The Internet Is A Playground Part 17

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Shannon's color-coded coffee cleaning chart Due to there being an unprecedented twelve coffee cups needing to be cleaned in the sink at work, it is understandable that Shannon would be outraged by this intrusion on her "Facebook and looking out the window" time. Though kitchen duties may be an expected part of her job role, there is no reason why everyone should not reschedule work/client commitments and help out, to ensure Shannon's social networking and looking out the window time is not interrupted.

From: Shannon Shannon Date: Monday 17 August 2009 10:12 a.m. Monday 17 August 2009 10:12 a.m.

To: Staff Staff Subject: Coffee cups Coffee cups

There was twelve coffee cups left in the sink this morning. Could you please wash coffee cups after using them. Thanks, Shan

From: David Thorne David Thorne Date: Monday 17 August 2009 10:19 a.m. Monday 17 August 2009 10:19 a.m.

To: Shannon Shannon Subject: Re: Coffee cups Re: Coffee cups

Morning Shannon,

My apologies. Those coffee cups were mine. I am rather busy today so decided to have all of my coffee breaks at the one time this morning rather than taking twelve separate breaks throughout the day. I am currently experiencing severe heart palpitations but also typing at four hundred and seventy words per minute so should be able to leave early.

Regards, David

From: Shannon Shannon Date: Monday 17 August 2009 10:31 a.m. Monday 17 August 2009 10:31 a.m.

To: David Thorne David Thorne Subject: Re: Re: Coffee cups Re: Re: Coffee cups

I was not saying they were all your coffee cups I was just saying that I shouldn't have to wash twelve coffee cups when I don't drink coffee. People should wash their own coffee cups or at least take it in turns to wash them.

From: David Thorne David Thorne Date: Monday 17 August 2009 10:42 a.m. Monday 17 August 2009 10:42 a.m.

To: Shannon Shannon Subject: Re: Re: Re: Coffee cups Re: Re: Re: Coffee cups


You raise a valid and not at all uninteresting point. Perhaps you could construct some kind of chart. A roster system would enable us to work in an environment free of dirty coffee cups and put an end to any confusion regarding who the dirty coffee cup responsibility lies with.

David From: Shannon Shannon Date: Monday 17 August 2009 1:08 p.m. Monday 17 August 2009 1:08 p.m.

To: Staff Staff Subject: Kitchen Roster Kitchen Roster

Hi everyone. I have discussed a kitchen roster with David and feel it would be fair if we took it in turns to do the dishes. I have put the roster in the kitchen so everyone can remember. I am Monday morning and Wednesday and Friday afternoon. David is Monday afternoon and Wednesday morning, Lillian is Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon and Thomas is Tuesday afternoon and Friday morning.

Thanks, Shan

From: David Thorne David Thorne Date: Monday 17 August 2009 1:22 p.m. Monday 17 August 2009 1:22 p.m.

To: Shannon Shannon Subject: Color coded coffee cup cleaning chart Color coded coffee cup cleaning chart

Shannon, I notice that you have color-coded the coffee-cup-cleaning chart. While I appreciate the creative effort that has gone into this roster, the light salmon color you have chosen for my name is very effeminate. While I am sure you have not done this on purpose and are not inferring anything, I would appreciate you rectifying this immediately. Would it be possible to swap colors with Thomas, as he has quite a nice dusty blue?

Thank you, David From: Shannon Shannon Date: Monday 17 August 2009 2:17 p.m. Monday 17 August 2009 2:17 p.m.

To: Staff Staff Subject: Updated kitchen roster Updated kitchen roster

Hi. I have changed David's color to blue on the kitchen roster. Thomas is now green.


From: Thomas Thomas Date: Monday 17 August 2009 2:24 p.m. Monday 17 August 2009 2:24 p.m.

To: David Thorne David Thorne Subject: What the f.u.c.k? What the f.u.c.k?

What the f.u.c.k is this e-mail from Shannon? I am not doing a f.u.c.king kitchen roster. Was this your idea?

From: David Thorne David Thorne Date: Monday 17 August 2009 2:38 p.m. Monday 17 August 2009 2:38 p.m.

To: Thomas Thomas Cc: Cc: Shannon Shannon Subject: Re: What the f.u.c.k? Re: What the f.u.c.k?

Thomas, do you feel it is fair that Shannon should have to wash everyone's coffee cups? Apparently, this morning there were twelve coffee cups in the sink. I was going to schedule a staff meeting this afternoon to discuss the issue, but luckily, Shannon has prepared a color-coded coffee-cup-cleaning chart for us, rendering a staff meeting unnecessary. We should all thank Shannon for taking the initiative and creating a system that will empower us to efficiently schedule client meetings and work commitments around our designated coffee-cup-cleaning duties. If at any stage our rostered coffee-cup-cleaning commitments coincide with work requirements, we can simply hold the client meeting in the kitchen. We can wash while the clients dry. Today it may be only twelve coffee cups, but tomorrow it could be several plates and a spoon, and then where would we be?


From: Thomas Thomas Date: Monday 17 August 2009 2:56 p.m. Monday 17 August 2009 2:56 p.m.

To: Shannon Shannon Subject: Kitchen stuff Kitchen stuff

Shannon, I do not need a chart telling me when to wash dishes. I'm not going to stop in the middle of writing proposals to wash cups.

David is being a f.u.c.kwit. I only use one coffee cup and I always rinse it out after I use it. If we have clients here and they use coffee cups then it is appreciated that you wash them as part of your job.

From: Lillian Lillian Date: Monday 17 August 2009 3:06 p.m. Monday 17 August 2009 3:06 p.m.

To: Thomas Thomas Subject: Re: Kitchen stuff Re: Kitchen stuff

What's this kitchen roster thing? Did you agree to this?

From: David Thorne David Thorne Date: Monday 17 August 2009 3:09 p.m. Monday 17 August 2009 3:09 p.m.

To: Shannon Shannon Subject: Rescheduling coffee cup duties Rescheduling coffee cup duties

Shannon, can I swap my rostered coffee-cup-cleaning duty this afternoon for Thursday? I have been busy all day working, not looking at pictures of Johnny Depp on the Internet, and not had time to familiarize myself with correct coffee-cup-cleaning requirements. I am happy to reschedule my meetings tomorrow to undertake a training session on dish was.h.i.+ng detergent location and washcloth procedures with you if you have the time. I feel it would be quite helpful if prior to the training session you prepared some kind of PowerPoint presentation. Possibly with graphs. Will I need to bring my own rubber gloves, or will these be provided?


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