Under The Highlander's Spell Part 8

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She pressed her cheek against his and could almost hear the sizzle of his coolness meeting her warmth. It sent tingles racing through her, and she knew at that moment that she wanted him to kiss her. She actually hungered for the taste of him, knowing his flavor would be tangy and bold and oh so delicious.

And what of taste? she invited.

He kept hold of her chin and stared into her eyes. Spicy and audacious.

Are you sure?

There is only one reasonable way to find out.

Reasonable? she repeated curiously. You reason a kiss?

d.a.m.ned if I didnt put my foot in my mouth, he mumbled.

You dont reason; you just kiss, she said, as if speaking to a young child who needed instructions. It happens"no planning, no reasoning, no wondering. She sighed. You simply kiss.

Zia was suddenly grabbed and yanked into Artairs arms and his mouth captured her open one and within seconds he demonstrated his prowess. Good Lord, he knocked the breath out of her and she went limp in his arms.

Her mind reeled, her lips pulsated, her tongue mated with his and her legs trembled. Heavens, could the man kiss.

Her head fell to rest on his naked shoulder after the kiss ended, with reluctance on her part, though necessary since she needed to reclaim the breath he had so expertly stolen from her.

When she was finally able and he certainly didnt rush her since his arms remained firm around her as she lifted her head and with a soft smile said, I liked that.

As did I.

It wasnt planned. It just happened.

Actually, he said with a grin, I realized that if you didnt stop talking"

Zia stepped away from him and covered her ears with her hands. Please dont make it seem planned. It will ruin it for me.


She pressed her hands tighter to her ears.

He grabbed her hands, yanking them away from her ears. Dont be ridiculous. The kiss was fantastic. What difference does it make whether it was planned or spontaneous?

Ridiculous? You think how I feel is ridiculous?

Did you hear the part about the kiss being fantastic? he asked, befuddled.

I agree it was fantastic.

Then what is the problem? We shared an absolutely thrilling kiss. Nothing more needs to be said.

That seems sensible, she said softly.

Of course it does, he said, reaching out for her.

One problem. She stepped out of his grasp. A first kiss shouldnt be sensible.

Then she turned and walked into the cottage, closing the door behind her.

Artair swore beneath his breath. She certainly wasnt sensible; she was pigheaded and foolhardy. Their kiss was incredible, like none he had ever tasted in his entire life. It had nearly buckled him at the knees, not to mention the punch to his gut and the heat to his loins.

A first kiss It had been their first kiss, or had she meant her first kiss ever? Were his lips the first to ever touch hers? He grew excited at the thought. Maybe she was right. It was about the kiss and nothing else. No rhyme or reason, just pure pa.s.sion, and he had certainly tasted that on her. Zias zest for all she did could prove to make life more interesting. Besides, as he got to know her, hed be able to determine her nuances and deal with them in a more reasonable fas.h.i.+on.

He laughed as he walked away. Reason would win over pa.s.sion. It was inevitable.

Be careful. She is more of a handful than you think.

Artair jolted to a stop as Bethane appeared from the shadows, Nessie close to her side. You saw?

She shook her head slowly. No, but your look tells me all I need to know"slightly dazed, but still confident.

Artair nodded. Thats how I feel, thanks to your granddaughter.

Bethane wiggled two fingers at him. There are two of you.

Admonishment or advice, which are you giving me?

Which do you need?

Zia is very much like you, he said.

Then you are a lucky man. She smiled.

Im beginning to think that.

Keep that thought strong and it will never fail to help you.

Ill do that, he said, aware that she offered wisdom. Where do you go?

Its where I have come from, she said, and pointed to the woods.

The woods are so dark at night. Why go there?

Bethane pointed to the night sky. There are medicinal plants that can only be harvested under the waning moon or they lose their potency.

You should have asked. I would have gladly gone with you.

Nessie kept me company. Besides, you would have only slowed me down.

I meant no disrespect. And as for my dog, it seems she favors a new master.

I know its the warrior in you always looking to protect. As for Nessie, she added, with a pat to the dogs head, she doesnt require a master.

You understand far more easily than your granddaughter, and far more than I do, he said with a nod toward Nessie.

I have lived far more years and have gained far more wisdom.

Then I can safely a.s.sume that Zias pa.s.sionate nature will soften with age.

Bethane chuckled. Now youre asking for a miracle.

Artair laughed. He liked Bethane. It didnt take long to realize that she was a remarkably wise woman, and obviously loved her granddaughter very much. He also was aware that she served as leader of the village, and did so with distinction and honor. Not that she would admit it, but it was her who the people turned to, not only when ill, but to settle grievances and to lend an ear when necessary.

The sun is only a couple of hours from rising. You should get some sleep, Bethane said.

And you?

I go to see if Zia needs help.

You both could use some sleep. Are you sure I cant help?

No, though thank you for asking. Zia and I are accustomed to getting little sleep. I will see you in the morning, Bethane said, and with a pleasant smile, walked on, Nessie keeping step with her.

Artair drifted back toward Zias cottage. He didnt feel sleepy, his mind overrun by their kiss and his limited time here. He couldnt stay much longer. He had to return home and discuss with Cavan what hed discovered. But he didnt want to leave Zia. Hed love her to come with him and meet his family, but she wouldnt leave here, unless"

The thought struck him like a lightning bolt. It was a perfect solution, actually, a very sensible solution. He had mentioned to Zia that his brother Cavan had not joined him due to his pregnant wife not being well. If he requested she return with him to tend Honora, she probably would agree and then they would not only have more time together, but his sister-in-law would have the benefit of an excellent healer.

There was another benefit of her returning with him, though it troubled him to even suspect that Zia was keeping something from him about his brother. Regardless, he did suspect he wasnt being told the whole of it. With her at his home, hed have more time to discover what she wasnt telling him.

He turned around excited over the prospect and not wanting to wait until morning to ask her. When he neared the cottage he stopped and remained in the shadows as he watched Zia and Bethane talking on the side of the cottage.

Zia was tucking a cloth over the basket that hung on Bethanes arm. Then she kissed her grandmothers cheek and the older woman disappeared into the woods, along with his dog, and Zia returned inside the cottage.

What was going on? Why was Bethane returning to the woods And with a basket full of what? Where was she going? What were they hiding?

Perhaps there were more secrets to this quiet little village than he realized, which meant he wasnt leaving just yet.

Chapter 9.

Artair began his inquiry the next morning at the breakfast table. Id like to speak to the friend who brought Ronan here.

Hes not here, Zia said.

When will he return?

He doesnt live here.

Tell me where he lives and I will go see him, Artair said.

He travels. He has no one set place he calls home, Zia explained.

Artair remained persistent. Tell me of the places he frequents and I will find him.

We cannot do that, Bethane said.

Why not? Artair asked.

Bethane explained. The person you seek helps those in need. His ident.i.ty is known to only a chosen few. He risks his life helping others.

I will tell no one of his honorable deeds, Artair insisted, feeling there was more to this person than Bethane was saying.

Bethane shook her head. I am sorry, but I cannot, nor will I betray his trust.

Is that who you went to see in the woods last night?

Do you accuse us of hiding something from you? Zia challenged.

Do you? he snapped.

Bethane raised her hand to stop the sparring before it could escalate. I understand your need for answers, Artair, but you must realize by now what this village is all about.

Its a sanctuary for those in need, he answered.

In desperate need, Bethane corrected. There is no one to help them, no place for them to turn, and some are being pursued unjustly. We welcome them to remain here if they wish; some do, while others feel compelled to move on.

And the person in the woods?

A visitor who has long since gone, Bethane said.

Artairs response died on his lips when she raised her hand.

You search for your brother, and these questions you ask will not help find him. He chose to leave. I wish I could tell you why, but unfortunately I do not know. As for the secrets of this village? They pertain to us alone.

Artair sat back in his chair, crossed his arms over his chest and gave an abrupt nod, accepting her explanation for now. But this was far from the end of his inquires. He wanted answers and he intended to get them.

Zia leaned forward, and her grandmother placed a firm hand on her arm. I believe Artair understands what I say.

Artair almost smiled at the fire that raged in Zias eyes. She was ready to argue, and he couldnt deny that he felt like a fight, but not with her. It was his own frustration that he needed to battle.

You have been more than generous with your information and hospitality. And you are right about your secrets. I would not care for a stranger demanding secrets from my clan.

You have secrets? Zia asked, the fire continuing to dance in her eyes, though playfully.

Her mischievous glint began to melt his irritation. He leaned closer to her. Be nice and I may just tell you some.

She walked two fingers rapidly, though lightly, up his forearm. I bet I can get you to reveal a few without being nice.

Ive heard enough, Bethane said with a laugh, and stood. Nessie, who had been sleeping at her feet, stood also. Im going to check on the barbarian.

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