Under The Highlander's Spell Part 15

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She turned, and seeing Artair, smiled. He was such a handsome man, she thought, watching him approach, so confident in his stride, his muscular body so deliciously appealing. d.a.m.n, if her body didnt tingle just looking at him.

Have you come to collect your battle booty? she teased with a laugh.

He knocked her laughter out of her when he scooped her up, flinging her over his shoulder. No, I came to sweep you off your feet.

Chapter 14.

Artair hadnt planned on scooping her up and carrying her off, but when he saw her standing alone, and with such a concerned look on her face, he didnt hesitate. He s.n.a.t.c.hed her up, wanting her in his arms where he could heal her.

Zia needed someone to look after her. She pushed herself until exhausted and barely ate enough to keep her going.

And yet?

Her zeal for her work kept her going regardless of anything else.

But it was different now. She had him, and he would be more sensible than Zia was. Hed see that she was taken care of, whether she liked it or not.

He had expected her to complain, but she remained quiet after he scooped her up. He wondered if she was just too tired to voice her opinion. He smiled and almost shook his head. Zia would never be too tired to give her opinion.

Yet she hadnt said a word to him since he hefted her over his shoulder.

He entered the cottage and kicked the door shut behind him. Walking straight to the bed, he gently lowered her down onto it.

He rested her head against a pillow and ordered, Stay.

She made a move to bolt off the bed, and he pointed a finger at her. Stay where you are. