Idiot In Love -21 Chapter 94: Jason

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NaNa told Wu Chen over the phone of what she saw and what she thought about the whole issue. She didn't want to accuse Cheng Xiao Meng, but she hoped that Wu Chen would investigate Cheng Xiao Meng to be sure.

Because telling people that she wanted to punch the fly because it kept flying over her was a bit insane – or at least, that's what NaNa thought.

Wu Chen asked NaNa a few questions about what happened, and NaNa told him everything that she knew. She recalled the event from the moment Wu Chen's car disappeared from their sight and until Cheng Xiao Meng told them her story of how her hand came about in bandage.

In the story recalled by NaNa, Wu Chen understood two crucial points. One would be that Cheng Xiao Meng could be the culprit and the other one was, Bai Jing Ting tried to gain favour with his girlfriend by giving her food so early in the morning.

Knowing how oblivious his Yi Fei was, Wu Chen knew that Yi Fei must think that Bai Jing Ting did not have any hidden motive for giving her food; but he knew better. This was an old tactic Bai Jing Ting used to win over Li Wei in the past.

Wu Chen, who was already in his office called Liu s.h.i.+ to come over to his office because he, had some critical tasks for Liu s.h.i.+.

"Yes boss, any instruction for me?" Liu s.h.i.+ felt that he didn't get much rest recently; especially after his boss had started the habit to send and pick up his girlfriend from school.

"Cheng Xiao Meng, a teacher in Faith Middle School. Investigate and keep a close watch of her" Wu Chen leant to his chair.

"Also, get the kitchen staff to provide sandwiches and salad for Yi Fei and my sister to eat. Provide them with the most healthy and fresh ingredients. Choose the best quality milk to go with the sandwiches. This should be prepared every weekday for their breakfast" Wu Chen then excused Liu s.h.i.+ from his office.

So, Bai Jing Ting wanted to compete with him huh? He thought that if Bai Jing Ting wished to gain brownie point from Yi Fei by giving her food, then he should let Bai Jing Ting knows that he could do much better than him.

Outside Wu Chen's office, Liu s.h.i.+ took out his phone to make a phone call to several people. He thought that since his boss had a girlfriend, he seemed to do what most normal men would do – to care for his girlfriend. Liu s.h.i.+ felt that his boss has become more human.

"Jason, where are you?" The last person that Liu s.h.i.+ called would be this man called Jason. "We have a new suspect. Cheng Xiao Meng, a teacher at Faith Middle School. Try to keep a close watch on her"

The person called Jason at the end of the line spoke a few sentences, making Liu s.h.i.+ nod his head several times. "Don't expose yourself; it would be hard to investigate if you startled the culprit."

Liu s.h.i.+ spoke a few more sentences to the man called Jason before he hung up the phone.


In the janitor room of Faith Middle School, a young man in a gardener uniform was ready to do his very first task. His name was Jason.

Previously, Jason worked in Misty Bar and Club. He was that bar worker who had witnessed how Wu Chen spoilt the lady with him at that time by allowing her to pick all the flowers she wanted. Wu Chen had asked Jason to see Liu s.h.i.+ in case he needed a job and he did.

Since Wu Chen owned the Misty Bar and Club now, Jason automatically became one of Wu Chen's worker, but this time, Jason didn't work in the bar. Since he had a black belt in Taekwondo, he had been a.s.signed to become Yi Fei's bodyguard in the shadow.

Jason was quite happy that he got the chance to show off his talent. He was also pleased for the trust given by his boss. With that, Jason was willing to guard the future wife of his boss. Except for one thing – he did not like the disguised ident.i.ty given by Liu s.h.i.+ to him.

Jason wanted to be, at least, the security guard but he was asked to disguise himself as a gardener instead. Jason wanted to cry.

To fulfil his duty as Yi Fei's bodyguard in the shadow, Jason started to show up wherever Yi Fei goes. If Yi Fei went to the cla.s.sroom, he would trim the flower bushes near the cla.s.sroom building. Then, when Yi Fei went to the canteen, Jason will trim the flower bushes near the canteen.

