The Favoured Medical Princess Chapter 1

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Past life

Xuhe ten years. In early autumn. It is rainy and cloudy all over the sky. The sky is dark. There is a feeling of pressure coming from the wind and rain.

The bone piercing cold wind blew in a burst. Along With that desperate roar, the clanking of swords, the long-bladed hiss, the strong smell of blood spread in the air and filled the palace.

w.a.n.gdou is no longer prosperous like in past days.imperial palace is no longer dazzling.Before and after the opening of the palace gate, a body fell down.

The sound of the victory trumpet whimpered far away. A line of well-trained soldiers rushed into the Imperial palace. The blood-stained sword could no longer able to see its original appearance. They fought close-quarters battles and attacked the depths of the palace. 

Whether they survive or die for no purpose. They all know that the King of Zhennan's iron hoofs have attacked the capital w.a.n.gdou in one fell swoop and pushed directly to the throne room.

It's going to change!

Palace maids,  eunuchs, and imperial concubines were all in disorder. They packed their bags and ran away in a hurry. Everywhere they were covered with furniture and clothes that had fallen down and turned upside down. There were screams and panic in their ears.

All the places are fallen corpse with the blood flowing out and dying through the ground like Lycoris radiata flower kind of pretty and glare, but it is a symbol of death.

In this terrible battle, among this sad scream, a melodious music sound of the piano flowed out from the northwest corner of the palace. The piano sounds are as elegant and clear as mountains and rivers, and the cool melody permeates calm and collected. It seems incompatible at this time of crisis and b.l.o.o.d.y cruelty.

This is a forgotten corner of the Imperial palace. Few palace people remember that the first Empress of the Emperor , Nangong Yue, the Di daughter of the famous Nangong family, had been imprisoned in this cold palace for eight years.

In the cold palace inside there are old and desolate. Incomplete faded courtyard walls filled with scattered withered gra.s.s and leaves.cobweb covered building, broken doors and windows. not even one in good condition.

Don't know when the drizzle has stopped. The dark clouds are pulled away. A round moon hangs in the night sky, and the silver moonlight falls softly.

On the cold steps, a thin white figure sat cross-legged, leaning behind a withered and yellow dying tree, with a carved and hollow Guqin in front of her. Her ten fingers jumped over the strings, and the beautiful sound of the piano came out from here. 

Nangong Yue straightens her waist and play the piano leisurely facing the moon. She looks so thin as a piece of paper, like with a wind puff will fall down. But she was so tough, her dark eyes like the deep ocean. In this dirty environment, she looks silt but not corrupted oozing n.o.ble temperament naturally.

She closed her eyes, palace people panic footsteps and screams one after another into the ears. The corners of her mouth could not help but arouse a beautiful smile. The movement of fingers suddenly accelerated and the whole tune suddenly changed, as if from a gentle Drizzle suddenly into a pounding storm...

The fierce sound of the piano symbolizes her heart at this moment. The strong smell of blood in the air makes her more excited. Blood debt is paid by blood! 

Vaguely, she seems to smell the blood of the clansmen again, so Desperate, profound, unforgettable all her life! 

Her slender white fingers were as tender as scallion. It moved fast on the strings, like ten thousand horses galloping farther and farther. And her face has a faint smile all the time. 

Sound of swords are hoa.r.s.e, thousands of fighting riding horses. Whether soldiers or Palace people who were seen are all killed. The palace has been empty, and those who fled have already fled early. Most of the palaces fell into enemy hands in an instant. This  moment has come at last.


Originally ,the faltering courtyard's door were rudely kicked open and it finally crumbled. A chaotic sound of footsteps rushed into the cold palace. The leading man was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, holding a soft and beautiful woman in his arms, followed by a guard with a sword. 

When Han Lingfu heard the sound of the piano and saw how indifferent the beautiful figure was. His cold eyes were filled with rage and anger, and more of them were Bloodthirsty and destruction. His sword was still dripping blood, dripping into the ground, dying ground with bright colour.

