Under The Highlander's Spell Part 23

Under The Highlander's Spell -

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Another reason to marry me. He untied her blouse and ordered, Arms up.

She obeyed, though s.h.i.+vered when her b.r.e.a.s.t.s fell exposed.

Artair quickly retrieved her nightdress from the chest. He not only wanted to keep her from further chill, but wanted her full b.r.e.a.s.t.s and hard nipples out of sight as fast as possible, and her nightdress in place. So that when he took off her skirt, the nightdress would discreetly follow, hiding her alluring body not only from his sight, but from his mind, which was already conjuring too many lascivious thoughts.

What he didnt count on was the softness of her skin and how once he touched her flesh he didnt want to stop. She was soft, her skin smooth and creamy and feeling so very delicious to his touch.

His fingers grazed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and the tips of her stiff nipples, and he felt as if he were struck by lightning, a sizzle racing through him, steaming his blood and tightening his loins. With a silent reproach he warned himself to behave. She was tired. Now was not the time to make love to her.

When then was it time?

The thought struck him hard, and he fought the question that haunted him day in and day out. He wanted to make love to her, wanted to make her his, wanted her as his wife.

He pulled the nightdress down to her waist, his hand catching the slim curve, and ever so grateful that her skirt remained in place or his hand would not have stopped.

She sighed softly. Or was it a pa.s.sionate moan? Did his hand stir her desires as her naked flesh did his? Or was he merely wis.h.i.+ng?

Ill have you done in a minute, he said, letting her know he intended nothing more than to do as he had stated. Tuck her in bed.

Take your time, she whispered.

He stilled his hand at her waist. She had told him to hurry, and now told him to take his time. What did she truly want from him?

He pressed his cheek to hers. I love touching you.

He waited, leaving the decision to her. He would finish dressing her and put her to bed or he would make love to her.

She turned, her lips caressing his with the faintest of kisses. Then touch me.

He grew so hard so fast that it sent an ache through his loins, but he intended to make sure that she was not dazed with sleep, that she was fully aware of what she wanted.

He took hold of her chin and looked directly in her eyes. Once I touch you, I wont stop.

She tugged her chin free of his grip and teased his lips with hers while she said, I dont want you to stop. I want to taste your pa.s.sion. You do have pa.s.sion, Artair, dont you?

He could see that her exhaustion had vanished, replaced by a l.u.s.tful glow, and that was all he needed to know.

Ill let you see that for yourself, he said, and whipped her nightdress off her head, her skirt following.

She stretched back on the bed like a lazy cat preparing its limbs before sprinting, and he couldnt take his eyes off her languid movements as he slowly disrobed, preparing as she did"to sprint.

He fell over her naked; his hands splayed on either side of her head, his taut body a breath away from hers, beneath him. He heard antic.i.p.ation in her gasp when he came to rest so close yet not touching her.

She pushed his long hair behind his shoulders and ran her fingers down along his arms and up again, then over his chest and down to his waist just above his shaft. She played his flesh like a fine instrument until his senses heated beyond reason and he bent his head back and groaned with desire.

He dropped his head back down until his mouth nearly touched hers. My turn.

His lips took charge, dancing over every inch of her creamy flesh, kissing curves, nibbling mounds, tickling nipples mercilessly with his tongue, and when she groaned and grabbed the blanket tight in her outstretched hands, he laughed wickedly. Ive only begun.

If he thought hed be the only one tormenting, he was wrong. Her hands quickly learned every sensitive spot on his body, and they were soon locked in a battle of sensual wills, each driving the other wild with touches, kisses, nibbles, licks that drove the pa.s.sion beyond bearable to the edge of erotic insanity.

When she grabbed hold of his neck and with a heavy breath begged, Please, he wrapped his arm around her sweat-dampened waist and swung her around until she lay beneath him. Holding back, controlling himself despite his excitement, he entered her gently.

Zia smiled and took hold of his shoulders. Do not keep me waiting.

He laughed low and hardy, and with a grin of pure pleasure drove into her, and she called out in equal pleasure. They rode hard and steady, each holding on tightly to the other, their moans matching, soaring until she cried out in pleasure but warned him not to hurry"she was not done yet.

It wasnt until her third cry that he released himself, and with a force greater than ever before. It was like riding a never-ending wave of pleasure until finally he was deposited on sh.o.r.e.

Together they lay still, wrapped around each other, waiting for their breathing to ease, until Artair finally rolled off, taking Zia with him to rest against his side.

She rested her hand on his chest and he placed his over hers.

You do have pa.s.sion, she said.

Another good reason to wed me, he teased.

You should show your pa.s.sion more often.

He laughed. That would get us in a lot of trouble. Wed forever be making love.

She tried to poke him, but he kept hold of her hand. Thats not what I meant.

My pa.s.sion rears its head when necessary, he teased, giving her a poke of his own.

And its a large head at that, she retaliated.

He laughed heartily. You are not the woman I expected"

He stopped, about to say, You are not the woman I expected to fall in love with, catching himself just in time. He didnt think she would appreciate a declaration of love at that moment. She would think that he said it only to please her, which would not be the truth.

She poked him again, bringing him out of his musing. Finish what you intended to say.

He took hold of her hand. You are not the woman I expected in bed.

