Under The Highlander's Spell Part 3

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He was actually pleased with it. His desire was to meet a good woman, settle down with her and raise a brood of children. He would always serve his clan and family well. That was the way of it and that was his intention.

Pa.s.sionately love.

Zias words rang in his mind.

Even though his father advised him to find love, Artair was more practical and knew that finding a good woman who would share his plans for the future would serve him much better than finding love.

Love could be unsettling, uncertain and unpredictable. He favored the opposite. A settled relations.h.i.+p, whose predictability he could rely on. And yet her words nagged at him.

Pa.s.sion eventually sizzled, while commonality remained dependable.

Pa.s.sion only dies if you let it.

More of her words to haunt him. And his father and mother were proof of Zias statement. They loved pa.s.sionately, each other, family, clan, and life. They were always there for one another. His father had respected his mother and often sought her counsel when matters proved difficult. They would huddle away in their bedchamber, and if he and his brothers happened to sneak by, they would hear them talking, laughing, and Artair grinned. It wasnt until later, when they were old enough to be aware of what their parents were up to in their bedchamber, that they stopped sneaking by. The thought that his parents continued to love each other so pa.s.sionately had pleased him. It was good to know their love was strong and firm, for it told him that they loved their sons just as much.

He finally settled down on his blanket to sleep, his thoughts still heavy on his mind. He shouldnt be thinking of Zia, pa.s.sion, or love. His only thought should be his brother Ronan. Tomorrow, G.o.d willing, they would finally reunite.

He prayed that nothing would prevent their reunion, but couldnt help but worry. It had been over a year of searching and following gossip and messages that proved false. With so many paths that led nowhere, he worried this would turn out the same and once again he would be left wondering the whereabouts of his brother.

Cavan had ached to join him on this mission, but Honora hadnt been feeling well, and even though she urged him to go, he felt he could not abandon her. Artair understood. If anything had happened to Honora and the babe while Cavan was gone, he would have never been able to forgive himself.

Cavan still continued to blame himself for Ronans capture, though he had actually come to his brothers defense in the battle that saw them taken as prisoners. But that didnt matter to Cavan. He was obsessed with finding Ronan, and Artair knew there would be no rest for any of the clan until they did.

Whether they found Ronan alive or dead, Cavan wanted him brought home. It was Sinclare land he belonged on, and it would be Sinclare land where he would rest.

Artair fervently hoped that tomorrow would end their tireless search, that he would return with Ronan, alive, and they all could finally lay the past to rest and embrace the future.

He yawned, sleep poking at him, though he fought it. He had to make certain he had thought of everything, covered every possibility, prepared for the unexpected. He could not"would not"fail either brother, Cavan or Ronan. Both had suffered enough, and it was time for family to be reunited once and for all.

In the meantime he would learn more about Zia. She appeared a good woman, and he was looking for a good woman to make his wife. She seemed a viable candidate, and she was a healer, another good quality and definitely an a.s.set to the clan.

Artair shook his head.

It was a thought, no more than a thought.

Chapter 4.

What was that you said? Artair asked. He stood beside his horse at the mouth of two mountains that looked almost as if they touched, though on closer inspection a trail that separated the two could be spied past the dense foliage.

Your men will have to wait here, Zia repeated.


They have no business in our village. Only those who have a reason for being there are allowed entrance.

Artair offered a sensible reason. They are with me.

But only you have business there.

He knew it wouldnt sit well with his men for him to continue on without them, and he felt the same. They watched each others backs; in a sense, they were one.

We are family, of the same clan. It is all our business, Artair said, confident he had settled the dilemma. His men nodded and smiled, showing the same confidence.

Zia smiled graciously and shook her head. Your men stay here and you go on with me, or I go on alone and you all take your leave.

Whos going to stop us from following? James asked boldly.

The sentinels that surround you, Zia answered calmly, and began walking toward the mouth of the two mountains.

Artair remained as he was, but his men placed heavy hands on the hilts of their swords and their eyes went immediately to the trees. Zia didnt break her stride, and Artair realized the choice was no longer his. He had to follow her and his traitorous dog.

Make camp here"

You cant mean"

Artair cut off Jamess protest. If this is the only way to see if my brother is in the village, then so be it. Make camp and remain alert. I will remain in touch. If you do not hear from me each day then know that something is amiss. John, you return to Caithness and advise Cavan of our whereabouts and circ.u.mstances, tell him to take no action until he hears from me.

John scratched his head. Im not sure if I can find my way back.

Zia, though a good distance away, stopped and turned. I will have one of our men take you.

You have exceptional hearing, Artair said.

Her lovely face brightened and soft laughter spilled from her rosy lips. Most people hear only what they want to hear, while I want to hear everything. Do you wish John to leave now?

I want him set to leave as soon as I have news of Ronan, Artair said.

She nodded, searched the treetops and gave a wave. Suddenly, a young lanky man with bow and arrow dropped to the ground. Terrance, please wait here with these men and as soon as word is received, escort John to the main road.

How will I find my way back? John asked.

Someone will see you when you return along the main road and direct you here, Zia said.

Artair admired the way she seemed to have a solution to most situations. He prided himself on having the same ability and thought that perhaps she was more practical than she appeared.

With everything settled, he followed Zia through the pa.s.s, his horse following behind him. It was a narrow pa.s.sage, the entrance easily missed by the visible eye. A few feet ahead the mountain pa.s.s ended and they were greeted by a dense forest of trees, or at least he thought it was.

