Heavenly Soul 141 For A Safer World

Heavenly Soul -

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[A/N: This is going to be another long extra~ Maybe I should just stop calling these chapters extras and start calling them short stories instead… ( ̄ヮ ̄ )︴]


The sky was grey, overcast with puffs of thick, rain-laden clouds. Though it hadn't started raining yet, the air still felt damp and chilly. But rather than seeming gloomy or oppressive, the weather instead made Chen Xiande feel strangely comfortable.

As an earth-wielder who thought that the indoors with its four walls or places that were small and cramped were the most relaxing, sitting here under the sky covered with a layer of rolling clouds made Chan Xiande feel strangely at ease. Unlike the wide open sky filled with bright light that made him feel strangely vulnerable, this overcast sky gave him the feeling of being hidden safely under a thick woolen blanket.

Chen Xiande was currently sitting on the small back porch behind the room that Hei NingYu used as his office. He was leaning against the wall, his legs stretching out under the eaves while three large wolves laid their heads comfortably atop him. The wolf on the left was a warm brown in color, snuggling under Chen Xiande's left arm with droopy eyes. The one on the right was sand-colored and looked especially furry, its head resting on Chen Xiande's right shoulder while its fluffy tail wagged happily. The last one was colored a silvery grey, its legs lying on the floor between Chen Xiande's knees while the rest of its body was resting on his front. The grey wolf's head was tucked under Chen Xiande's chin, and a pale pink tongue occasionally extended from its sharp-fanged mouth to lick his neck affectionately.

Chen Xiande ran his hands through the wolves' well-kept fur, occasionally scratching them behind the ears, under their chin, or on their bellies as per their silent indications. Covered under their warm bodies while they happily snuggled up to him, combined with the calm and cloudy weather outside, Chen Xiande felt content and comfortable. From inside the room, he could hear the muted sounds of rustling papers as Hei NingYu worked silently. Maybe after his lover was done, he would join him under this pile of warm fur as well, and then they could just hold each other while covered in wolves and doze off together…

As the motions of Chen Xiande's hands on their fur slowed, one of the wolves whined softly and nudged him with its wet nose, demanding his attention in a spoiled way. Giving out a chuff of laughter, Chen Xiande resumed stroking its soft fur while gently murmuring, "Yes, yes, I know. I'll keep going until you're satisfied."

Letting out a damp breath, the wolf settled down contentedly again.

As he kept his hands moving in rhythmic strokes, Chen Xiande's mind wandered to the first time he'd met these wolves. It had been a sunny day, and he had just recently begun getting used to visiting Hei NingYu in the Nine Gems Sanctuary. But since Hei NingYu had ended up getting stuck in a very long meeting with the demonic faction's Elders, he hadn't been able to spend much time with his lover that day.

Feeling lost and gloomy in this partially familiar place with people he didn't know, Chen Xiande had decided to take a walk in the forest around the Sanctuary instead. After seeing how those two disciples from the demonic faction―the s.a.d.i.s.tic and lively young boy called Xiao Fu along with the heavily muscled and serious Brother Tian―had tried to torment Chen Xiande, only to end up getting punished by Hei NingYu later, the other disciples all kept a respectful distance from Chen Xiande. Even if he came across another patrolling disciple now, they would only bow to Chen Xiande and leave him to do as he pleased to avoid angering Hei NingYu.

And so, undisturbed, Chen Xiande walked through the forest while a strange sense of loneliness filled his chest. As he tried to suppress that feeling by thinking about his beloved, Chen Xiande suddenly saw a pack of wolves blocking his path.

Though he panicked, Chen Xiande didn't want to hurt the animals using his ability. But running away would incite these predatory animals to give chase and treat him like prey, so he couldn't frantically escape like he wanted to either. And so, Chen Xiande tried to slowly ease himself back the way he came, trying not to trigger the wolves that were eyeing him with focused gazes.

But to Chen Xiande's dismay, the pack of wolves began making its way towards him, slowly padding forward on soft paws. Freezing, Chen Xiande didn't know what to do, sweating in fear and panic.

Slowly surrounding him, the wolves started circling him, their fluffy tails brus.h.i.+ng his legs while they rubbed their heads against him with soft whines, their tongues lolling out like that of friendly dogs. Scenting Hei NingYu on this new person in their woods, the wolves curiously sniffed and tickled him with their damp noses, playfully b.u.t.ting their heads against his legs.

Chen Xiande felt incredulous as he saw them behave like this. They should have clearly felt his fear, so why were they acting so affable rather than hunting him down instead?!

It was only later that Chen Xiande learnt of how Hei NingYu had spoiled them so rotten that these wolves' first response towards any human was to act friendly and see if they had treats for them.

Even though he didn't know this back then, Chen Xiande had still more or less understood that these wolves wouldn't harm him. So maintaining caution, he'd stayed with them, curiously playing with them and letting them cuddle with him. After all, it wasn't like he had anything better to do. And staying with these adorable animals and seeing them trying to cheer him up after seeming to sense his melancholy made Chen Xiande feel like smiling happily.

A few more hours later, Hei NingYu came to find Chen Xiande. Seeing how his wolves had surrounded his beloved while looking at him with utmost devotion, Hei NingYu had joked, "It seems that my cute little sheep ended up enchanting all the big wolves into becoming his friends." And though Chen Xiande had wanted to refute his lover's words, he couldn't help but admit that what he said was true.

From then on, Chen Xiande had come to regularly play with the wolves, even feeding them some meat every now and then. Even when he'd become busy with learning about managing the sect and acting as his master's a.s.sistant, whenever he came to stay a few days at the Sanctuary, Chen Xiande still cuddled and petted the wolves, feeding them or just lying down with them lazily like this.

As Chen Xiande's mind floated between those memories hazily, his peace was suddenly interrupted by the sound of a door opening. Hei NingYu stepped out from his office with an amused expression and remarked, "Little Sheep, you look so happy to be spending time with the wolves that I'm starting to feel a little jealous. Shouldn't you give me a reward for being so good and finis.h.i.+ng all my work for today?"

Chen Xiande's gaze brightened with antic.i.p.ation. Lightly pus.h.i.+ng aside the wolves, he slowly stood up.

The wolves immediately showed their displeasure by whining pitifully, looking up at Chen Xiande with deep, soulful eyes full of grievous sadness. But though he felt his heart melt at the wolves' expressions, Chen Xiande still said unyieldingly, "Be good now. It's not like I'm disappearing forever. I'll be back later and feed you some treats, so behave."

Sensing the firmness in Chen Xiande's voice and hearing the mention of treats, the wolves reluctantly padded away, heading back into the forest.

Shaking his head affectionately, Chen Xiande turned back to Hei NingYu, "Didn't you say you wanted a reward? Why don't we go inside and discuss just what you want me to give you?"

But the gleam in his eyes said that Chen Xiande already had an idea of what to expect.

Letting out a deep chuckle, Hei NingYu acquiesced, "As you wish, then."

As the couple stepped into the office and closed the backdoor, Hei NingYu gave his beloved a sultry smile as he lifted his hands to begin undoing his own belt. After drawing back the plush chair he usually used away from the desk and sitting back down on it, Hei NingYu finally pulled away the undone stretch of fabric from his waist and let it pool on the floor. With the belt thus removed, the lapels of his robes slowly widened, showing an enticing glimpse of smooth skin.

Still standing near the door, Chen Xiande swallowed thickly, his eyes deep pools of need. His fingers feeling itchy, he curled them into fists to better control himself.

Leaning back in the chair casually, Hei NingYu rested one hand on the armrest while the other rose to crook a finger at Chen Xiande. "Little Sheep, you look hungry. Why don't you come here and eat me up?"

Without hesitation, Chen Xiande gladly pounced to capture his lover's silken lips, feeling that enchanting smile pressed against his mouth. His hands moved down to push open his beloved's clothes before his palms skimmed over the familiar lines of his lover's warm body. Slightly rough scar tissue intercepted the smooth expanse of Hei NingYu's skin as it slid under his hands.