Nangong Yue opened her eyes and scanned a group of visitors. The curve of her mouth was more obvious. Compared with them, she was so calm and collected at this critical moment of country. 

"Ten years since the ascension of throne, can you enjoy the privilege of the monarch in the world?" Her pink thin lips were lifted slightly, and her indifferent words filled with a strong sense of ridicule, were mixed with the sound of the piano, and even more. 

Han Lingfu's handsome face is so heavy that his eyes are filled with the haze of the storm.

"w.a.n.gdou has been broken, isn't just following your intention?" He sneered, and his sharp eyes were as cold as thousands years ice.

The sound of the piano was a slight pause, and the moment was restored as usual. The fierce tunes revealed a chilling killing.

"This is what I accomplished in taking your throne. And yet Why do you reculent to leave?" Nangong Yue whispered softly, as if speaking to herself. With the clanking sound along with the sound of the piano, she looked at the man's strange face in front of her and slowly replayed everything in her mind over the past ten years.

 Han Lingfu's hand on the side of his body suddenly clenched, the blue veins were exposed, glaring at her and ruthlessly ordering, “Today, even if I can't escape this disaster, you can't imagine better much!" 

"Haha! Haha!" Nangong Yue burst into laughter, as if she had heard a big joke. She looked up at him and said with a sneer, "isn't feeling better? Over the years, I would rather die than live! Since you were buried with me, I have no regrets!"

    Han Lingfu stared at her fiercely. The beautiful woman beside her stepped forward. Although her hair were slightly disordered and her forehead was sweaty, her waist was straight.

"Cousin Yue, the emperor spared your life, and it was benevolent and righteous to you. I didn't expect that you hadn't thought about it for so many years. You're really evil spirit." Even at this moment, Bai Muxiao's gaze at Nangong Yue is still high, which does not know whether it is pity or contempt.


    "Evil spirit?" Nangong Yue's eyebrows slightly pick, ironically hooked the corner of the mouth, "Even if I become an evil spirit it is better than your wolf-hearted, ungrateful monk!" 


    The strings made a harsh sound, suddenly broke under her finger. scratching her slender fingers and dropping a line of bright red blood.The sound of the piano came to a halt.  Nangong Yue seemed unaware of this. She looked up at Bai Muxiao. Her eyes were full of anger.

    "Bai Muzhen, you dog thing, really conscience was eaten by the dog!" Nangong Yue screamed with a voice, with a full anger .A majesty air emanates  from her body, as if natural born with it. That is true superiors breathe, "You came to my Nangong jia from childhood with eldest aunt(gumu).what is wrong with you in the Nangong family, what about our sisters is there anything you missing?! But your wolf ambition,Return kindness with ingrat.i.tude evil for good. Actually with Han Lingfu destroy the whole Nangong jia.

     The more Bai Muxiao listened to it uglier her face was. From the bottom of her beautiful eyes, she burst out a feeling called resentment and cruelty, which was incompatible with her beautiful face and looked so ugly. "Humph! Your Nangong family is just fis.h.i.+ng for fame. Outsiders only think that my mother and daughter are well-dressed and well-fed in the Nangong family, but who knows the grievances we have suffered, under the hedge of others, and bullied by others! " She gritted her teeth and said, "And you, my good cousin, you made me unable to bear any more. How dare you teach me a lesson?"

    "Really?" Nangong Yue couldn't help but laugh. She felt that she was really silly. She was quite true to such a narrow-minded man who pointed at deer as horse. Suddenly she calmed down and smiled. "Then go to Huangquan Road and regenerate your evil species!"

"You..." Want to go with their children, Bai Muxiao sad eyes released a strong sense of killing. 

"Xiao'er." Han Lingfu loves beauty are sincere and quick he holds Bai Muxiao tightly. There is a good soft voice to comfort. 

"Han Lingfu, you shouldn't provoke me, no matter more than ten years ago or now..." Looking at this dazzling scene, Nangong glances down on the strings and retracts what it used to be.


