Ladies' King 8 Chapter 8: New Things, Car And Enemy!

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Zheng Yun looks at Ye Jin with a disgusting look but she doesn't mind if the man she loves looks at her perverted. In contrast, she will like it. She was not bothered about it but she was just confused about how did Ye Jin put a new door that fast.

"Ye Jin, how did you put the door that fast?", she asked

Ye Jin suddenly sweatdropped and thought of something, "I used it with the latest technology, after all.", he lied while looking at the door, "…by the way, my Yun'er, my name improves in your dictionary, Brat to Ye Jin… I wonder, what's next?", Ye Jin playfully asked

Zheng Yun's face turned red, "That is… hmph, you should leave my room, now", she said and pushed me to the door that connected hers.

Ye Jin shrugged as he quietly leaves Zheng Yun's room, "Ah! I will go out. Here is your boyfriend's number.", Ye Jin said and winked while he gave a piece of paper to Zheng Yun.

Zheng Yun got curious and asked him while holding his arms tightly, "Where are you going?"

"My Yun'er is so clingy~ I will just buy things for myself that I will need.", Ye Jin explained

"Go back home, early. I'll be waiting for you.", Zheng Yun said and let go of Ye Jin's arms.

Ye Jin just smiled and nodded, "I will… I will", he said and closed the door.

Ye Jin brought the new phone that he bought when Jiang Xiu was about to Ye Jin leaves his apartment and takes a cab to the shopping district. When he reached the shopping district, he bought a lot of things like a laptop, books about Neuroscience and Medicine, a brand bag and clothes for himself and Yun'er. He put the things on his inventory secretly so that he won't carry a lot of things when he goes back.

He realized that he still has a lot of money so he bought some things for his apartment. He bought a new bed, television, computer, kitchen equipment, and a sofa. He also put them on his inventory, secretly. He only had 3 999 091 890 yuan on his bank account.

He suddenly remembers the thing he wants, a CAR! Ye Jin grinned widely and go to the nearest car dealer shop. When he reaches the car dealer shop, he got the same reaction from the clothes store. Women and men look at him with admiration, love, envy, and jealousy.

A lady staff introduces herself, "I am Huan Jia, a staff. I am here to acc-"

He ignored the lady who's talking to him and saw a lady in the corner that seems like a new staff here. He pointed at the beautiful staff, "You! Lady, you are much better than this one clown.", Ye Jin said

The lady staff who introduces herself to Ye Jin and got annoyed and called the beautiful lady, "You! Su Jie, come here!"

A pale green hair with a fuchsia eye lady walked towards us. Ye Jin smiled at the little lady and the little lady blushed. Suddenly, someone pulled her arms. Ye Jin saw a man looks like the same age as him but he was not that handsome. I, Ye Jin, is the most handsome man in the universe!

The man has apricot hair and azure eyes, "Su Jie, I am here to buy a car.", he said. Ye Jin got curious and just watched them.

"I am going to accompany a customer…", Su Jie said

Ye Jin looks at the clown lady who greeted him, earlier, "Who is that man?", he whispered. The lady frowned and said, "He is the young master of 'Yao clan', Yao Lei. He is Su Jie's suitor. He always visited here but never bought a car."

Ye Jin just nodded and didn't want to talk to the clown lady, anymore.

"I am also a customer!", Yao Lei shouted at Su Jie and hold her arms.

"I am also a customer, so of course, she needed to follow the rules. I will buy one, how about you? Are you here to flirt with the lady or buy a car? I don't want to waste my time with someone as low as you.", Ye Jin arrogantly said

"You dared! Don't you know that I am the 5th richest and powerful man here in City A?!", the chicken said.

Ye Jin ignored him and look at Su Jie, "I want to buy the most expensive car.", he said

When Yao Lei heard that, he also said, "me too!"

All of the staff were astonished at the two young masters who appeared just to buy a car! Su Jie was also astonished when she heard that because she'll gain a lot if she sells a car! Since she was always bullied here she doesn't have enough customers but someone came and two at that.

Su Jie goes back to her work and looks at the catalog, "The latest car and the most expensive car here is called 'Bugatti's La Voiture Noire' cost… 133 524 400 yuan…", she said while mumbling the last sentence

Of course, she was surprised at the cost of a car. She didn't expect that the car will be that expensive! Yao Lei was also surprised his daily allowance is only 1 million yuan, and his bank account only had 18 million yuan! Yao Lei looked at Ye Jin but he was just calm as water, Yao Lei thought that this man can't afford this car because he doesn't speak a little word.

"Hahaha! You can't buy this car, right?! I knew it! Su Jie, I'll be this one!", he said and chose the 'Mercedes-AMG One' that cost 17 569 000 yuan.

The staff was stupefied by this, even though they already know that the unknown young man does not have any money but still dared to compete with the 6th young master! They all look at Ye Jin as if he only comes from a small family but they were stupefied when Ye Jin spoke.

"I'll buy that. Here is my card.", Ye Jin brought out a black platinum card, the card that exceeds 1 billion! The card for the richest people in the city, "No need to deliver it to my home, I'll drive it and reduce 100 000 000 for the tip. Thank you for your help"
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They were all wrong! The young master who they called poor in their mind is a real young master. They can't believe it! They thought that the one who can't afford to buy a car was this Young master, but it seems the one who can't buy the car is young master, Yao Lei!

"I already reduced it…and Thank you…What will I call you, sir…", Su Jie asked when she comes back with a card on her hand

"Ye Jin, my name is Ye Jin. Please bring the car outside.", he said and with that, he leaves with an air of arrogance! He only had 3 765 567 490 yuan; it was still okay to buy a store for me to create my own business.

When the staff heard the 'Ye' they were once again, stupefied! The famous 'Ye clan!', the richest family here in City A! They just mocked a Ye family! Ye Family is the one who governed the City A and the man they talked to was the prince! All of them were pale when they heard it and starts to move to complete everything needed for the Young master of Ye clan. If Ye Jin read their thoughts, he'll surely laughed at them! And tell them that 'I am from 'Ye family' but I am not the Emperor's son!'

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