Trial Of Love Chapter 349 - Still Alive

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Jaden saw the fear in the man's eyes which made him curious about who the man in his young miss's life in the past. What did his young miss do that the man has so much hatred within him? 

The mercenary boss looked at Jaden and laughed senselessly. He was about to go mad after knowing about the girl's ident.i.ty. He did not expect not only was she protected by one of the top underground bosses but she the princess of the top powerful family in the world as well. 

Such luck she had. 

"What's so funny?" Jaden inquired seeing the man have gone mad. 

"Do you know why I find everything so funny? To think the girl is the daughter of the Knightley family. She is the heiress whom everyone adores yet knows nothing of. She is the gems of the Zhao family whom they protect and care for so much. Not only that, but the royal family also admires her and if possible, how people wish for her to be the future queen."

Jaden knew all of those already and see no point to them. He wondered why the man was giving him and education information about his own young miss when he has been with her from the start. Well, not from the start since he only started working in close contact with the girl for the past 15 years for he was busy doing their lord's mission. 

"You do realize I already know all of that? So what's your point?" He inquired with such a dumbfounded look on his face. 

"You idiot! You don't get it! Not only is she so well protected in this world. But do you know she was also the princess of the underground world? Everyone called her the "Little Lady". Why did you ask? Because she was treated like a lady back then. Like a princess... If things do not go her way she would do horrible things. She was a monster! Just like her father who protects her no matter what she does. Back then, another fool also protect her and allowed her to do all crazy s***! She was free to kill anyone as long as it does not harm their gang's law."

"Didn't I tell you to stop slandering the Young Miss? Do you really want to die?!" Jaden was furious that the man continued to tarnish his young miss's name. Even though he suspects everything is true, he couldn't care less and didn't wish to hear them. For them, their young miss was like the spring suns.h.i.+ne which means the start of a new life for beautiful flowers bloomed majestically during those times. 

"You hate that I dirt your Young Miss's name but it's the truth. If you ask all the S Cla.s.s Mercenaries on this mission. They would all say the same thing. She was a b****! Who cares for no one but herself! She didn't even care for the person who protects her, who loved her... Hha, she didn't even shed a tear when the man dies in her hand. So, you still think your Young Miss is an ang..."

The mercenary boss couldn't finish his word when Jaden bloated towards him without any warning choking his neck so tight that he was having a hard time breathing. 

"Sch is ahh ma.s.ster (She is a monster)" The mercenary boss tried his best to speak but couldn't form the right words when Jaden held his throat so tightly. 

"I told you to shut up!" Jaden's eyes widen in rage. He was annoyed that he was knowing something about their Young Miss's past. No one in the family knows exactly what happened during those years she was away. For, when the girl returned to them. Her memory was already altered and even Lord Knightley knew nothing of the events even though he was the one who ordered her memories to be removed. 

The mercenary boss found the situation strange. If he was the girl's close subordinates the fact he was a.s.signed for the mission. It could only mean he knows about the girl's past. The girl will surely tell them of what happened back then. But why does it seem as if she hasn't told a soul? He recalls that the girl would always share all her amazing adventures in the past, for she was the type of person who enjoys telling stories. 

"Wha dunot yo, you noh? (Why don't you know?)" The mercenary boss spoke gibberish but somehow one can still understand the meaning of his words. He taps the man's hand to loosen the grip on his neck, so he could speak better. 

Jaden saw the man's face was turning almost blue. He did not realize he was holding onto him so tight. That it was on the point of killing him. "Fine, speak... But, if you mention something displeasing to my ear. You know what's to come." 

The mercenary boss sighed heavily as he tries to catch his breath. He caressed his sore neck as he looked at the man in front of him. He found him so intimidating and took a few steps back but only enough to keep some distance with them. In the end, he will die in the man's hand but couldn't care for his life at the moment and was curious about the girl more. 

"Why do I feel she hasn't told you of what happened? I mean, do you know back then, she would share her stories, adventure and people would find it interesting. She was like a storyteller..." 


"Let me tell you, your Young Miss is a..." The word couldn't come out from his mouth when he noticed the man's right brow knit upwards. "I mean," He cleared his throat and coughed.  "She was the cost of one of the most powerful gang's boss's lives. I'm not sure of what happened back then but Leo, Leo should now. He's one of the men with us in this mission but I haven't seen him yet. He should know what happened back then. But, from what I heard... There was a big argument between her and that boss who sheltered her. Our master is one of the close friends of that man. I'm not sure of what happened, but rumors said it has something to do with a girl." 

"A girl? Are you saying my Young Miss was jealous of this girl? Are you saying that she has a relations.h.i.+p with this man?" Jaden found the story too unbelievable. The fact they know that their Young Miss's heart is frozen shut since the event that happened during her return 10 years ago. 

"Yes! I'm telling you, everything I'm saying is the truth! But I'm not sure if the part about their relations.h.i.+p if whether the two were indeed lovers, is true or not? That, I'm not sure. But I know for sure that the man have feelings for the girl. I mean, come on, he let her do all crazy sh... I mean, she was allowed to do all sorts of stuff without the cost of her life." 

The mercenary boss felt like he was on the edge of the cliff any minute soon the man in front of him would push him to his death. 

"As you know, it's a tradition in the mercenary and underground world to marry those in their own society, especially if they are a boss. In order to hold great control of the clan and gain more power. So, who was she? She was just a charming girl who was innocent of the girl but has amazing fighting skills. What can she provide the man?"

"So you saying she was indeed jealous and killed the man? Did she kill the girl whom this man is to be engaged?"

"Gosh, of course not, she alive and well. And I'm sure she is the reason why we are here." 

Jaden was stunned by the information he just received and approached the man causing the mercenary boss to take a few steps back out of fright. "What do you mean?" 

"I mean, no one in the underground world really cares and holds so much hatred for her than the girl. Because of her, her fiance died. Well, even though the man didn't really show any care for her and technically they weren't engaged. The girl was just so obsessed with the man that she begged her father to do all means to have them be married." 

"Wait a minute, hold on..." Jaden's mind was overloading from all the information. "So, wait... The Young Miss should be around 18 at that time. You mean, an old man fell for her?"

Jaden was in deep thought as he gathered all the information together. He wonders if this man could be the same old man who is their young miss future-husband. Strangely enough, the description really fits the old man, but the man in the mercenary boss story was already declared dead. 

"What? What are you talking about? I mean, if the man was still alive he should be in his early 30s so it's up to you to decide whether his old or not. I mean, the Little Lady, she should be around 22 or 23 right?"


"Ah! There you go, age is but a number anyway."

"Get to the point!" Jaden frowned not amused with the man's sarcasm. 

"Well, I'm just saying. Our master is a close friend of that girl. Since the girl's father really didn't care whether your Young Miss is still alive or not since she hasn't done anything to him. Also, the man's death was something he couldn't even be bother with as well. Just mean, more power for him. But, of course... The underground world can't be easily be ruled by one man." 

Jaden realized that killing the man would be useless. He thought keeping him alive and bringing him to Lord Knightley would be the best option and for them to understand what happened in the past. 

'F***! I hope that Leo dude is still alive' Jaden thought.

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