Trial Of Love Chapter 313 - White Lilies

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Finally, the first-day tour has come to an end. Elizabeth was still busy mingling with her fans whilst the other cast prepares to head home.

As she was preparing to go, she bid everyone farewell. She panicky looked around for someone...

"Bro Ming."

Huang Ming was about to head home and has totally forgotten about their promise with each other. "Li Zi, what's up?"

"Bro Ming, have you forgotten?" 

"Ah, Li Zi... I'm sorry, I totally forgot about what we talked about earlier." Huang Ming embarra.s.sedly said whilst scratching his head. 

"Hha, it's fine... Can you wait for me?" 

"Sure, I'll wait outside." 

Elizabeth bid everyone farewell and informed w.a.n.g Ji of her plans. "Bro w.a.n.g, you don't need to come tomorrow." 

"Alright, will you be fine tomorrow?" 

"No worries, I'll be fine. I have to go, Bro Ming is waiting outside." 

Outside the building, Huang Ming was waiting for the girl next to his car. He was on his phone checking the latest news about him and the girl. 

"General Ming, don't give up! The Princess will surely choose you."

"Who do they think they are to steal the G.o.ddess from Bro Ming? I'm so annoyed!!!"

Huang Ming lips slightly tilted upwards, seeing all the positive comments about him and the girl. He was really at a disadvantage when it comes to winning the girl's affection. But, it never bothers him, for he always believes that one's status does not define how much you love someone. The material things you showered someone can never bring them true happiness. 

"Bro Ming, sorry to keep you waiting." Elizabeth came running out of the building. 

Huang Ming headed towards the girl and meet her halfway. He grabs her things and escorted her to his car. He then opened the car door for her to enter. "Li Zi, where are we going?"

"To the market." 

Huang Ming was perplexed as to why they were going to the market. He went to the driver's seat and didn't ask the girl. 'I wonder why Li Zi wishes to go to the market?'

Jeipei Market 

Both Huang Ming and Elizabeth wrapped themselves in scarves, masks, and hats. She grabbed hold of the man's hand and dragged him along causing Huang Ming to be startled by the girl's sudden action. 

'What is she doing?' Huang Ming thought. 

Huang Ming continued to keep everything to himself. He found it awkward how the girl was acting towards him. The way they roamed around the market as if they were a couple. His heart was leaping in joy every minute they spend time with each other. He always dreamt of doing something like this with her. 'Why is she suddenly doing this?'

Despite the joy he felt, he felt a little uneasy about the situation. As if they were spending their last moments together. 'Is she…' He smiled bitterly of the thought the girl has finally made her decision and it seems he's not a part of her life. 

After they finished roaming around the market and Elizabeth was able to purchase all the things she wished to buy, she turned and face the man. "Bro Ming, let's go home."


It didn't take long for them to arrive at the girl's apartment. Surprisingly, when they arrived stood outside her door was a man carrying a bouquet of flowers. 

"Can I help you?" Elizabeth asked.

"Are you Miss Knightley?" The man asked.

Elizabeth turned paled when the man addressed her by her family name. She took a deep breath and thought 'Well, I was going to tell him the truth anyway, but it seems someone else got ahead of me.' 

"Yes, how can I help you?" She asked.

"Here, this is for you." 

The man handed the flowers to her and left without a word. 

"Bro Ming…" She turned to face the man who was not surprised by what just happened. "I'm sorry."

Huang Ming smiled and didn't know what to say. His heart was aching… 

'What should I do? Should I…'

Before he could react, it dumbfounded him when he saw the tears rolling down the girl's face. 

"Bro Ming, I'm so sorry for lying to you. You've been so kind to me, yet I played a fool of you. I planned to tell you but I didn't expect that man to show up. Bro Ming, I'm so sorry…"

Huang Ming's body moved on its own as he embraces the girl tightly. The words he wishes to express couldn't come out of his mouth. In the end, he ended up shutting his mouth and let his actions speak instead. 

