Idiot In Love -12 Chapter 103: Dream

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On the outside, Wu Chen might appear calm and composed to the board of directors, but only G.o.d knew how restless he was during the rescheduled meeting.

Since Yi Fei was left alone in his office, all he could think of would be seeing her face. Wu Chen loved how serene and tranquil the moment when he did his job and Yi Fei was lying on the couch, reading her book. He acted like a love-struck teenager who couldn't wait to see his beloved; only that he was a full grown up man, the heir of one of the biggest corporation in the country.

Liu s.h.i.+, who was sitting next to Wu Chen during the meeting, could see how restless his boss was and he was sure that that the meeting would end up early since someone was waiting for his boss in his office.

When it's about 5 o'clock, Liu s.h.i.+ received a call that he had been waiting for the whole day since Wu Chen returned from the Faith Middle School. Wu Chen had instructed him to interrogate both Cheng Xiao Meng and Mr. Jing when they regained their consciousness.

True to Liu s.h.i.+'s prediction, the meeting ended up sooner than he had expected. By the time Liu s.h.i.+ returned to the meeting room, the meeting was about to be adjourned. He waited for all the other people to evacuate the room before he conveyed the information he received from the phone call to Wu Chen.

"Miss Cheng Xiao Meng affirmed that she didn't know anything about the parcel sent to Miss Yi Fei and the vandalized car, but we have a new finding. I think we could wrap up the case now" Liu s.h.i.+ explained the details to Wu Chen.

"Mr. Jing admitted that he was the one sent the parcels and he also admitted that he was the one who splashed the paint all over Miss Yi Fei's car" Liu s.h.i.+ had not get the whole report on paper so he could only repeat what he was told over the phone.

"Mr Jing fell in love with Miss Cheng Xiao Meng the first time he laid his eyes on her but Miss Cheng Xiao Meng is in love with Mr Bai Jing Ting. Mr Bai Jing Ting was close with Miss Yi Fei and Miss Cheng Xiao Meng got jealous. Seeing how she was hurt, Mr. Jing got angry and tried to ease her pain by scaring Miss Yi Fei off because he wanted Miss Yi Fei to suffer too. The rest, we already know this morning."

Wu Chen nodded quietly, stood up and walked towards his office. He was talking to himself. "So, Mr. Jing is the culprit." He didn't know what would Yi Fei thought about the whole ordeal.

The moment Wu Chen opened the door to his office; he was greeted with Yi Fei's sleeping scene. She curled up on the sofa and snuggled with Wu Chen's coat; she looked like a sleeping cat. Liu s.h.i.+ wanted to let them have quality time together, so he excused himself, but the 'click' sound of the door woke Yi Fei up.

Yi Fei rubbed her eyes carefully and slowly. "Chen Chen, are you done? What time is it?" She was still groggy, and her confused face was too cute for Wu Chen to handle. Yi Fei tried to sit straight.

Wu Chen approached Yi Fei and sat beside her. He fixed Yi Fei's messy hair while Yi Fei was still rubbing her eyes. "It's 5 o'clock. Let's go and have our dinner before I send you back" Wu Chen waited for Yi Fei to finish rubbing her eyes.

"Chen Chen, I had a very weird dream. Miss Meng told me a very weird thing about Brother Ting" Before Yi Fei could tell Wu Chen about her weird dream; Wu Chen had a gut that Yi Fei must already know about Bai Jing Ting's feeling about her, so he cut her off to tell her about Mr. Jing's confession. Wu Chen told her everything, but he left out the information about Bai Jing Ting was in love with her.

Truthfully, everyone except Yi Fei could see that Bai Jing Ting was interested in Yi Fei but Wu Chen was not sure whether Bai Jing Ting was interested in Yi Fei as a woman or something else.

The whole time, Yi Fei had a confused look on her face. Yi Fei nodded her head and occasionally replied 'hmm' to Wu Chen's explanation when she couldn't take it anymore. She rose up her hand and said: "I have one question" in the cutest way possible.

"Why am I dragged into their love triangle? I, Shen Yi Fei, never disturb other people's love story. I don't understand why I got whirled up in their romance. Is it because I eavesdropped on Miss Meng's confession? Brother Ting doesn't even like me?" By now, Yi Fei was fully awake.

Wu Chen didn't know where Yi Fei got the confidence to say that she didn't understand why she was dragged in the love triangle. She was like those pure an innocent kid on television because she didn't even know that she was the center the whole chaos.

But seeing how Yi Fei didn't care about Cheng Xiao Meng, Mr. Jing and Bai Jing Ting, it meant that she was fine on her own.

Wu Chen pinched her cheek. "Be nice; don't eavesdrop on other people's conversation next time." Then Wu Chen helped Yi Fei to stand up before both of them left the office.

Both of them went down to Wu Chen's car when Yi Fei suddenly remembered that she still hasn't told Wu Chen about her dream. The whole journey to get their dinner, Yi Fei recalled her dream to Wu Chen.

Her dream was about how Cheng Xiao Meng said that she hated Yi Fei because Bai Jing Ting was in love with Yi Fei and Yi Fei was oblivious about it. Wu Chen felt that nothing was weird about Yi Fei's dream at all because that was just the truth. Sometimes in between her recalling her dream, Wu Chen wondered if Yi Fei was a clairvoyant.

But who was Yi Fei again?

Even during the typical day she was quirky and a bit weird, what's more, if she said that she had a weird dream. Her definition of 'weird' is different from Wu Chen's definition of 'weird' on so many levels.

"But here is the weirdest part of my dream" Yi Fei looked at Wu Chen and paused for a few seconds. "Are you ready to hear this?" Yi Fei took a deep breath.

"After Cheng Xiao told me that she hated me, she swore that she'd do anything to take Brother Ting from me. Her face was full of malicious aura; she looked crazy. So, I stepped back. Staggering in fear, I asked her how she will do that so that, you know, I could run away and avoid her. Then Cheng Xiao Meng said, it was easy to make all of her wishes to come true because…" Yi Fei paused.

By this time, Wu Chen had his full attention to Yi Fei although he was looking ahead since he was driving. Wu Chen admitted that Yi Fei was a good storyteller; she was able to attract people into her story. Earlier, Wu Chen didn't interject Yi Fei so that Yi Fei would continue telling her story smoothly but right now; he couldn't wait to hear the rest of her story. "Then? What did she say?"

Yi Fei smiled proudly, like she had got what she wanted – recognition from Wu Chen that he was actually into her story.

"Then she said this while whispering to my ear…" Yi Fei closed the gap between them, leaned towards Wu Chen and whispered to his ear.

"…because there are seven dragon b.a.l.l.s in the world… THE END"

Then Yi Fei returned to her seat and straightened her back. "See, weird right? Miss Meng doesn't even watch Dragon b.a.l.l.s. How could she know that there are seven dragon b.a.l.l.s?" Yi Fei spoke like it was a normal thing that everyone should know.

When Wu Chen heard the last part of Yi Fei's dream, he didn't know how he should react to her story about her dream. The short lady beside him was a rare specimen that he never met before.

Wu Chen kept on opening and closing his mouth because he didn't know what he should say to her. Wu Chen was worried that if he said the wrong thing, Yi Fei would get sulky; or if he didn't give her any feedback, Yi Fei would think that he was not paying attention to her.

So, Wu Chen decided to play safe. He put his hand on Yi Fei's head and patted her lovingly.

"Indeed, very weird. Now, what do you want to eat for dinner?"

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