Jason tried to make himself as invisible as he could but who is Yi Fei? She was someone who noticed the most random and strangest details.

Yi Fei had just finished her last cla.s.s of the day when she noticed that the gardener showed up everywhere she goes. The gardener looked familiar too.

Yi Fei approached the gardener."h.e.l.lo little bro, are you the new gardener?"

Since the gardener looked younger than her, Yi Fei called him little bro. Yi Fei was a social b.u.t.terfly. She talked to everybody. It was effortless for her to make a friend. From the janitors, the gardener, the clerk, and the canteen workers to the security guard – all of them agreed that Yi Fei was a sweet girl who spoke to everyone without considering the status and education level of someone.

Jason nodded excitedly. His face was calm on the outside, but inside his heart, he was already screaming because his future boss, noticed him. "Yes, I am new here. My name is Jason."

Yi Fei came to stand beside Jason and looked at him while tapping her chin. "You look familiar. Have we met somewhere before?"

Jason was taken aback when Yi Fei told him that he looked familiar. He couldn't let his disguise got blown over so he denied vehemently, saying that he was from the countryside and he just arrived in City L a few days ago so it would be impossible for them to have an encounter before this.

Yi Fei nodded her head. It seemed as if she bought his story. "But little bro, I need to tell you something significant" Yi Fei was acting so mysterious and all that, it made Jason sweat in the cold.

"You over prune that flowering shrubs" Yi Fei pointed at the shrubs that Jason was working on at the moment. "This is the's favourite flower. He will be mad if he sees this" Yi Fei was whispering when she said that as if to make it sounds more frightening.

Jason looked at the flowering shrub, and he agreed that he did over prune the bush. Jason wanted to cry because today was his first day at work as a gardener and he already made a big mistake.

Yi Fei was giving him some ideas on how to save himself when a guy approached them. From what Liu s.h.i.+ had told Jason, there was a physician in the school who was in love with Yi Fei. Jason was instructed to keep the physician away from Yi Fei by using whatever means.

Seeing how the guy was wearing a white coat, the type doctors used in the hospital, Jason was sure that the physician described by Liu s.h.i.+ was him. The guy did not pay any attention to Jason. Unlike Yi Fei, Bai Jing Ting didn't make friend easily.

Jason saw that the physician guy gave Yi Fei chocolate. Yi Fei took the chocolate from him with a smile on her face. Jason needed to keep the physician away from Yi Fei as he had been instructed, so he acted a bit.

"Ow! My stomach. It hurts" Jason fell onto the floor while touching his stomach.

Yi Fei was shocked because it was too sudden. Jason was just fine before Bai Jing Ting came. She tried to help Jason to stand up, but Jason continued lying on the floor.

"I'm so hungry. I didn't eat since morning" While saying he was hungry, Jason kept eyeing the chocolate on Yi Fei's hand so that Yi Fei would take the hint and gave him the chocolate given by the physician to her.

Bai Jing Ting who saw the whole thing had a suspicion towards the new gardener. Yi Fei looked at Bai Jing Ting with puppy eyes as if apologising for something. Then, Bai Jing Ting saw Yi Fei gave the chocolate to the new gardener.

Bai Jing Ting helped the new gardener to stand up and asked him to go rest in the janitor room, but the new gardener insisted that he needed medicine for indigestion. So, Bai Jing Ting brought him to his office.

While Jason was walking away with Bai Jing Ting to go to the nurse office, Yi Fei shouted to him.

"Little brother, you should cherish the chocolate I gave you. It's expensive chocolate; you should eat it and be grateful towards Brother Ting okay?" She then waved to him.

Inside his heart, Jason was moved. His future boss was a kindhearted lady. No wonder an exceptional man like Wu Chen fell in love with her. Jason kept up his act until they reached the nurse office. He was not aware of the man who was giving him stink eyes.

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