I Am The Queen 53 Chapter 4

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"Welcome back!"

The moment Evangeline entered her unit together with Eric, two contradicting, yet pleasant voice greeted them.

Evangeline's lips and the corner of her eyes slightly twitched upon seeing the unwanted visitors.

Eric, on the other hand, was stunned when his eyes focused on those two men who were sitting comfortably on the sofa. He didn't even notice the wiggling puff of fur who was so excited to see him.

Both men were amazingly built both physic and height. One was a young man a few years older than him, with a muscular build and overwhelming dominance while the other, much older, was more on the leaner and calmer side though Eric guessed that beneath that exterior lay hidden dangers, lethal and deadly.

What's more, Eric felt that palpable tension and pressure brought by the two men's deathly gazes amidst their fake smiling faces.

"What are you guys doing here?" Evangeline asked, unperturbed by the appearance of her unwanted visitors.

"We are just checking up on you since you're still not home." The slenderer man was the one who answered while his sharp eyes peered towards the wall clock. Then he smiled kindly narrowing his eyes. "Aren't you going to introduce us to your guest?"

However, all Eric felt was chilliness that pierced even the bones, keeping his s.h.i.+vering to a minimum.

Evangeline crossed her arms and tilted her hips. "Eric, this is my cousin, Alvaro. And I presume that you already know Asher. Everyone, this is Eric."

"And may I know what this young gentleman is doing here inside your unit in the earliest hour of the morning?" Alvaro's tone was gentle and soothing like that of an older brother, yet underneath it concealed threat and malice directed towards Eric for Evangeline just revealed their family's secret to a stranger.

While Evangeline inwardly sighed as she faced her cousin's interrogation. "We are just going to discuss something related to school."

Then without another word, Evangeline walked towards her room, dragging Eric, who remained silent throughout, by the arm.


Before they could take another step towards her room, however, Asher slammed his palms against the table and abruptly stood up causing the people to look his way.


There was so much that Asher wanted to say to Evangeline and screamed out towards Eric. But all the words refuse to come out as he remembered what Evangeline had told him days ago.

While the woman just raised her brow and smiled in a challenging smirk. "What is it?" Her voice was pleasant yet cold and threatening.

Asher's irritation and frustration immediately froze as he managed an awkward, forced smile. "N-nothing."

Alvaro remained sitting, crossing his legs and sipping his tea gracefully while he inwardly shook his head.

"If there is nothing, then make yourselves at home." Evangeline didn't wait for the two men's response. She opened her room and pulled Eric inside and slammed the door shut.


Asher whispered like a deflated balloon while his arm was raised, trying to stop Evangeline to no avail.



It was minutes that Asher remained like that, standing stupidly like a soulless person, raising his arm while his eyes lifeless, staring at that tightly close door.

"What are you doing? Sit. Tell me about that guy." Alvaro brought his teacup down as he did so his warm brotherly aura gradually faded, replaced by sharp freezing sensation full of wickedness, suffocating all around him.

Asher snapped out from his daze while his body immediately followed the command of his older brother. Though he was more build physically compared to him, he knew, beneath that harmless lean figure hid strength and power.

Alvaro didn't mind the reaction of his second brother. He tilted his head, propping it on one hand while his other hand rested on top of his crossing knee. "You have ten minutes. Explain to me everything you know about that man."




It had been already a whole fifteen minutes, yet Evangeline and Eric remained the same. No one wanted to talk. Evangeline was continually pressuring the man with her eyes while Eric pretended to marvel at the woman's airy and s.p.a.cious room.

Windows were large, spanning from floor to ceiling, letting in maximum light yet designed so well that the room stayed warm even in winter. Everything was in cool refres.h.i.+ng shades of white with an accent of pastels with simple furniture in a, minimalistic design. Everything was not an accident inside her room. From the hues of the flowers to the materials of the cozy rugs, everything screamed her name with no sentimentality for the old.

Eric's eyes kept darting towards one particular spot. It was on top of a table, protected by tempered gla.s.s.

