Enticed! Part 2

Enticed! -

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Samuel turned to Nika. "You will learn, Nicolette. And you will learn well. Resign yourself to the fact that you will serve Master Gerik and obey him in all things, once I have finished with you." She winced and turned her head away. He snarled softly and grabbed her by the chin, forcing her to look at him. "You're a VonTesmar slave now. Adelar does not exist. You and Nolan are the last of the blood."


Samuel slapped her and she glared at him. "It might interest you to know, my dear, that your so-called 'beloved', the Director, has recognized VonTesmar as the victor in this Clan war. Adelar blood is mine."

Nika shook her head. "No..." she whispered, "no ... let Nolan go, Samuel."

Samuel looked at her a moment. She was on her knees again, this time because he had her hair and face and she had little choice but to rise up where he pulled her. She smelled strongly and enticingly of sweet feminine musk and the thick warmth of cinnamon, touched with a hint of leather. Her dark gray eyes were misty and her lashes were wet. Her soft lips were an angry red from her constant worrying at them with her teeth, her cheeks were pink and the lush curves of her delicately trembling body were damp with sweat. Her nipples were hard and tight, reddened from the abuse they'd been taking over the last hour and the sensations that were relentlessly tearing through her no matter how hard she tried to suppress and deny them.

"Let Nolan go?" he said a bit incredulously.

"Yes, Samuel," she breathed, chewing her slightly swollen lip again, "please."

He snorted. "And what? You've got nothing to bargain with."

She s.h.i.+fted uncomfortably. "I know," she breathed, "please. If for no other reason than the fact that you've defeated him. Let him go and I swear, I'll never fight you again. You can do whatever you want with me, I won't argue."

Samuel raised an eyebrow and Gerik gave a snort of disbelief, standing once again in his alcove, with a new cigar, blowing rings of smoke.

Nika closed her eyes.

"I can have that regardless of whether I release your cousin or not."

She went very still and Samuel caught the slight slump of her shoulders before she opened her eyes and looked up at him. She swallowed hard. "Please, Samuel," she breathed, "please."

He smiled. It felt very good to hear her begging like this. She'd never done it before, even when he'd had her, bound and helpless, while he whipped her. While he took out the incredible frustration of not being able to have her this way, naked, hot and wet and completely at his mercy, for the four long years he'd had to suffer without the Gla.s.s.

It pulsed, searingly hot by now, throbbing with a beat that his own heart had long synched with, its ancient, dark power suffusing him.

Enough of this game, Samuel ... take her now!

She s.h.i.+vered in front of him. "Please, Samuel," she whispered, reaching out to put her shaking hand on his thigh. The heat of her fingers burned his skin and he hissed, his body reacting to that simple touch with a power that nearly drove all sensible thought out of his head. He leaned towards her, pulling her towards him and she gasped sharply at the pain. Her eyes widened at the look in his eyes and she wet her lips in an innocent, yet nearly insanity-inducing gesture. "Please!"

Electricity shot through him at that and he yanked her up, throwing her on the sofa with a snarl. "Perhaps," he growled, "if you satisfy me, I'll consider it."

Nika stared at him, fear and desire fighting for control of her body. "Samuel..."

He grabbed her right leg, pulled it up and slid heavily between them, lifting her hips from the cus.h.i.+ons of the sofa and spreading her wide. She gasped again at the harsh tightness of his fingers around her calf, the weight of his body against her leg as he held it tight against him and bore down. She moaned, his solid, hard length pressing painfully against her swollen softness and she winced as her hips jerked against his instinctively.

She may be untrained, she may have been Gaston's wh.o.r.e, but she's mine now... And it's been long enough...

He reached down, unlacing the fastenings to his pants, not even bothering to strip down the rest of the way. He was in too great a hurry and she really didn't deserve it right now, he thought. She gasped as he released his c.o.c.k, directing it at her vulnerable, damp rosy p.u.s.s.y and rubbed it in the fresh, slick wetness that was trickling out of her, sending her into a paroxysm of gasps and shudders. "Oh..." she moaned, "oh ... more please! Samuel ... please!"

