Enticed! Part 1

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More Erotic Science Fiction and Fantasy.


To the National Novel Writing Month compet.i.tion ("NaNoWriMo") for giving me the incentive to get back to work and the incentive to get my first book published.

To the members of EPIC (particularly the erotica writers) for the incredible support and friends.h.i.+p they have given me in the short time I have been a member. Their advice and humor has been invaluable to me.



Welcome to Enticed! my second collection of science fiction and fantasy erotica!

These stories range from the darkly erotic and sensual "Destiny" (2003) where Samuel VonTesmar, Dirandan Duke of VonTesmar and Crown Prince, heir to the throne of the Directorate, finds himself facing the greatest challenge of his life, in the form of a young woman he has been obsessed with since they were children.

This is one of the Daestrian Legacy series of stories, of which my first novel, Arcadia (1996/2004 REB, July 2004) and the short stories appearing in Diranda: Tales from the Fifth Quadrant (REB, December 2004) "The Blood of Thrax" (2004) and "The Legacy of Thrax" (NaNoWriMo 2003) are a part.

The following stories are an eclectic collection featuring characters from my first collection, Ravished! (REB, August 2004) Tamara Sable, Alena Varian and Aurora Katran, as well as some new characters like Tanek, Gareth's youngest brother.

Tamara has three stories in this collection, "Repairs", "Picture Perfect" and "Tamara's First Time". All of these are from the original Adventures of Tamara Sable collection and were written in 1996 and 1998.

Along with the story of Tamara's first time is Alena Varian's first time story, "The Headmaster's Office", written on December 31, 2002. It was followed by the "State Ball" series of stories, which were written a few days later, in 2003. I very rarely write first time stories, since I like writing about experienced lovers but these both were very interesting to compose. They're different from traditional first time stories, since both Tamara and Alena are l.u.s.ty, curious women and approached this experience with the pa.s.sion and intensity that is typical of their characters.

The "State Ball" stories are characteristic of the State b.a.l.l.s that were held during the reign of the evil Asher VonTesmar, the father of the current King, Gaston VonTesmar and his brother, Samuel.

As Alena said in "Fugue" (Ravished!), "It's just a more elegant term for 'wild three-day orgy'."

"The Road to Shadow Glen" (2000) is an Aurora Katran story which is the only fantasy tale in this collection. On her way to an art festival in the neighboring village of Shadow Glen, Aurora Katran encounters a band of highway robbers who, far from wanting to steal her valuables, would much rather steal her...

We close with "Behind Enemy Lines" (2004) a story written for Talara, the s.e.xy lady who graces the cover of this book. Talara is a Dirandan fighter-pilot who crashes on an enemy planet and finds someone who is much more than just an enemy... Enticed! sizzles with fiery heat and raw erotica, ranging from sensual, almost sweet s.e.x ("Tamara's First Time") to the dark and disturbing ("Destiny"). I hope you enjoy this collection, it was a blast writing it!

Tabitha A. Bradley.

September 2004.


Destiny... Power... Pa.s.sion...

Yes, Samuel thought, gazing into the blood-red depths of the Daestrian Gla.s.s as it drank in and refracted the flickering light of the low-banked orange coals smoldering in the fireplace. My destiny ... my power...

Stormy gray eyes, silken ruby hair, the scent of warm cinnamon and dragon's blood resins, the sensual heat of her soft, curvaceous body as she writhed against him, moaning.


My pa.s.sion.

My Nicolette.

Yes, Samuel, yours, a soft, deep, ancient voice whispered in his brain, your pa.s.sion, your destiny. Your power. Infinite power. Isn't that what you've always wanted?

Samuel grunted softly, s.h.i.+fting in the chair he'd been sitting in since Gareth took his leave three hours ago. His eyes were dry and aching, as though he'd forgotten to blink for a while.


Then take what belongs to you. She is the key to your destiny, Samuel, to the power that is rightfully yours. Daestrian power.

How long had he been in thrall this time?

"Gerik," he rasped, surprised to find how dry his voice was.

"Yes, sir?"

His House Commander's voice came from the door to the suite. He was leaning in the small alcove, smoking a cigar. Samuel focused on him through lowered eyelids.

Kazi was regarding him calmly, his dark brown eyes alert.