Leaning back from the kiss, Chen Xiande paused, panting to regain his breath as he drank in the beguiling sight of his beloved in front of him. Hei NingYu had let his head fall back against the chair's high backrest, his lips parted and still curved in a languid smile. His face was flushed, his eyes half-lidded and turned dark with arousal. Extending a red tongue, Hei NingYu slowly, deliberately dragged it over his equally-as-red lips as if savoring the lingering flavor of his lover on his mouth. In a husky voice, he teasingly observed, "Hmm, tasty~"

Unable to help himself, Chen Xiande dove down again, his lips landing firmly on his beloved's long neck, suckling the soft skin. Groaning, Hei NingYu let his head fall to the side, his palm cupping the back of his lover's head as if to urge him on while letting out a breathless chuckle. Chen Xiande growled and nipped the skin under his lips, then sucked hard, making a small red mark bloom on the fair skin. Sliding his lips downward, he slowly traced the shape of Hei NingYu's defined collarbones with his tongue and teeth, leaving a trail of wetness and love bites in his wake.
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Feeling heat spreading from wherever his little sheep's mouth slid over on his skin, Hei NingYu let out a drawn-out moan, uninhibitedly showing his approval. His body relaxed into the chair, content to let his beloved do as he pleased. From now on, whenever Hei NingYu sat on this chair to work, he knew that he would always remember the feeling of his lover's lips on his skin.

Chen Xiande slowly crouched in front of the chair as his mouth continued down to Hei NingYu's chest, reaching a particular pair of perky buds. Using his thumb to rub over one of the erect points, Chen Xiande lightly brushed the tip of his tongue over the other nub. Encouraged by how Hei NingYu arched his body upward, Chen Xiande let his touches grow firmer, his thumb and forefinger pinching and pulling one bud while he carefully took the other point into his mouth, sucking strongly. Hei NingYu s.h.i.+fted restlessly, his hand pressing down demandingly on the back of Chen Xiande's head.

His fingers growing more insistent, Chen Xiande pressed and rolled the nub on one side of his beloved's chest while he nibbled and licked the other one in his mouth, playing with them expertly. Feeling the friction from those fingertips and the wet heat from his lover's mouth on the sensitive points, Hei NingYu gasped and groaned without restraint.

"Little Sheep…you've really learnt a lot…haven't you? Who knew that you'd learn so―Ah!" His body twisting under a new wave of stimulation as Chen Xiande's unoccupied hand touched the edge of a scar, Hei NingYu let out a long shudder as he breathed out, "Y-Yes…hnn…touch me just like that…mn…Xiande, it feels so good…suck it harder…ahh…"

After giving the small buds plenty of attention until they were swollen into ripe berries, Chen Xiande slowly lifted his head up. His lips were reddened and slick while his eyes looked dark and dewy with l.u.s.t. In a rough voice, he asked, "NingYu, the skin on your scars…can it sense touch?"

His body lying loose and lax while the wetted points on his chest stood up rosy and erect, Hei NingYu answered while still panting, "For the most part, no…the sensitivity of the scarred skin seems…somewhat reduced. But as if to make up for it…the scars' edges are a bit…hypersensitive."

Extending a finger, Chen Xiande curiously traced along the very edge of the plum-colored scar on his lover's shoulder. Hei NingYu hissed in pleasure as his body arched. The need in Chen Xiande's eyes deepened as he beheld this reaction. Seeing it, Hei NingYu smiled enticingly, "Xiande, I think it'll feel even better if you use your tongue there~"

Without a word, Chen Xiande bent down, his tongue eagerly tracing along the edge of a scar by Hei NingYu's hip. Hei NingYu twisted his body and cried out, his hands clenching around the armrests until the wood creaked in protest. Chen Xiande continued on with more enthusiasm, exploring the slightly raised edge with the tip of his tongue, his fingers moving over the border of another scar on his beloved's stomach.

Hei NingYu let out a ragged moan as heated sensations filled his body. He dazedly wondered why he never told his little sheep about this before. They could have taken wonderful advantage of his increased sensitivity in those places ages ago!

Spurred on by his lover's reactions, Chen Xiande let one of his hands glide down, the warm palm cupping Hei NingYu between his still-clothed legs. Hei NingYu happily widened his thighs to give his beloved more access, and Chen Xiande soon began squeezing and rubbing the bulging hardness in his lover's pants with firm and rhythmic motions. Hei NingYu arched up his hips, taking his pleasure from Chen Xiande's hand without hesitation while groaning, "Little Sheep, enough foreplay. Why don't we move on to the next stage now?"

Keeping his hand working, Chen Xiande lifted up his head and chuckled hoa.r.s.ely. "NingYu, you're always so impatient. Why don't we spend more time enjoying each other?"

Hei NingYu let out a breathless laugh in reply, not refusing the suggestion.

Chen Xiande's gaze immediately focused on those soft lips that always seemed bent in a smile when his beloved was with him. Getting up, he pressed his lips to Hei NingYu's mouth. Lips parted and tongues were quickly welcomed into hot mouths, entwining and dancing sensually. Sucking and licking ensued as their moist mouths melded and flexible tongues thoroughly explored each other. All the while, Chen Xiande's hand kept moving over Hei NingYu's erection, steadily increasing the pressure of his fingers and palms over that throbbing bulge between his lover's legs.

Raising his arms, Hei NingYu wrapped them around Chen Xiande's waist and pulled him closer against his own body, pressing them flush against each other. His legs lifted to clamp around his beloved's hips, not allowing any s.p.a.ce between them. As Chen Xiande kept his hand working while their mouths tried to swallow each other with gusto―

—the sound of the door banging open suddenly rang out, abruptly breaking them out of their pa.s.sionate entanglement.

A whiny voice came crying in, "Sect Leader, I can't take it anymore! Please, just kill me already! I'd prefer that to this torture!"

Trying to push down his l.u.s.t, Chen Xiande stepped back from Hei NingYu, wiping the wetness on his mouth while turning to look at these sudden arrivals.

The one who had entered the office while crying just now was Xiao Fu, the s.a.d.i.s.tic disciple who'd once wanted to capture and cut apart Chen Xiande with his scalpel. Behind him was a harried-looking Brother Tian, the burly senior disciple who doted on Xiao Fu so much that he'd agreed to help him chase Chen Xiande against his better judgment. After Hei NingYu taught them a lesson, Chen Xiande had still seen them walking around the Sanctuary grounds a couple of times, greeting him politely, albeit with a very gloomy expression.

Xiao Fu had just opened his mouth to continue whining when he suddenly processed Hei NingYu's state of undress. Seeing the haze of l.u.s.t in his sect leader's expression, his unbound hair scattered haphazardly over his shoulders and backrest, along with the fresh hickeys littering his strangely scarred skin, Xiao Fu's mouth popped open while his eyes widened. Brother Tian, on the other hand, just coughed and courteously looked away.

Chen Xiande frowned and quickly brought together the lapels of his lover's robes to cover his exposed torso while Hei NingYu just chuckled amusedly.

Recovering his wits, Xiao Fu asked with audible surprise, "Sect Leader, how can someone like you even get such big scars?"

Though Chen Xiande looked displeased at this insensitive question, Hei NingYu replied casually, "I got them on purpose, of course. Or did you think someone could scar me against my will?"

Chen Xiande's frown smoothened as he recalled that it was indeed true. From what he saw in his beloved's memories, Hei NingYu had indeed purposefully let himself get injured under those demonic beasts' poisonous claws, leading to these scars, just so that he could get his master to let his guard down at that time.

Hearing Hei NingYu's reply, Xiao Fu showed an expression of realization. Of course their Sect Leader must have purposefully gotten those! After all, there's no way someone so staggeringly strong would be injured against his will! It must have definitely been the part of some great plan! But just what sort of a plan had it been to require this?

Tilting his head confusedly, Xiao Fu spoke, "Sect Leader, just why did you need to get these scars on purpose?"

Hei NingYu smirked and answered blithely, "To develop more erogenous zones, of course."

Xiao Fu sputtered at this unexpected response.

Not caring, Hei NingYu continued thoughtfully, "But with my little sheep, my whole body naturally becomes an extremely sensitive erogenous zone, so maybe it's redundant now."

It was now Chen Xiande's chance to sputter in embarra.s.sment.

Waving a hand to dismiss the topic, Hei NingYu inquired with an incisive gaze, "Putting that aside, I hope you both darling disciples of my faction have a very good reason for interrupting me and my little sheep just now. Don't think I won't be petty enough to punish you for causing me to be s.e.xually frustrated."

