Trial Of Love Chapter 314 - Personality Change

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That evening, after Elizabeth send Huang Ming off, she immediately contacted her father. 

"Dad, what do you mean by be careful? Is something wrong?"

Lord Knightley thought it isn't the right time to reveal everything. He gathered his thought for a moment before answering his daughter over the phone. "Elizabeth, what have you recalled? Be honest, tell me… What have you remembered?"

Elizabeth was taken aback by his father's sudden change of subject. It struck her when she realized that her obtaining her memory back could be the reason to her father's worries. "Daddy…" 

"Elizabeth, I won't force you to ever go through it again. But, I hope you understand why I force you to do what I…" 

"It's fine," she interrupted what her father has to say. Before telling the man patiently waiting on the other end the truth of what she regains, she gathers and arrange her thoughts together. "Daddy, who is the man who removed my memory?"

"He's someone you should not look for. Understand?" he responded.

"Why is that?" Elizabeth became all fl.u.s.tered and couldn't bring herself to understand her father's words. "Why must I not seek that person, when that person can answer everything. He can answer the question as to why I lost my memory in the first place."

"What do you mean?" Lord Knightley curiously asked, for he thought all this time it was his daughter's choice to remove her memory back then.

"Somehow, someone requested for me to remove my memory. I don't know who that person is. But father, did I leave home for a certain period of time?" 

Lord Knightley heavily sighed, "Yes you did, but on the day you returned, you returned all cold and dead."


"Normally, our family go to a special training once they reach 13. You unexpectedly completed your task within a few months than we antic.i.p.ated. What's worse, you came back clueless of what happened during your training, and the next day... "

"I killed myself?"

"We don't know, Sam went to check on you that morning, and she found you stone-cold. We brought you to the hospital, but they can't explain why you died. And that's what happened." Lord Knightley ended his explanation and couldn't bring himself to explain how she came back to life. For he thought if he explained things further, he would need to explain about the marriage arrangement or more likely the death sentence/life imprisonment. 

"So, when I came back to life, I forgot everything?" 

"It seems so…" 

"Father, please be honest with me. Is the person who sent the flowers, I mean, the person who sent me the flowers, does he have anything to do with Little Yan's kidnapping?"

"You remember?" 

She sighed and answered, "Yes, during my take with mother. But I don't remember everything, all I know, someone is after the Yuns. And that is the reason why you are against me being with Yun Shen right?" 


"What do you mean partly? I thought one's status does not matter for you." 

"He almost got you killed."

"But that was an accident, I feel I made the choice to go…"

"He can't protect you."

"And that's why you and mother wish for me to be with Xiaotong instead. Father, you can't force him to be with me. He already said he won't every force himself on me since Shen likes me already. He already said, his happy as long as he sees me happy. Plus, I feel like President Feng has some secrets as well as to why he's not confident in loving me." Elizabeth's expression gleaned thinking back on the day they were together that night by the sh.o.r.e. 

"What if he proposes to marry you? Will you accept him then?" Lord Knightley directly ask his daughter curious as to how she'll answer. 

"Father, I already told you. That's impossible… President Feng does care for me. Xiaotong is a good friend of mine, but... "

"Then what about Jayden?" Lord Knightley inquired whilst cursing himself for asking such outrageous question. 'What if she still loves him? d.a.m.n it!'

"What about Jay?" Elizabeth's voice turned softer whilst asking the man. 

"Do you still love him, be honest?"

"Dad, to tell you the truth. A part of me wish to be with him. For goodness's sake, I was in love with him for years, and it's only been months since we… But, when I looked into his eyes back then during the photo shoot, I saw the same eyes I once fell in love with. The reason why I like him so much back then. Why I was even brave enough to throw my family name for him. But, my feelings for him fade when Shen came into my life. I never thought I would like a cold person like him. I'm like the spring while his the cold winter. We are so opposite of each other. Yet, here I am… Confused of what I truly feel."

"Then, answer me right now. Between the three of them, who would choice for the sake of the family." 

