Trial Of Love Chapter 252 - Fix Her

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In Xiao Medical and Research Inst.i.tute.

A group of highly skilled doctors were rus.h.i.+ng to the entrance after receiving what happened. Including Director and Doctor Yu anxiously antic.i.p.ate the arrival of their family princess. 

Lady Zhao was waiting with the doctors along with the Elder Chairman Yun after receiving the news. 

When they saw the group of cars stopping in front of the entrance, it surprises them to see Lord Knightley carrying a girl in his arms covered with his coat as the blood drips all over the floor. 

Everyone became mute and fossilized and didn't know what to do for a moment until Lady Zhao who immediately reacted and collapse on her knees and screamed seeing her daughter being carried by her husband. 

"No, baby!"

"Get her on the stretcher." 

"Prepare the OR." 

As all the doctor panicky moved around as the man places the girl on the stretcher. All he could do was walked towards his shattered wife as the doctor pushed their daughter to the emergency room.


"Weiwei, she'll be fine." 

"Rob… my baby…" Lady Zhao cried as she wrapped her arms around her husband. Her tears were so big causing the atmosphere in the room to turn dreary like a graveyard. 

Suddenly a man walked in looking all lifeless as his mind continued to ponder on what he just discovered. If the person that Lord Knightley just carried is Li Zi, it just means the woman he loves life is now in danger?

Is Li Zi really the Young Princess?

Elder Chairman Yun hastily went to his grandson and inquired how he was doing. "Shen, are you alright? Why do you look so pale?"

Yun Shen ignored his grandfather's words and saw Lady Zhao crying heavily in her husband's arms. His mind was currently all muddle up, but he needed to confirm one thing. Despite the current situation, he went over to Lady Zhao in a torpid manner. 

"Lady Zhao..."

Lady Zhao gathers herself together as she saw the young man standing behind them looking all lifeless as if he had just received the worst news ever and his world was crumbling down. "Shen, what's wrong?"

Yun Shen didn't say anything but pulled the necklace out of his pocket. He showed her the necklace which confused Lady Zhao and Lord Knightley to what the necklace meant. 

"Shen, what this?" Lady Zhao asked but then was taken aback when she realizes what the necklace meant. 

Could it be a necklace he gave Li Zi but now discovered Lizzy was wearing it?


Lady Zhao didn't know what to say nor how to explain everything to the young man. She understands how he must feel right now. He just figured out that the person he actually likes was also the girl whom everyone wishes for him to marry due to business benefit which he was so against. 

"Please return it to her..." Yun Shen hand over the necklace to Lady Zhao as he turned his back on them and dragged himself out of the hospital. 

Lady Zhao worriedly looked at the boy as she faced her husband. "Rob, what should we do?"

"If he loves her, he'll understand..." Lord Knightley answered his wife's concerns but to worries that the boy might not be able to accept their daughter for he just witnesses all the gruesome things the girl did to those men. 

Who would expect the innocent and gentle girl he cared for actually has such murderous and deadly personality.

Elder Chairman Yun was confused as to what happened. He watched as his grandson walked out of the hospital. He ponders as to what the necklace meant... 'Why did Shen look so painful seeing the necklace?'

Outside the operating room, all the Zhao and Knightley families were waiting anxiously. Even Liu Yifie came out of her room to wait with everyone. When they saw the operating room light turned off, they saw the group of doctors walking out with a big smile as the nurses pus.h.i.+ng the bed out. 

Zhao Xinyi: "Uncle Yu, how is she?" 

General Zhao: "Xiao Yu how's Lili?"

Lady Zhao: "How's my daughter?"

"Everyone calmed down, she just asleep. I'm guessing she was really exhausted, she only has minor cuts and bruises which will heal within a few days." 

Everyone smiled hearing the good news. They went to check on the girl on the bed who was sleeping peacefully indeed. 

"She really is asleep," Liu Yifie sigh in relief seeing the girl up close but curiously looked at her as to why people mentioned earlier she was covered in blood but only received minor cuts. 

"Can we take her home?" Lord Knightley suddenly spoke causing all the doctors to look at each other on what to do.

"Uncle, it's best if we observe her for the night." Doctor Yu explained, but know his words mean nothing to the man. 

"Even though she doesn't have any major injuries, it's still best to keep a close watch on her," Another highly skilled doctor explain but felt his words too was meaningless. 

"Will take her home."

Lord Kightley domineering manner emits as the doctors hastily and carefully removed the IV on the girl's hand, as they watched the man carried the girl away.

"Lady Zhao?" 

"Elder Chief?"

Doctor Yu patted the doctor's on the shoulder telling them not to bother about it. He knows his uncle and right now the patient is in the best hands. 

"Will call you if anything happens," Lady Zhao smiled as she followed her husband who decided to take their daughter away. 

Everyone then followed them as well and didn't say a word to the doctor. Even Liu Yifie asked Zhao Xinyi to let her go home as well for she wishes to help and take care of the girl. 

When they arrived at Imperial Garden Plaza, the household servants were informed of what happened. They watch as their master carried the girl to her room. 

Inside the girl's room, everyone quietly observes the situation first and dares not speak seeing the father of the girl was not himself. They were worried about what he might do.

"Winston, call Petrovich?" 

"I have, he should be here in a few hours my Lord," Winston responded, expecting his master to wish to see the man for he was the only one who knows their young mistress condition well. 

"Rob, tell me what happened?" Lady Zhao approached her husband curious as to why their daughter is sleeping so soundly despite what happened.

"I put her to sleep." Lord Knightley answered without any further explanation for they all knew what he meant. 

But they didn't expect the man would go that far and force his daughter to sleep. This could only mean that she really was out of control again. She must have lost control of herself and lose her sense not realizing what she was doing anymore. 

"Rob did she really..." Lady Zhao was hesitant but her husband's expression confirmed everything. Their daughter once again slaughter a group of people. Their fear has once again been rekindled. 

"Child, what should we do?" Elder Lady Knightley asked her son worried about the girl. It's been years and they didn't expect something like this would ever happen again. 

"Petrovich is coming, he'll fix her again." 

When they heard the man mentioned the word "fix" ached their heart. For it means, they'll be hypnotizing the girl again and changing her memories. Placing untrue memories in her mind as if what happened never happened. This is one of the reasons why they worry if the girl drinks for her personality change drastically into someone else, she is almost like Hela or the female version of Ares. 

"Child, must you really do that? The doctor said they found alcohol in her system. I'm sure she won't have any memories of what happened..." Elder Lord Knightley sincerely hope his son need not go that far and force another memory on their granddaughter's mind. 

"And if she remembers..." 

Not a soul in the room was able to answer the man. His words were cold and bitter... Even Lord Knightley was unable to say anything to how his son just treated him for he too feared the idea the girl remembering such horrific memories. 

Everyone knows that Lord Knightley has fought life and death for the girl. He was willing to live in the dark shadows as long as the girl live a peaceful bright life. The fact that the memory of the past still continuously hunt them and they would rather change her memory than experience it again. 

"Then, will wait for what Petrovich has to say." Elder Lord Knightley went over to his son and patted him on the shoulder to calm him down. 

"Hmm..." Lord Knightley responded as he looked at his daughter resting so peacefully. 

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