"Prisoner is still asleep on the sofa, sir," Gerik said with a slight quirking of his lips, "I took the liberty of thoroughly searching her for hidden weapons and removed her boots." He snickered softly. "As for Adelar, he's presently sleeping off his latest interrogation session in the dungeon. I think he may be close to breaking. The Interrogation Master the Duke was kind enough to provide me with has managed to extract quite a bit of information from him about the operations of the county and various other items of minor interest. He does still believe the Gla.s.s is locked up though. And, as requested, he has not been informed of Nicolette's arrival."

"Good," Samuel grunted, rising slowly, dropping the ancient scrying mirror into a pocket. He turned and looked at Nika, slumped on the settee where she'd been left, her clothes badly rumpled now and it was obvious Gerik had taken his time 'searching' her. She sighed in her sleep, s.h.i.+fting slightly as he watched her.

He growled softly in his throat.

She's always been yours, Samuel. No one else can touch her.

He knelt next to her, his fingers smoothing over the strands of ruby hair, laid out like threads of silk, against the worn brocade of the settee.

She is mine.

He frowned slightly.

What about Gaston?

At first, the news that she'd held up and played with Gaston was immensely amusing. If anyone deserved to get f.u.c.ked in all senses of the word by a b.i.t.c.h like Nicolette, it was his brother. And she certainly deserved someone like Gaston, who was a fiendish b.a.s.t.a.r.d in his own right. He'd imagined it had been a rather vicious coupling. Violent, nasty and swiftly over.

His fingers trailed over her cheek and she sighed. s.h.i.+vers went through his body.

Nika's reaction had been anything but casual and that made him angry. She had spoken as though she cared about the a.s.shole. That was completely unacceptable.

His fingers brushed over the fine silver chain around her neck. Disappearing into the enticing valley of her soft cleavage was a pendant. Samuel dipped his fingers between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and brought it out. Nika moaned softly, licking her lips slowly in her sleep, her hand brus.h.i.+ng sleepily at his as his fingers lingered between the full, warm softness.

Why didn't she like to wear ladies attire, he wondered absently, caressing her.

"Mmm ... oh Gaston..." she breathed, "please..."

Ice shot through Samuel's veins, followed by a sharp arc of electricity. His fingers tightened around the delicate chain and he tore it from her neck.

d.a.m.n you, Gaston!

She cried out in her sleep and Samuel felt the Daestrian Gla.s.s burning against his thigh, heavy in the pocket of his brocade tunic. A small sharp p.r.i.c.k of heat was searing his fingers and he opened his hand to look at the small pink gemstone in the pale white metal setting. Silver and pink ... topaz? Tourmaline? Not sapphire. He frowned intensely, staring at the rose pink stone, glittering in his hand.

Singularly refractive. Then it couldn't be topaz, nor any aluminum silicate. Nor was it rose quartz or any quartz derivative. He wasn't sure how he knew this. It seemed as though it was something a Crystal Master ought to know. Not morganite or any beryl. And he, Samuel, knew it wasn't jade, because it wasn't an opaque.

Jade was his stone.

Gaston's hands on her body. His name on her lips. His mouth on her, kissing her, sucking her ... fire was racing through his veins as the unwanted images came to his mind. His mouth on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, his hands between her legs... f.u.c.king her... Making her scream...

Grinding his teeth, his eyes narrowed to dark amethyst slits, Samuel ran his free hand over her half-exposed breast, squeezing, feeling the soft rise of her nipple and the small hard nub at its tip. He rubbed her, feeling it harden beneath his fingers, and he growled deep in his throat.

It's rhodolite garnet.

"Gaston..." she whispered, squirming a little.


Samuel growled deep in his throat. "Garnet..." he hissed, "why you little s.l.u.t..."

He looked down at the tiny, rich pink stone glimmering in his hand.

Gaston had always been very proud of the fact that he was the only Garnet Key in several generations. And about the fact that only VonTesmars sp.a.w.ned Garnet Keys. Their most celebrated ancestor, Varek, had been The Garnet Key and The First Master when Thrax had been hunted down and destroyed. He would have succeeded Thrax as Keeper if he hadn't died in the final battle.


Samuel snarled.

s.l.u.t. Wicked little s.l.u.t. She deserves to be punished for her audacity. How dare she defy me like this? With him? When she knows she belongs to me and only me!

He threw the pendant across the room into the fireplace, making Gerik snort and look into the room. "Sir?"

Samuel ignored him. His fingers tightened around Nika's full breast, squeezing until she gasped in pain and her eyes fluttered open. He watched with a dark satisfaction as she blinked, whimpering at the pain he was causing such a soft, sensitive part of her body, and tried to focus on him. Her lips fell open and he saw a flash of fear color her storm-dark eyes.