Brother Tian gulped, sensing the very real threat in those words while an oblivious Xiao Fu rushed around the desk to fall to his knees and clutch at Hei NingYu's legs. His big eyes glistening with a layer of tears, he begged, "Sect Leader, please, you've punished us enough already. Your lover is fine, so can't you please just forgive us? You can rip off a limb or two in recompense, or even make your lover do it, but please…just let us stop our punishment. It's never-ending!"

Hei NingYu smiled with sharp amus.e.m.e.nt while Chen Xiande's eyebrows climbed up. "NingYu, just what sort of punishment did you give them?"

Hei NingYu answered easily, "Nothing much, just digging a moat around the Jasper Courtyard and filling it with water. All the other preparations for the moat, like removing the tiles to expose the ground and setting the boundary so that the water won't seep outside, are already complete."

Chen Xiande frowned. "So…they have to create a moat around the entire courtyard?"

"Yes," Hei NingYu answered placidly.

At the side, Xiao Fu's expression jerked, but he tried to remain silent.

After a moment of silence, Chen Xiande observed, "Well, they are cultivators, so it should be easy. But since they are still finding it too much, does it mean that they have to dig the whole moat and fill it without using their spiritual― ehem, I mean demonic energy?"

Hei NingYu nodded, his lips stretching into a grin. Well, it was technically correct, so he didn't see the need to burden his little sheep with the interesting details of this punishment.

But unable to stay quiet anymore, Xiao Fu burst out, "As if it's that simple!"

With narrowed eyes, Hei NingYu slowly turned to look down at the Xiao Fu still hugging his legs. Gulping and shrinking back his neck, Xiao Fu immediately snapped his mouth closed.

But his interest already piqued, Chen Xiande ventured a guess, "Don't tell me… Are you not allowed to use shovels and buckets for this task?"

Xiao Fu's expression turned sullen and teary as he shook his head. "No."

Chen Xiande's eyes widened in disbelief. "You have to dig and fill it with your bare hands?!"

Suddenly bursting into tears, Xiao Fu shook his head again.

Chen Xiande turned to look at Brother Tian confusedly, a question in his eyes. Sighing wearily, Brother Tian explained, "Replying to Senior Chen, I am only allowed to dig the moat using a pair of chopsticks, while Xiao Fu is supposed to fill it with water, but also using only a pair of chopsticks."

Shocked, Chen Xiande asked him, "…Chopsticks? To dig and fill the entire moat?!"

Brother Tian nodded miserably. "Indeed."

Looking as if he still had difficulty comprehending it, Chen Xiande said, "So let me get this straight. You have to dig out the entire moat with just a pair of chopsticks while Xiao Fu has to somehow fill it up with water, but again, only using chopsticks?!"

Bowing his head, Brother Tian nodded again. "Yes, that is so."

Chen Xiande just looked at the depressed Brother Tian and pitifully crying Xiao Fu blankly. As bad as Brother Tian's punishment was, Xiao Fu's was even worse. Looking at Xiao Fu's face dripping with tears by now, Chen Xiande thought he could fill the moat much sooner if he just cried over it.

His lips twitching, Chen Xiande finally turned to his happily smirking lover. "NingYu, you seem to have…quite the nasty personality."

With a sunny and cheerful smile, Hei NingYu admitted, "Yes, but only when it comes to the people who hurt you, my beloved Xiande~"

Chen Xiande's eyes darkened as his eyes landed on that smile. Irresistibly drawn by it, Chen Xiande found himself bending down, his lips wanting to taste his beloved's smile. Not one to miss and opportunity like this, Hei NingYu happily tilted his head back and parted his lips. Their warm breaths mingled before hot mouths settled over each other. Ignoring the flabbergasted Xiao Fu still clinging to Hei NingYu's legs, the pair of lovers pressed their bodies together again. Chen Xiande's hands snuck under the open front of his beloved's robes while Hei NingYu smoothed his palms over his little sheep's lightly muscled body tantalizingly.

Xiao Fu's mouth dropped open as he saw how these two people shamelessly continued smooching despite the presence of two other people in the room. In a pitiful voice, he whined, "Sect Leader…"

Not even slowing down, Hei NingYu simply lifted a hand and made shoo-shoo motions, asking them both to get out without bothering being polite. Xiao Fu pouted, but the sensible Brother Tian quickly walked over to lift the boy off of Hei NingYu's legs by the back of his collar before exiting the office and closing the door behind them. Their current punishment was grueling enough, but if they disturbed their Sect Leader right now, Brother Tian knew that their fate could turn far worse.

Left alone in peace again, the fervor of the entangled lovers only increased. Rustling sounded before clothing dropped down onto the floor while restless hands roved over smooth skin, their greedy mouths still hungrily sucking at each other with only brief pauses in between to fill their lungs with breath.

Chen Xiande pulled his lover's hips forward to rest on the edge of the chair's seat while Hei NingYu eagerly cooperated by wrapping his legs around the younger man's waist again. Chen Xiande lowered his slickened fingers to reach behind Hei NingYu's member and b.a.l.l.s, finding that small opening and pus.h.i.+ng in. Letting out a shudder, Hei NingYu moaned into his beloved's mouth, holding him tighter. Soon, after the preparations were complete, Chen Xiande finally eased his shaft into the gripping heat of Hei NingYu's channel without delay. The elastic softness wrapping tightly around his hard member made him let out a low gasp as his hold over himself slowly dissolved.

With uncontrollable frenzy, their hips quickly began drawing back and slamming together again and again. Pants and growls and long, drawn-out groans filled the s.p.a.ce along with the wet sound of their frantic coupling. Flushed bodies slid over each other, their warm skin turned slick with sweat. As the tempo of their heartbeats increased, violently hammering inside their chests, their bodies moved with increased vigor and aggressive pa.s.sion as well. With desperate longing and unquenchable need, the pair ravenously devoured each other.

Their desire wound tighter and tighter as the heat scalding their bodies burned hotter. With the touch of their hands and lips, tongues and teeth, they pushed each other higher and higher even as they forcefully increased the rhythm of their lower bodies to move faster.

A flash of intense pleasure suddenly exploded through their intertwined bodies, tearing into them while filling them with unfathomable ecstasy. Falling over the peak of o.r.g.a.s.m together, Chen Xiande and Hei NingYu shouted out while clutching each other tightly, thick release spurting out of their twitching shafts. Hei NingYu shuddered as he felt the blisteringly hot liquid filling his pa.s.sage, while Chen Xiande felt his legs go soft and powerless. His spent member slowly slid out of Hei NingYu's slick channel. Before his legs could buckle, Chen Xiande felt his lover pulling him to sit on his lap, holding him close while burying his face into the crook of his shoulder. Raising a hand, Chen Xiande patted Hei NingYu's head affectionately as gentle bliss suffused him.

After taking time to bask in the peaceful afterglow together, Chen Xiande helped Hei NingYu draw out the white liquid inside him before they slowly began cleaning up, wiping away their sweat and release. After loosely wearing their inner robes just to put something on, they opened the windows to air out the room smelling of sweat and the musky scent of s.e.x.

Since he had long since been done with his work, Hei NingYu cleaned up everything on his table to make s.p.a.ce and had Chen Xiande sit on it. After all, his office tended to have no chairs except own. It was because Hei NingYu didn't want anyone who came to report to him to have a comfortable place to relax in and extend their time in his office. The sooner they finished their report and went away, the better for him.

Now, moving his chair back towards the desk to face his beloved, Hei NingYu pulled Chen Xiande's legs onto his lap and started ma.s.saging them with careful fingers.

A soft pink spread over Chen Xiande's cheeks as he protested lightly, "NingYu, it doesn't feel painful. You don't have to do this."

Giving him a small smile, Hei NingYu refuted, "You've had to keep standing this whole time while straining your body. It might not be painful, but I'm sure that it must be uncomfortable. Even if you're much stronger now, I still don't want you to hurt even a little."

The color in his cheeks deepening, Chen Xiande decided to let it be. He still hated pain and disliked discomfort, and since his lover wanted to pamper him, he would just luxuriate in the feeling of being cared for in this way.

