knows me as Elizabeth. Plus, even if I change my hair I'll cause people to realize who I am. It's best my father located me than people seeing me alive and walking around. Especially, I'll be going with you, I don't want another scandal." Elizabeth responded.

"You sure have so many scandals on you lately. I mean you've been gone for months yet it seems people just can't get over what happened. What's even more impressive is that the Young Master of the Yuns sure planned everything so well."

Elizabeth did not respond to Jo's remark. After she ran away, she'd spend her time gathering information on the current news all over the world. News such as; her death as well as Yun Shen, how the Feng Xiaotong is doing and as well as her family.

It wasn't hard for her to find out the situation about her family since they are very well known people. Plus, the fact the royal family got involved made it even easier for her to gather information.

Her biggest challenge was finding out what her father is currently up to. There hasn't been news about her father at all nor about her mother. It seems her father is playing a shadow and is up to no good.

"You know, I've gone around and asked about your father. But it seems no one has seen him at all. I mean, aren't you worried?" Jo turned his attention to the girl to see how she'll react.

"I am." Elizabeth's short response felt so painful and one can see how much she worries for her father.

"Then, why won't you just go back?" He asked.

"If I do, I won't be able to find out the truth. Plus, I need to know why that person died for me." She explained with such confidence to find out everything.

"Ah, you mean the brat? I mean, he was known as the Shadow Prince in the underground society. He was feared by everyone since he almost has the same personality as you."

"In what way?" She turned to him with such curiosity written on her face and both her brows knit together.

"I mean, he was a good fighter too, he came from a rich and well-known family in the underground society. Plus, he was a psychopath just like you, he shows no mercy to those who get in his way and would kill for no reason as well. But, in regards to the killing who knows, maybe he has his own reason that we don't know of. I mean, he killed so many people and rumors state it was mainly because of you."

"Me?" Elizabeth pointed out one of her fingers to herself.

"Yeah, he even challenges the old man for you that what I heard. But I'm not sure if whether the story about the challenge is true or not." Jo responded as he turned the wheel and drove the car to its turn.

Jo may think it's only a rumor but Elizabeth knew about the challenge already. She has regained her memory about that event and Professor Petrovich was so worried for her. She was about to face the old man and see his face yet every time it comes to that point she'll always wake up from such a nightmare.

'Who is this old man and why can't I picture out his face? What is his relations.h.i.+p with Professor Petrovich and the boy? What did I do in the past that he tried to lock me up and how did I even escape?'

She has regained so much of her memory and one of the questions that have been bothering her is how she escapes such h.e.l.l. She thought about it and hypothesis that Professor Petrovich helped her escape but in doing so he removed her memory, or her father came to her rescue and then Professor Petrovich removed her memory. Yet, they are only her theories and can't be proven since she has no proof or recollection of the event yet.

"Hey, girlie we're here." Jo stops the car and turned off the engine as he went ahead and step out of the car first. He then went around to grab their things as he waited outside for the girl.

Elizabeth looked back and saw that they were already at the airport. She felt so nervous and nauseous that she felt like vomiting. She never thought that she'll feel such feeling…"Don't worry you can do this. This is what you wanted. Don't worry, once you'll find the professor and regain your memory everything will be back to normal. You'll be able to see your family again and Sh…"

She turned back and faces the front of the car as she realizes things won't be the same once she regains her memory. Her relations.h.i.+p with her family will probably change, she and Yun Shen can't be together anymore which means she'll be breaking Little Yan's heart and who knows if Feng Xiaotong can still accept her as his fiancé once she recovers her memories. Can she still be herself or will she change as well?

"What should I do?" Elizabeth muttered to herself in fear of the result of her actions. She wishes to know the truth but does not want to hurt those she loves.

Jo, who was waiting outside notice the girl, still hasn't come out. He went to check on her and sighed when he saw the girl so much trouble. He knocked on the window to alert her yet the girl did not react. So, he opened the door which causes the girl to notice him this time.

"I'm sorry." She spoke without even knowing why she apologizes.

"Why are you apologizing for?" Jo asked with a fake smile on his face as he tried to act calm and not bothered by what he saw earlier.

"I'm sorry, I mean…" Elizabeth felt embarra.s.sed for apologizing again for no reason. She smiled which lit up her face and soon the troubled look faded away.

Seeing the bright smile on her face ease Jo worries. He was worried that the girl might not be strong enough to handle the journey ahead and might back out. But seeing the change in her mood completely changed his view on her.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Hmm," Elizabeth nodded and smile with confidence.

"Then let's go, or else we might miss our plane." Jo went over and patted Elizabeth on her head to comfort her.

Elizabeth smiled from what Jo did as she realizes how much the boy worries for her. She now sees that no matter what the result may be, it is her choice and she is prepared to accept the consequences.

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