Trial Of Love Chapter 176 - Does Father Find Work More Important Than Auntie?

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[Where is she?]

Yun Shen looked at what the little girl wrote on the tablet, "She should be here soon."

[Aren't you coming?]

"I have work."

[But Auntie is coming?]

"I know, so have a good time."

[Is work more fun than being with Auntie?]

"But I need to work to make sure you can spend time with you, Auntie."

[So, does father find work more important than Auntie?]


Yun Shen ponders for a moment as he realizes what Little Yan trying to do, "Go get ready, she'll be here soon."

Little Yan smiled away as she got what she wanted from his father.

It wasn't long, when Li Yefeng brought the girl to Yun Shen's office, while Jackie stayed behind and chatted with everyone else. When Little Yan saw the woman walked in, she quickly runs towards her and embraced her.

"Little Yan, I missed you too." Elizabeth said as she lifted the girl in the air, "Should we go?

Little Yan nodded with a big smiled

"Shen will be going then," Elizabeth added.

"I'll send you out." Yun Shen replied as he got up from his chair and carried Little Yan's small bag with him.

When they step outside the office, everyone's attentions were on them. When they saw Little Yan in the woman's arms, while Yun Shen carried the woman and the little girl's bag. The trio were happily pa.s.sing everyone as if they were a happy family.

When Jackie and the boys saw this, they were all jaw drop and could not believe what they were seeing.

Xiao Chen rubbed his eyes and asked: "Am I dreaming?"

Jackie sighed and smiled, "See you guys around."

Jackie approached Elizabeth who then introduce the little girl to her.

"Little Yan this is my good friend Jackie. You can call her Auntie Jackie."

"h.e.l.lo, Little Yan let's have fun today." Jackie smiled.

Little Yan smiled brightly and was so eager to go already as she grabs her stuff from his father telling him to go back to work already and not prolong Auntie.

Yun Shen was in disbelief and could only smile, "I'll pick you up later."

At XX Zoo

"Hey, Liz, when was the last time we visited the Zoo?" Jackie asked

Elizabeth ponders for a moment as she thought back when they last visited the zoo. "Secondary year I guess, 9th or 10th grade."

"Didn't we went to see the lions last time?" Jackie speculatively said.

"That was your brother's birthday present to you, we went to the safari, not the zoo." Elizabeth giggled.


Jackie then turned her attention to the little girl with them. "Little Yan, is this your first time to visit the zoo?"

Little Yan shook her head, "School."

"Ah- you went with your cla.s.smates then," Jackie added.


"Little Yan your so cute, I wish to have a baby like you in the future." Jackie said as she picked Little Yan from the ground and carried her in her arms.

As they finished paying for the admission fee, Jackie notices quite a lot of people were visiting the zoo as well.

"Babes, will you be alright? There are quite a lot of people today." Jackie concernedly asked.

"No worries, Shen already arranged everything. Do you think he'll let his daughter out without any guards?" Elizabeth confidently answered even though the man did not mention anything to her.

"He did?"

"Well, he didn't tell me but I've noticed someone been following us."

"Babes are you sure it's not a paparazzi?"

"No worries, if photos of us go online it won't be as bad as what you did." Elizabeth looked at Jackie with a devilish smirky smile.

"Ah-" Jackie smiled guiltily as to what she did last time.

As the three ladies went to check all the different animals in the zoo, they also took there time taking a picture with each other. It was already pa.s.sed noon when they decided to go and take a quick break, at the same time have a meal since Little Yan was with them.

"Little Yan, Auntie and Auntie Jackie prepared loads of delicious food for you."

When Elizabeth put out the different containers of food, Little Yan's eyes glowed like the sun with glee.

After they have their quick lunch, they continued to roam around the zoo. Visiting every corner and ensuring they check every single animal.

It was already sunset when Elizabeth was carrying Little Yan in her arms whilst Jackie carried all their stuff to the exit.

Outside Yun Shen was already waiting for them, when he saw the woman silhouette carrying Little Yan in her arm. He could not hide his happiness and smiled at the picturesque image. He quickly but quietly walked towards them as he gently grabs Little Yan, as his secretary took the little girl's stuff from Jackie.

"Thank you." Yun Shen said before entering the car.

"Anything for Little Yan," Elizabeth replied as she kissed the little girl's forehead before they entered the car.

Jackie was spellbound to see the warmth in Yun Shen's eyes when the woman kissed the child on her forehead. He truly loves her best friend but it seems the girl is not ready to let the man be part of her life. She smiled bitterly as she watched them so at ease with each other. How she wishes she could remove all the pain of the girl so she could be happy with them.

Yun Shen looked at Jackie to greet her but was stunned to see the warm look on her face. He wonders what the girl could be thinking that she was looking at them in such a sympathetic way.

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