Trial Of Love Chapter 273 - Suggest A Partner

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A couple of days later, the Knightley elders arrived in China. Thus, along with everyone else they accompanied the girls as she moved to her new place. 

Knight Park is a condominium building owned by the Knightley family. It's one of the world's most luxurious and expensive condominiums. They are mainly established in the country's major city. Leaving in such an estate means you're earning more than tens of millions a month just to afford the rent. 

Knight Park in China is also located in the city's best residential area. Its neighbors are also top luxury condominiums or residential communities. 

Elizabeth was looking gloomy as they all headed to her new home. "I didn't expect he'll arrange the top for me." 

"What are you talking about, it's only right that your father arranges that for you? If he doesn't, I'll do it myself." Elder Lord Knightley frowned baffled by what the girl just said. In spite of him disagreeing with the idea of the girl to live on her own, he had no choice since his son has arranged everything. 

"That's right, if your father didn't arrange it, I'll pay double the rental price just for you." Elder Chief Zhao added, agreeing with his brother-in-law's statement. 

"Momm..." Elizabeth shriek in agony as she felt defeated by the situation and sought for her mother's aid.

"Darling, If you wish to move out and you know your father well. He won't allow it if he doesn't get what he wants. So either you live with it or you move back home." Lady Zhao suggested, hoping to comfort the girl for she knows she didn't expect all this. 

"Sis Yifie, why don't you live with me and forget about brother." Elizabeth went over to Liu Yifie for comfort seeing she's not getting any from her mother and grandparents. 

Zhao Xinyi glared at the girl furiously for suggesting something so outrageous. "It's your fault for moving out."

"Uncle, brother is so mean." She acted pitiful as she went closer to the man pleading for some support. 

"Xinyi, don't be like that to Lili. Yifie, why don't you live with Lili here." The man pleaded hoping Yifie would agree as he wishes to be his princess's hero. 

"Father, she's to be my wife." Zhao Xinyi cried in shock that his own father would dare separate them. 

"Come now Xinyi, you'll be spending the rest of your life with Yifie anyway. Think about your baby sister." Elder Chief Zhao added as he went closer to comfort the girl detecting what his son is up to. 

Zhao Xinyi sighed deeply as he collapses on Liu Yifie's shoulder, "I give up…"

Elizabeth giggled seeing how things turned out, "Brother, don't worry… I won't want to see you crying every night not being able to sleep next to Sis Yifie." 

At that moment, the lift door finally opened and Elizabeth quickly went out as Zhao Xinyi chased after her. The two stopped as they reached the front door of the penthouse. 

"Young Princess, Young Master, welcome." 

"Director Lim, thank you for arranging everything in such a short period of time." Lady Zhao greeted the man as she followed the two kids from behind. 

"Lady Zhao, it's my privilege to serve your family." 

Director Lim's a.s.sistant then opened the door as they all step inside the room. 

Once you step inside you are greeted by the open view of the lounge area with a white grand piano in the center of the room. The black and white interior kitchen on the left and a small dining area. The whole floor was open gla.s.s as it showed a great view of the beautiful city, the nearby parks, and rivers. There was a small balcony as well, which was decorated with beautiful plants and flowers, but since it was autumn, they weren't blooming anymore. 

The penthouse first floor also included other rooms such as a wine room, office room which was connected to a small library, a powder room, and an ensuite guest room.

The second floor has an open view sitting room which gives a great view of the lounge area and the balcony outside. It had one ensuite room with a small office attached to it, and lastly the ensuite master bedroom with an attached walk-in closet. 

"Director Lim, you did a great job in decorating the place in such a short period of time," Elder Lord Knightley praised the man, seeing how well arranged everything was according to the girl's taste in modern style. 

"Elder Lord Knightley it was all arranged by Lord Knightley himself, I was just the man who executed everything." Director Lim humbly replied. 

"How about the security of the area?" General Zhao asked whilst checking every corner of the house for any possible burglary entrance.

"No worries General Zhao, we have set up all the latest security systems in the Young Princess's house. As well as a 24 hours surveillance system watching her front door for any possible unwanted entry." 

"Well, since Lizzy has finally moved in, why don't we order some food to celebrate." Elder Lady Knightley suggested, seeing everyone is pleased with the place.

A few minutes later, a group of delivery men arrived with different food from different locate restaurants. 

"Man, when was the last time we had takeaways." Zhao Xinyi started devouring the fried chicken and black bean noodles. Every bite was a mouthful, for he was in heaven whilst eating such mouthwatering food, for it's been such a long time since they've eaten such delicacy. 

Elizabeth was too over the moon, she beamed her approval of how tasty the food was and didn't even mind her manners as she devoured her food like a savage person would, "I've been eating takeaway lately due to work. But man... I can't stop eating." 

