Trial Of Love Chapter 350 - Out

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Unexpectedly, Yun Shen arrived at the place much earlier than the girl. He was surprised to see how quiet the place was. He and his men headed to the estate where they received the information where Little Yan should be. 

"Why is it so quiet?" Yun Shen muttered to himself with great worries as they all walked to the estate. 

On their way to the estate, not far they notice men's bodies all lying on the ground. Most of them were already dead whilst the rest were on the verge of dying any minute. 

"What happened here?"

"Did a gang war occurred here without us knowing?"

The place was far from what Yun Shen expected. He did not expect the men would be killed. It made him curious as to why Lord Knightley has ordered such order. He was a man who would never do such things, especially to get involved with the underground world. 

As they came closer to the house, they were taken aback to see the splashes of red all over the floor and walls. The amount of bullet all over the ground. It was a sign that a war indeed occurs whilst they were on their way. 



Yun Shen and his men hastily went inside to check on what was going on. They were on high alert at the same time as they survived the area carefully and check out where the screams were coming from. 

Inside one of the rooms on the ground floor were two men still far from death. However, they were badly wounded and one can tell that they won't be able to walk again. The blood flowing out of their legs were so much it looks as if it was a waterfall. The two men were swimming on their own blood. 

"What happened here?" 

One of Yun Shen's men approached the two men who looked all pale and blue. 

"They came out of nowhere, they just killed all of us. I don't even know why..." The man cried, and he continued to hold tightly onto his friend, "This wasn't part of the mission. We were just told to secure the place and make sure once the package arrives nothing goes wrong. But who would have thought they'll bring the wrong package and bring ends to us all."

"Please, help us! We swear to keep our mouths shut. I swear, we don't know what's going on? We were only a.s.signed to watch the place. Please..." 

Yun Shen's men couldn't understand what the two men were talking about since they were speaking in English with a very strange accent. But for Yun Shen, he understood every single word coming out from their mouth. 

He did not expect that the men were really after the girl. He wonders who they are and what they have to do with her? The fact someone is also after the girl's life now made things even more complicated for him. He still does not know the people after his family and now, the girl he loved so much is involved in the underground and is being hunted. 

'Li Zi, who are you really? Is there something more that you're keeping from me? Is being the Young Princess not enough. How am I going to protect you now?'

Yun Shen knew the only way to protect the girl is to gain more power. In which he needs fast... What's more, he needs power not only from the ordinary but something out of reach. He made a decision that day that the only way to protect the girl is to take the path of the underground as well. For, they do not need to abide by the law. 

"Chairman Yun, what should we do?" 

The men addressed him as Chairman Yun for they know he is the man behind YS TECH CO. They've worked with the man for years and knew him well. 

The man who questioned Yun Shen on what to do was known as Atobe. He was previously a member of a j.a.panese gang who was saved accidentally by Yun Shen when he went to j.a.pan to release meet his company partners. 

With his connection, Yun Shen hopes to gain access to the underground community in order to understand the girl and find out the person after their family. 

"You know what to do?" Yun Shen responded with such a stern expression on his face. He realizes things are about to get even more dangerous.

"Take them away!" Atobe ordered his men as he went ahead and left the party in order to do the mission Yun Shen a.s.signed him. 

Yun Shen went ahead with a few men to investigate the situation in the other rooms. It was no surprise to them that they would see the same situation but in a much more cleaner matter. There were drops of blood in the room but the bodies were already missing. As they continue ahead to the other rooms, they finally came face to face with Jaden and his force. 

"What are you doing here?" Jaden was surprised to see the young man and expected his Young Miss to find them first. 

"What happened?" Yun Shen inquired. 

"It's none of your business, and... Shouldn't the first thing you should inquire about whether your daughter is safe or not?" Jaden was annoyed and not in the mood to be conversing with Yun Shen. For it was thanks to him and his family again that she is in danger. 

"I know you'll be able to rescue her but anyways, where is she?" 

"She fine," Jaden sighs whilst rolling his eyes. 

"Who are they?" Yun Shen asked noticing the group of mercenaries who looked unharmed in which they are still alive and aren't that badly wounded. 

"Like I said, none of your business. Why don't you go ahead and focus on your daughter!" Jaden responded with such a cold treatment as he turned his back on Yun Shen. 

"Hha," The mercenary boss who was called Scorpion laughed. "So your the Little Lady's lover. Wait..." 

Scorpion was dumbfounded when he finally came face to face with Yun Shen. He pushed his way as he stood only a few feet away from the man. His hand was all shaken when he tried to reach and touch him but eventually held back and turn away. 

"Can you get us out of here, you said you'll spare my life." Scorpion turned his back on Yun Shen and faced Jaden instead. 

Jaden noticed that looks on Scorpion's face and realizes what it meant. He said nothing nor question the man why he acted strangely all of a sudden. 

"Young Master Yun, if you'll excuse us we need to go. You and your men should leave this place at once. Your daughter is outside waiting for you. It's best you take her to the hospital. It seems they drugged her and we don't know what type of drugs they used since up until now she's not waking up." Jaden explained. 

"Thank you." Yun Shen replied. 

Before any of them could even make another step. They were all startled when they heard a scream under them. The sound of objects being thrown across the room and shattering into pieces echoed. 

Yun Shen: "What's going on?"

Jaden: "What's happening?" 

Scorpion looked at them all paled, "I told you to take me out." 

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