Trial Of Love Chapter 251 - Lizzy Is Li Zi?

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It wasn't long when Zhao Xinyi and Yun Shen caught up with the group. It surprised Yun Shen how fast they were able to locate her at the same time for them to gather the military and police forces. 

'To think a whole military and police force was gathered just for her, it's like saying the country would go to war just for her. Yet you let yourself be captured just for my daughter. Why? '

Yun Shen was surprised to see how calm Lord Knightley looked as Elder Chief Zhao and General Zhao instructed the forces on what to do.

General Zhao was explaining everything when he saw his son approaching him with Yun Shen. "Xinyi, what are you doing here? And why is Shen here?"

"Little Yan was throwing a fit and we have no choice. Shen promised her that he'll personally go look for her Auntie." Zhao Xinyi explained.

"Protect him..." General Zhao sigh and order a few of the military officers to watch over the boy, for he knows his son will be able to protect himself.

Apart from the group of soldiers and police force, Yun Shen was curious seeing the group all dressed in a black suit. There were a total of six of them and one of them was a woman. He was curious since it was the first time he had actually seen them. 

"Let's go..." Lord Knightley commanded expressionless as he took the first step with the six subordinates.

Surprisingly, when they reach the abandoned building where Elizabeth should be. There weren't any guards guarding the building. But they saw dead bodies, flat on the ground as if they were thrown out of the building. 

As they entered the building, it horrified everyone apart from the Zhao and Knightley family and their guards to see how gruesome and off-pointing the place was. There were so many dead bodies lying around and some were cut open.

"What the heck happened here?"

"Everyone search the place." 

 As the police officers check for survival, the rest of the party continued ahead to the top. 

Yun Shen trembled as he feared something dreadful has happened to the girl. If something did, he won't be able to forgive himself.

' d.a.m.n it, why did you need to risk your own life? '

As they reach the rest of the floors, it was the same horror scene back on the first floor. They were loads of dead bodies around, but this time there were some who were still breathing.

"Save us, she a monster."

"Please take me out of here."

"What the heck happened her Chief?"

"Commander should we continue ahead?"

The police and military officers looked at their commander whether they should continue or not. If there are dead bodies lying around already for sure the Young Princess is dead.

But to their surprise the Zhao and Knightley continued ahead without a word.

"Do you think the Young Princess is still alive?" 

"Be quiet!" 

The Zhao and Knightley group didn't react at all, they were all expressionless and weren't showing fear or worries in their faces. As if they expect such a murderous scene was to happen. 

As they reached the final floor, they could hear people screaming in agony.  

It surprises all of them when they saw Lord Knightley running ahead with such pale and anxious expression.  

Everyone followed as they headed to where the scream was coming from.  

"You b*tch, how dare you…"  

"You're all useless…" 

"Please spare me." 



When the man finally reaches the room where all the screams came from, it became silent when he arrived. He slowly pushed both doors with his hands and there he saw the reason for all the bloodshed. 

In the middle of the room where the ray of moonlight pa.s.sed through, a girl was covered in blood. Her beautiful dark hair was mixed with the shade of crimson blood. On one hand, she was holding onto a dagger as the blood drips on the ground and a gun on the other hand.  

When everyone finally arrived, the six subordinates of Lord Knightley and the Zhao guards prevented the officers to enter with them. 

"What's going on?" 

"Chief Minister Zhao, General Zhao, what's going on?" 

The police and military officers along with their commanders were all confused as to why they weren't allowed to follow them. 

Zhao Xinyi hastily went to Yun Shen and held him back, "You don't need to follow as well. Stay here..." 

"Wait, why?" Yun Shen confusedly asked as to why he was not allowed to follow as well.  

"Remember what mother said, don't get involved. It's for your own good. Trust me... Once you see what's ahead, you won't be able to see things clearly and..."  

Zhao Xinyi couldn't explain further as he didn't know how to put everything into words. He knows the man standing in front of him was the man his little sister loves. But right now, the man loves Li Zi, not his sister. If he saw what's ahead, he fears that the man might not look at his sister the same way.  

Yun Shen nodded his head and watched as Zhao Xinyi went ahead and followed everyone else inside the room.  

Back in the room, Lord Knightley looked at his daughter who has turned into a murderous demon. Despite how she looked, she still has the same beautiful smile on her face. 

The girl turned around when she senses another frightening presence in the room. When she came face to face with the person, her eyes sparkled seeing the man. 


She was proudly showing the man her achievement in killing everyone. She then turned her back from the man as she continued ahead to finish her prey.  

Before the girl could make her move and kill the remaining people inside the room. A cold and strong command echoed in the room.  

"Idi spat' moy rebenok." (1) 

Hearing those familiar words, the girl turned around as her expression softens and looked at the man. In the next second, her eyes slowly closed as left a single word.  


Lord Knightley hastily went over to check on her daughter as he removed his coat to cover her. Zhao Xinyi went over as well to check on his sister worriedly as he saw the girl's father carried her out of the room. 

Everyone waiting outside was surprised when they saw Lord Knightley suddenly carrying a body out of the room. Since the body was covered by his coat they weren't able to see who it was. 

General Zhao stayed behind along with Yun Shen as they went and cleared the place.  

Yun Shen went inside the room as he examined what happened. He saw remaining people all trembling and covered in tears as the police officers helped them out. As he was about to head out, the corners of his eyes notice something s.h.i.+ning on the ground. When he went closer and saw what it was, his eyes dilated as he unsteadily went down on his knees and his hands were shaking as he reached out to grab it.  

It was the teardrop pink diamond necklace he gave to Li Zi. His face turned pale as he stared intensely at the necklace. As his mind continued to ponder on why it was laying around here, he recalls his daughter's last word. "Bring mommy home..." 

Yun Shen suddenly felt light-headed and lose his balance as he collapsed on his knees. General Zhao saw the man fell and wonder what happened. "Shen are you alright?" 

Yun Shen got up from the ground as he hid the necklace away inside his pocket. He gathered himself together as if nothing happened. He turned around and answered, "Let's go."

General Zhao went ahead as they've captured all those who survived.  

The man followed the general out of the room. 

As they step out of the abandoned building, he saw Lord Knightley carrying the person inside the car. He watched the person in the man's arms closely and murmur softly.  

"Lizzy is Li Zi?"

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