Idiot In Love -22 Chapter 93: Fly

Idiot In Love -

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Both Wu Chen and Jun Liu drove their car back to Wu Chen's apartment complex. When they reached the living room of their house, Wu Chen stopped Jun Liu.

"I know that you are not interested in NaNa, but I hope you could treat her nicely. You don't have to hang out with her if you don't want to" Wu Chen took a can of beer from his fridge and tossed it towards Jun Liu. "She was spoilt by her parents and also mine. She didn't mean to offend anyone. I hope you can understand"

When Wu Chen explained things to him, Jun Liu felt as if he was the bad guy. He was not even offended, but when Wu Chen put it out like that, it made him feel like a total p.r.i.c.k who got offended easily.

Jun Liu opened the can of beer and plopped onto the sofa. He did not say anything. Wu Chen joined him on the couch with a can of his beer in hand.

"But seriously man. You need to settle down and fall in love. You are getting older" Wu Chen was happy, so he tried to show off his happy love life to the forever-alone Jun Liu. "Get yourself a girlfriend who is cute and nice like mine. You'll feel like you have a new purpose in life."

As if he didn't hear a thing from Wu Chen's mouth, Jun Liu continued sipping his beer quietly, but Wu Chen kept on bugging him to find a girlfriend so he will become less

"What kind of girl do you like? I'll introduce one to you or I could ask my Fei Fei to introduce one of her friends to you" Still showing off his relations.h.i.+p, Wu Chen kept on urging Jun Liu to get a girlfriend.

"Anyone who does not wear a cat ear headband" Jun Liu's response was simple.


The next morning, Wu Chen sent both Yi Fei and NaNa to school as he did for the past few days. For some reason, Wu Chen's love-struck face seemed to agitate NaNa the first thing in the morning.

"Are you going to send us like this every day from now, Brother?" It seemed as if her mood was not improving since the thing with Jun Liu yesterday.

Wu Chen smirked and ignored NaNa. Yi Fei, who was the nicer one in the relations.h.i.+p, coaxed NaNa and tried to reason with her. Yi Fei told NaNa that it would be dangerous for them to use the car until the culprit was caught. NaNa begrudgingly nodded and gave Wu Chen the stink eyes.

A certain someone had been waiting in the parking lot long before the red car reached the area. He was waiting for Yi Fei to come.

Yi Fei and NaNa went out of the car and waved towards the vehicle. The red car drove away slowly, and when it was out of their sight, Yi Fei and NaNa walked towards the staffroom.

"Good morning Fei, Miss NaNa" Bai Jing Ting went out of his car to greet the two ladies. He had been waiting for Yi Fei to come. He handed over sandwiches and milk pack to Yi Fei casually like he always did. Yi Fei talked to Bai Jing Ting as she ever did.

NaNa was wondering whether Bai Jing Ting knew about Wu Chen and Yi Fei being in a relations.h.i.+p. Also, the fact that Bai Jing Ting apparent impartial treatment towards the female colleagues seemed to agitate her too.

Since NaNa was pondering about the unequal treatment, she lagged behind Yi Fei and Bai Jing Ting. She was walking quite a few distances from the main characters in front of her.

Then she heard a faint 'thud' sound; like something light fell onto the concrete floor of the school building. After that, she could feel a malicious aura from somewhere.

NaNa looked around her to find the source of the thud sound because it was early in the morning, there shouldn't be a lot of people around the school at this time. She and Yi Fei would always be the earliest to come to school, so NaNa thought that it was weird to have someone else around dropping things early in the morning.

By now, Yi Fei and Bai Jing Ting had left NaNa quite far. NaNa was still looking around to find the source of the thud sound. Her students had warned her of the ports in the school where ghosts haunt, but this was the first time she felt such a malicious aura.

She stopped in her track and began looking around until she saw Cheng Xiao Meng was standing in front of the PE storeroom. She was glaring while looking at Yi Fei and Bai Jing Ting who almost reached the door to the staffroom.

The place where NaNa stood was hidden so Cheng Xiao Meng couldn't see her, but NaNa could see her clearly; that Cheng Xiao Meng was clutching her hands while throwing a hateful look towards Yi Fei and Bai Jing – but most probably Yi Fei. There was a milk pack on the ground near her feet.

There were a lot of obvious things in school that NaNa noticed. One of them would be Bai Jing Ting, who was crus.h.i.+ng so hard on Yi Fei. Another one would be Cheng Xiao Meng, who was crus.h.i.+ng so hard on Bai Jing Ting. Then, there is an idiot caught in between them who was oblivious to everything but was very much loved by everyone – which is Yi Fei.

Such malicious aura was understandable by NaNa because jealousy is a form of hatred built upon insecurity – until Cheng Xiao Meng punched and broke the gla.s.s window of the PE storeroom. NaNa gasped loudly upon seeing how insane Cheng Xiao Meng was. Someone must have a deep hatred to cause her to punch the gla.s.s window after looking at people.

NaNa hid between the pillars of the building so that Cheng Xiao Meng won't see her. NaNa had a sudden realisation.

The culprit could Cheng Xiao Meng.

NaNa waited for a few minutes before walking towards the staffroom. Then after she had prepared all her teaching materials, she went to Yi Fei's cubicle to get some insight into Cheng Xiao Meng.

NaNa's luck was bad because when she was about to get to Yi Fei, Cheng Xiao Meng appeared from the door with a bandaged hand.

"Miss Meng, what happen to your hand?" NaNa knew what happened, but she still wanted to know how Cheng Xiao Meng will answer her. Yi Fei looked at Cheng Xiao Meng with a concerned look.

"Oh, this?" Cheng Xiao Meng showed them her bandaged hand. "I saw a very obnoxious fly this morning. It kept on flying over and made me angry. So I punch the fly to kill it, but I missed the target and punched the gla.s.s window instead."

Cheng Xiao Meng was telling them how she punched an annoying fly to kill it as if it was a reasonable thing to do. The good-natured Yi Fei offered some advice to keep the wound clean, and Cheng Xiao Meng nodded like she was interested but NaNa knew better. She excused herself by saying that she had a cla.s.s to teach.

When NaNa reached her table, she took out her phone and typed furiously. She was typing in terror.

In her heart, NaNa was screaming 'Brother Chen, there is a psycho woman in the school. You need to investigate her and save Yi Fei before she became the fly in Cheng Xiao Meng story'.

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