Trial Of Love Chapter 343 - Love Over Family

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Yun Shen who was the last one on the race was still on YS Tech Co. He and the three brothers were discussing some matters. 

"What do you mean you might not come back? Shen, what are you talking about?" Xiao Chen screamed in confusion of the matter they were discussing. 

"Shen, why aren't you asking the Zhao for help. They can rescue Little Yan without any harm. I don't understand why you need to play with your life just to prove how much you love Li Zi. She already engaged to Xiaotong." Huang Lei added in astonishment and disbelief of the situation. 

Yun Shen stayed quiet whilst the two continued to vent out their opinions about the situation at him. He turned and glanced at the person who have not said a word. 

"Any comment?" He asked. 

"Hmm, to be honest... I think you're a fool. I agree with Chen and Yefeng, why must you be a fool in this game. Shen, you've already lost. Even though everything happened because of Li Zi, you need not involved your own life. I mean, they'll rescue her." 

Both Xiao Chen and Huang Lei looked dumbfounded and astonished at Li Yefeng. They never expected the man would agree with them. They have always thought of him who was someone so opinionated and always disagreed with them. Who would have expected he'll speak out his mind out of the blue. 

"Shen, we know how much you love Li Zi and I know she loves you too. I understand the relations.h.i.+p between her and Xiaotong is contractual. I ain't stupid like this two. I know, everything... So tell me, is this even worth it. Why must you risk your life for her? She can never be yours..." 

"Wait, what? Xiaotong and Li Zi aren't engaged?" Huang Lei looked confusedly at Li Yefeng. 

"Who are you calling stupid? What do you mean she can never be his? Who is Li Zi anyway?" Xiao Chen inquired. 

"You too are always so busy with all the gossip on the internet yet you don't know anything." Li Yefeng spoke in such a cold manner for he was not in the humor to educate the two of the girl's true ident.i.ty. 

"Shen, what is First Brother talking about? Is Xiaotong really not engaged with Li Zi?" Huang Lei asked Yun Shen instead since it seems they weren't getting any answers from Li Yefeng. 

"Hmm." Yun Shen nodded. 

"My... I just... I punched Xiaotong without even knowing the truth. I said, I said all those..." Xiao Chen was about to go crazy as he realized his mistakes. He never thought that on that day his friends was only doing his best to protect the girl, yet he said so many awful things to him and even punch him out of the blue. 

"Wait, so Li Zi and Xiaotong aren't engaged? Then, wait... Why are you even getting involved in this? Everyone knows in the city that the two are engaged. And what does First Brother mean by she can't be with you? Shen, we are your close friends and are like your brother, can you stop beating around the bush for goodness' sake!" 

"Shen, what the heck is going on? What the f***! Why didn't you tell us? I even punch Xiaotong because of you yet you knew everything! Are you even still my friend! Why are you acting so arrogant all the time! Can you f***ing let go of your pride and for once tell us! Tell us ***d.a.m.n it! Tell us what's going on!" Xiao Chen went ahead and punched the man in the face. His emotion was gone crazy as he realized things were out of control any more and not only is Yun Shen's life in danger but also Li Zi and Xiaotong. 

"Shen! F*** it! Tell me now? What is going on? You're saying you might not come back alive and is leaving the company to us! But now! Now, Li Zi and Xiaotong's lives might also be in danger because of your daughter? Li Zi, once again went to rescue your daughter? Does this have any reason as to why you can't be with her?" Huang Lei too was out of control. His voice sounded as if he was shouting but was trying his best to stay calm. For, in the end, the man was still their boss and best friend. 

"Shen, either you tell them or I will." Li Yefeng spoke calmly. 

"What do we need to know? Does this have anything to do with Li Zi?!?!" Xiao Chen inquired as he grabs hold of Li Yefeng collar. 

"Let go of me!" Li Yefeng pushed Xiao Chen's hands aside. "Don't you dare act like that in front of me!"

"Why shouldn't I,  you two have been keeping secrets from us?! Do you even consider us your friends?!" Xiao Chen continued to vent out his frustration at the two. "G**D*** IT! We've been friends for f***ing years yet..."

"Li Zi is Lizzy" Yun Shen muttered softly.

"What?" Huang Lei looked baffled at Yun Shen whilst rubbing his ears if he was hearing things or not. 

"Shen, why are you threat..."

Xiao Chen was suddenly interrupted when Huang Lei used his hand to cover his mouth. He looked at Yun Shen and Li Yefeng bewilderedly. 

"Did you just say Li Zi, is Lizzy, as in Elizabeth Knightley. The Young Princess of the Zhao?" 

Xiao Chen hit Huang Lei's hands away from his mouth and repeated what he just said. "What, Li Zi is Lizzy? The Young Princess of the Zhao and Knightley?" 

"So you're saying? The reason as to why you can't be with her is because you put her in danger during the time the Young Princess went to rescue her. You mean during that time it was Li Zi who put her life at risk for Little Yan and now..." 

Huang Lei didn't finish what he wishes to say and instead asked, "So now, Xiaotong, who was chosen by her family to be her fiance is taking up his role and is planning to risk his life to rescue the girl as well." 

"What? What are you talking about? Whose life is in danger?" Xiao Chen's mind was overloading from all the information. The speed of him loading all the information together was like 2G so slow and his mind was also full. 

"Xiao Chen! Just shut up!" Huang Lei stared at the man as he tried to puzzle all the information together. "Shen, so what's your plan? What? Do you even know who is after your family? What do they want with you? I mean, they were at the party and all... We were there, we saw what happened, but they didn't do anything to any of your family. Are you sure they are after your family?" 

"This time, they are after Li Zi. But since they were unable to find her, they took Little Yan hoping that she'll find her and rescue her." Yun Shen explained. 

"What, they are after Li Zi and not your family? Then, does that mean the flowers and all those scary stuff also have anything to do with Li Zi?" Huang Lei asked. 

"No, they were meant for us. But those men were after Li Zi. It seems someone is interested in her. I still don't know who is after my family, but as per what Lord Knightley said: They are powerful and can even go against the Zhao." 

The three looked as if they have seen a ghost as was as pale as a sheet. They never thought the person would be that power. The chances that one of them would indeed die is highly possible. 

"Shen, don't tell me up until now you still don't know who is after your family?" Huang Lei inquired.

"Shen?" Li Yefeng added.

"Hmm." Yun Shen nodded.

"What? Shen, Lord Knightley knows who they are? Did he not tell you? I mean, I'm sure Lord Knightley is not that cruel not to tell you. I would even expect him to kill them already. They harmed his daughter and everyone knows how much he pampers Li Zi." Xiao Chen finally has caught up with the conversation and spoke his mind.

Li Yefeng notice Yun Shen was not answering and understood what the man was thinking, "You choice Li Zi instead of saving your family."

Yun Shen could only form a bitter smile on his friends whilst his friends looking all upset at him.

To choose love over family.

Was such a price worth it and fair.

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