He chuckled, looking down at her. "s.l.u.t."

"Yes," Nika breathed, squirming, "yes, I am, but please, just a little more... I'm so close now ... it hurts..."

He snorted. "You don't deserve to come again, you little wh.o.r.e," he said, prodding the quivering entrance to her body with the thick, hard head of his c.o.c.k. She stiffened. "I'm not interested in your pleasure right now, pet. You're going to give me what I want and you can take care of your own needs later."

Nika looked at him, her eyes focusing on his clothing and sliding down to the thick, hot, velvety member Samuel was teasing her with. She licked her lips absently as she looked at him. He was a dark, almost burgundy color, smooth and hard and glistening with a mixture of his moisture and her own juices. Samuel chuckled as he watched her reaction to him. He was thick, very thick and a good, solid length, which made him even more firm. She s.h.i.+vered, swallowing hard.

"Samuel," she breathed, her body flush with heat and trembling as he prodded her again, "oh please, f.u.c.k me."

He snorted softly. "Please?"

"Yes," Nika groaned, "please ... now! Hard and fast and now! Please!"

He slid into her and she stiffened. He groaned softly and long as he felt her body adjust around his girth, clinging wetly to him. He pushed harder and her muscles twitched, a soft, low rippling of the soft, hot body around him making him look up, into her face. She whimpered softly, her lips falling open in a gasp.

Tears threatened the corners of her eyes.

He bucked his hips back, pulling nearly out of her and she groaned, squirming.

Her hips trembled and his fingers tightened around the leg he held against his left shoulder. Then he slammed into her and began to pound, hard and fast, grunting. She groaned loudly, squirming, trying to thrust back against him. He growled as he went faster, her body shuddering under the impact, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s shaking, her gasps becoming harsher and more guttural.

He felt a strange, invasive heat growing deep within him as he sped up his thrusts, the power of his own driving need building, the sensation of her slick, wet, hot, tight body making it nearly impossible to think clearly. A dark, ancient and incredibly powerful presence filled his brain, taking command of his body, driving him to move harder, faster. She was screaming now, he realized dimly, and his leg muscles were hurting with the power of his hammering thrusts. She writhed under him, his fingers digging into the flesh of her calf. Her smooth, muscular sheath was spasming against his c.o.c.k, squeezing him with each sharp spasm. He growled deep in his throat, his gaze fixing and locking on her wild, storm-tossed eyes, holding them as he felt her body stiffen in yet another o.r.g.a.s.m.

She cried, gasping, tears streaming down her face, her body shuddering under his a.s.sault.

"Yes, Samuel!" she breathed roughly "oh, yes! Yes!"

He frowned vaguely. Something didn't sound right. His name wasn't Samuel...

'Alastria, you little s.l.u.t... I'll burn him out of your memory ... you'll never look at him again ... he will die for this insult to me... You're mine, never forget that!'

She squirmed under him, eyes streaming, fear radiating from them as he f.u.c.ked her, her gown in shreds, her arms tied to the frame of her own bed with strips torn from her skirt. 'Yes Master,' she moaned, 'I'm sorry ... it was my fault, not his... please, my beloved ... don't hurt him...'

He snarled and backhanded her. 'Quiet!'

Her soft whimpering sent sharp spirals of malicious pleasure through him.

Nika gasped, her arms over her head. She was panting, her voice having gone hoa.r.s.e from screaming, her body still quivering weakly as the continued to batter her, rolling through her spasming body with abandon.

