Idiot In Love -11 Chapter 104: Understanding

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There were not many things happened after the incident in the PE storeroom.

Mr. Jing took time off from the school to go to rehab. It was more like he was forced to go to rehab since the police were involved in the case. Cheng Xiao Meng took some time off school too since she was traumatized by what happened.

Bai Jing Ting still hangs out around Yi Fei in the school; he was even thinking of confessing to Yi Fei about his feeling.

Jun Liu was still busy with the Wu Courtyard construction, but sometimes he will join Yi Fei, Wu Chen, and NaNa to have lunch or dinner. He was always the same; rigid and cold.

NaNa was quite busy preparing for her fan meeting. Her fan meeting will be held in City K during the upcoming school holiday, so she was engrossed in practicing her special event as a fan service to all her fans.

Meanwhile, Yi Fei and Wu Chen had their first disagreement as a couple. The story went like this:

A few days before the school holiday, Liu s.h.i.+ drove the G.o.ddess to Yi Fei's apartment complex because Wu Chen said that he wanted to surprise Yi Fei. Wu Chen had already paid for the cost to repair the G.o.ddess. He could already imagine how happy Yi Fei will be when she saw her car again.

Like usual, Wu Chen picked up both Yi Fei and NaNa from school after work. As they reached the apartment, as Wu Chen had predicted, Yi Fei squealed happily. "Arggh G.o.ddess… G.o.ddess, my love. You are finally here" Wu Chen was happy when he saw a happy Yi Fei was but then suddenly, Yi Fei stopped squealing, and she had this puzzled look on her face.

"Eh, how come it is here? I haven't made the payment yet?" Yi Fei tapped on her chin, thinking hard. "Is there any new policy I don't know about? Shouldn't we pay for the repairing cost first then only we can take the car?"

n.o.body answered her.

"Aren't they afraid that I will run away without paying them the repairing cost? Hehe, they must trust me so much for them to send my car when I have not even made any payment" Yi Fei was talking all by herself because Wu Chen and NaNa didn't respond to her inquiries.

Hating to rain on her parade, NaNa kept quite because she knew who settled the cost for repairing the car. She knew that her brother loved to pay for everything when it involved family so she will keep her mouth shut so that she won't steal her brother's thunder.

"I did" Wu Chen didn't want to elaborate on that so he tried to change the topic before Yi Fei could talk more about it."Are you sure you don't want to have dinner with me?" Wu Chen asked, just in case.

"Not eating outside, I have a lot of things to settle before I go back for the school holiday. How much did you pay for it?" Yi Fei didn't want to let it go.

"Don't bother about it. Are you sure you are not eating with me?" Wu Chen wanted to s.h.i.+ft the topic again.

"Yes sure. I only want to know the figure?" Yi Fei was adamant to know the cost.

The saga of 'don't bother about it – I want to know the figure' continued for a few minutes before NaNa couldn't stand it anymore.

"Brother Chen, just tell her the number. Yi Fei, don't bother about the money. My brother made a lot of money, that kind of amount won't drain his account. Can we go up now? Or can we have our dinner outside? Because if you guys keep on bantering like this, the next thing you see is me, fainting out of hunger. So, choose now?"

Seeing how NaNa was annoyed at the backseat, Yi Fei chose to eat outside because it would take some time to prepare their dinner and she didn't think that NaNa could wait that long.

The next day, since Yi Fei and NaNa drove to school themselves, they made a promise to eat dinner with Wu Chen and Jun Liu since the day after tomorrow, they will go back to their hometown respectively for the school holiday.

Wu Chen insisted that he wanted to drive alone with Yi Fei and NaNa should ride together with Jun Liu because Wu Chen wished to have more time together with Yi Fei. Even though NaNa was quite unhappy about the arrangement, she thought that it was a nice thing too. Since Jun Liu looked so handsome with his loose tie after working, NaNa felt that she could feast her eyes on him.

Right after Yi Fei entered Wu Chen's car, she handed him an A4 envelope.

"What's this?" Wu Chen didn't have any idea regarding the envelope.

"A secret. You can only open it when…" Yi Fei hadn't finished her sentence when Wu Chen opened the envelope. There was a stack of money inside.

"You shouldn't open it here, but since you did, then the money is yours" Yi Fei was very proud when she said that.

Wu Chen was quite upset when Yi Fei repaid him for the cost to fix the G.o.ddess. Wu Chen was willing to do that much for Yi Fei since that amount of money was small for him, but Yi Fei insisted that the G.o.ddess will be her responsibility.

"I told you, you don't have to do this" Wu Chen didn't want to accept the money, but Yi Fei was so stubborn saying that she could afford to manage her car and her finances. Wu Chen insisted that as her boyfriend, Yi Fei could count on him in times like that.

"I don't want to depend on someone else but myself. I am able to rescue myself when I was in trouble" Yi Fei was determined to return the money.

Wu Chen took Yi Fei's statement as if he was not worthy for Yi Fei to depend on him. He was quiet along the way because his mood was down and he didn't want to say anything that can make the situation worse.

Sensing that Wu Chen was upset beside her, Yi Fei felt that she had spoken unclearly regarding her stand on being dependent to him.

"Chen Chen…" Yi Fei called his name softly.

"Don't take it the wrong way. What I meant was…" Yi Fei held onto Wu Chen's upper limb.

"I can slay my own dragon, and I can dream my own dreams. Don't spoil me too much like I am a weakling in everything. I want you to take care of me, but I don't want you to let me be too dependent on you. Likewise, I will be there for you as strong as you will be there for me if you ever need me. Love has got to be an equal thing. I am as invested as you in this relations.h.i.+p" Yi Fei tugged on Wu Chen's sleeve so that Wu Chen would glance at her.

And Yi Fei got what she wanted. How could Wu Chen stay mad at her when she was such an understanding girlfriend? In his previous relations.h.i.+p, he was too used of giving that he forgot what it's like to be the one receiving.

Wu Chen glanced at Yi Fei, waiting for her to speak more because Yi Fei had a different way of thinking. It couldn't be just that. She ought to add another weird thought to her explanation, and Wu Chen was waiting for that.

True to Wu Chen's expectation, Yi Fei continued talking.

"Also, I don't want to be a gold-digger. Just because you are my boyfriend, you are not obliged to solve every problem for me. You should leave some for me too so I could have a believable excuse of gaining weight" Yi Fei smiled widely.

"What excuse?" This was new to Wu Chen.

"You see, I obviously gain a few kilos because you keep on feeding me nice food, but I couldn't go on like this forever. If I go back to my parents and they asked me why I gain weight, I need to have a plausible reason. I can't tell them that we have had our dinner outside for almost every night. My dad will kill you, and my mom would be very disappointed in myself for not honing my ordinary cooking skill."

Wu Chen didn't understand anything of what Yi Fei was saying.

"Haven't you heard people say that when you have a problem, and you got stressed, you tend to eat a lot? If I have a few problems, I could use that as an excuse for me gaining weight. Don't you think so?" Yi Fei's eyes were sparkling like she had delivered the most impressive speech of the year.

Wu Chen couldn't think of anything. How come his understanding girlfriend vanished too quickly and got replaced by the 'thinking-outside-the-box' girlfriend in front of him now.

"Okay, I'll leave some problems for you next time" Wu Chen patted her fringe.

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