As Hei NingYu's slender yet strong fingers steadily ma.s.saged his legs with exactly the right amount of force in all the right places, Chen Xiande felt his body automatically loosening and relaxing. He just wanted to curl up in Hei NingYu's warm embrace under a thick quilt—or even better, under a pile of fluffy wolves—and doze away without a care. It would be even more perfect if it started raining outside, enfolding them in a cool, silent, and tranquil hush. He could almost imagine how soft and intimate it would feel, like it was just him and his beloved alone in the whole world sharing each other's company lovingly…

As Chen Xiande's head drooped while his eyelids turned heavy, a hint of gold suddenly flashed in the corner of his vision, capturing his attention. Yawning to stave away his sleepiness, Chen Xiande turned his head to see that it was a familiar gold emblem stamped on a thick black envelope. Noticing the character for judgment at the center of the emblem, Chen Xiande raised an eyebrow and asked curiously, "NingYu, what did the Order of Sentinels need from the demonic faction?"

His hands keeping up their steady pace, Hei NingYu answered, "It's nothing new, just another round of a.s.sessing remains." Lifting his head, he said, "Do you remember the Valley of the Terrified Dead where that demonic deity had been sealed before?"

Chen Xiande nodded, and Hei NingYu continued, "After the seal there was dissipated, the Sentinels entered the valley and found that the ground was carpeted thickly in skeletons. Leaving those many dead bodies without proper rituals and burials performed on them will cause many problems, so the Sentinels have been going through them and trying to identify whoever they can. If a body is successfully identified, it can be returned to its family. If not, the Sentinels do the due rituals themselves.

"Meanwhile, they're borrowing the help of the demonic faction who are more experienced in matters of death and the Drifting Clouds Sect who are the best at dealing with those of the spiritual domain, just in case of any mishaps or spirits turned evil. It's been years since the valley was fully opened, but due to the sheer quant.i.ty of human remains inside, the cleanup process is still ongoing. This time, the Sentinels requested a few people from the dark arts faction to a.s.sess the demonic energy gathered near a certain group of corpses and to figure out the best way to dissipate the energy. I've already selected the appropriate people for this task and sent the Order the list, so it's already taken care of."

Chen Xiande hummed thoughtfully, his gaze turning distant as if he was pondering over something. Done with one leg, Hei NingYu began attending to the other diligently, his actions careful and full of consideration.

"NingYu, I've always meant to ask this," Chen Xiande began. "How did something like the demonic faction with so many unruly disciples come to cooperate so easily with a law enforcement agency like the Order of Sentinels? Or rather, why did you agree to it?"

Hei NingYu glanced up amusedly. "Why? Does my little sheep think I'm that unreasonable?"

Chen Xiande smiled wryly and replied, "No, I just don't think you'd ever follow someone else's rules without reason. It must've taken you a lot of effort to bring the entire demonic faction in line and get them to behave according to the Sentinels' laws. Why did you agree?"

Letting out a soft chuff of laughter, Hei NingYu spoke, "Making this bunch follow the Sentinels' laws would make the world a much safer place. Isn't that reason enough? Also…when the Grandmaster came to me to propose it, he made a favorable impression on me. In our meeting, I realized that we had something in common, so I decided to agree."

Chen Xiande looked puzzled. "Really? Just what did you both talk about? And what did you have in common?"

Chuckling, Hei NingYu thought back to that day and began recalling their first meeting…

It had been a cloudy day back then as well, the sky grey and gloomy while cold winds whipped through the Nine Gems Sanctuary. The light had been muted and bleak, making one wish for a warm fire while huddled indoors.

This was a few hundred years after the Great War between the righteous and demonic factions, and the Order of Sentinels had just recently been established. Due to the rumors of being headed by a deity who was also hunting and decimating the ranks of the rampaging heavenly wyverns, the Order was quickly gaining the respect and reverence of the people. But what their existence would mean for this lawless world was still uncertain at that time.

Due to the existence of a deity whose power was far greater than someone of the demiG.o.d level, the Hei NingYu who was considered the strongest cultivator back then—the Grandmaster of the entire cultivation world—had to give up his t.i.tle. However, unlike what people expected, neither Hei NingYu nor Feng Huixin seemed all that bothered by this transfer of the Grandmaster t.i.tle, both of them just going about their days as usual. But people still hypothesized that if these two powerful men of different factions ever met, they would definitely come to blows. The entire cultivation world waited with bated breath to witness what would surely be the most spectacular fight they'd ever seen.

Unfortunately for them, Hei NingYu and Feng Huixin never fulfilled their wish for a match.

The first time they met was when Feng Huixin came over to the demonic faction. At that time, Hei NingYu was occupied with happily overseeing one of his people being tortured in a most gruesome way.

Led forward by a disciple, Feng Huixin made his way through the crowd of demonic pract.i.tioners with his back unerringly straight and each of his steps steady and measured. Even though the way he held himself was staidly militaristic, his posture couldn't hide his intrinsically n.o.ble bearing. Sensing his presence, people parted to clear his path even before he neared them. But when they finally saw the appearance of this tremendously powerful deity who'd come to be known as the Sentinel Grandmaster, their jaws dropped open in surprise.

Rather than some looming mountain of a man with a forbidding aura like they had imagined, the Grandmaster was actually a slender and androgynous man who might have seemed delicate if not for the sheer weight of his presence. His black hair hung down long and straight while held up by a plain hair stick. His eyes were a deeper, clear black, framed with long lashes and set in an expressionless face that gave none of his thoughts away. He was draped in a dark robe with the character for judgment st.i.tched in gold on the left of his chest. When compared to his stark black hair, eyes, and attire, his skin looked especially white in contrast and without blemishes, making his figure appear monochromatic. His features were aristocratically beautiful and very young, time seeming to have frozen for him in his early twenties. If he ever softened his blank expression into a smile, he was sure to look even younger.

And yet, despite his almost too pretty appearance, none of the demonic cultivators could bring themselves to underestimate this person. The maturity weighing his gaze and the immense power held tight against his body ensured that. Just looking at him caused a heavy pressure to press down on them, making their breath feel scarce in their lungs as hurried to make way for him. As he walked calmly, his gaze never landed on any of the people around him, giving him a sense of aloofness as if the world he was witnessing was different from what the rest of them could see and the path he was treading was one the others could never step foot on.

A few minutes later, the disciple leading him forward finally halted, requested him to wait for the sect leader to be done so that he could join him, then scampered off. Feng Huixin silently cooperated, standing a few steps away from the edge of a small stone platform that rose to knee height. A ring of disciples struggling to hide their horrified expressions surrounded it, looking like they would hurl at any moment.

On the platform, two thick pillars supported a st.u.r.dy horizontal beam. Tied to this beam and hanging from it was a brutalized man. The skin on his entire body—except for his back and the rear of his thighs—was completely stripped away, revealing raw red meat and slick muscle wrapped around blood-drenched bones. On his stomach, pale pink, dark red and greyish purple organs glistened dully, almost falling out of his body. The coils of his pale intestines hung down like a grotesque garland, emitting a sour, sharp stench. Every tremble and quiver of his innards was clearly visible for everyone to see.

The tortured man's face was just as red and raw as the rest of his body, his facial muscles and hints of bones evident through the crust of blood. His eyelids were already peeled away, and one of his eyes seemed to have been squashed, oozing thick fluid that was beginning to dry while the other eye bulged out and rolled frantically in its damaged socket. His nose was nothing but a b.l.o.o.d.y nub, clearly showing the twin holes of his nostrils as they flared and contracted constantly in panic. His ears had also been ripped away, leaving only ragged tears behind. He had no lips, revealing his jaws with toothless gums that were opened wide as he tried to scream, but his ruined throat was unable to produce any sound, only letting out trickles of more blood to drip from his tongue-less mouth. The platform around him was slick with the red liquid, along with flaps of skin and gobs of flesh.

Standing in front of this maimed man was a young boy still in his teens. His expression was blank except for the cold ruthlessness and frigid rage radiating from deep in his eyes. He held a flat, blade-like whip that Feng Huixin noticed was similar to his own golden whip, Order. The boy flicked his wrist and the whip precisely sliced off another strip of the bound man's flesh, eliciting a fresh scream of agony that remained just as noiseless as before.

Standing at the edge of the platform, Hei NingYu looked on with cheerful amus.e.m.e.nt. "Good. Your aim is improving, Mo Ling. Keep going like this and you'll perfect it in no time."