    "Han LingFu, you shouldn't provoke me, Whether it was more than a decade ago or now..." Looking at this glaring scene, Nangong Yue looks down the string, concealing past love and change it for revenge.  Her half-drooping eyes were beautiful and moving, with white clothes and black hair, which made her out of the dust and vulgarity.

"Humph!" Han Lingfu's eyes flashed a complex gloomy color and said ruthlessly, "Your Nangong family considers itself a century-old family, but in fact it is extremely pedantic! What about my Hanjia's reckless origin? Since Now that my Han family has ascended that most glorious position, you should work for me! But your grandfather thought he was honest and would rather die than go to court. If you don't put the royal family in your eyes, it's time for you to cut a thousand knives! "He's a proud man, and he's still so proud at this critical moment.

His cold and cruel voice reminded her all the time. That her relatives, her friends, her family and everything about her are all in the hands of this man and destroyed on unknown charges. 

Being abandoned and living in a cold palace. Can only be forced to accept his merciless torture. Faced with the tragic death of the clan and the nihilistic crime, can endure only with grinding teeth! 

This is how ridiculous, in front of the man who once said that he loved her, This is how "love" her, "love" to the bone, deep into the marrow. She will never forget!

"Really?" Nangong Yue calmly hooked up the corner of her mouth and looked up. There was no love, no hatred, no resentment, full of indifference and relaxation in her eyes. 

"I can accomplish you as well as destroy you!" Nangong Yue smiled faintly, and in the depths of her black eyes, it burst out a touch of provocation and ruthlessness from indifference. 

"You!" Han Lingfu's black eyes suddenly stared at her and something breakthrough. His face was heavy and his cold and fierce breath spread out, just like his cruel nature.

He paced forward, stared at her in a commanding manner, full of disbelief and anger, but with nowhere to vent his humiliation.  "You?!" He seemed to be asking, but his eyes were absolutely certain. If the eyes could kill, Nangong Yue would have been cut with thousands of knives. 

Nangong Yue corner of the smile is a little deeper. She feels happy. She did not speak, but only stated all the facts with a silent smile. 

It was she who provoked the ambitious King of Zhennan to launch a coup; it was she who stole the defense map of the capital to the King of Zhennan; it was she who destroyed the world of the man she had accomplished. 

Outside the courtyard, screams and panic were approaching, chaotic footsteps were pouring in, and soldiers roars and swords were approaching.The smell of blood seems to be stronger. 

"Hmm..." Nangong Yue, vomited a line of bright red blood on  her white skin, which is horrifying. But she didn't care. She knew she had run out of oil. It is only for this day that we have worked hard to support the present. 

She slumped on the piano, her eyes closed weakly.  

Over the past ten years scenes quickly replayed in front of her eyes, grat.i.tude, tears and resentment, in this second, all become revenge pleasure. 

In this life, very stupid and cowardly and witnessed the death of relatives and clans one by one. Hated only that she was blind at the beginning and desperately fell in love with Han Lingfu, a ruthless and hot-hearted person, which brought about today's end.

She recognized it, she had a long memory, and she was avenged. There was no regret. 

She reluctantly drew a smile.  In her dim vision, she saw countless soldiers wearing black armor rush in and surround them in groups with opposite edges. 

He can't escape! 

Now she can finally leave the world with a smile. Dad, Niang, Grandfather, Brother, and... Yuer finally revenged the Nangong clan and the Lin family! 

That's it.  Nangong Yue slowly closed her eyes. 

If there is an afterlife, I must be the ruthless person!


In Dayu Dynasty History Book, Xuhe 10 years ago, Xiaoyi, king of Zhennan, broke through the imperial capital in the name of "rid the emperor of "evil" ministers, eliminate all traitors", jailed Xu and the emperor in the palace, chose the youngest son from collateral branch of the royal family  to succeed the throne, and the king of Zhennan took the throne of regent, held the palm of Dayu, and overwhelmed the world!

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