Trial Of Love Chapter 274 - Your Place

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Once they arrived at Imperial Garden Plaza, Elizabeth hastily grabbed one of the car keys as she headed out. The elders watched her as she drove away in a blink.

"Weiwei, are you sure Lizzy and Shen does not have any kind of relations.h.i.+p? You know the boy's family and situation..." Elder Chief Zhao sighs as he walked away from the window and seated on his chair.

Lady Zhao took a sip of her tea as she looked at the old man giving him a rea.s.suring smile, "Father, if Lizzy, does have that kind of relations.h.i.+p with Shen, will you be against it? She doesn't have any memory of what happened? Would you rather she'll be with Shen or tell her the truth?"

Elder Chief Zhao thought for a moment before answering his daughter's question, although he has said before he wished to have the boy as his future grandson-in-law, but... The fact that something happened to the girl before because of the boy's family worries him.

"He is indeed a great man who has achieved a lot on his own. He and Lizzy are just perfect for each other, to be honest, they have the same personality. At the same time, I'm sure Shen will protect and love her."

"Then stop worrying about her, we should just trust and support her no matter what happens. At least we know this time, the man she sees is a decent man. You know Rob well, I'm sure he already made some conditions with Shen." Lady Zhao replied as she thought of what condition her husband made with the boy that he's not doing anything and even allowed their daughter to see the man.

'Oh, Rob... What contract did you set with Shen?'

At the back of the stage, young girls and boys were all preparing anxiously for their turn.

Little Yan was sneaking glances at the audience upfront, checking if the person she's been waiting for has arrived. She notices that the man was glancing at her smiling rea.s.suring her not to worry 

At the moment, it was time for the little girl to go on stage. Seeing that she was unable to see the woman she's waiting for whilst walking on to the stage caused her expression to turn gloomy. As she stood on the center stage in front of the piano, she took a deep breath and bowed. She then took a last glimpse at the empty seat beside her father's.

Little Yan eyes sparkled seeing the empty seat was no longer empty at the same time the woman was waving and smiling at her. She beamed with joy in return as she went to the piano and began her performance.

"What took you so long?" Yun Shen asked whilst they listened to the girl's performance.

"I had to finish the arrangement for my new house," Elizabeth answered, whilst focusing her gaze at the little girl who was on the stage.

The man did not further ask as he saw the woman's attention was focused on the little girl on the stage. As the two of them listened to her performance. Yun Shen's expression softens at the same darken. Seeing the little girl on stage reminded him of someone.

"Is something wrong?" Elizabeth asked, noticing the sorrow in Yun Shen's eyes despite his face was all the same.

"She reminds me of someone," He answered with a bitter smile.

"Her mother."


Elizabeth wonders why her chest suddenly felt so tight, she turned away from the man as she clenched her chest. She took a deep breath before returning to watch the performance.

'Maybe they're right...' she thought deeply whilst watching the little girl.

As the little girl finished her performance, people stood up and applauded her for her splendid performance.

At the event ended, Elizabeth and Yun Shen quickly went up to the stage to congratulate the little girl.

"Well done, Little Yan." Elizabeth kissed the little girl on the cheek and check the award she received for third place.

"Auntie, Little Yan will work harder next time." Little Yan reached out her arms for the woman to carry her as she handed the trophy to her father.

"That's right, if you practice more you'll be an amazing pianist one day. But music is not all about winning or losing... What's important is that you enjoy yourself and love the music you're playing." Elizabeth reminds her of the reason why she wishes for the little girl to play music.

"I'll always love music." Little Yan answered as she then felt her stomach grumbling, "Auntie, I'm hungry."

"What would you like to eat?" Elizabeth looked at the little girl and asked.

"I want Auntie to cook for Little Yan," she replied.

"But your home is still quite far away," Elizabeth explained, upsetting the little girl.

"Why not your place?" Yun Shen blurted out which brought life back to the little girl. He thought it would be a good opportunity to know where the girl lived. Despite knowing her true ident.i.ty he never expected the girl to live on her own.

"Auntie, can we go to your home?" Little Yan beamed in glee as she put on a face like a puppy.

"We can, but we need to go buy some groceries first since Auntie hasn't brought any food yet."

Yun Shen asked his a.s.sistant take his car home, as they took the girl's car through the city. When they got to the supermarket. Elizabeth was busy getting change...

"Auntie, what you doing?" Little Yan wondered why she was putting a hat and mask on.

"Auntie does not want people to recognize her, especially your father is around. I don't want any misunderstanding between us." Elizabeth explained clearly to the little girl, as she turned to the back seat.

"What misunderstanding?"

"That I'm seeing your father," Elizabeth answered as she checked herself in the mirror.

"But aren't you seeing father now?" Little Yan blurted out without any meaning to it. Literally meaning, they are with each other right now, which means they are seeing each other.

Elizabeth was taken aback from the little girl's response, she turned around with such a dumbfounded expression, wondering how she should explain it to the little girl, "People might think I'm your mommy."

"Can't you be my mommy?"

Elizabeth felt like digging herself a hole, what has she got herself into, "We-well..."

She stared at Yun Shen asking for his help to clear everything to his daughter. The truth she could be Little Yan's mother in one simple word but she rejected it.

"Let's go, aren't you hungry?" Yun Shen opened the car door as he reached out his hand to carry the little girl.

Elizabeth was relieved that the man saved her, she sighed as she too got out of the car.

The three roamed around the supermarket and caught everyone's attention. No one would expect such an elite man to be shopping at the same time along with a woman.

"Isn't that the heir to Yun Corp and his daughter?"

"Who is the woman with them? Is she the child's future mother?"

Elizabeth ignored all the comments as she continued to check the different vegetables and necessities she need to stock her kitchen.

"Shen, would it be already if I buy some other stuff for my house?"


Elizabeth went to every row, for some men they would find it annoying roaming around like this, but for Yun Shen, it was a great feeling. He gazes softly as he watched the two interact with each other, seeing the little girl seated on the cart and the woman smiling and asking for his daughter's opinion of what she wishes to eat, looked like they were really mother and daughter.

'I'll make sure that no one will ever hurt you. Just be patient...'

Elizabeth turned around and notice Yun Shen seems to be in a daze. She went closer to him and asked, "Shen, is something wrong?"

"Nothing, you'll be a great mother in the future." Yun Shen spoke with such feeling whilst looking directly at the girl. How he wished the girl is his wife now. But I'll be quite a journey to get his future father-in-law's approval.

Elizabeth's whole face turned blushed as she averted her gaze from the man. Despite her face was covered up, it was noticeable who red she was. "Thank you, I hope I can be..."

Yun Shen grabs hold of her hand as they returned to Little Yan's side. "You'll be, and I'll be waiting for you."

Even though she felt so much pain earlier because of Little Yan's mother. She felt so much warmth holding onto the man's hand. But a strange feeling of doubt was flas.h.i.+ng in her mind. But, right now her family seems against her being with Shen but why?

'Shen, did you by chance found out who I am?'

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