In a flat voice, the boy replied respectfully, "Sect Leader praises me too much. Faithfully following your teachings is the least I can do to repay the Sect Leader for his generosity in allowing me to punish this disgusting vermin." A spark of heat flared in the boy's eyes as he referred to the man he was torturing before he managed to bring himself under control again. His sect leader had already impressed on him how important it was to maintain a cool head while administering punishment, and so he would keep his boiling hate and blistering rage under control so that he could make this man suffer as much as possible.

Overhead, the muted boom of thunder rang from the thick clouds before cold rain sprinkled down lethargically. A handful of small droplets darkened the rough stone surface of the platform but was ignored.

Chuckling, Hei NingYu slowly stepped towards the bound man who immediately began struggling harder as he sensed his approach. Not minding it, Hei NingYu pulled the skinless man's head back by his strangely untouched hair. "Mo Ling, after you're done skinning him completely, start on his hair. Pluck it away one by one from his scalp. I promise that it'll hurt him terribly. You can start working on skinning his scalp afterwards."

More blood bubbled out of the bound man's throat as he tried to beg for mercy, but Hei NingYu once again paid it no mind.

The boy named Mo Ling bowed deeply. "This disciple thanks the Sect Leader for taking the time to teach me. I shall do as the Sect Leader instructed."

Nodding with a satisfied smile, Hei NingYu let go of the man's hair and finally alighted from the platform, striding towards the silent Feng Huixin who had been looking at the scene on the platform with a disapproving and pained gaze even as the rest of his face stayed frozen expressionlessly.

"Does the new Grandmaster of the cultivation world not approve of the demonic factions gentle methods of reprimanding its naughty pract.i.tioners?" Hei NingYu asked with humor in his gaze.

Feng Huixin hesitated, then answered, his voice deep and measured, "I do not know what crime the man has committed, but the boy does not deserve to have to do this to another living being at such a young age."

Looking at the grim expression on the young man's face as he doled out such brutality, Feng Huixin felt his heart clench with pain. This could be his own son. Somewhere in this world, someone might be forcing his precious Qinghe to be cruel like this as well. Feng Huixin didn't know where in this world's timeline he had entered, so he did not know whether his son had even fallen into this realm yet or if his Qinghe had already grown up into an old cultivator who was used to being heartless like this young man. Just imagining what his kind, cheerful, and empathic son might have to go through to become such a person made him feel desperate and mad with worry. He had to find his son before something like that happened, he had to save him, he had to protect him, he had to―

"Mo Ling practically begged to be allowed to do this, so rest a.s.sured that he is not being forced into anything," Hei NingYu said, suddenly interrupting Feng Huixin's frantic thoughts. In a light voice, the sect leader continued, "Does the boy interest the Sentinel Grandmaster for some reason? Seeing how intently you've been staring at Mo Ling… Don't tell me, has the Sentinel Grandmaster taken a romantic interest in him?"

Breaking out of his reverie, Feng Huixin shook his head. "No, please do not mind me. I was just thinking about someone else."

Hei NingYu wanted to use this to tease this stiff-seeming deity a bit more, but seeing the grief in Feng Huixin's eyes and coming to the conclusion that he must've lost a young lover or son before, Hei NingYu decided to let it be.

The sound of thunder turned louder as the lazy drizzle from before grew in intensity, fat drops of rain falling down with more vigor.

"The rain seems like it will turn heavy soon. Why don't we head inside and continue this conversation?" Hei NingYu offered.

Feng Huixin nodded and wanted to turn away, but paused. Looking at the two people on the platform, he asked, "Sect Leader Hei, may I ask the circ.u.mstances behind that man being tortured?"

Raising an eyebrow, Hei NingYu responded, "If you think the reason for his punishment is unfair, will you interfere then? Will you try to break him away and escape despite the risk of turning me—and by extension, the entire demonic faction—against you?"

Feng Huixin looked at him calmly. "If this breaks the Sentinel's laws, then yes. No matter what, I will uphold the laws of my people."

Hei NingYu gave out a bark of laughter. By now, the shower of raindrops had thickened into a downpour, quickly dampening the ground and the outer robes of those still remaining outside. But disregarding it, Hei NingYu stood casually in place and answered, "How stubborn, but very well. I don't mind explaining. That sc.u.m being punished on that platform right now is called Mo Fan. He is the father of Mo Ling, the boy currently torturing him."

Feng Huixin's eyes reflected his surprise.

Turning towards the nearest building, Hei NingYu slowly began walking, with Feng Huixin choosing to follow. The rain had grown heavier, the drops much colder and bigger now. Their surrounding quickly turned blurry before being completely shrouded by the curtain of rapidly falling droplets. The two men clad in black walked quietly through the downpour, their boots not making even a single splash.

In a quiet voice, Hei NingYu went on, "Due to certain reasons, Mo Fan owed a lot of people money. Rather than working to clear these debts or selling off some of the valuable jewelry from his large h.o.a.rd, Mo Fan instead decided to sell off his six-year-old daughter to a brothel. As the child was being forcefully ravaged by brutes on the stage, our dear Mo Fan was happily getting drunk and having a wonderful time with his buddies right in front of the festivities, ignoring his pitifully crying daughter's screams and pleas for help. The girl died that night itself due to heavy internal bleeding, and her carelessly thrown away corpse was found by her most doting older brother, Mo Ling, who had grown worried about his dear sister's absence and was in the midst of frantically searching for her."

Feng Huixin's fists trembled in his sleeves, his face tightening.

Flicking his gaze to the side before looking forward again, Hei NingYu continued speaking, "Mo Fan was already ruled as an abusive b.a.s.t.a.r.d even by the standards of demonic pract.i.tioners, so his daughter and son were raised separate from him. After coming of age, Mo Ling was given custody of his sister, and he showered her with all the love and affection he could. She was the precious pearl in the palm of his hand, carefully protected and cherished, a delicately cultivated flower. And then this vile excuse of a father came and lured the little girl away, subjecting her to horrors that she would never have recovered from even had she lived. When this matter was brought to my attention, I naturally found that pile of excrement called Mo Fan and offered Mo Ling the chance to punish him as he saw fit. Mo Ling accepted with fervent enthusiasm and asked me to teach him how to torture someone. And now, here we are."

Hei NingYu spread his hands with a cheerful smile, but his eyes glinted sharp and vicious. "Does the Sentinel Grandmaster still feel like saving him?"

Holding on to his composure, Feng Huixin replied, "No, this punishment is well-deserved. The Order shall not intervene." After hesitating, he asked, "So the anonymous tip about that brothel that used children, leading to the Order being able to find and apprehend it, was given to us by one of your people under your orders?"

Hei NingYu looked at him with a smile full of deep meaning, then turned away. "Maybe, maybe not. Even if we did, would demonic cultivators really be the kind to admit it out loud? We'd lose our reputation."

Finally reaching the closest building, they both took shelter under its black-tiled eaves. Rain hammered the roof forcefully as if attempting to crack the tiles. Standing side-by-side, the two figures seemed both similar and opposite to each other. One was steady and calm, standing straight in a proper manner with deep eyes and an expressionless face. The other looked carefree and playful, his smiling expression seeming both lively and charming while his eyes glinted wickedly. Garbed in a similar black, the both of them remained silent, yet their combined power even while dormant could make one's breath catch in awe and alarm.

By now, the remaining disciples had already dispersed into other buildings, not daring to accompany these two most powerful beings of their world as they chatted. If their talk ceased being pleasant and gave way to violence, there was a good chance the people nearby would get severely injured or die, so the others hurried to put some distance between them.

Standing under the edge of the roof, Hei NingYu watched the rainwater sluice down in torrents. Lifting an arm, he held out a hand into the rain, his expression almost gentle. Cold water drenched his extended hand completely in seconds, pooling in his palm and streaming down in clear threads.

Feng Huixin dried himself off using wind and looked at the Hei NingYu standing beside him with puzzlement. Hei NingYu seemed content to stay wet, his expression as if he was reminiscing about something fondly. Not wanting to disturb him, Feng Huixin patiently waited in silence.

Steady footsteps softly sounded and a rain-soaked disciple stepped under the eaves as well, bowing respectfully towards his sect leader.

Without looking away from the rain pattering on his hand, Hei NingYu commanded, "Speak."

The young disciple rose up and said with concern unhidden in his clear eyes, "Sect Leader, my friend Mo Ling is still standing out in the rain and…torturing his father. He doesn't want to let Mo Fan have even a single moment of reprieve. I don't wish my friend to get sick because of this, but he refuses to come in. Sect Leader, I know it is very presumptuous of me to disturb you for such a small matter, but I…I don't want Mo Ling to suffer from sickness on top of losing his sister in such a horrible way. If you send him a command to get inside, I'm sure he will obey. So can you please…?"

