INSPIRATIONAL MUSINGS 35 Choose Your Battles Wisely, Another Awaits You Around The Corner


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"Part of the happiness of life consists not in fighting battles, but in avoiding them. A masterly retreat is in itself a victory."

— Norman Vincent Peale

A soldier goes into every battle knowing three things happen on the battlefield:

1. You kill the enemy.

2. You get maimed by the enemy.

3. You get killed by the enemy.

With this in mind, it is very clear to a soldier that there is a 33 percent chance of coming back home from the battle field with limbs and life intact, so for this reason a soldier goes into every battle hungry to stay alive, a soldier goes into every battle to win, failure is not an option.

Again, there's also something a soldier considers before going into any battle, asoldiermusthavetherightweaponsbeforegoing outtheretofight, orelsethesoldierisonasuicidemission. For this reason, a soldier is wary of going into a battle he or she isn't sure of winning. The same goes for anyone who doesn't choose his or her battles wisely in life, you will be so drained when you fight every battle that is not necessary, especially when you don't care whether it is win n able or not.

Ifyouarenotsureyouaregoingtowinabattledonotgointoit. It is the refusal to heed this counsel that a lot of people have gotten themselves entangled with needless court cases, some have ended up with someone else's partner and they continue to fight on one side to keep the relations.h.i.+p, on the other side they are putting in all efforts to push away the other partner. There are people that are fighting for their lives in the hospital right now because they got into a needless brawl on the streets. Many people have lost their lives due to ill health borne out of stress acc.u.mulated from a relations.h.i.+p they knew wasn't going to work out from day one, the signs were obvious but they ignored them because they felt it was abattleworthgoinginto, they felt they could come out victorious. The truth about battles is that the outcomes aren' t predictable, although many war lords have said the secret to winningabattleisknowingyouropponentandandhavingaright estimation of yourself, that victory is certain under such circ.u.mstances, but even at that things might not just work as planned and defeat stares one in the face.

Another reason one must be very wise about the battle one goes into is this: there are always potential battles waiting to be fought on a daily basis, it is how circ.u.mspect you are about every fresh supposed battle that will determine if you are fighting a battle every other day or you are winning battles without lifting a finger.

Don't get me wrong, you can't avoid all battles, in fact, some issues will never get better until you fight a battle to bury it forever. These are the kind of battles I believe are even winnable, a battle you know you have to win at all cost to liberate yourself. So, I am an advocate of fighting when it is absolutely necessary for the battletobefoughtatallcost. If not avoid any form of battle.

Some people will just never know how to avoid battles, they are fighting on like four fronts, they are fighting seriously to force some changes through in their marriages, at the same time they are fighting to see the end of an office colleague they have identified as one that won't make them grow as quickly as possible within the ranks, so for this reason, plans are underway to get him or her out of the office anyhow, in the same vein, they are embroiled in a court case over some form of inheritance, which requires them to be in court every other week, like they haven't had enough, they still want to be in charge solely of the local resident a.s.sociation, fighting another battle with neighbours and other local residents in the process. Too many needless battles being fought left, right and centre, when you can waltz through life without having to face the kind of battles you don't wish for yourself.

Research has shown that most battles we fight in life can be avoided if we abide by some principles. The number one principle to abide by to avoid needless battles in one's life is to mind your business. You are so safe when you mind your business, stay away as much as possible from other people's business, even when you are made a party to the matter by any means, you need to be careful as to your level of involvement so you don't transfer unnecessary aggression onto yourself from an aggrieved party in the dispute or the issue in question.

The number two principle is to forgive easily. When you forgive easily you wont have to fight too many battles, it is because most people lack the forgiving spirit that they fight many needless battles, always trying to get back their own pound of flesh, the problem with getting back your own poundoffles.h.i.+showsureare you that you won't lose more flesh? How are you sure the tide won't turn against you?.
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The third principle is to avoid wrong counsel. Some people do not survive in an atmosphere of peace, they are schemers and sycophants, they have nothing to offer, their only means of livelihood is to benefit from the misfortune of others, they are superst.i.tious people who believe that the only way to excel is to take the place of others in a system. One of their greatest attributes is to offer an advice that you would think it was for your benefit, but when you a.n.a.lyse it critically you will realise they were to benefit from the advice on the long run, please flee from people like this, do not heed any counsel from them. Another set of wrong advisors are the sentimental ones, they mean well but they do not look at the end result of whatever decision they make from the start, these people are embattled already with self inflicted problems, never allow them to add to your woes cart, when they ask you to fight for something till the last drop of blood in your veins, never argue with them just let them feel you are okay with the advice. Be careful, don't heed any counsel that will plunge you into crisis.

The last principle which is the number four is to have a heart of grat.i.tude. When you have a heart of grat.i.tude you will be the type that can easily count his or her blessings and be grateful to G.o.d for his mercies. You will not be interested in needless battles because you understand that you can always have more when people think they have cheated you or they have played a smart one on you. When you have a heart of grat.i.tude, it is similar to having a heart of gold, a large heart.

One of the attributes of people with a heart of grat.i.tude is giving, a giver can give out anything including what a lot of people count as precious possessions, they will give to anyone what others consider as priceless. A heart of grat.i.tude gives you a mentality of abundance, you will never be afraid of the future. It also s.h.i.+elds you from needless battles because you can walk away from the juiciest business transactions that others are killing themselves over, you can walk away from anything, no matter how attractive or rewarding it appears, once it will make you fight a needless battle.

Many see this as an act of cowardice or lack of ambition, but it is wise to avoid a needless battle because you aren't sure of the outcome. No matter the lure or the weapons at your disposal, be careful, the tide may suddenly turn against you in a battle, so choose your battles wisely.

Attaining greatness in life is a daily battle. That is why it is important to choose your battles wisely, the only battle you should always fight is the one that stands between you and your peace of mind, any other one is avoidable.

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