A short distance into the forest a path led them directly to the village. He spied it just up ahead and he felt a sense of exhilaration mixed with fear. Shortly, the long, exhausting search for his brother could be over. He didnt want to count on it, though. Too many times he had been disappointed following leads and information that proved false.

He knew he had taken a chance freeing Zia, for she could have lied to gain her freedom, but it was a chance he was willing to take, had to take. Even if it proved false, he needed to know if his brother was there or had ever been there.

The village Black welcomed them with open arms. Smiles s.h.i.+ned on everyones faces, fields and gardens bloomed abundantly and everyone seemed generous with health.

There was no keep; rather, cottages dotted the landscape, though there looked to be a large communal lodge at the far end of the village. He followed Zia to a good-sized cottage that appeared partially tucked in the edge of the woods.

Is this where my brother is? he asked.

This is where I left him, Zia said, and smiled. Its my grandmothers home.

Her smile offered encouragement. Here, he knew, his brother would have found solace. It was a place of peace and healing. He could feel it, strange as it seemed, knew it deep inside.

The door swung open and a tall, slim woman with long, pure white hair that hung in a braid over her chest and fell to her waist greeted them with a huge smile and arms spread wide.

Zia rushed into them. Grandmother, she cried, hugging the woman tightly.

Artair observed them. Zias grandmother appeared ageless. Few lines and wrinkles graced her lovely face, but not enough to determine age. It was as if each glance offered a different observation and by the time glances were done one could only a.s.sume the woman defied aging.

Welcome to village Black, Artair, she said with an offered hand.

Had Zia informed her of his name? He didnt recall hearing her say it, but then, enthralled with the womans presence, perhaps he hadnt heard.

He reached out and accepted her welcome. Thank you for having me to your village.

Bethane, she said, her smile growing. My name is Bethane, and you are most welcome here. Come. You most be parched and hungry from your travels.

Stay, Nessie, Artair ordered, but the dog ignored him and followed Bethane into the cottage. Nessie!

Bethane turned. Shes welcome in my home.

Artair entered the cottage behind his dog and Zia, thinking Nessie definitely needed a firmer hand. He was amazed at the size, the room being large with beautifully crafted furnis.h.i.+ngs and pottery that were certainly crafted with a skilled hand.

He gave Nessie a reproachful glare, but the dog just parked herself beside Bethane and ignored him.

Please sit, Bethane said, extending her hand to a chair at the table in front of the hearth.

Artair remained standing, wanting to see his brother. Zia says my brother Ronan is here?

He has left the village, Bethane answered gently, and once again offered him a seat. This time he did.

Zia was busy filling a pitcher with a brew from the caldron that hung over the flames when her grandmother said, with concern, He was too ill to travel.

Artair looked to Bethane along with Zia. Why did he leave?

I do not know. He was gone when I woke one morning.

Artair felt the familiar punch of disappointment to his gut. He had hoped beyond reason that this time would be different, but in truth he wasnt surprised that it hadnt. It seemed too easy that he should enter a village and simply find his brother there.

I am sorry, Zia said.

Her apology was sincere. It was obvious she had expected to find Ronan there, which brought him some relief. She hadnt lied to him.

When I left, he needed more time to recover, Zia added.

Artair could see worry written on her face as she occasionally gnawed at her plump lower lip. She obviously had reservations over Ronans departure.

I agree, but something continued to trouble him. I can only a.s.sume that was the reason for his departure, Bethane said with her eyes on Artair.

He must have been well enough to leave, if he walked out on his own accord, Artair said and knew his brother well enough to know it was the truth.

He was healing nicely, Bethane said. He was eating well, resting and growing stronger each day. He had improved greatly from when he first arrived.

Zia sighed. I feel better knowing that.

Bethane placed a comforting hand on Artairs arm. I only wish I knew where he went. I can imagine how disappointing this is for you.

I had hoped, Artair said, and was suddenly struck by the resemblance between Bethane and Zia, elegant lines and angles with softness in every tender curve of their faces. It was as if the same craftsman carved them from the same stone, and Artair realized he was seeing for himself how beautifully Zia would age.

Zia placed filled mugs and sweet bread with bramble jelly on the table. I would have made him stay here until he was well enough to leave.

Bethane chuckled. And for you, he probably would have stayed.

Artair bristled. He found you appealing?

Zia looked affronted. I was his healer.

Bethane smiled. Most men find my granddaughter appealing. I believe its her pa.s.sion for life that attracts them, though her exuberance could eventually wear a man down. It will take a special man to love her.

It is who I am, Zia said without apology, and plopped in a chair opposite her grandmother, leaving Artair at the head of the table.

Who was she? Artair could not say he truly knew her, though one day had given him a good indication of her nature, and left him wis.h.i.+ng to learn more about her. How, though? How did he learn more? His brother wasnt here. He had no reason to stay, yet didnt want to leave. Besides, there could possibly be others in the village who might have seen something that would help him track Ronan.

Would you mind if I remained here for a few days and talked to the villagers? You never know what they may have seen or heard.

Bethane placed a slice of bread on his plate and a heaping of bramble jelly. We would be honored to have your company, Artair. Remain as long as you like.

He caught the way Zia scrunched her brow. She obviously wondered over her grandmothers invitation. Was there more to it? The only way he could find out was if he remained and snooped around.

Zia, you have an extra room in your cottage. Artair could stay with you, Bethane suggested.

Artair raised a brow. Would that be proper?

Do you intend any improprieties with my granddaughter?

Absolutely not, he said adamantly.

Then whats the point of him staying with me? Zia asked, disappointed.

Artair stared at her, confounded.

Zia burst out laughing, as did Bethane.

Your word is good enough here, Bethane said between laughter.

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