Hei NingYu's smile turned amused. "Going so far as to brave your eccentric sect leader's wrath just so Mo Ling won't catch the sniffles…are you sure you see him as just a friend?"

Startled, the young man began sputtering, "S-S-Sect Leader can rest a.s.sured that…I-I don't…I'm not…"

Hei NingYu waved a hand. "Now, now, no need to make excuses to me." His gaze still fixed on his hand being bathed in the clear rainwater, he gave the disciple what he wanted, "Fine, you have my permission to go and tell that brat Mo Ling that I've ordered him to come inside and wait in my study. After I've finished my business with the Grandmaster, I'll teach him some more advanced methods of torture that he can use on his father after the rain subsides."

The disciple bowed deeply. "This disciple sincerely thanks Sect Leader for his generosity!"

"Yes, yes, now get up," Hei NingYu said, then continued with a tender smile, "But in the meantime, we wouldn't want to stop our Mo Fan's special treatment and risk him becoming bored, now would we?"

Understanding what he meant, the young man straightened and asked respectfully, "What instructions does Sect Leader have for this disciple?"

Hei NingYu's expression remained placid as he brought his hand back under the protection of the eaves. He parted his slender finger, letting the water collected in his palm drip down through the gaps in between them. "Leave him tied to the punishment platform to remain as an example. I remember that we have an insect charmer who just joined our ranks, don't we? Let us take this chance to a.s.sess her ability. Make her gather enough insects and thoroughly let them entertain Mo Fan until the rest of his skin is gone. But the flesh underneath is not to be touched except for the insects to lay eggs and hatch in. Do you understand?"

Hearing these brutal words spoken in such a calm and gentle tone, the young man's hands clenched and shook in fear. But grimly suppressing his reaction, the disciple answered determinedly, "Yes, Sect Leader. It will be done."

Hei NingYu gave a short and elegant nod before dropping his hand and letting his sleeve cover the wet skin. Turning, he began making for the building's entrance. "Pardon me for neglecting to offer our hospitality, Grandmaster. Why don't we step in to wait the rain out and you can tell me the reason for your visit in the meantime?"

Never one to talk too much, Feng Huixin simply nodded to show his agreement and followed him inside. After walking through a few narrow corridors in the empty building, they came across a simple receiving room furnished with two couches facing each other and a small table in between. A large window occupying one side of the wall showed heavy streams of water sliding down over the warped gla.s.s windowpane. Pale grey light bathed the inside of the room. The soft shush of rainwater bathing the walls and ground outside created a pleasant background noise.

Hei NingYu languidly draped himself over the seat of one of the couches while Feng Huixin sat down primly in a straight posture on the other one. Lying on his side, Hei NingYu supported his cheek on the back of a hand and showed a cheerful smile. "Grandmaster, now that I've had a chance to look properly at you, I have to say I'm surprised. Despite being their leader, your clothes are much plainer than those majestic yet flashy robes of the other Sentinels."

Feng Huixin coughed. "That uniform was decided by one of the founding members of the Order according to her own preferences. Since we do not lack for funds, it ended up being approved."

His smile widening, Hei NingYu asked, "Oh? Are you saying all that golden embroidery has nothing to do with wanting to hide the protective spells st.i.tched into it? I've spent a few weeks studying it and found the craftsmans.h.i.+p quite intriguing. So many hidden charms and spells, all aimed to protect the wearer. You must care for your Sentinels a lot to include that much preparation into the intricate embroidery of each and every uniform."

Feng Huixin's eyes narrowed, yet his voice remained calm and steady. "As I said, it was the preference of one of the people who founded the Order with me. She is very creative in the matter of crafting protective spells. And due to the dangerous nature of the Sentinels' work, secretive protection of this sort will naturally be needed. I hope Sect Leader Hei knows the importance of this information and what you will face if you leak it."

Hei NingYu chuckled. "Yes, yes, I know. I do not intend to hinder your Order, Grandmaster. Quite the opposite, actually."

s.h.i.+fting on the couch to lie on his back, Hei NingYu folded his hands over his stomach and sighed in comfort. Turning his head to look at Feng Huixin, he said, "Alright, we've danced around it enough. What does the Grandmaster want from the demonic faction badly enough that you came over to visit yourself? I'm guessing it must be something very important."

Feng Huixin looked into Hei NingYu's eyes, but only read curiosity and interest in them. In a solemn tone, he finally replied, "I'm here to request that the demonic faction follow the Order of Sentinels' laws."

Hei NingYu's eyebrows shot up. "I've had a look at your laws, and they are indeed very reasonable and just. I would agree to make the people under me follow them…but unfortunately, doing so would impinge on my authority. If I showed my compliance to the Order's laws outright, then wouldn't these people think I've submitted to you and lose their fear of me? That fear is the only thing making them follow me, so losing it will mean that they will slip out of my control. Without me holding them together, they will scatter and sow mayhem throughout the world. Surely the Sentinel Grandmaster wouldn't want that."

Getting up from the couch into a sitting position, Hei NingYu leaned forward with a smile. "But if the Order can give me some personal benefits to make it seem that I was bribed into doing you this favor, then I can hold on to my authority unquestioned."

Feng Huixin looked troubled. "Though I understand Sect Leader Hei's reasoning, I'm afraid I cannot show favoritism in such a manner. That is against the Order's policy of fairness."

Hei NingYu looked thoughtful for a moment, then smirked. His eyes gleaming sultrily, he proposed, "Then Grandmaster, why don't we become lovers? I can then justify following your laws by saying that I'm only indulging my beloved. And I have to say, being your lover doesn't seem like it will be a hards.h.i.+p at all. I think I might even enjoy trying you out as a bed partner."

Facing the other man's expression that looked to be saying that he was liking this idea more and more, Feng Huixin hurriedly spoke up, "I'm afraid I have to refuse. I already have a wife."

Hei NingYu's eyes widened in surprise. And here he was thinking that this new Grandmaster actually looked very innocent and virginal. To think he already had experience and even had a wife! In an interested tone, Hei NingYu prodded, "Oh? And is your relations.h.i.+p open? Will your wife be angry if you take other lovers?"

A faint flush darkened Feng Huixin's ears as he looked away and coughed. "No, it's not an open relations.h.i.+p and my wife…no, neither of us will stand for the other to have any lovers on the side."

Seeing Feng Huixin's displeasure at that thought displayed in his eyes, Hei NingYu chuckled. So it turned out that this man wasn't a pushover after all. Even he felt possessive and jealous at the thought of his wife cavorting with others. How interesting.

Leaning back into the couch, Hei NingYu waved a hand carelessly. "It's a pity, but I suppose that option is out as well." Then sighing, he continued, "Grandmaster, I really do want to help you, but since we don't seem to be able to reach an agreement, I'm afraid I can't cooperate with you in this matter."

Feng Huixin simply looked at him, his gaze unwavering. "Since Sect Leader Hei proposed that we stop dancing around the subject, I a.s.sumed you would follow your own words and get to the point. But since Sect Leader Hei seems to be waiting for me to say it, I will: The Order is willing to negotiate an exchange of terms with the leader of the dark arts faction. Wasn't this your intention all long?"

Hei NingYu laughed in delight, his eyes sparkling. "My, my, it seems that the Grandmaster is far sharper than you show on the outside. Then let's directly get to the meat of the matter, as they say, shall we?"

Tilting his head and grinning impishly, he began, "I will make my faction follow the Order's laws, but only on one condition. When one of my people breaks the law, I will be the one to determine and carry out their punishment."

Feng Huixin narrowed his eyes in thought. "It is not impossible, but I would like to hear your reasons for it, please."

Hei NingYu obliged and answered, "My reasoning is simple. Demonic pract.i.tioners have to be handled differently from regular mortals or righteous cultivators. Most types of punishment will simply be inefficient in convincing them to be more lawful. After all, some of my people are hardened b.a.s.t.a.r.ds who think torture is foreplay. Also, as I stated before, if I just hand over the criminals to you, it will look like I'm putting myself under the Order's authority and submitting myself to you, and not in the fun way either."

