Trial Of Love Chapter 175 - Visit The Zoo

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The next day, Elizabeth and Jackie were back to Imperial Garden Plaza.

Elizabeth was in her studio busy staring at an empty canvas. Time pa.s.sed by, yet she has not realized quite a few people have checked on her. It made them worried and amongst them was her Grandfather and Uncle.

Inside the main house, Jackie was having tea with Zhao Cheng and Zhao Yunxi.

Zhao Cheng could no longer take it and directly asked Jackie. "Dear Jackie, did something happen during your trip?"

Jackie put down her tea before answering the old man's concern. "Grandpa, she just lovesick."


Both Zhao Cheng and Zhao Yunxi looked at each other, confused with what Jackie meant.

"She truly in love this time Grandpa, but she too hard-headed to realize it and take the risk. Unlike before this time she actually loves him." Jackie looked at the old man with a bright smile.

"To whom?" Zhao Yunxi directly asked Jackie.

Jackie chuckled as she answered, "To the man who saved her."

Zhao Yunxi: "Yun Shen?"

Zhao Cheng: "..."

Both men were silences for a moment as they ponder when things developed between the two.

"Then that's great, although I don't want to lose my baby girl yet… The boy is indeed great. If she does marry him, no one in the family would be against it." Zhao Cheng declared even though he's not fully pleased with the boy's background.

Zhao Yunxi nodded and agree with his father's words, however, it was not that simple as he pointed out. "But father we don't know if Shen loves our princess too."

"Why won't he love her, she is the princess of the Zhao?" Zhao Cheng slams his fist on the armchair.

Jackie went over to calm the old man down. "No worries, Uncle Zhao, Shen likes Elizabeth."

"He does?" Zhao Cheng looked at the girl next to him.

"But both of them think they love someone else yet, in the end, they both like each other," Jackie answered and sigh deeply.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Yunxi asked.

"Liz thinks Shen like someone else or the Young Princess." Jackie sighed, "While Shen thinks Liz like someone else but it's actually him."

Zhao Yunxi laughed, "Both of them are indeed clever children, but do act foolish sometimes."

It was a peaceful morning in Imperial Garden Plaza when a loud roared alerted everyone.


Everyone in the Zhao household was shocked after hearing such a loud scream.

They all came running to the main stairs as they saw Elizabeth running down the stairs, they all wonder what could possibly cause the girl to be so upset early in the morning.

In the breakfast room, the two generals and Jackie were having breakfast.

Zhao Cheng notice the girl walked in. "Darling is something wrong?"

Elizabeth ignored her grandfather and stormed in front of Jackie with such icy dead look. "Jackie, how could you?"

"What?" Jackie was confused to what was going on.

Elizabeth then showed her phone to Jackie causing Jackie to laughed.


Elizabeth face palmed herself as she dropped the phone on the table. "Surprise my a**"

The two elders were wondering what was so funny and grab the phone. It was a picture of Elizabeth in her swimwear, they wonder what's wrong with it when she look perfectly beautiful.

"Darling, what's wrong with it?" Zhao Cheng curiously asked.

Elizabeth ignored the old man and collapse on the chair next to Jackie.

Jackie continued to giggle as she answered the old man's question. "Grandpa Zhao, it's not that the picture is wrong but the fact it went viral. Right now, millions of people have commented on it."

The two elder then scrolled down and check what Jackie was referring to.

"Bl**dy h.e.l.l, Li Zi is freaking hot."

"Isn't me or our Princess Sun has a perfect body. She, even more, s.e.xier than other international models."

"Her friend Jackie actually posted more photos on her account."

As they continued to scroll down, pictures of them during their holiday went viral online. But the photos of them with the guys also went viral.

The two elder weren't concerned about it since they knew who they would be with.

"I told you President Feng is dating our Princess."

"But didn't she looked better with Young Master Yun."

The two elders smiled seeing the comment about Elizabeth and Yun Shen. They really do hope for the two kids to be together, but do not wish to get involved.

"Jackie, why?" Elizabeth sighed as if the whole world was collapsing in front of her.

"Love you, babes." Jackie just smiled as she tried to comfort the girl.

"Young Miss, I made your lemon tea and honey." A servant said.


While the two elders continued to scroll down, Elizabeth phone suddenly rang. The Zhao Yunxi then handed it back to her as she answered it.

"Li Zi, sorry to call you so early in the morning."

"Bro w.a.n.g, is something wrong?"

"Nothing wrong, well… Your photos online during your break has went viral. The company is handling it now since President Feng is involved. But I called you since a magazine called and offer for you to feature for next month's front cover."

Elizabeth was surprised to hear the good news for a moment but continued to stay calm. "Really?"

"Well, it's up to you. They gave quite a generous offer as well."

Elizabeth was curious which magazine company would offer for her to be the front cover when she isn't that famous yet. "Which magazine?"

"Imperial EStar."

Elizabeth was completely dumbfounded that the magazine would wish to feature her.

Imperial EStar is the best magazine company in the country. Since the magazine always features well established aristocratic woman and top-cla.s.s n.o.ble awarding woman. Someone like her who has not achieved anything to be a cover just sounds impossible.

Elizabeth knows the company too well, she was not moved by it and questioned why she was chosen. "Did they tell you the reason why?"

"They said your beauty and the fact you're a great inspiration. Also, they said because of your beautiful skin which really show how beautiful the woman of China are. Your really an oriental beauty despite looking quite foreign." w.a.n.g Ji explained.

Of course she'll looked quite foreign since her father is foreign as for her oriental beauty all came from her mother. She was not surprised by the reason since she has been compared to Lady Zhao quite often. The fact Lady Zhao has covered in the magazine quite a lot in the past as well.

"When do they wish to sign the contract?"

"If you're free, we can go tomorrow or the next day." w.a.n.g Ji answered.

"Tomorrow then," Elizabeth replied as she ended the call. She then looked at Jackie, "Your lucky this time."

Jackie wonder what happened, "Lucky?"

"Thanks to you I got an offer from Imperial EStar to cover for next month's issue..." Elizabeth answered as she drank her juice.

Jackie: "What?"

Zhao Yunxi: "Really?"

Zhao Cheng: "....."

All three of them were in shock to know such news.

"Darling I'm so proud of you, your mother and grandmother featured in the magazine before." Zhao Cheng proudly said.

Zhao Yunxi smiled from ear to ear to know the news as well. "Sister will be happy hearing this, to think you'll be featured."

As they continue to praise Elizabeth, her phone suddenly rang again.



"Little Yan, what's wrong?" Elizabeth asked whilst turning her face away from the people in front of her.

However, Little Yan did not respond until another voice answered the call.

"She wants to go and visit the zoo." Yun Shen answered as he grabs the phone from Little Yan.

"Shen." Elizabeth yelled startled to hear the man's voice. "I- I'm sorry I raised my voice."

"I can't go with her and my mother is busy as well, I'm sorry to trouble you." Yun Shen explained.

Elizabeth shook her head as she glimpses at the people next to her checking for their reaction. "No, I can go with her, I'll bring Jackie as well, where should I pick her up?"

" YS."

After she ended the call, everyone's attention was on her.

"Don't say a word," Elizabeth told them, as she drank her drink giving everyone a deadly cold look.

They all looked at each other as if their minds were in sync they all giggled away thinking things are developing well for both of them.

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