"s.l.u.t," he snarled, and backhanded her.

She gasped, her head snapping to the side as his hand made contact with her cheek, his other hand, still wrapped around her breast, twisting and tearing her s.h.i.+rt from her body. She gave a startled scream of fright and instinctively curled her body away from him, into the back of the sofa.

He grabbed her by the roots of her hair and yanked her back towards him, hot fury pounding through his veins like fire. "s.l.u.t," he repeated, "you thought perhaps my dear brother might take you away? Hide you?"

Nika's eyes widened in dazed confusion, fear, wariness. "No. What? Samuel?"

He grabbed her and pulled her up, pus.h.i.+ng her back into the sofa. Her s.h.i.+rt hung in shreds, and only the suede vest she'd chosen to wear over it, covered her b.r.e.a.s.t.s from the intense gaze of Gerik, who was still standing in the alcove smoking, only now he was watching the developments on the sofa with a slight, nastily amused smile on his thin, wide lips.

"You ought to know that would never happen, my dear," Samuel hissed, leaning in close, his eyes fixed solidly on hers, "he could never keep you from me. If I wanted you, Nicolette Adelar, no man, woman or beast on this earth or any other would keep me from taking you."

Nika began to tremble. She stared at him, wanting to speak, but finding her voice had deserted her. He was acting crazy, and more than anything else that had ever happened between the two of them, this was the most frightening, because she knew Samuel was anything but. She shook her head, trying to pull away, but his grip was getting tighter and more painful by the second.

"Afraid?" he breathed, a satanic smile curving his full lips, "good. About f.u.c.king time, you little wh.o.r.e."

Nika shook her head again. "Samuel..." she managed, "I don't understand."

He snorted. Her energy was radiating from her like heat waves. He tapped into it easily and sucked it off of her, into himself, into the Gla.s.s, which flared and became even hotter in his pocket. He groaned at the radiance that, far from burning him, was seeping into his body, filling him with strength, power, knowledge, memories.

"You will," he hissed, pus.h.i.+ng himself onto her and bearing her down into the cus.h.i.+ons of the sofa, "finally I will have you, Nicolette... Nika..."

She groaned, squirming under him. "No, Samuel," she breathed, "please, not like this."

He chuckled darkly. "I've waited for four years, Nicolette," he said as he forced her legs open with his body, pinning her shoulders to the cus.h.i.+ons with his hands.

She pushed at his chest, his body heavily crus.h.i.+ng hers into the sofa. "No, Samuel," she whispered again, "don't ... this isn't how it should be..."

He hovered over her, eyes narrowed and a dark, churning purple, his lips thinned in a cruel, rapacious smile. "This is exactly how it should be, my dear," he purred, intensely pleased with the fear she wasn't even taking the trouble of trying to hide now. He fed off it and the Daestrian Gla.s.s, like the Keystones of the Masters, channeled, refined and fed it back into him as pure energy. He chuckled and she swallowed hard.

He didn't even need to gesture.

Nika felt the cold air hit her skin and she gasped, squirming.

Her clothing had vanished and she was naked.

Samuel sat back, the same feral smile on his face. Nika tried to move her arms the moment his hands left her, but found with a sharp stab of terror, that they were pinned to the cus.h.i.+ons beneath her.

"Very nice," Samuel said softly, his gaze raking her naked body.

She flushed hotly and closed her eyes. She didn't want him looking at her.

Or did she?

She groaned again, flus.h.i.+ng even more. Yes... especially Samuel... I want to hear him say he likes the way I look naked. I want him to f.u.c.k mea" No! She moaned, her breathing coming harder now, feeling the heat beneath her skin, agitated by the chill air in the room, bringing her nipples to peaks, eliciting an evil chuckle from the man who had her in his control, completely, for the first time in her entire life.

She realized with a sting of humiliation that right now, she would do anything Samuel asked her. Anything.

Samuel trailed heated fingers over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, pinching and twisting her nipples until she cried out, squirming, pulling against the invisible magical bonds that held her. He slid his hands down, over her full hips, her round thighs, to the rosy flesh between her legs. Nika stiffened and moaned, her skin flus.h.i.+ng scarlet as he dipped his fingers into the velvety softness and felt, with a deep, infinitely wicked chuckle, the slick, hot wetness that dampened that satiny skin.

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