INSPIRATIONAL MUSINGS 49 Ignorance Continues To War Against The Total Liberation Of Many


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"All things truly wicked start from innocence."

— Ernest Hemingway

Ignorance has destroyed our world more than all the bombs that have been dropped at different war zones across the world in that many ignorant people have caused more harm they never knew of through racism, religious intolerance, terrorism, hate crime, nepotism, cultural evil practises, mob action, apartheid etc.

Ignorance is very dangerous because it's the opposite of knowledge, and as we all know that knowledge liberates, so also ignorance enslaves, even beyond that when mixed with power it unleashes the kind of evil many nations don't recover from for ages. The holocaust readily comes to mind here, please take some time to read more on how an ill-educated leader who got into power, ridingonhateandignoranceoversawthekindofevilnever seen in the civilis edage.

If you take your time to research properly into every act of wickedness that has been unleashed on different people or race over the years, you will discover the perpetrators were completely ignorant of the atrocities they freely committed, they had done these things through the manipulative qualities of some evil elements who had economic or spiritual control over the people
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i.e. the perpetrators of wickedness who made themselves available for such wicked acts.

From Europe to North America to Asia to Africa, some ignorant leaders at different periods led their people like a lamb to a slaughter slab, they made them fight senseless wars, some sponsored genocides and ethnic cleansing, some super intended over economic depression in the most unapologetic ways, ignorance can bring about the worst unimaginable in several ways beyond political leaders.h.i.+p or military dictators.h.i.+p, some people also manipulated others through religion and other forms of spirituality to kill many people, they being sufferer of ignorance also manipulated ignorant people, because most times it takes the ignorant to lead the more ignorant.

An example that readily comes to mind now is Jim Jones, who died on November 18, 1978. He was the founder of the Peoples Temple, he planned and executed the ma.s.s murder/suicide of 918 of its ignorant members in Jonestown, Guyana. Nearly three hundred children were murdered at Jonestown, almost all of them by cyanide poisoning. Jim Jones later died from a gunshot wound, suspected to be an act of suicide.

Also in my country Nigeria, Boko Haram terrorists continue to play on the ignorance and lack of education of many young boys and girls whom they turn to suicide bombers and soldiers to carry out unspeakable atrocities against innocent civilians and their families.

Through deliberate ignorance many manipulators continue to capitalise on the innocence of children and women to carry out wicked acts on a daily basis in Africa and the Middle East, the two continents that seem to be the worst hit in recent years from the continuous and unabated operations of the apostles of ignorance.

According to personal research, I found out that there are three types of ignorance, one is as a result of complete or total lack of education, termed illiteracy. The second type is as a result of education with two sub units namely —limited education and ill education.

The third one which is the most worrisome, which has served as the root cause of every evil done in this world is an educated person driven ignorantly by a warped ideology to commit atrocities.

Let's look into these three types of ignorance a little closer:

Ignorance caused by Illiteracy continues to be a source of concern for every responsible government in the world, many developing nations are battling with this problem because it is responsible mostly for poverty and diseases in any society. The people who painfully experience this are seen as the most disadvantaged in the society, they suffer from evil cultural practises, different superst.i.tions and lack of information. They appear to be shut out of growth and development in the global world. Most times they are number one victims of every war, chaos, harsh economic policies of any society. My prayer is education is made available to all soon.

The ill-educated and ignorant presents another challenge, education should ordinarily bring liberation. Liberation of the mind especially but this set of people aren't liberated totally, they are still held down with ignorance they refuse to break free from. Daily we come across people who don't know but they do not want to agree they don't know so they persist in ignorance, they are mostly very stubborn and there's no way to stop them, most times it is a waste of time, only terrible experiences make them seek for more knowledge to bring change upon their lives. Some of them find themselves in positions of leaders.h.i.+p somehow and they put a lot of people through pain and suffering because of their limited knowledge. Some have had time to improve on themselves which they refused to for reasons best known to themselves.

Things to watch out for in this category of persons are: number one, their level of comprehension, it is most times very low and yet they wish to boss others around intellectually regardless. Another thing to watch out for is how they share wrong information all over the place unrepentantly, any information they get they don't process it properly and yet they spread the same hoping you fall for them, again, they are very sentimental, questionable doctrines of religion tend to take a foothold in their s.p.a.ce, as well as questionable financial investment schemes, same for ethnic and cultural bias.

Lastly, since their main problem is to read and do a proper research on any matter of importance, although they can but they won't, so every knowledge they tend to get is from school, newspapers, television, radio or other means of propaganda. The best way to relate with this kind of people is never to argue with them, ensure you never have to clash with them intellectually for sake of peace. Alsoprayyounevergettomarryone.

The educated but ignorant manipulator: these are the likes of Adolf Hitler, Jim Jones, Idi Amin, Daniel Francois Malan etc. they are educated but driven by an ideology borne out of ignorance. The problem with this set of people is education in itself. They expose themselves to the worst type of books and write ups, in the process they get lost. They are also driven by hate or a twisted ideology. They are very determined people because they are driven by emotions bigger than them, they often don't understand the kind of forces that contend for their sanity, and then they become victims of deliberate ignorance.

These kind of people should be watched closely, they don't just become a menace in one day, they show signs of extremism in words and actions over a long period of time, the problem has always been the people around them who fail to act as quickly as possible to stop them before they commit all sorts of atrocities.

Finally, the right information is the doorway to inventions, growth and development in our world. We must all continue to invest in it so more people can be liberated from the shackles of ignorance.

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