A Slave Who Became Emperor Chapter 112

A Slave Who Became Emperor -

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Published at 7th of March 2020 02:25:07 PM
Chapter 112

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The Shah felt furious . . his ego got better of him . . he said, ' whatever happens in my empire,is my responsibility . . how dare he send a letter threatening me . . this is not acceptable . . I will teach him a lesson . . minister . . write a response to Khalsa Khan, he must understand that I am not a withering leaf to shake because of his threat . . tell him that he can take care of his own empire . . and not to disturb us . . ' he got up in anger from the throne and walked away furiously . .

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Everyone in the court shook with fear, they heard how ruthless the emperor of Mangol Khalsa Khan was . . if he gets into a rage, what would happen to their empire . . he had huge forces under his command . . actually Khalsa Khan could threaten any other empire in the world . . such was the number of troops he commanded . . even the Shah knew about this . . but his ego was lot bigger than his actual capacity and military strength . . waging war against Hindustan is different from facing Mangol . . the Shah was currently stronger than Hindustan . . but he was much weaker compared to Mangol . .

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Hindustan was broken into Smaller parts . . it was never commanded by one emperor . . except during the times of the great emperor Vikram Aditya . . . now Pinaka was already successful in uniting two great empires of India . . but north to south , and east to west uniting the whole country was a hummungous task . . whereas Mangol was long back unified under Khalsa Khan's dynasty . . the great emperor Ghengis Khan was responsible for that . .

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As the Shah left the court and kept walking, some sense started creeping back into him . . he started a.s.sessing his military strength against that of Khalsa Khan . . he knew that he did a huge mistake . . the treasure would help him get more troops, but Shameen was not responding since that ritual . . . she was in seclusion . .

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He summoned the minister and asked him to hold the response to Khalsa Khan for now . . the minister silently thanked G.o.d for helping the Shah to see some sense . . the Shah then thought of meeting Shameen . . he wanted to tell her to stop all her bludy rituals and sacrifices and not hurt the people . . but . . would she hear to him . . ?
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