Trial Of Love Chapter 333 - Death And Hatred

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Elizabeth was happily enjoying the party with Little Yan along with Elder Chairman Yun. It made everyone even more curious about the girl's relations.h.i.+p with the Yuns since the celebrant continues to spend his time with the girl. 

"Miss Li Zi, I hope you'll still continue and spend time with Little Yan?" Elder Chairman Yun asked. 

"Of course Grandpa Yun."

As the night deepens, more and more guests arrived as well. Making it impossible for the guards to track everyone. 

The Zhao's guards kept a close distance to the girl as they watch her every move. Outside, military soldiers have been station as well in case such an event is to happen. 

Yun Shen became even more hopeless of his chance to be with the girl when the girl's family sent so many men to protect her secrets and here he was unable to do anything but accept their help. 

Not only did the Zhao family sent men, but also did Feng Xiaotong. He called his family's best guards to be on high alert as well and make sure to prioritize the safety of the girl. 

"Shen, any words?" Feng Xiaotong asked. 

"Nothing, I tried calling him but it seems he's out of reach. I'm not sure if what he said is true or just false alarm?" Yun Shen answered. 

Both of them wonder if whether Jayden Stanford's words can be trusted or not. The fact he is from an elite family means he too has good connections. The reason as to why his words are believable was the fact his family does have some secret connection with the underground world. Especially his family is one of the top family who ruled the Western World. 

"Shen, why don't we just ask Lord Knightley? I mean, I'm sure he'll be able to confirm if what that b*stard said is true or not." Feng Xiaotong suggested without any bad intention to his words. 

"Are you really that excited to put me on his naughty list. I mean, even if he disapproves of me, I won't give up on her that easily." Yun Shen snorted and looked at the man. 

"Shen, I didn't mean it that way. Also..." Feng Xiaotong's expression drastically changed as he became annoyed about how the man is thinking despite their current situation. "Can you stop being selfish. I mean, I only did what I needed to do to save her. But you, on the other hand, are being too selfish. You yourself know you can't protect her with the current power you have. Shen, any fool can have courage, but honor, honor is the real reason why we either do something or don't. Shen, be a man and do the right thing." 

Feng Xiaotong's cold truth hit Yun Shen directly in the heart. A man honor is very important and right now he looked like a man without any honor and acting like a fool with too much faith and courage of himself. 

'Am I really a fool?'

As Yun Shen was about to make a decision and call the man who could help them. The two of them were taken aback when they felt the air suddenly turned chilly and eerie. 

"Shen, is it me or does it feel quite cold all of a sudden?" Feng Xiaotong wonders as he looked around. 

"Hmm?" Yun Shen too was curious as to why it suddenly became windy and cold. Even though it already early winter, it was still a bit warm. 

Soon, their curiosity was answered when the wind became even stronger and a loud sound came from above them. 

"Shen?" Feng Xiaotong's eyes widened and couldn't believe what he was seeing. 

Above them was a couple of helicopters as they hover above them. All three helicopters the opened and came falling like raindrops of black rose and orange lilies. Both flowers hold such a negative meaning...

Black rose symbolizes death. 

Orange lilies, symbolizes hatred, pride and disdain. 

Once the flower touches the ground, the guest confusedly picked them up and wonder why such flowers were sent on such a joyous occasion. 

"I wonder what's going on?"

"Who would send a black rose on someone's birthday. I mean, orange lilies... Does someone hate Chairman Yun to do something so extraordinary as drop millions of flowers on his birthday."

Elizabeth who was next to Little Yan and Elder Chairman Yun too curiously wonder what was happening. She handed Little Yan to Elder Chairman Yun and said, "Grandpa Yun, stay close to me. Whatever happen, don't go anywhere where I can't see you. Stay here..."

Elizabeth went over and picked some of the flowers. She knew both flowers mean death and hatred. It made her think that the person after the Yuns must be someone who has great hatred on the Yuns and not just Shen. She looked around and observe each member of the Yun. To her surprise, it seems everyone is in a daze of everything. 

"This does not make sense... From what I recall, the person wishes to kill Little Yan because of Shen. But it seems they also have great hatred towards Grandpa Yun. The person who could hate Grandpa Yun are either his sibling (a distant relative) or company enemies. But, from the look of things, it seems his family are too unaware of the situation." 

As soon as all the flowers were finally dropped off, the crowd turned to silence as they looked at each other all in a daze of everything. 

Suddenly, the silence was broken when a piece of dreary and dark music played which alarmed everyone. They all turned to the musicians who looked confused about what was going on for they weren't playing the music. 

The atmosphere turned eerie after the flower and now the sudden dark music. 

"President Yun, what is going on?"

"Tell us are we in danger? Is this part of the party? I mean, black rose?" 

The crowd became all agitated as they turned for some answers. Yet not a single member of the Yun family could answer them for they too were confused about what was happening. 

Nothing could make things worse when out of nowhere someone screamed in terror which caught everyone's attention. 

They soon panic as they gather together and went to where the sound came from. 

What they saw frightened all of them and caused some to faint from the shock. 

"What the h*** is going on?" 

"Why are they dead animals here?" 

"Honey, get ready, were leaving at once." 

With all the strange things happening, the crowd soon hastily went in search of their family as they find excuses to leave the party at once. The situation has gone out of hand and the Yuns weren't able to give them any explanation. 

Elizabeth continues to observe the situation. She found it strange when all that's been happening seems to be too calm. "Something not right, I mean, why would they risk so much effort in kidnapping Little Yan and only do this when all the Yuns are gathered together. It could only mean, they are only after Little Yan and Grandpa Yun. Why are they only after them when President Yun currently..."

Without even asking anyone for some answers Elizabeth was already able to puzzle all the clues together. She recalls Yun Shen mentioning to her about the fact that he too has a great secret about his ident.i.ty. Also, she still does not know about Little Yan's mother. What's even more suspicious was the fact that the old man seems to know her, and she recalls the old man saying to her that someone missed her. 

"Could they have anything to do with Little Yan's mother? Could the person be trying to get revenge for Little Yan's mother... I mean, it seems the person is only after the three of them. They have not done anything to destroy the Yuns at all." 

The more she thought about it, the more it made sense. One would normally do extreme things for revenge especially if they have the power and fortune. They'll go to extreme measures just to satisfy their own desire. As she continued to be in deep thought of everything, she suddenly recalls something important who could be involved in all of this as well. 

"Madam Yun..."

Elizabeth realizes the person they are after this time is not Elder Chairman Yun but Madam Yun. For she was one of the person who has a close relations.h.i.+p with Little Yan which means she also knows about the truth about Little Yan's mother. 

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