Trial Of Love Chapter 334 - Bloodbath

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Elizabeth anxiously went in search of Madam Yun as she feared her life might be in danger. As she went in search for her and left Little Yan in Elder Chairman Yun's care. Everyone was all speechless and frozen on the spot when an unexpected guest arrived. 

Out of the blue came walking in men in black suits. They had this frightening look on their faces. The group of men walked down the stairs calmly. 

"Who do they think they are?"

"What's going on? Why is this suddenly all happening?"

The crowd was in a buzz of the current situation. Even though the Yuns aren't top aristocrats they are still an elite family and for one to just barge into their home and create such commotion was just unspeakable. 

President Yun along with his two brothers went and acknowledge the presence of the men who had just arrived. 

"Can I help you?" President Yun asked with a shaky voice. 

"Where is she?" 

"Who?" The three brothers asked at the same time curious about the ident.i.ty of the person they are after. 

"None of your business." 

The man did not expose the ident.i.ty of the person they are after. He ordered his man to scan the area in search of the person they are after. 

"Hey! Watch it!"

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Do you know who I am?" 

The crowd was all baffled about what was happening. Some lost their temper and even fought with the men in black. 

"Hey, buddy, what do you think you're doing? Who do you think you are?" 

One of the men in black looked at the young man and without warning punched him in the abdominal. The young man collapsed on his knees as the man kicked him aside. 

"Step aside tras.h.!.+" 

The woman closed by screamed from what they had just witnessed. They became even more agitated as they panicked and tried to find a way out. 

President Yun and his brother looked confusedly at each other. It just proved that none of them were involved in such a scheme. 

"Zexian, what is going on? Who are these men?" Yun Lingxin asked who looked as pale as sheets. 

"How would I know?" Yun Zexian answered dumbfounded of the situation as well. 

President Yun (s.h.i.+zhen) looked around all in a trance of the situation. He knows realized why his son tightened the security and even had more guards a.s.signed tonight. He did not expect such chaos would fall upon their family. What he was more curious about was the ident.i.ty of the person who dares challenge their family. For it seems, they are powerless over them. 

'd.a.m.n it, what is going on? Who is this person they are after.'

As he was pondering on things, he suddenly recalled a very important event that happened in their family recently which caused his eyes to widen in shock. 

"Little Yan."

"s.h.i.+zhen, what are you talking about? Is the person their after your granddaughter?" Yun Lingxin inquired with such a cold tone. 

"s.h.i.+zhen, tell us the truth!? What has your family done?! I mean, wasn't Little Yan kidnapped last time. Are they here for her again?" Yun Zexian added.

" I need to go and looked for her." President Yun pushed his brothers aside as he went in search for his granddaughter and father. For he saw them together with the girl. 

As President Yun went in search of Little Yan. Feng Xiaotong and Yun Shen went in search for the girl. Unexpectedly, they were unable to find the girl at all with perplexed both of them. 

"Shen, where is she? Do you think something bad happened to her?" Feng Xiaotong asked. 

"I don't know, just keep searching for her. I'll go this way..." Yun Shen responded as he went the other direction in search of the girl. 

Feng Xiaotong thought the situation was getting out of hand. Despite how much he respects his friend and honor him as his friend. He cannot live with the fact that the girl they both care for is currently in danger. He took his phone out and called someone. 

"Tell me, who is after the Yuns?"

Jayden Stanford who was in his apartment enjoying a nice gla.s.s of wine smile hearing the person's voice on the other end. His smile was over the moon as he answered. "Please, why should I tell you?"

"You better tell me now or else, I make sure you don't see another daylight." Feng Xiaotong roared in anger. 

"Haha, Young Master Feng, have you lost your mind, have you forgotten who I am?" 

"I haven't lost my mind, but I'm sure you well if you won't tell me who is after the Yuns." 

Jayden Stanford chuckled hearing all the nonsense Feng Xiaotong was spouting. He couldn't care less of what the man has to say to him. "Please, why should I care about the Yuns."

Feng Xiaotong was reaching his limit and needed to know the answer to all these riddle games. Between the three of them, he was clueless about the girl's true ident.i.ty. But, he has the biggest advantage of them all. In the future, he is to be the girl's husband. And, the woman who is to be his wife, is their biggest weakness. 

"Then, I'm sure you'll be fine when you find out in the news tomorrow that Li Zi is dead." 

Jayden Stanford was taken aback by what he just heard, his grip on the wine gla.s.s loosen as he dropped it on the ground. As if he had just heard such monstrous news and his world was crumbling down in front of him. His voice became all shaky and asked. "What did you say?"

"Li Zi, is here... Despite your warning, she is here, and she is in danger. So you better tell me who is after the Yuns or else, the next time will be seeing her will be in her grave." Feng Xiaotong spoke with such cold truth. Even he was upset with the words that he just said, what more of the man on the other end. 

"That b*stard, I told him not to invite her. Is he out of his mind? Even though he doesn't trust me and hates me! I would never do anything to put Liz in danger. B*STARD!" Jayden Stanford roared his frustration towards Yun Shen. 

"You can punch him, kick him, or do whatever you want with him later. Right now, you need to tell me. Who is after the Yuns?" Feng Xiaotong repeated his question. 

"I don't know, but all I know is that this person is from the underground. You know how the underground works. One's ident.i.ty is kept well secret. I'm working on finding out who they are now and put an end to this so Liz won't risk her life. But it seems that b*stard is just so stupid and continue to drag her in his messed-up life!"

"What do they want with the Yuns?" Feng Xiaotong asked. 

"Are you an idiot too. Even though I didn't need to ask anyone why they are after the Yuns. I mean, come on... They are from the underground world. If they want revenge they would have killed them a long time ago. If they want to destroy them, they could have taken Yun  Corp in a blink of an eye. But instead, it seems they want to play with them."

"So, you mean, the flowers and dead animals.." Feng Xiaotong gathers his thoughts together as he a.n.a.lysed all the information to piece. 

"What flowers? What dead anime?" 

"A million black rose and orange lilies were dropped off from the sky by helicopters...."

Before Feng Xiaotong could finish his words, he realizes that the person on the other end was no longer with him. The man must have realized that the girl's life must be in grave danger and ended the call without even knowing the current situation. 

"d.a.m.n it! That b*stard just ended the call without even saying anything! F***! Li Zi, where are you?" 

Feng Xiaotong placed his phone back in his pocket. Before he could continue his search for the girl. He notices some of the guards the Zhao send heading his way.. 

"Master Feng, have you seen the Young Miss?"

"No, Shen and I are still looking for her, why is she in danger?" Feng Xiaotong asked anxiously. 

No words need to describe how great of a danger the girl is currently in for it was written in all their faces. At that very moment, it was not the girl who was in danger but the guest and the unexpected men in black suits. For it the girl's other personality kicks in, it will be a bloodbath. 

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