Poison Study Part 28

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"I think Brazell and Reyad were determined to reduce me to that mental state. But I endured." I explained my theory about the captives to Valek.

"Tell me what happened to you," Valek said, his voice tight.

I paused. Then my tale flowed from my lips, in bits and pieces at first, but the words soon gushed with the same speed as the tears streaking down my face. I didn't spare him any details. I didn't gloss over the unpleasant parts. Telling Valek everything about my two years as a laboratory rat, Reyad's tortures and torments, the cruel games, the humiliations, the beatings, the longing to be good for Reyad, and, finally, the rape that led to murder, I purged myself of the black stain of Reyad. I felt light-headed with the release.

Valek remained silent throughout my disclosure, neither commenting nor questioning. Finally, with ice crystallizing in his voice he said, "Brazell and Mogkan will be destroyed."

Promise or a threat, I couldn't tell, but with all of Valek's force behind it, it was more than idle talk.

As if they had heard their names, Brazell and Mogkan stepped through the main door of the dungeon. Four guards holding lanterns escorted them. They stopped at our cells.

"It's good to see you back where you belong," Brazell said to me. "My desire to feel your blood on my hands has tempted me, but Mogkan has kindly informed me of your fate, should you not receive your antidote." Brazell paused, and smiled with pure satisfaction. "Seeing my son's killer writhing in excruciating pain will be better justice. I'll visit later to hear your screams. And if you beg me, I might put you out of your misery, just so I can breathe in the hot scent of your blood."

Brazell's gaze bored into Valek's cell. "Disobeying a direct order is a capital offense. Commander Ambrose has signed your death warrant. Your hanging is scheduled for noon tomorrow." Brazell c.o.c.ked his head, appraising Valek like a thoroughbred. "I think I shall have your head stuffed and mounted. You'll make an effective decoration in my office when I become Commander."

Laughing, Brazell and Mogkan left the dungeon. The darkness that flowed in after them felt even heavier than before. It pressed against my chest, giving me a tight, panicky feeling around my ribs. I paced my cell. My emotions swung from sheer terror to overwhelming despondency. I kicked at the bars, threw straw into the air and pounded on the walls.

"Yelena," Valek finally said, "settle down. Get some sleep; you'll need your strength for tonight."

"Oh yeah, everyone needs to be well rested to die," I said, but regretted my harshness when I remembered that Valek, too, faced death. "I'll try."

I lay on the foul straw, knowing it was futile to try and rest. How could anyone sleep her last hours away?

Apparently, I could.

I woke with a cry. My nightmare about rats melded with reality as I felt a warm, furry ma.s.s resting on my legs. Leaping to my feet, I kicked the rodent. It crashed into the wall and skittered away.

"Nice nap?" Valek asked.

"I've had better. My sleeping companion snored."

Valek grunted in amus.e.m.e.nt.

"How long was I out?"

"It's hard to tell without the sun. I'm guessing it's close to sunset."

I had received my last dose of antidote yesterday morning. That gave me until tomorrow morning to live, but the symptoms of the poison would take hold sometime tonight.

"Valek, I have a confess..." My throat closed. My stomach muscles contracted with such severity that I felt as if someone were trying to rip them from my body.

"What's the matter?"

"Stomach cramp from h.e.l.l," I said, still gasping even though the pain had subsided. "Is this the start?"

"Yes. They begin slowly, but soon the convulsions will be continuous."

Another wave of agony hit, and I crumpled to the floor. When it pa.s.sed, I crawled to my straw bed, waiting for the next a.s.sault. Unable to endure the antic.i.p.ation in silence, I said, "Valek, talk to me. Tell me something to distract me."

"Like what?"

"I don't care. Anything."

"Here's something you can take some comfort from-there's no poison called b.u.t.terfly's Dust."

"What?" I wanted to scream at him, but a doubling-over, vomit-inducing convulsion hit, causing my abdominal muscles to feel as if they were being shredded with a knife.

When I was sensible again, Valek explained, "You're going to want to die, wish you were already dead, but in the end you'll be quite alive."

"Why tell me now?"

"The mind controls the body. If you believed that you were going to die, then you might have died from that conviction alone."

"Why wait until now to tell me?" I demanded, furious. He could have relieved my anguish.

"A tactical decision."

