Under The Highlander's Spell Part 38

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That isnt practical, she teased.

We"our love"were never practical from the start. Why should it be any different now?

They both laughed, and after a brief kiss Zia said, Theres something I must tell you.

He sat in the chair, pulling her into his lap. Tell me, Im listening.

I want to tell you the story I just heard, about my mother and father.

Artair nodded. Id like to hear it.

Zia recited the story her grandmother had told, growing teary-eyed once again.

He kissed her and hugged her close. How sad for them and for you. I would have never believed someone could die from a broken heart, but now I know it is possible.

I felt the same as you when my grandmother told me, but there is more.

More that causes you hurt? he asked with concern.

She nodded.

He held her tight. I am here for you and always will be.

She smiled and rested her hand to his cheek. That is good to know, for my father is in your home at this very moment.

Artair scrunched his brow and shook his head. I dont under" He grew pale. Oh my G.o.d! Bishop Aleatus is your father.

Yes, he is. My grandmother warned me that the information could prove more dangerous than helpful and told me to be careful what I did with it. That is why I waited to tell you.

It is a secret no one would have blamed you for keeping, he said, but Im glad you entrusted me with it.

But what do we do with it? Will it help us or harm us? That is what I have been trying to decide.

Artair thought a moment. Your grandmother claims that your father loved your mother beyond all reason. I cannot see a man who loves a woman so deeply do any harm to the child born of their loving union.

You think I should tell him who I am? Though my grandmother says he will know, for I look just like my mother.

Then how can the bishop not love you, his daughter? Artair encouraged.

We dont know that for sure. Perhaps the years have not been kind to him and he is now bitter.

A few moments ago I told you I believed the magic of love would help us find a way out of this mess. He smiled. I believe it just has. You need to believe the same.

Chapter 34.

Zia held firmly to Artairs hand as they approached the solar. She was grateful to him for speaking with Cavan and a.s.suring that their meeting would be a private one with the bishop. She was also grateful that Artair chose not to divulge her secret to his brother. He left that choice to her.

Zia fussed with her short hair, though it had grown longer since it had first been cut, she wished it was at a more proper length.

Artair grabbed hold of her hand. You are beautiful. It makes no difference about your hair or anything else. Your father will only see his daughter, and see the woman he loves in you.

She released a sigh. I am so glad you are here with me.

Ill be right beside you the whole time. You can depend on it.

Artair opened the solar door, and she kept hold of his hand as she entered the room.

The bishop sat in a chair facing the burning hearth. She couldnt see him, or he her. The only part of him she did see was his hand draped over the arm of the chair. His fingers were lean and long, like hers, and showed little signs of age, and he wore a sizable emerald ring on his middle finger.

Come stand in front of me, woman, he ordered. I wish to see this supposed witch with my own eyes. And dont think you can bewitch me, for I am a man of G.o.d.

Zia looked to Artair, and he kissed her cheek quick and gave her a little shove to get her moving.

Do not keep me waiting, the bishop said curtly.

He loved your mother beyond reason. I could see it in his eyes the day his family tore him from her arms.

Her grandmothers words rang strong and clear in her head, and she lifted her chin with pride and walked forward to meet her father.

The bishop lifted his head when she came to stand in front of him.

I have been" His ringed hand flew to his chest and he gasped. Oh my G.o.d! It cant be. He shook his head. Is that you, Blythe?

Tears instantly filled Zias eyes and spilled down her cheeks upon hearing her mothers name. No, Father, it is your daughter Zia.

The bishop struggled to get out of his chair as tears raged from his eyes, and Zia reached down to help him. He immediately grabbed hold of her.

My daughter? My beloved Blythe gave me a daughter?

Choked with tears, Zia could only nod.

The bishops slim hand touched her face tentatively, as if trying to prove to himself that she was real. You look exactly like your mother.

I didnt know if you would remember her.

He shook his head and kept hold of her arm. I could never forget the woman I love. It broke my heart when I was forced to leave her, and my heart broke again when I heard that she had died. I wanted to die too, but it seemed life had different plans for me. He smiled through his tears. And now I know why.

Youre not angry?

His smile turned sad. I could see why you might think that, but Im relieved that you had the courage to face me anyway.

I wanted to meet you, Zia said. I wanted you to know I was your daughter and that I prayed every day to the Heavens, since I was young, to bring my father home to me.

If I had known, I would have left the Church and come for you. Nothing would have stopped me. He shook his head. I should have been stronger and fought harder for your mother. I should have clawed my way out of the cell my parents locked me in.