A broken teapot?

Eric knew at first glance that it somehow had shattered and was put together again. He didn't know why Evangeline had it protected with tempered gla.s.s like it was the most valuable thing inside her room, yet she didn't even bother to ask a professional to fix the pot. The various visible crack lines all over the stoneware was an eyesore and definitely out of place inside her well maintained room.

Eric didn't know anything about teas nor pottery. But he could tell that the teapot was expensive just from its unusual shape and ancient looking unglazed material.


Eric's eyes darted towards the woman sitting opposite him while his face remained as static as ever.

Evangeline was tilting her head against her arm while her other hand was resting on top of her crossing knees, emanating pride and arrogance. While Eric was sitting with iron straight back, legs apart, fingers interlocking on top of his limbs, stipulating indifference as his eyes intently stared at the beautiful woman.

Evangeline continued when Eric didn't say anything. "Aren't you going to explain yourself why you're avoiding me the past few days?"

Eric didn't answer.

"Is it because of what I said that night?"


"Is it because you feel that I depended on you or that you feel that there are feelings that started to blossom that's why you got scared and wanted to put distance between us?"


Evangeline's temper was gradually bursting out when the man remained calm and indifference still.

"Don't overthink too much about it, Eric. The atmosphere and mood brought that event." Evangeline slightly leaned towards the silent man and looked at him seriously in the eyes. "I a.s.sure you, there were no feelings at all."

Her voice was soothing yet cold at the same time. Her face still held arrogance and haughtiness yet her eyes where glazy as it shone and s.h.i.+vered, trying to contain the emotions hidden within.

Eric couldn't keep looking at those eyes and immediately s.h.i.+fted his gaze.

"You seem to be the one who is overthinking things." He said after a while, keeping his voice low and even.

Then he looked at Evangeline with indifference while his voice cold and taunting yet his knuckles were turning white brought by the pressure from his interlocking fingers.

"I already told you, I'm busy with work. Nothing more."



Evangeline bit her lip while she secretly pinched the back of her palm to held herself.

"You… why are you lying?! You are clearly avoiding me!"


The interlocking tension and pressure from the two people were abruptly disrupted by the opening of the door and the coming in of Asher, tray in hand.

"Are you hungry? I've brought you some snacks!" Asher smiled from ear to ear, but amidst his attractive friendly exterior hid impure motives as he walked towards his target. HMP! As if I'll allow you two to be alone! Under my dead body! I may not lay a hand on you punk, but it's not my fault if I accidentally slip this boiling teapot all over your face. Heh! See if you still have the guts to bring your hideous appearance out in the pu— h-hoi!

Before Asher could finish his thoughts, Eric had abruptly stood up and walked towards the door. He paused when he reached the handle, yet he didn't turn back for the reason that he didn't want Evangeline to see the conflicting emotions on his face that he could no longer hide and that he didn't want to see the hurt in the woman's eyes for another second more.

"It's getting late and I'm overstepping my stay. I have to go. You don't have to see me out." Then without another word, he left.



Asher was still left hanging, feeling irritated that his plans were thwarted without even entering the initial stage. Forget it! I have plenty of time to deal with him.

Then his personality s.h.i.+fted 180° as he kindly smiled towards Evangeline, his voice cooing and much, much softer. "Eva, are you hungry? I've prepared your favorite tea for you…."

However, his enthusiastic voice gradually dimmed when he noticed that his beautiful cousin was staring blankly at the door. Her eyes were misty while her lips were quivering, being pressed into one line as if trying to fight the tears from falling that were br.i.m.m.i.n.g in her eyes.

Asher was dumbstruck at this sudden expression of his cousin that his mind blanked out. For the life of him, he didn't know what to do! Evangeline had always been arrogant and proud and strong. She rarely— no! In fact, this was the first time that Asher saw her in such a vulnerable state.

Asher's face turned solemn while his fingers holding the tray gradually turned white by the amount of force he was inserting against that piece of metal.

Evangeline… You like him that much?

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