I bit back a nasty reply. I tried to see his logic; to put myself in his place. My training sessions with Ari and Janco had included strategy and tactics. Janco had compared sparring to a card game. "Keep your best moves close to your chest and only use them when you've nothing left," he had said.

An opportunity to escape might have presented itself during the day. In that case Valek wouldn't have to show his last card and tell me about the poison.

"What about the cramps?" I asked just as another one seized my body. I rolled into a tight ball hoping to relieve some of the pain, but to no avail.

"Withdrawal symptoms."

"From what?"

"Your so-called antidote," Valek said. "It's an interesting concoction. I use it to make someone sick. As the potion wears off, it produces stomach cramps worthy of a day in bed. It's perfect for putting someone temporarily out of commission without killing him. If you continue to drink it, then the symptoms are forestalled until you stop."

Of all the books I had studied, I didn't recall reading about a tonic like that. "What's the name?"

"White Fright."

The knowledge that I wasn't going to die erased the frightened panic and helped me to endure the pain. I viewed each contraction as a step that must be taken in order for me to be free of the substance.

"What about b.u.t.terfly's Dust?" I asked.

"Doesn't exist. I made it up. It sounded good. I needed some threat to keep the food tasters from running away without using guards or locked doors."

An unwelcome thought popped into my head. "Does the Commander know it's a ruse?" If he did, Mogkan would also know.

"No. He believes you've been poisoned."

During the night, it was hard for me to remember that I had not been poisoned. Torturous cramps refused to release me. I crawled around the cell, retching and screaming.

I was vaguely aware, at one point, of Brazell and Mogkan gloating over me. I didn't care that they watched. I didn't care that they laughed. All I cared about was finding a position that would alleviate the pain.

Finally, I fell into an exhausted sleep.

I woke lying on the muck-covered floor of the cell. My right arm stretched through the bars. I marveled more over the fact that I clutched Valek's hand than the fact that I was alive.

"Yelena, are you all right?" The concern in Valek's voice was evident.

"I think so," I replied with a rasp. My throat burned with thirst.

A clank rang out as someone unlocked the prison door.

"Play dead," Valek whispered, releasing my hand. "Try to get them close to my cell," he instructed as two guards came into the dungeon. I yanked my Valek-warmed hand into the cell, and poked my ice-cold left hand out just as the men descended the stairs.

"d.a.m.n! The stench down here's worse than the latrine after a brew party," said the guard holding the lantern.

"You think she's dead?" the second guard asked.

With my face to the wall, I closed my eyes and held my breath as the yellow light swept my body.

The guard touched my hand. "Cold as snow-cat p.i.s.s. Let's drag her out before she starts to rot. You think it smells bad now..." The snap of the lock was followed by a squeak of metal as the cell door opened.

I concentrated on being a dead weight while the guard dragged me out by my feet. When the light moved away from me, I risked a peek. The guard with the lantern walked ahead to light the way, leaving my upper body in darkness. As we pa.s.sed Valek's cell, I seized the bars with both hands.

"Ugh. Hold up, she's stuck."

"On what?" the lantern guard asked.

"I don't know. Come back here with that b.l.o.o.d.y light."

I released my grip, hooking my arm inside the cell.

"Back off," the lantern guard warned Valek.

His meaty hand tugged at my elbow. Then he grunted softly. I opened my eyes in time to see the lantern's light extinguish as it toppled to the ground.

"What the h.e.l.l?" the other man exclaimed. He was still holding my feet. He backed away from Valek's bars.

I bent my legs, pulling my body close to his boots. He yelped with surprise when I grabbed his ankles. He tripped and fell back.

The sickening crunch of bone striking stone wasn't what I expected. His body went limp. I stood on shaky legs.

Hearing a thud and the jingle of keys, I turned back in time to see Valek lighting the lantern. The other guard was propped against the bars, his head c.o.c.ked at an unnatural angle.

In the weak glow, I gazed at the form at my feet. The soldier's head had struck the edge of the bottom step. A black liquid began to pool around my boots. I had just killed another man. I began to tremble. A fourth man had died because of me. Had the robbing of my soul reduced me to a heartless killer? Did Valek feel any remorse or guilt when he took a life? I watched him through a veil of blood.

Efficient as always, Valek stripped the dead guards of their weapons.

"Wait here," he instructed. Unlocking the main door of the prison, he sprang through the entrance to the guardroom.

Shouts, grunts and the sound of flesh striking flesh reached my ears as I waited on the stairway. No remorse, no guilt, Valek did what he had to for his side to win.