Elizabeth turned mute hearing her father's question. She got up from the chair and walked out to the balcony. "You know who I'll choose for the sake of the family, but it's impossible…"

"Very well." Lord Knightley sigh in relief. At least his daughter still has the right mind… But, it made him curious of what she'll do if she knows the man actually contacted her mother and propose a marriage between them. 'Better let the boy tell her.'

"Anyways, that's all I've recovered for now."

"Then, let me ask you this… Would you wish to forget them?" 

"Daddy, can you promise me you'll never force me to remove my memory again."

"I can't promise you that."

"Fine, but will you at least let me know if you wish for me to remove my memory." 

"Hmm… Get some sleep." 

"Take care Daddy." 

Elizabeth ended her call as she check the time on her phone. She then looked up at the dreary night and gaze at the moon. "I'm sorry Daddy." 

She got her phone and called someone again. 

"Babes, what's wrong? Isn't it late already?"

"Jackie, I need you to contact Scott." 

"Babe, are you out of your mind? Why do you sudden wish to contact Scott?" Jackie exploded causing Elizabeth to move the phone a few distance away from her ear. 

"I need him to look for someone. Tell him to contact me once you find him." 

"Babes, you know that man is like…" Jackie gave up and couldn't be bothered to talk back. "Fine, does your dad know?"

"Don't inform him that you're looking for Scott. I have no choice but to ask you to look for him, if I search for him, Dad will surely find a way for me not to find him."

Jackie's mind was about to go crazy, she promised the girl's father that she'll report any important details about the girl. But now, her best friend is asking her to keep everything a secret. "Babes, let me ask you one thing, who is this person you're looking for?"

"His the person who removed my memory. And I think this person can help me speed up my chances of regaining my memory back."

"Wait, what? You regained your memory?" Jackie blurted out loud without thinking. 

"You knew?" Elizabeth was G.o.dsmack as her grip on her phone tightened. 

"I- Babes, I'm sorry… Something happened back then and… Yes, I know about Uncle planting and removing your memory. I'm sorry." Jackie explained feeling all guilty. 

"Wait? What!? Something happened in the past, which why my memory was removed?" Elizabeth shook her head all confused with the information she just found out. 

"Fine…" Jackie sighs before telling the girl everything, "We were in university, two years ago. Something happened and you turned into a…" 

"A what?" Elizabeth's voice turned cold and hostile. 

"A killing machine… Babes, you were so scary… I mean, I know you are skilled in martial arts and stuff. I am too, but you were far beyond my expectation. You were like one of those G.o.dlike main stars that have amazing skills and can't be killed. Babes, even my own brothers couldn't stop you back then. Only when uncle arrive were you subdue. I mean, he said something weird and you just fell unconscious and turned back into a bunny." 

"Jackie, wait… slow down. You mean, my personality changed?" 

"Yes, you were a whole different person. You didn't even remember who I am, and you…" 

"Jackie, stop beating around the bush and tell me."

"You didn't even blink when you killed them. Babes, even though the person was a bad person, you didn't even show any mercy when you killed him. As if killing him didn't bother you… The sight of blood didn't nauseate you at all. You were like enjoying it." 

"Jackie, wait… You're saying I killed someone?" 

"Babes, I'm sorry but you did. And it wasn't only me who saw you killed that person but also some of our friends. We kept it a secret for we trust you and of course we are close friends." 

Elizabeth's mind overloaded from all the information she just gathers. She thought the memory she regained about Little Yan's kidnapping and the person she shot in the dream was the first person she killed. But it seems, she had done some s**** stuff in the past as well. 'What have I done? Is this why dad can't agree to my request to not remove my memory again. How many people have my hand…'



"Babes, are you still there."

"Jackie, I'm sorry… But I need to go, don't forget… Find Scott at once."

"Wait, Babes…" 

Before Jackie could say anything further, Elizabeth already ended the call. She tried to catch her breath as she arranged her thoughts together. Piece by piece she was able to puzzle everything together and now understand why her family is so overprotective of her. 

'Did I remove my memory back then because I killed someone as well?' The thought continue to ponder in Elizabeth's mind. It was a question she can't easily push aside. For it was the biggest clue to why her memories all this time has been altered. 

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