Feng Huixin let out an embarra.s.sed cough. After casting him an amused look, Hei NingYu went on, "At the same time, to battle the issue of making an impact on the demonic pract.i.tioners, if the Order gave a more severe punishment only to the people of the dark arts faction, then it will come off as biased and the fairness your people pride yourself in won't hold up anymore. But if I am allowed to discipline my rascally troublemakers as I see fit and make a statement out of each one to deter any future misbehavior—like Ming Fan outside, for example—they will get their appropriate punishment while also having a more compelling incentive to follow the Order's laws. I can also maintain my credentials as a ruthless and evil b.a.s.t.a.r.d while still holding onto my authority with minimal issue. With this, both of our needs are fulfilled, wouldn't you say?"

Feng Huixin pondered for a few moments, the whoosh of the heavy rain outside the only sound filling the silence. Then letting out a breath, he nodded. "Yes, what Sect Leader Hei proposed is reasonable. I accept your terms on behalf of the Order of Sentinels. I will have my people draw up the necessary doc.u.ments. Please decide on a convenient date to formalize and seal the agreement."

Hei NingYu raised an eyebrow, but also nodded. He hadn't expected this to be over so straightforwardly. Most people would have tried to draw it out, trying to squeeze more benefits for themselves. But then again, this form of negotiation suited this straitlaced and non-confrontational person the most. Not for the first time, Hei NingYu wondered just what had made such a subdued person take as large a step as creating and training an entire organization to maintain law and order throughout this world.

"Since that is decided, I will not impose on Sect Leader Hei anymore and take my leave," Feng Huixin stated and got up from his seat to head towards the door.

Hei NingYu watched him with half-lidded eyes, then suddenly called out, "Grandmaster, I'm curious. Why did you choose to establish the Order of Sentinels?" His tone turning teasing, he continued, "Is it because your innate righteousness couldn't bear to see how morally messy this world was?"

Pausing in his steps, Feng Huixin turned to look sideways at a smiling Hei NingYu. "The world I grew up in was just as lawless as this one, filled with the blood, tears, and suffering of the innocent. And yet, even after my ascension, I never bothered to try and clean it up."

Hei NingYu's eyes gleamed, his interest piquing even more. "Oh? Then why did you decide that this particular mortal realm needed your special treatment?"

Sighing, Feng Huixin replied, "I want to make this world a safer place for someone. I do not know if my efforts will bear fruit in time or if that person has already been affected…but I at least have to try, or I will never forgive myself."

Feng Huixin closed his eyes as grief twisted within his chest once again. His son, his precious little son… If something happened to him, the guilt he felt would tear him apart.

He still remembered his son's smiles and cheerful laughter. The way his eyes shone with curiosity and interest as he gazed at the world. His little Qinghe was so pure and innocent, so full of light and life, Feng Huixin could never imagine something happening to him. He had promised his son that he would be there, he had promised him his protection back then…

It had been a sunny day, and the four-year-old Qinghe had been standing on a narrow tree branch, reaching up to pluck a round and ripe mango hanging above just out of reach.

But losing his balance, the little boy gave a sharp cry and tumbled down, squeezing his eyes closed as he waited to hit the ground. But he instead landed in a pair of familiar arms, warm and safe.

Blinking open his round eyes, he called out in surprise, "Father! You caught me!"

The concern in Feng Huixin's eyes softened as he leaned down to place a gentle kiss onto his son's forehead. "Yes. Qinghe, you have to be more careful when climbing trees. Are you hurt?"

Qinghe shook his head, sending the locks of his hair tumbling, and grinned happily. "Father, you're always there when I fall down, like magic!" he exclaimed in a wondering tone.

Feng Huixin felt his heart squeeze with affection. Lifting a hand, he carefully rubbed one of his son's chubby cheeks, his eyes squinting in bliss. It was so warm and soft, just like his adorable little son.

Giggling, Qinghe squirmed. "It tickles!"

After Feng Huixin had his fill, he retrieved his hand and began walking towards the Feng residence, the little boy still held securely in his arms. "Qinghe, remember to be more careful the next time you climb trees, alright? Even though any injury you might get won't be fatal, it will still hurt a lot."

Snuggled comfortably in his father's embrace, Qinghe solemnly nodded, then frowned in thought. "But Father, even if I fall, it won't hurt, because you'll be there to catch me, won't you?"

Feng Huixin glanced down at his son helplessly. His voice warm, he admitted, "Yes, I'll always be here to catch you when you fall. I will make sure to always be there when you need me. But you should still promise to take care."

And his little son had nodded with eyes full of trust, his smile bright and cheerful.

But Feng Huixin hadn't been able to keep his word. The one time his son needed him most, he hadn't been able to help him. And when Qinghe fell from Heaven, he wasn't there to catch him. He had utterly failed him. No matter the power or influence he had, what use were those if they couldn't even help him protect his precious child? What use was any of it if he couldn't stop his wife from letting out those heart-wrenching cries due to losing their son?

Inside the receiving room, oppressive power slowly thickened the air, turning it heavy and sluggish. As Hei NingYu felt sharp pressure compressing the breath in his lungs, he narrowed his eyes. If it were a young disciple in his place, rather than just sustaining an internal injury, their innards would have been outright crushed to a b.l.o.o.d.y pulp by now. But due to his high cultivation, all Hei NingYu felt was an oppressive sense of discomfort.

Meanwhile, as he was sunken in hopeless thoughts while his rigid control over his power slackened slightly, Feng Huixin suddenly felt a familiar presence brus.h.i.+ng over the back of his mind. A faint voice, light and ethereal, whispered soothingly, "Xiao Xin, remember my teachings, restrain yourself."

And snapping out of his thoughts, Feng Huixin instinctively obeyed.

Not wanting to wait until Feng Huixin's power spilled outside, Hei NingYu was just preparing to act when he felt Feng Huixin startling out of his reverie on his own, quickly gathering his power and packing it back into his body.

"Sect Leader Hei, I apologize for my momentary lapse in control. It was unintentional."

Understanding that it must have been triggered by their conversation just now, Hei NingYu relaxed, waving a hand and easily dismissing it. "There's no need for the Grandmaster to apologize. I was the one who brought up such a sensitive topic in the first place. I should be the one to ask your forgiveness for bringing to mind something unpleasant."

Feng Huixin looked at him with faint surprise. In an earnest tone, he said, "Sect Leader Hei is most generous." It was not at all like what someone would expect from the leader of the demonic faction. But then again, nothing this person did or said today seemed to be in line with people's expectations of the most powerful demonic cultivator in the world. After all, who would expect the demonic faction's leader of all people to approve and agree to follow the Order's fair laws while seeking to suppress his own people as Hei NingYu's words had suggested?

After a moment of hesitation, Feng Huixin spoke, "Sect Leader Hei, may I ask what reason you have to want to regulate your own people while seeking to maintain the order of the world?"

"Is that how my words came off as?" Hei NingYu asked while smiling widely, his eyes growing half-lidded. "But that is not wrong. I do want to make this world a better place as well."

"Why?" Feng Huixin asked with puzzlement.

But Hei NingYu could only shrug. "I don't remember. It has been so long since I was told. All I know is that I'm waiting for something or someone that'll make my life meaningful, turning it into something worth living. After all, ennui is a terrible thing, as I'm sure you know. Until I can get what I'm waiting for into my hands, I have to keep this world a safe place for it. That is my only reason."

Feng Huixin shot him a strange look. It seemed that the reasons for their actions in protecting this world had a lot of similarities. Neither of them were doing it for themselves.

Nodding, Feng Huixin finally expressed, "Thank you for answering my question and for the hospitality. Sect Leader Hei, I will not bother you any longer."

"Let me be a proper host and see you to the door at least then," Hei NingYu offered while getting up from the couch.

The two men unhurriedly made their way towards the building's entrance. Standing under the eaves once again, Hei NingYu watched Feng Huixin walk out into the pouring rain with a cheerful grin. "After having such a deep heart-to-heart together, the Sentinel Grandmaster is leaving without even giving me a kiss? How cold."

Feng Huixin's expression softened with a hint of nostalgia. "That seems like something my wife would have said. I shudder to think what would happen if Sect Leader Hei ever met my Chunyi."

With that, Feng Huixin continued forward, his straight and slender back soon disappearing into the torrential downpour.

Leaning his shoulder on the entryway with his hands folded, Hei NingYu continued to gaze into the rain with a deep gaze and peaceful smile.