Why is that?

Making love seems to come natural to you. You are comfortable with it and enjoy it, yet you have never been with another man.

Being a healer teaches you much, and having a grandmother who will discuss anything with you is a great benefit. Ive learned that most women feel that bedding their husband is a duty, and they are the ones with the most complaints, whereas the women who enjoy coupling have far fewer complaints. She chuckled. But far more children.

So you decided to enjoy?

I did, though my grandmother warned me that the right man was necessary for me to get any enjoyment out of it.

Artair thumped his chest. Im the right man.

Then I must be the right woman.

No, you are the perfect woman, absolutely perfect in every way, he said, turning and raining kisses over her face. I love every inch of you.

She stiffened, and he could have kicked himself. Why did he have to mention love at this moment?

You love the act of making love, not me.

He wasnt sure if she was asking or telling him, and he didnt want to get caught in a trap that would only make the situation worse. But he also couldnt agree with her, since it was far from the truth.

Lets leave that discussion for another day, he said. She looked ready to argue, and he pressed his finger to her lips. Please, this one time just agree with me.

To his relief, she grinned. Just this one time.

I never get another reprieve, ever? he asked, feigning shock.

Only time will tell, she teased, and yawned wide and long.

You need sleep, he said, and kissed the tip of her nose. And you can encroach on my side of the bed all you want.

I just might take up all of it if youre not careful.

Then I wont be careful, for I want you in my arms, on my side of the bed, snuggled tight against me every night.

Just remember you asked for it, she said with a laugh.

He cuddled her in his arms, and her eyes closed and her light snore followed. He smiled, content, for there was no way he would let this woman get away from him.

It seemed hed hardly closed his eyes when he heard a pounding at the door. Within five minutes, Zia was up and out of bed, on her way to deliver a babe. He insisted on going with her, but she advised him against it. He could do nothing to help her. He would just wait around while he could be sleeping.

She kissed him before he could get out of bed, told him to keep it warm for her, and then was gone.

He intended to get up and follow her, despite what shed told him, but continued to lay there, the scent of their lovemaking ripe on the bedding. The fresh memories had him smiling. Content and satisfied, he fell fast asleep.

The babe arrived with the first light of dawn, wailing his face red, the startling color matching the thatch of bright red hair on the top of his head. It hadnt been a difficult birth, which Zia always gave thanks for, and since it was Teresas second child, labor was shorter, though not less painful.

Zia had mother and child cleaned up in no time, and while the babe slept quietly in his mothers arms, she prepared a brew and some food for Teresa. The brew would help soothe her, and the food help strengthen her.

I wondered after the birth of my first son why I would ever put myself through the pain of another, Teresa said, her full cheeks red from exertion and her brown eyes sparkling with joy. But when I hold my babe in my arms, I have the answer. Youll know the feeling soon enough, having that strong, handsome husband of yours.

Zias eyes rounded like full moons and she dropped the spoon she held, startled. There was a chance now that she could be with child, and while it shocked her, it also warmed her.

Im sorry, Teresa said. I should not have been so bold"

Nonsense, Zia said, and hurried to put the woman at ease. You just startled me, making me realize that after delivering so many babes, I could very well be having one of my own. She winked. And my husband is handsome.

Her own admission startled her, for she had always been careful never to refer to Artair as her husband, but it seemed to spill from her lips so naturally.

Teresa giggled. All the women think Artair handsome. Lachlan thinks hes the handsomest brother, but the women all know it is Artair. And youre the lucky woman who won his heart.

Zia nodded, and was relieved that Teresa asked to see her husband, in order to show him that she had delivered him another fine, strapping son. She didnt wish to discuss Artair any further; she had enough on her mind already. So she was only too happy to oblige, and after making certain mother, father, and babe were settled, she gathered her things and left.

You must be exhausted.

She jumped, not expecting Artair to be outside waiting for her. You havent been here all night have you?

You worry about me when you look ready to drop? he asked, walking over and taking her basket. And no, Ive only arrived. I slept the night through.

Wore you out, did I?

He laughed. Proud of yourself?

Very, she said cheerfully. And she was; she was happy they had made love, and though it complicated the situation, it was worth it.

He leaned down and pecked her cheek. Im proud of you too.

She kissed him back, though she planted it on his lips. Im starving.

Here I thought you were about to tell me how proud you are of me, and instead you tell me youre hungry.

You didnt bother to ask what my hunger was for.

He shook his head and laughed. Lord, am I glad I found you.

Then you dont mind if its food I want first?

Food first and then sleep, he said with concern. You must be exhausted, and Id prefer you full of vigor when you come to bed tonight.

We have to wait until tonight to couple again? she asked, disappointed, for her body was already tingling for him.

After you rest"

Before I rest, she argued.

Youre too tired, he insisted.

Thats for me to decide.

They squabbled back and forth all the way to the keep, and just as they reached the steps, Zia said, I should have known your pa.s.sion was confined to the bedchamber.

He shook his head, scooped her up, and flinging her over his shoulder, swatted her backside. And your pa.s.sion knows no boundaries.

Chapter 22.

Artair plopped Zia down on the bench at the table before the hearth, where his family was gathered. She looked ready to give him a good tongue-las.h.i.+ng, but instead clamped her lips tight.

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