Trial Of Love Chapter 377 - Never Ever Coming Back

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Elizabeth has finally escaped the men following her. She was indeed a skilled fighter and have great knowledge of survival. She was able to find her transportation out of the island without any means of identification.

"Hey, child, are you alright?"

The person who asked was the old man who discovers her running away from the men chasing after her. The old man thought she was in danger and decided to give her a hand.

Elizabeth: "Grandpa, thank you for helping me."

Elizabeth was fluent in many languages. The old man was speaking in Portuguese. The old man explained they are in the southern part of the west.

Old Man: "Child, who were those people after you?"

Elizabeth: "Grandpa, I'm being forced into marrying someone I don't love. I'm sorry to have troubled you."

Old Man: "Now child, it's fine… Everyone has the right to follow their dreams."

s.h.i.+p Crew 1: "Don't worry child, your safe with us. Will make sure you get out of this island in no time.:

s.h.i.+p Captain: "You're lucky the old man found you. If not, you won't be able to escape this island and you would have been dragged to marry the person you're running away from."

Elizabeth felt guilty for lying about her circ.u.mstance but she needs a way out of the island and she has no money nor with her. Her best option was to create lies and deceive people in order to help her. She is an actress and fooling people is something she is good at.

Elizabeth: "Everyone, thank you for your help."

All: "You're welcome!"

Elizabeth went ahead and looked for a secluded place to rest. She was exhausted from fighting half of her father's men and beating up all of Yun Shen's men. Her body was sore and at the same time, she was hungry.

"Will I make it out alive?"

Her mind was even too exhausted to think that it didn't take long for her to doze off. As she shuts her eyes and her mind completely went into darkness. Her mind started reminiscing parts of her memories again…

"Hey Liz, why are you here again?"

"Do I need your permission to go here?"

"No, not really but this is my home you know…"

"Should I care?"

"Liz, why are you so cold towards me?"

"I just don't like you, I'm here for the professor not you…"

"Fine, then…"

"If you want to join me you can?"

The person beside Elizabeth whose image is still a mystery followed her and the sweet, bright smile on that person's face was so clear in her memory.

"Liz, do you really not care about me?"

"Should I care about you?"

"Man, you really are one hard person to please. I mean, I've done everything to please you. I've can give you anything you want."

"Then I want my freedom back."

"You know I can't do that, the old man wants you."

"Then, I'll kill the old man so I can have my freedom back."

"Hha, I've tried that so many years yet here I am…"

Elizabeth did not find the person remarks funny at all. She frowned so annoyed that he thinks so little of her.

"Everyone wants to escape the old man but what can we do if his that powerful that we have no control of our own life."

"Don't underestimate me, you don't know who I am."

"True, who knows… You might be the first to gain freedom from the old man."

"Are you two thinking of a way to kill the old man again?"

Elizabeth face gleamer in delight from hearing the familiar voice. She turned to where the voice came from and smile. "Professor."

"Liz, how are you?"

As if she had seen an angel or she is deeply in love with the man. Her face was showing so much adoration towards the man.

"What so good about the professor that I don't have?"

"He's smart!"

"Yo! BlackJack, you better stay away from Liz."

Professor Petrovich frowned hearing how the person addressed him. "Why you little brat! Have your mother taught you not to be disrespectful towards your elders."

"Haven't your mother told you it wrong to play around with kids. You really are a pedio!"

"F***! I have it! I don't care anymore… Come here you brat and I'll turn you into my slave."

"Haha, do you think your mind control thing works on me?"

"Mind control?" Elizabeth was curious and asked.

It was obvious that Professor Petrovich was shock and puzzled about the situation. He was so annoyed of the brat that he forgot about the girl.

"You see Liz, I and also a few people have the ability to ulter one's memory."

"You mean, you can removed my memory?" Elizabeth asked.

"That's right, why?" Professor Petrovich responded.

"Then, can you removed my memory of him. I rather not have any memory of him being an acquaintance of mine."

The person whom both Elizabeth and Professor Petrovich was in shock and erupted like a volcano. "How dare you talk about me as if I'm a pest."

Elizabeth: "You are a pest!"

Professor Petrovich: "She right!"

He vanished annoyed how he was treated and soon disappeared out of their sight.

Elizabeth: "Professor, when will you send me home?"

Professor Petrovich: "Dear Liz, I'm sorry child. You are like a daughter to me already and I do want to set you free. But I can't go against the old man."

Elizabeth: "Can I not even contact my parents. I mean, they would be worried sick of me."

Professor Petrovich shock her head signifying she won't be able to make such a request at all granted.

"Professor, if one day I find a way out here. Can you promise me you'll remove my memory. I mean, I don't really particularly wish to remember anything that happened here."

"Does that mean you are unhappy to meet me as well."

"Of course not Professor, it's thanks to you I am still alive."

Professor Petrovich smiled from hearing such praise form the girl. But deep inside he felt ashamed that he was fooling the girl. However, he did not expect the girl to request for her memory to be removed again. Before, it was due to someone's request, and now, she herself is requesting to do such procedure when in the first place, she hated the idea back then. 

"Liz, are you really unhappy staying here?"

"Professor, why does everyone keep asking me that as if I belong here. Professor, I don't belong here nor will I ever be. That old man is imprisoning me out of my own will. What have I ever done to him that he'll do something so awful as to take my freedom away."

"Liz, you may not be aware of everything. But for every life, a price must be paid. You may not know but that old man has saved you and has given you a home. I know it's hard to take it but at least try your best to be positive about everything."

"Hmph!" Elizabeth frowned seeing no Professor Petrovich as well is the same as everyone. She thought he'll be able to understand her, but in the end, he too wishes for her to stay. "That would never happen, just wait, I'll find a way out of here. Once I do, I'll never ever coming back."

"Well, I don't think that will happen anytime soon/ But, I tell you this, you can always find yourself here for this is now also your home and even when you have left. Always remember, you'll always find your way back home."

Elizabeth didn't understand what it mean as the image of the professor and those around her soon turn bright as they fade like smoke.

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