Trial Of Love Chapter 376 - You Failed!

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"Master Yun."

"Master Yun, wake up?"

Yun Shen heard the voices of his men as he slowly tried to open his eyes. They felt so heavy as if he's been in slumber for years. His whole body was aching as if someone was beating him up while he was in a coma for he felt nothing at all. As he slowly regains consciousness and awareness of everything, he was stun to see his men badly bruises and looking all a mess as if they've fought with someone.

"What happened?" He inquired as he pulled himself together with the help of his men.

"Miss Li Zi got away."

"Lord Knightley's men are after her now."

"Who did this to you?" Yun Shen asked noticing the bruises in all their faces.

"Miss Li Zi beat us all up when we tried to stop her from escaping, she also badly injured most of Lord Knightley's men."

"Where is she now?"

"We don't know, she might have found her way out of the island as well."

"I'm sure Miss Li Zi won't be able to get out, she has no money on her and any means of identifying herself."

Yun Shen already expected the girl to have all the necessary resources in order to find the person she's looking for. She grew up in an underground society in the past and surviving on their own is one of their greatest skill. Plus, the girl is the Zhao heiress as well which for sure received amazing military training. At the same time, she is a Knightley and a princess. She would have received training in how to take care of herself in such a situation.

"Increase the search for the Professor. I'm sure Li Zi is on her way looking for him."

"Master Shen, we have sent hundreds of men yet we have no clue of this Professor whereabouts. How sure are we that he still alive and not in Lord Knightley's hand?"

"If Lord Knightley has already found him, he won't mind leaving Li Zi under my care. Since his so against our relations.h.i.+p, it could only mean that he hasn't found him and is hoping to find him as well before Li Zi does."

"Master Shen, I don't mean to be nosy or anything, but who is this Professor anyway?"

"He's the man that holds the key to everything. He can unlock Li Zi's memories or lock them, at the same time, he might be able to help me solve the mystery to my sister died and finding out who Little Yan's father is?"

So many questions and problems yet only one man can answer everything. However, the man whom everyone is looking for is someone, not even the almighty European King can find. So how were they supposed to find such a man?

"Master Yun, how about Miss Li Zi?"

Yun Shen has almost forgotten about the girl's sudden escape. He thought he has gotten closer again to the girl but to end up being fooled was something he did not expect at all. She is indeed a clever person that she was able to fool him or could it be he was the only one fool and that the girl's father has already expected such an event to happen that's why he has prepared so many men to go after her.

"Search for her as well, but prioritize the search for the professor. I'm sure Li Zi is on the hunt as well…"

Yun Shen's men looked a daze about everything. Could it be they are all searching for the same man? So why won't they just work together to make things much quicker and easier?

"Do you think Miss Li Zi is also searching for this professor?"

"I'm not sure, if she is, why didn't she just cooperate with the Master."

The search for the professor has been a confusing journey for everyone.

Meanwhile, Oliver and Michael were on the search for Elizabeth. They did not expect the girl to escape them and now they have no clue of her whereabouts.

Oliver: "d.a.m.n it, how did you idiots lose her? She was diagnosed sick a few days ago yet you can't even handle her."

Michael watches close by as his brother scrolled their men for failing to capture the girl.

"Man, what are we supposed to tell the Master now?" Oliver sighs heavily annoyed that they have no clue of where the girl fled.

Michael continues to keep silent to himself. He was still in a trance of what he witnessed earlier… He did not expect that the Young Princess whom they so loved and protected could be so frightening and deadly. She was able to flip and turn men twice her size without any worries. It made him curious about the things their Young Miss have done when she was leaving in the underground community.

 "Professor."  Michael finally uttered some words.

"What? What professor?" Oliver turned to his brother confused about what he meant.

"She'll be searching for the professor." He explained.

"Ah, your saying she'll look for Professor Petrovich. But no one knows where he is right now after the Young Miss disappeared."

"She'll find him."

Oliver could not understand why his brother is so confident that their Young Princess would find the professor when her father the European King and a Master of the Knightley family have no clue of the professor whereabouts. "How sure are you?"

"She've regained her memory of the professor. She won't have escaped if she hasn't…"

Finally, Oliver has made sense of what his brother was talking about without him explaining. It true, the girl would not go through so much trouble if she has not regained her memory about the professor. "This could only mean she knows where he is right now. F***! We better inform Winston at once."

Oliver hastily got his phone out can dial Winston's number. Whilst he was waiting for the person on the other end to answer, he was thinking hard on how to explain everything to the man.

"You failed!"

Oliver's throat became dried and couldn't even utter a word. He turned to his brother for support yet he was ignored.


"Where are you now?" Winston disappointed tone echoed through Oliver's other ears as it hit him directly in the heart.

"Still here, she…"

"She beat up the men and left Yun Shen behind. Now, you have no clue of where she is…"

"Yes," Oliver nodded as if he was facing Winston and shakily opened his mouth once again, "She on her way to find the professor."

"What?!?!" Winston's voice echoed and even though the call was not in a loudspeaker, Michael himself heard it as well. "What do you mean she's on the search for the Petrovich?"

"We think that the Young Princess has regained her memory about the professor. I mean, she won't have gone through so much trouble if she hasn't. I'm sure, she'll be heading to where he is right now. Maybe the Young Miss knows a place where only she and professor knows about. I mean, she vanishes as if she knows where she is going…"

"How is that even possible, she does not even know which island you are!" Winston became even more agitated and his tone of voice turned cold and hostile every second.

"Winston, think about it… She has no reason to live the brat but she did. Also, she even knocks the brat almost cold dead and brutally injured most of our men as if she was telling us not to come after her."

"Hurry up and come home. We need to think of a plan to find her…" Winston order as he ended the cold without any further words.

Oliver could finally breathe properly after Winston hang up. He was so scared and nervous as to why Winston might do to him for failing such a simple task.

Michael: "So?"

Oliver: "Are you even my brother? I mean, you could have helped me explain everything to Winston. Weren't you the one who realizes what the Young Miss is up to?!"

Michael: "…???"

Oliver: "F***! Don't give me that look! You should at least give me a hand. You know how Winston can be… I rather have Jaden punish me than him."

Michael: "What now?"

Oliver: "G**D*** IT! Can you at least listen to me and act like my brother?"

He notices how disinterested Michael was and soon gave up.

Oliver: "Let's head back as per Winston's order."

Michael: "Then, let's go."

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