Samuel grunted, his body stiffening. Memories of a past that wasn't his flowed through the moments of conscious thought that weren't suffused with the intense, powerful pleasure her tight, hot body was giving him, the sound of her cries, her sensual writhing, the response of her body to his being an intoxicant that was making him almost drunk on the intense power and purity of her energy. He ruthlessly sucked her up and channeled her through the Daestrian Gla.s.s that fed it back to him along with bursts of memory, power, strength and a vast intelligence that staggered his mind.

The pleasure sent him over the edge and he hilted himself deep in her soft body and exploded, sending bursts of his steaming essence into her and he roared with the intensity of it as a tortured scream was ripped from deep within her.

Samuel slumped forward, nearly splitting her in half as he came down atop her. Her leg fell to the side to drape limply over the backrest of the sofa and she moaned weakly.

"Samuel?" she managed.

He groaned, then snarled like an injured dragon. She stiffened.

He raised his head. Dark amethyst eyes glowed now, dark and foreboding, touched with a kind of eerie violet sheen that she hadn't seen before. She swallowed hard. "S-Samuel?" her voice shook. "He will die," he snarled, then pushed up and tore out and away from her with a vicious growl. His clothing ordered itself as he rose and she only stared at him, laying weak and drained on the settee. Something dark and powerful radiated from him. Something terrible.

He strode across the room towards the door.

Gerik snapped to attention, eyeing his superior warily. "Sir."

"I shall retire to my suite," he said imperiously, "I do not wish to be disturbed."

Kazi nodded. "As you say, Your Grace."

The door opened for Samuel and he swept through without any further word or even a glance back to Nika, who stared after him in stunned shock.



Tamara Sable leaned in the doorway to the mechanic's bay, where a pair of sneakered feet were sticking out from under some large, strange, intricate piece of star-drive equipment. The feet were moving, obviously to some unheard beat.

Tamara smiled slightly, shaking her head, and walked into the bay, next to the suspended piece of machinery. "Jake?"

The feet continued to tap, unhindered.

Tamara leaned down, to look underneath. Sure enough, there was Jake, a headset strapped to his brown haired head, working busily with a wrench and grinning.

Tamara called his name again, hesitant to touch the mechanic while he was working.

Jake, on the other hand, was totally involved in his repair work, and didn't hear Tamara. The first hint he had of her presence was a gentle waft of rich perfume, and he turned his head to look in the direction the perfume came from. His eyes widened slightly, and he smiled in appreciation. A lovely, soft pair of b.r.e.a.s.t.s were regarding him from under a tight black lace halter-top. Then his eyes snapped up to the curious face, lips moving in what must be his name. He yanked the headphones off his head, and grinned widely. "Tam!"

Tamara laughed. He liked the sound of it, and the effect it had on her halter-top. He slid out from under the star-drive, and stood up.

Tamara straightened as well, looking distractedly at the door, so Jake took that time to examine her, as he always did, when he knew she wasn't watching. An old, familiar fire sparked inside him, and he chuckled softly.

He strode to his desk, wiping his dirty hands on a nearby rag. "What do you need, Tam?" he asked conversationally. Each time he asked that, he always hoped she'd say, "You!" and jump him right there, but she never had so far.

Tamara tilted her head to the side. "Oh, it's the Pegasus, Jake."

"Again?" Jake grinned.

Tamara laughed. "Yes, again. I had to be towed, this time. Not cheap."

Jake smirked. "Never is." He made a few quick notes on a computer pad, and rounded his desk. "So. Show me what ya got." He caught her elbow, and tugged her along with him towards the door to the tow company's hanger.

Jake looked over the damaged cargo s.h.i.+p with a critical eye. He made several circuits of the Sable Pegasus, taking notes, while Tamara was in the tow office, talking to the men who brought her in.

There were two of them, s.p.a.ce roughened types, and they seemed to enjoy making things as difficult for her as possible. Tamara was beginning to get exasperated.

She crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't have that kind of money," she said finally.

The man behind the desk exchanged a look with the other. The other tilted his head towards the girl and grinned. "Okay," the guy at the desk said. "We keep your s.h.i.+p then."