"You two, slow down..." General Zhao sighs ashamed how the two were eating like pigs and not minding their manners in front of everyone, "Excuse them Yifie, as you know they hardly get to eat such food." 

"It's fine father, It pleases me to see them so happy." Liu Yifie smiled as she cleaned the smear of sauce on Xinyi's face. 

"Didn't I find myself a good wife," Zhao Xinyi proudly said as he kissed the girl on her cheeks. Causing Yifie to blush that the man suddenly did something so embarra.s.sing in front of the elders. 

Everyone laughed seeing how good the two kids' relations.h.i.+ps are. They really can see why both Lord Knightley and Elizabeth like Liu Yifie. 

"Alright, let's all head home."

Elizabeth spoke after finis.h.i.+ng up her meal since they have seen the house and the keys were given to her already. 

On their way home, they first went to drop the two elder Knightleys to the airport since they've confirmed the place where the girl was staying and were already satisfied. 

Inside the car, Elizabeth was with her mother, uncle and grandfather since Zhao Xinyi and Liu Yifie went on a date together. 

"Baby, how did your exam go?" Lady Zhao asked, curious about how the girl's been doing since she been too busy to spend time with her family. 

"It's fine." 

All of a sudden, Elizabeth's phone rung causing everyone inside the car to wonder who could be calling her. 

"Sure, Auntie can accompany you..." Elizabeth replied, noticing her family intense stare at her. "Alright, see you soon."

"Who's that baby?"  Lady Zhao asked with such a curious expression on her face.

"Little Yan wants to go on a trip with me during the break," Elizabeth answered as she turned her attention outside.

"Will Yun Shen be joining you?" General Zhao asked with such an intense expression. Displeased with the idea the girl will be with the man after what happened last time.  

"Of course," she replied carelessly not caring for how they will react. 

"Darling, ease your old man's heart. Are you really not seeing the man?" Elder Chief Zhao pinched the middle skin on his forehead as he took a deep breath to calm himself down. He worried that his granddaughter might be put in danger because of the man. Even though he likes the boy, the fact his family is currently a prey, he does not wish for his granddaughter to be involved with them at all.  

"Of course not, I just have a good relations.h.i.+p with his daughter nothing more." She smiled at them a.s.suring them no kind of relations.h.i.+p between them. 

"Darling, I know you really like Little Yan, but... if possibly can you not be with them. I mean, isn't it awkward to be around them..." Elder Chief Zhao couldn't find the right words to express his concerns for the girl. How he wishes he could just say, "Darling, I forbid you from seeing the man whose life is like on a death row or on the brink of death anytime soon." 

"Grandpa, I thought you like Shen?" Elizabeth confusedly asked why her grandfather suddenly have a change of heart. 

"Darling, it's not that... We just don't want you to get hurt again. I mean, if you really don't have any feelings for him why stay with him... You are at the proper age to be with someone already." Elder Chief Zhao continued to explain himself whilst glancing at his son and daughter for aid. 

"That's right Lili, you at the age of marriage already. If you like I'll find a good match for you. You don't need to force yourself... Wait, didn't you like Doctor Liu, your Grandpa Liu's grandson?" General Zhao spoke without thinking of his works and notice the deadly gaze his sister was giving him. "I mean, forget I said anything..." 

"Baby, your grandfather, and uncle are just worried for you. We don't want you to lose to a person again and end up..." Lady Zhao too could not finish her words. The fact the girl does not have any memories of her past which made it difficult for her to explain. "Baby, think about it. Even though I like Shen too, he just has too many *sighs* I mean, darling... Why not Young Master Feng?" 

Both generals looked confusedly at the woman, dumbfounded from what they just heard. Did she really suggest a partner for her own daughter when she was one of the people against matching her daughter with anyone? 

"Wait, why are you all suddenly wis.h.i.+ng me to see someone else? Why? Did you like found out something about Shen that I don't know? I mean, yes... He proposed to me and I rejected him, that was because I felt guilty for lying to him." Elizabeth explained herself but notice her reasoning doesn't seem to match with her family's concern. 

"Uncle, Doctor Liu already has someone he likes already. Also, for Xiaotong..." 

Elizabeth was in deep thought for a moment whilst she thought about Feng Xiaotong. Since day one the man has expressed his feelings for her as well. Just like Huang Ming... She realizes she has taken them for granted by following her foolish feelings. 

"Darling, what about Xiaotong?" Lady Zhao curiously asked noticing her daughter was in a daze. 

"Nothing... Forget I said something." Elizabeth turned her attention outside as she ponders on things further. She realizes that Huang Ming and Feng Xiaotong aren't a bad match for her as well. Especially Feng Xiaotong for he is the heir of the Feng family and the Feng family are the richest families in China and on par when it comes to power with the Zhao. 

'What if I do end up with Xiaotong? But, what about Shen? It seems everyone seems to be against him lately... I wonder why?'

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