INSPIRATIONAL MUSINGS 9 Living In Worry Destroys Your Health Gradually


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"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself, each day has a trouble of its own."
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— Matthew 6: 34

Show me an individual without troubles or issues to worry about, and then you simply refer to someone who has nothing to live for. The world is designed in such a way that once you try to make an impact in any little way or try to make a living, you will be confronted with loads of problems. Despite this una.s.sailable fact, a lot of people waltz through life bubbling and infecting people with happiness and joy regardless of their worries and problems.

I started business without any form of nancial education, I just had ideas, determination and a never die att.i.tude. In the process I ran into debts I never thought I could overcome at the time. This was really tough for me because I was brought up to believe it was completely wrong to owe anyone. I was an adherent of this principle of "owe no one", so when my debt pro le was getting bigger, worries took over me. I would wake up in the middle of the night and keep rationalising on how I found myself in that position or planning on how to convince my creditors to give me more time to pay up. To make matters worse I used to avoid calls because I felt too bad to pick up calls to o er any form of excuse. It was a total mess at some point. Then on a special day like this I read a piece on how worrying is like a rocking chair, that it gets you so busy but takes you nowhere, then I decided to put a stop to it. From that point I discovered that 99 percent of what we worry about never happens, and that's a FACT!

Worry is a friend of fear. In fact, they are inseparable co-travellers, worry is a tool designed to make fear a constant experience of your life. It isolates and puts you in a perpetual state of panic which leads you to commit errors upon errors. Once you don't think straight, because worry tends to becloud the thoughts with unseen outcomes, error becomes a daily experience. You will live in the fear of the unknown at all times and your life can crumble altogether in the process.

Let's consider the health implications of worry. Worry brings about chronic stress which can lead to suppression of the immune system, digestive disorders, muscle tension, short-term memory loss, premature coronary artery disease and heart attack according to health professionals.

It is clear that to make worrying a part of one's existence is to invite chaos, so it has to be discarded as quickly as possible regardless of how "worrying" the situation is.

Worry is a feeling, it is easier to deal with, you can decide whether or not to worry. It changes nothing, although some people believe that if they worry more, it shows they care more about seeking solution to the problem at hand more than others who have chosen to conquer the act of worry. It's a big fat lie. People who have mastered the art of staying above the urge to worry make better decisions and are somewhat immune to errors.

There are five ways I have since discovered in my experience so far that helps to overcome worry:

1. Think of the worst that can happen and be ready for it emotionally: remember I had written earlier that 99 percent of what we worry about never happens. If you like believe it, if you like don't, but before you wave it o , try it. What this approach does is to prepare your mind for the worst that will never happen. So, you conquer that fear that is eating you up. The mind is strong, it is designed to win wars from within, and every battle of life is won in the mind first, what you think is what you see. All I need you to conquer is the feeling, because in the physical it will never happen the way FEAR had designed it in your mind.

2. Daily exercise routine: Make it a daily routine to exercise your body physically, it relaxes your mind and releases your soul, I am not a fan of gym exercises, I believe in 3045-minute brisk walk, it's more adventurous and less cagey. What it does for you is to fill you with the determination to face a new day. At the same time, it improves the immune system which helps to overcome the physical negative side of stress borne out of worrying.

3. Meditation: meditation means different things to different people, define your own means of mediation that can lift you above the stress levels and daily immerse yourself into the act. For me I meditate on the word of G.o.d in the Bible, I find hope there, I find wisdom, knowledge and understanding, I recommend it to you as well.

4. Word of mouth confession at intervals: anytime the feeling wants to envelope you, quickly confess with your mouth some words of encouragement you already have stuck in you. Words like "I will conquer no matter what", "if this problem can break me then I never planned to succeed", "it's too late to give up at this point", "I will not die but live," I was born to make a difference" etc. This will stir up feelings within you to stand rm and surge on.

5. Have faith no matter what: Faith is the opposite of fear. Faith has produced more results in life than degrees, doctor's prescription, social network, material resources and so many other supposed platforms that give leverage to achieve results in life. Faith solidi es your vision or your expected outcomes in your mind, and for that reason you continue to move on relentlessly regardless of opposition or current experience.

Good health is your best tool to achieve anything in life, don't joke with it, guard it jealously, and never allow any negative feeling to rob you of the value it offers.

We shall surely overcome and fulfil destiny no matter what. Do not worry.

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