"Bro Ming, I know you already know who I am. But, you continue to keep my secret. Why? I mean…"

The two never shared any extreme romance in the movie since Elizabeth always does things her way. But this time, Huang Ming pushed the girl to face him and acted what should have happened in the movie. He forced his lips on the girl and kissed her pa.s.sionately. "Li Zi, I love you… I know you already have someone in your heart. But, I hope one day you see how much I love you too." 

Elizabeth continued to cry. She couldn't feel anything from Huang Ming's kiss. "Bro Ming, I…"

"Li Zi, I'm not asking you to decide. I'm happy with how we are right now. It's best we let time speak and answer all the questions we can't answer now. Li Zi, you're always the Li Zi I fell in love with at first sight. The girl who brought magic in my world. All I'm asking is for you to be you and always remember I love you for who you are." 

Elizabeth smiled from ear to ear hearing the sweat and sincere words coming from Huang Ming. "Bro Ming, thank you."

"So Li Zi, please… let us help you lift the burdens you feel. Always remember, I'm one call away."

She wrapped her arms around the man again as she restrains herself from crying again. Huang Ming wipes the tears on her face.

"Stop crying, anyway, who's the flower from?"

Elizabeth almost forgot about the flower she dropped on the floor. She picked it up and check for any card but there was nothing on it. "Strange, it does not have a card on it."

"Seems the person who sent this know who you are. The man did call you by your family name and aren't lilies your favourite flowers. But, but why did he send white lilies?"

What Huang Ming meant about the white lilies is because the flowers mean purity. Signifying the Virgin Mary purity. Hardly anyone would send white lilies and mainly send pink lilies for they mean love. 

Elizabeth examined the flowers carefully, she wondered who would send her white lilies and what does it have to do with her. 'I wonder who send me such flowers? I mean, white lilies mean purity. What does it have to do with my purity? Wait, could it have something to do with what dad has to say. I mean, I've lately regained my memories and strangely, a man's voice vaguely kept appearing unexpectedly.'

"Li Zi, are you alright?"

"Bro Ming, white lily does mean purity right?" Elizabeth inquired despite knowing the answer to her own question. 

"Yes, why?"

"Nothing, I just find it odd to receive such flowers." 

Both of them didn't bother about the sender of the flower, instead they went inside the girl's house as the girl prepared a meal for the two of them. 

On the other side of the world, Lord Knightley just receive a report of his daughter's daily activity. 

"What did you say?" he asked.

"Someone sent her white lilies, and we asked the man who the flowers came from, but he said he didn't know as well," Winston explained. 

"d.a.m.n it, find Petrovich, call him at once." 

Winston came running out of the office and contacted Professor Petrovich. He was pleased when the call got through and the man answered him. 

"What do you want?" Professor Petrovich was not pleased to receive such a call. 

"The Master wishes to speak with you." Winston said as he came running back inside the man's office. 

"What do you want?" He repeated the same question to the man. 

"Did you send her white lilies?" Lord Knightley directly asked the man. 

"What are you talking about? Didn't you tell me not to approach him?" 

"So, tell me who sent her the white lilies then?" Lord Knightley was furious as his tone of voice became anger every second. 

"Don't ask me, also… It can't be the old man. I'm with him right now." 

"Let me speak with him." It surprised Lord Knightley the Petrovich was able to meet the old man.

"He said, he'll only talk to you once the time comes."

"Fine, you both better stay away from her." 

"Brother, have you forgotten who you are and who you are against with. Please, you better find out who is after your daughter. For it seems someone else is interested in her." 

Lord Knightley ended the call in rage. He was annoyed that someone else is challenging him. Not only is his daughter's life in danger because of the Yun. Now it seems someone else is also interested in her. 

"Find out who sent the flowers. It seems someone from her past is after her…" 

Winston left the office without asking any further questions. 

Meanwhile, Elizabeth was about done with the food she prepared when she felt a sudden chill down her spine. She turned around and checked her surroundings as if she felt someone was watching her. 'What was that about?'

She grabbed her phone which she placed on the island and send a message to someone. 

[Daddy, do you know anything about the white lilies? I know you have someone watching over me.]

It didn't even take a minute when she received the most shocking replied. 

[Daddy: Be careful!]

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