When Valek motioned me to join him, I saw that blood had splattered on his face, chest and arms. Three guards, either unconscious or dead, were strewn about the room.

My backpack sat on a table, its contents scattered about. I stuffed everything back in while Valek tried to open the remaining locked door between freedom and us. Although meager, I wanted my possessions, including my b.u.t.terfly and amulet, back. Once I wrapped the chain around my neck, I felt strangely optimistic.

"d.a.m.n," Valek said.


"The Captain has the only key to this door. He will open it when it's time to change the guards."

"Try these." I handed Valek my picks.

He grinned.

While he worked on the lock, I found a pitcher of water and a wash barrel. The fear of being caught couldn't override the desire to rinse off my face and hands. But that was not enough. The need to rid myself of the stench of vomit and blood overpowered me. Soon, I was dumping buckets of water over my head until I was soaked through. I drained half the water pitcher before I thought to offer some to Valek. He stopped to drink, then continued to pick the lock.

Finally, it popped open. Valek peered out into the hallway. "Perfect. No guards." He pulled the door wide. "Let's go."

Taking my hand and a lantern, Valek turned away from our only escape, and led me back down into the prison, pausing to leave the door to the cells wide open as well.

"Are you insane?" I whispered as he dragged me toward the last cell. "Freedom's that way." I pointed.

He ignored me as he unlocked the door. "Trust me. This is the perfect hiding spot. The mess we left will soon be discovered, the open doors proof we've fled." Valek pushed me ahead of him into the cell. "Search parties will be sent out. When all the soldiers have left the manor, we'll make our move. Until then, we lay low."

Valek made a makes.h.i.+ft bed of straw in the far corner of the cell. After extinguis.h.i.+ng and hiding the lantern, he yanked me down. I curled on my side with my back to him, s.h.i.+vering in my wet clothes. Valek pulled some straw on top of us and wrapped an arm around me. He drew me close. I stiffened at the contact, but his body heat warmed me, and I soon relaxed into his grip.

At first, every tiny noise made my heart race. But I shouldn't have worried; the commotion that ensued when our escape was discovered was deafening.

Angry and accusing voices shouted. Search parties were organized and dispatched. It was agreed that we had an hour head start, but Brazell and Mogkan argued on which direction we had taken.

"Valek's probably retreating west to well-known territory," Brazell stated with authority.

"South is the logical choice," Mogkan insisted. "We have the Commander; there's nothing they can do. They're running for their lives, not toward some strategic position. I'll take a horse and scan the forest with my magic."

Valek harrumphed in my ear, and whispered, "They actually think I would abandon the Commander. They have no concept of loyalty."

When the prison had been quiet and empty for a few hours, I grew bored and anxious to be gone. The door to the cells had remained wide open, allowing a faint light to illuminate our surroundings.

"Can we go now?" I asked.

"Not yet. I believe it's still daylight. We'll wait until dark."

To help pa.s.s the time, I asked Valek how he had become involved with the Commander. I thought it an unintrusive question, but he grew so quiet that I regretted asking it.

After a long pause, he spoke. "My family lived in Icefaren Province before it was renamed MDa1. A particularly harsh winter collapsed the building that housed my father's leather business, ruining all of his equipment. He needed to replace his equipment to stay in business, but the soldiers who came to our house to collect the tax money wouldn't listen to reason." Valek's arm tightened around me.

A minute stretched longer before he continued. "I was just a skinny little kid at the time, but I had three older brothers. They were about Ari's size and had his strength. When my father told the soldiers that if he paid the full tax amount he wouldn't have enough money left to feed his family-" Valek paused for several heartbeats "-they killed my brothers. They laughed and said, *Problem solved. Now you have three less mouths to feed.'" The muscles on Valek's arm trembled with tension.

"Naturally, I wanted revenge, but not on the soldiers. They were only messengers. I wanted the King. The man who had allowed his soldiers to murder my brothers in his name. So I learned how to fight, and I studied the's art until I was unbeatable. I traveled around, using my new skills to earn money. The royal upper cla.s.s was so corrupt they paid me to kill each other.

"Then I was commissioned to kill a young man named Ambrose, whose speeches called for rebellion and made the royals nervous. He'd become popular, gathering large crowds. People started to resist the King's doctrines. Then Ambrose disappeared, hiding his growing army and employing covert operations against the monarchy.

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