They locked you away? Zia said incredulously.

Until I agreed to study and commit my life to the Church, he said sadly. And once I learned of your mothers demise, I knew there was nothing left for me. I would never love another woman as I did your mother, and there isnt a day that goes by that I dont think about her.

You and Mother suffered a cruel fate.

But look what our love produced, he said, his whole face lighting with a smile. SitSit and tell me all about yourself.

Artair nodded to Zia and slowly backed out of the room, leaving father and daughter to discover each other.

Artair sat in the great hall at the table before the hearth, enjoying a tankard of ale for the first time in days. He took his time, didnt have to rush, didnt have to worry. Zia would be his wife, and she would be protected not only by him, but by her powerful father. And though he had no confirmation of this from the bishop, he knew it to be so. One only had to see the look of love in the bishops eyes to know that he would see no harm come to his daughter.

The magic of love had worked magic.

You look mighty content for a man whose wife may be burnt at the stake, Lachlan said, joining him at the table.

Artair filled a tankard for him. I believe all is going to work out well.

Lachlan leaned across the table and whispered, Learned how to cast a spell, did you?

Learned how to perform magic, Artair said with a gleeful grin.

Lachlan looked aghast. Are you sure youre my brother? Hes too sensible to believe in magic.

The magic of love proved me wrong.

Good Lord, another brother lost to love, Lachlan said, laughing. Where is the love of your life?

Talking with Bishop Aleatus.

What? Lachlan near choked on his ale. I thought that meeting wasnt until later, and what are you doing sitting here so calmly?

To answer both questions, Cavan arranged for a change of time, and I know something you dont, Artair said smugly.

And youre not going to tell me, are you? You Lachlan muttered a string of oaths only his brother could hear.

Artair just laughed feeling free to really enjoy.

Cavan entered the hall from outside, swinging his cloak off his shoulders and dropping it on the table next to where his brothers sat. By the happy look on your face, Artair, I would a.s.sume the meeting with the bishop and Zia went well.

Its still going well, Artair said.

You didnt stay with her? Cavan asked, surprised.

It was Bethane who answered, entering the hall. It wasnt necessary for him to stay. All goes well and will continue to do so. Isnt that right, Artair?

Artair saluted her with his tankard. Thats right, Bethane, but then you knew this day would come, didnt you?

It was inevitable, she admitted. Now I will go tell Addie and Honora we have a couple getting married tonight in a private ceremony.

Cavan scratched his head. Who will perform the ceremony?

The bishop, Artair said with a smile and a nod to Bethane.

The older woman turned to leave, then stopped and looked once again to Artair. You have a question to ask me. I will do my best to answer it for you. She turned then and disappeared up the stairs.

How does she do that? Cavan asked. Know things before people even say anything?

Artair shrugged. Shes a wise woman.

Or maybe its magic, Lachlan said, and nodded at Artair. Our brother here believes in magic now.

Artair draped his arm around Cavans shoulder. So does this brother, and we dont want to be the only ones who were struck by the magic of love.

Cavan caught on and nodded. Thats right. So lets cast a spell of love on Lachlan.

Lachlan laughed.

Get away from them, Neil shouted, having emerged from the shadows.

The three brothers looked at him.

Theyve been bewitched and now they try to bewitch you. Run before its too late and you find yourself saddled with a witch of a wife, he shouted, and ran from the hall like a madman, his arms waving up over his head as he continued shouting.

You know, thats the first smart thing that man has said since his arrival, Lachlan said, laughing.

Zia stood in the sewing room while her grandmother altered the dark green velvet dress that Addie had gifted her with for her wedding ceremony. A few tucks and a sizable hem and it was perfect for her. The velvet fell in swirls from beneath her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and her long sleeves ended in points over the back of her hands. Velvet slippers completed the outfit.

While the dress was more beautiful than any garment she had ever owned, it was her father who dominated her thoughts.

He knew me at first sight, she said, standing still while her grandmother worked on the hem.

Of course he would. You are the picture of your mother.

So he remarked, though I saw bits of him in me as well, Zia said proudly. And he spoke with such pride of Mother and her healing skills, and knew I possessed the same. He told me how Mother told him their first child would be a daughter and that she would be a healer.

Zia placed her hand over her stomach.

You know the same. Have you told Artair?

Zia smiled and shook her head. Not yet, but soon enough.

Your father will be pleased. He will have the family long denied him.

Zias smile faded. But he will never be able to openly acknowledge me as his.

Bethane comforted Zia with a hug. He protects you by not letting anyone know youre his daughter.

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