Trial Of Love Chapter 344 - Old Man

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"What? So it wasn't you who saved her back then?" Elder Lady Knightley went closer to Professor Petrovich with such a confused look on her face. 

Professor Petrovich calmed himself and gather his thoughts together, he did not expect the girl has mentioned them to her family. He had always thought he'll forever be a myth in her life. "Your Grace, may I ask, what has she told you?"

"To be frank, she hasn't told me much. During her training, I broke the code and visited her. I was so worried for her that I ended up visiting her once. But that was only once and I never did it again since my son found out." 

"So you mean she told you about me and..." Professor Petrovich held onto his words first. He wished to know what the elderly lady knows before revealing information which should not be shared. 

"Well, I only know that you saved her. She never mentioned about your sister. What? Does that mean it was your sister that saved her and not you?" 

"To be precise, it was her who found her but it was I who saved her. I performed the medical aid she needed back then. I was the one who took care of her as well." 

"But, why did she never mentioned your sister? I mean, she was never there during the time Lizzy was recovering?"

Professor Petrovich couldn't utter another word for Elder Lady Knightley's question could reveal something he shouldn't speak of. The fact he not only promised his sister but also the girl. 

"Forgive me, but..."

Elder Lady Knightley lost her temper and pulled both of the man's hands together. "What do you mean forgive me? This isn't the time for you to continue hiding the truth from us. The old man is after our granddaughter, we need to find a way to help her. Are you really fine with the idea of her being a wife of an old man." 

Professor Petrovich continue to stay muted. He knows the truth but cannot reveal it. He knows the old man would take care of the girl. Plus, the so-called "old man" is actually not that old. To be exact, the old man is almost the same age as him but older. He just looked old because all of his hair are silver-white. Even though he is already in his mid-50s, the old man's beauty can be compared to Lord Knightley. 

"Why aren't you saying anything? Are you really fine with the idea she'll be forced to marry the old man? I thought you considered Liz as your daughter. So why? Tell me, tell me why are you fine with the idea she'll marry the old man." 

"For her life does not belong to her." Professor Petrovich revealed the cold truth which brought tears to Elder Lady Knightley's eyes. 

It's true, Elizabeth's life is not her. It was given to her by the old man. Also, someone important to Petrovich's life was also taken away just for  the girl's bright future.

"Please, please, don't take my granddaughter away from me. Tell me, what does the old man what? Which jewels or artifact can satisfy him... Please, anything but my granddaughter." Elder Lady Knightley pleaded almost about to knee on the floor. 

"Your Grace, he has all the power and wealth in the world, I'm sure whatever you wish to offer him won't satisfy his desire." Professor Petrovich help the old lady up, and he tries to comfort him. "Lord Knightley, if you excuse me." 

Professor Petrovich escorted Elder Lady Knightley to her husband as he too left the room with a heavy burden. 

"Darling, what should we do?" Elder Lady Knightley buried her face in her husband's chest for comfort. 

"We can only pray and hope someone will answer our prayer." Elder Lord Knightley tightened his embraced on his wife as he eased her. 

Professor Petrovich just entered his car, whilst he drove away from Blenheim Palace, he called someone using the phone system in his car. 

"d.a.m.n it, answer the g**d.a.m.n phone!"

Professor Petrovich slammed his hand on the wheel when no one answered the call. He exploded in anger because of the current situation. 

"F***! Why are they making a move all of the sudden? d.a.m.n it! She hasn't recovered all her memory and for sure that a**hole will f***ing torture Liz." 

The phone was on loudspeaker so it sounds of the phone ringing continuously rung. He has dialed the same number almost for the tenth time yet no one seems to be answering. 

"The old man won't be pleased with this, what should I do? I promised not to intervene. What's worse, why did the idiot agree to announce the girl's engagement when it's already too late. The old man won't care about it..." 

Whilst he pondered on the reason as to why the girl was sudden announced engaged. A thought pop into Professor Petrovich's mind, "It can't be, is she pregnant? But wait, she engaged with Young Feng, this does not make sense?"

Seeing no one answered his call for the eleventh time, he called another number instead. Without even ringing for the second time, the call went through and a drowsy voice answer. 

"What do you want? Let me sleep!" 

"Scott, where are you?" Professor Petrovich rolled his eyes in annoyance how the young man talked to him. 

"In bed, of course, aren't you supposed to be a professor, isn't it obvious by the sound of my voice that I'm in bed. For goodness' sake, you're a psychologist, aren't you supposed to be good at reading people's manner, tone, and expression. F*** this, I'm going back to bed..." 

"End the call and I'll open your inside when you least expect it." Professor Petrovich voice became cold and his expression darkened. 

Despite Scott was miles away from Petrovich and was resting in the comfort of his bed with a beautiful lady next to him. He quickly got up and put on some clothes. He cleared his throated and drastically changed his tone in addressing the man. 

"Come on Professor, I was only joking with you? What's wrong, is there anything I can help you?" 

"You've always been with Liz since she left the underground world, you were secretly a.s.signed to her to protect her and help her in anyway. If she looks for you, don't help her." 

"Ah, about that..." Scott coughed slightly and responded hesitantly, "Actually, Jackie came looking for me asking me to go to China. She said: Liz has recovered some of her memory and asked me to look for someone. Funny about that, the person she asks me to look for is you." 

"What?" Professor Petrovich was shocked and accidentally step on the break. He immediately moved the car to the side to avoid any accidents.

"What did you say?"

"She recovered her memory and is asking me to look for you. It seems she planned to have you restore her memory. But, you know you can't do that right. I know you've always wanted to return her memory, but we promise the kid. That she must not remember any of us. " Scott who was finally dressed, he went out of his bedroom and into the lounge room. 

"Professor, I mean... She is to get married. I mean, is the old man really planning to make Liz a replacement. Come on, I know he gave her another life. But must she really repay with her own life, I mean, normally people would pay doctors high amounts of money." 

"You know he's not like that." 

"But Prof, Liz does not know him at all. Nor has she been acquainted with him at all. He only saved her 10 years ago and that's it. Technically, it wasn't him who saved her, and we all know that." 

Professor Petrovich sighs heavily. 

It is true that it wasn't the old man who saved the girl but someone else. But it was the old man who performed the miracle so technically he did save her. But the life that was given didn't come from him. 

"Prof, can't you speak to the old man. I mean, once the masters know about this and remember what happened back then as well. He'll surely kill the old man." 

"He can never kill his old man. Plus, it was the old man himself who sealed away your master memory, so I'm sure he won't remember as well." 

"Professor, by the way, why did you call?" 

"I need you to do something for me?" Professor Petrovich's tone became stern. 

"Prof, why do I have a bad feeling you're about to send me to h.e.l.l." 

"That's exactly what I'm about to ask you. " Professor Petrovich's eyes lit in delight that the young man already expects what his about to ask him as he explained everything. 

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