A Slave Who Became Emperor Chapter 109

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Published at 7th of March 2020 02:25:10 PM
Chapter 109

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There was an ancient story in India, about lord Veera Bhadra .

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He was created by the wrath of lord s.h.i.+va and destroyed the ritual of King Daksha, after Daksha's daughter and s.h.i.+va's consort Sati self-immolated in the sacrificial fire .  He is described as a warrior who subdued Indra (G.o.d of heaven) the mighty one and defeated many others . Other G.o.ds fled the battlefield unable to sustain his power . He was known to be the fiercest warrior G.o.d ever . The Kala Hara army was considered to be descendants of Lord Veera Bhadra .

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This army was the only reason why Ujjain remained independent and during King Vikram Aditya's Time, because of this army,he unified entire nation under his rule . Entire Hindustan was his considered as his empire . Once King Vikram Aditya fell, due to internal conflicts, the country got split again . Many years pa.s.sed but no one dared to set their eyes on Ujjain due to the fear of Kala Hara army .

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Though there were no recent wars fought by the Kala Hara army, they trained hard everyday and kept practising various techniques using ancient hunting arts . They were experts in Guerilla warfare .

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They didn't report to anyone except the King of Ujjain and were lead by a fierce General called Kaala Bhadra . He was the fiercest warrior on the face of earth .
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Kaala Bhadra took a part of his army and followed Pinaka . . this was the first time his army set foot out of Ujjain, never were they sent out of their Kingdom . . but the King said that Pinaka was the re-incarnation of their great emperor Vikram Aditya . The Priest of Ujjain had a vision in which he saw King Vikram Aditya taking the form of Pinaka . . he was the one who came and told the present King of Ujjain that he is coming to re-claim his army . . hearing this from the King, Kaala Bhadra had no choice but to follow Pinaka . .

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