"…and so, that's how our first meeting ended," Hei NingYu concluded his long narrative.

Chen Xiande's expression was thoughtful as he digested all this. He could more or less guess that the person the Sentinel Grandmaster had meant when he said he wanted to make this world a safer place for them was his son, Feng Qinghe. And as for the person Hei NingYu had said he was waiting for… With a blush, Chen Xiande realized that it was he himself.

Done with ma.s.saging Chen Xiande's legs, Hei NingYu left them to rest on his lap. Leaning back in his chair, he patiently waited for his beloved to take it all in.

After silently pondering for a few more minutes, Chen Xiande finally remarked on a certain point, "So, NingYu, you actually asked the Grandmaster to be your lover. Did you…like him that much?"

Hei NingYu's eyebrows flew up as he suppressed his glee. "Little Sheep, are you jealous?"

"N-No, I…" Trailing off, Chen Xiande hastily turned his face away with a blush, then admitted in a tiny voice, "Maybe…a little?"

Chuckling happily, Hei NingYu rose up to enfold his beloved in a hug. "While I won't deny that I was indeed interested in him at that time, that was still many millennia ago. Even if the Grandmaster had agreed to us becoming lovers and even if we ended up enjoying our time with each other after that, I don't think we would have stayed together for long anyway. We are fundamentally different and not compatible in that sense."

Leaning down to playfully his nose with Chen Xiande's, Hei NingYu grinned and continued, "My cute little sheep, on the other hand, is perfect for me in every way. I love spending time with you more than I can express. I love seeing you react to different situations and all the faces you show me. I love seeing you slowly growing in various ways, both large and small. I love how being with you makes even this dull world seem so enjoyable and full of exciting things. My adorable Xiande is the only one who can ever fill the place beside me. And no matter who I might or might not have shared a relations.h.i.+p with, the only one I am ever willing to share my life with is you, Chen Xiande."

Feeling his eyes stinging and his nose growing sour, Chen Xiande bowed his head and buried it in the hollow of Hei NingYu's neck. Rubbing his face on Hei NingYu as if trying to rub away the overflow of emotions, he spoke, "NingYu…I also feel the same about you. I-I also…love you a lot. I never knew I could ever feel so deeply connected with someone. I'm a very selfish person, and even before I met you, I'd already realized that I'd never be able to find someone who'd be willing to stay with me when I am the way I am. But you…you never expected anything and gave me everything—affection, attention, gentleness, care, a sense of self-worth… And somehow, I found that if it was you, I could be a better person too, that I could put aside my own self-centeredness and show care and love towards someone. You make me a better person, you make me want to be the best I can be. S-So, NingYu…thank you for loving me."

Hei NingYu's expression turned tender, his heart melting into a warm puddle of happiness. Neither he nor his little sheep had ever talked out loud about what they meant to each other. They were content just to know that the other person understood their affection and regard from their actions instead. But hearing it spoken out loud like this made him realize anew just how lucky he was to have his beloved.

Holding Chen Xiande tighter, Hei NingYu placed a kiss to the top of his lover's head. "Who would I love if not you? Who else would I ever even contemplate cheris.h.i.+ng and being cherished by for the rest of my life?"

Chen Xiande had to hold back his tears even as a wide smile bloomed on his face. He felt like he was floating on clouds of bliss.

After a short stretch of silence, Hei NingYu suddenly proposed, "Little Sheep…Xiande, this might be abrupt, but…do you want to get married?"

Chen Xiande stiffened in shock, then leaned back to look up at his beloved. "NingYu? I thought we already agreed that we didn't need such a superficial way of proving our affection for each other? And you don't really want to get married, do you?"

Hei NingYu sighed softly. "If it were only up to me, then you're right, I don't really care about marrying. Unlike for the people of the righteous faction, such a thing has long lost meaning to me. After seeing all the ways those vows can be twisted, violated, and corrupted throughout my long life in the demonic faction, I don't put stock in marriage anymore. But even though I do not care for such rituals, I don't want you to ever feel insecure in our relations.h.i.+p just because we didn't bind ourselves to each other in that way. Little Sheep, if it will make you happier, then I'm willing to marry you."

Hearing the reason behind this abrupt proposal, Chen Xiande's expression turned complex. He couldn't help but think back to the first time he had met Hei NingYu, the uncertainty and hope he had felt.

When Hei NingYu had shown interest in him at that time, Chen Xiande had panicked so much, wanting so desperately to tie this enchanting person to him so that he wouldn't leave his boring self. He truly had been too insecure back then. And after finding a person he liked, someone who also genuinely liked him back, Chen Xiande had been anxious that Hei NingYu would leave him if he didn't hold on to that opportunity tightly. So when Hei NingYu had proposed they try out a relations.h.i.+p, Chen Xiande had agreed as quickly as he could. In hindsight, Chen Xiande realized that they could have taken the relations.h.i.+p slower, but he had so desperately craved Hei NingYu's small actions of affection, the small signs of his care and regard, that he couldn't help from throwing himself into the relations.h.i.+p at full speed.

But now, he knew that he had nothing to be worried about. They both loved and needed each other. Hei NingYu would not leave him just like that. Every day they stayed together, woke up together, played around on the bed together, and went through the day thinking of each other, more and more of Chen Xiande's insecurity had washed away. Now, he did not doubt his beloved's love for him, but he did not take it for granted either. He would treasure his NingYu the way he was treasured, now and forever, for the rest of their lives.

And he did not need marriage for that.

His eyes softening as he showed a warm smile, Chen Xiande slowly shook his head. "NingYu, we don't have to marry. I have more faith in you than in those marriage vows. Neither of us believes much in human things like that anyway, so it's alright. If the others want to celebrate their union through marriage, then I will be happy for them and wish them the best from the bottom of my heart, but I do not need that for myself. As long as you keep loving me, I don't need anything else."

Hei NingYu felt something in him tremble as if unable to contain itself. His beloved little sheep was the only one who could ever move him this much and evoke emotions that reached this deep.

"Then we don't need to marry," Hei NingYu conceded. "I won't leave you, and I won't let you feel lonely in the same way you will never let me be lonely."

Hearing the solemn promise, Chen Xiande's eyes softened further. Without another word, he lifted his head up to reach Hei NingYu's lips with his own, and Hei NingYu quickly opened his mouth in invitation. Wet sounds of sucking ensued as the couple kissed each other languidly. Though their blood slowly began to simmer once again, they let themselves be content with just holding each other.

When they finally parted, they noticed that it had begun drizzling at some time. Outside the window, the droplets fell down in a pleasantly light shower. His gleaming black eyes reflecting the picture of this s.h.i.+mmering curtain of clear water, Hei NingYu pulled Chen Xiande along and opened the backdoor, stepping out onto the sheltered back porch.

"Little Sheep, look how peaceful and comfortable it is, surrounded by the rain. Maybe we should treat ourselves to a nice nap while cuddling here."

Chen Xiande's eyes expressed his interest and antic.i.p.ation at that suggestion. Remembering something, he replied, "Yes, it does seem like it'll be very relaxing. NingYu, can you please call the wolves too? I think it would be very warm and comfy if we could snuggle with them as well."

Hei NingYu chuckled and retrieved a thin whistle from his storage s.p.a.ce before blowing it. Though Chen Xiande couldn't hear the whistle make any sound, he quickly heard excited barks and the thump of lively paws as a pack of wolves broke out of the forest boundary, heading straight for them.

Along with the warm brown, silvery-grey, and sand-colored wolves from before, there were an extra two in deep black and russet colors as well. Together, they quickly leapt up to land on the back porch and swarmed around the couple. Hei NingYu shook his head amusedly as Chen Xiande bent down to give everyone pats and scratches, making sure he left no one out.

After a few minutes spent in greeting and pampering the wolves with their affection and attention, Chen Xiande and Hei NingYu spread a large and soft quilt on the porch and laid down side-by-side in the middle. Their hands entwined as they soaked in each other's familiar presence, content smiles slowly blooming on their faces. Not wanting to be left out, the wolves also settled down, some pressing up to the couples' sides and the others directly laying their heads, tails, or bodies on top of them.

Buried under this layer of warm fur while surrounded by the calming sound of the gentle rain, Chen Xiande and Hei NingYu rested their heads together and dozed off with blissful expressions.

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