Tamara frowned. "No."

The guy at the desk shook his head, smiling. "Too bad," he said. "Either you pay for the tow, or we get to keep the s.h.i.+p."

She sighed. "Look, I just don't have that kind of money. You can clean me out, and I still won't have enough to pay you."

The other man walked over towards Tamara. "Well, we don't have much of a choice. We have to make our expenses as well, you know." His eyes moved over her body intimately, lingering a long time on her lace covered b.r.e.a.s.t.s and hips. He glanced at his companion at the desk. The other man caught his look and smiled.

Tamara eyed the guy approaching her, noting his roving gaze. She glanced at the man behind the desk.

"Well," he said, rising as well. "We're going to have to work out a compromise. You don't want to lose your s.h.i.+p, and we want to be paid for our work." He approached her.

Now, with the two of them closing slowly in on her, Tamara considered her options. "Well, like I said, I don't have any money. You willing to take something else in payment?"

The first man grinned widely. "Sure. What have you got?"

Tamara smiled. "What do you want?"

The second man smirked. "I think you know."

They both continued to approach her, backing her up into a wall. As the cold metal surface touched her back, Tamara bit her lip, her smile fading a bit. She looked these two over.

They were large, muscular, human men. The first man was ma.s.sive, dark haired, tall. The second, the one that had been behind the desk, was lighter, his hair a light golden brown, his body a bit more lithe. They were both quite attractive, and could be fun. And anything was better than cleaning her account out of every last unit.

She wondered what they would do if she protested.

Tamara appeared to consider a moment, then widened her eyes as though realizing what the brown haired man had implied. She shook her head. "No."

The dark haired one glanced at his companion. Then he turned back to Tamara. "Well, now you have three choices. One, you pay us, which you said you can't do.

Two, you let us have your s.h.i.+p. Three, you let us f.u.c.k you."

The brown haired man grinned. "Make your choice."

Tamara shook her head again. "No to all three," she said, wondering the entire time if they would back off. She doubted it seriously, but it would be interesting to find out.

The dark haired man seemed to hesitate, but the other moved forward, pressing Tamara into the wall with his body, forcing his lips on hers. His hand found a breast and squeezed it. Tamara moaned in protest, struggling.

The dark haired man chuckled softly. "It seems your choice has been made for you," he purred, stepping forward to run his fingertips over her side, and the soft swell of her unoccupied breast.

Tamara closed her eyes as she was brutally kissed, his tongue pressing into her mouth, exploring it ruthlessly. She felt her nipples harden, even as her body began to tremble. The hand squeezing her breast almost hurt, it was so tight. She felt a tingling between her legs, and she moaned again.

The brown haired man left her lips finally, grinning. "I think she likes it," he said to his darker companion. His hand stayed on her breast, kneading it. The other man took this opportunity to lean in, pressing his lips to hers, forcing his tongue into her mouth. He caught hold of her tongue, and began to suck it, as his hand closed around her other breast.

Eyes closed, Tamara squirmed under the attention, gasping, moaning softly. She felt the waistband of her pants loosen, and then felt them being yanked over her hips, down around her ankles. She heard a voice, the other man, laughing quietly, "She's wet. She does like this." Then a finger was plunged into her depths, a slick wet sound accompanying the feeling of penetration. She jerked slightly and moaned.

Another finger joined the first, and then another. Something hot and wet flicked against her c.l.i.t, and she tried to scream, but couldn't with her tongue and lips being sucked. Another finger slammed into her, and she suddenly realized the brown haired man was shoving his entire hand into her p.u.s.s.y. She gasped, her hips thrusting, as her c.l.i.t was engulfed in something hot and damp, which began to suck on her.

Tamara was having trouble staying on her feet by now, and she felt herself beginning to slide down the wall. The dark haired man's lips left hers. She heard his voice, "Get her on the desk. Will be easier."

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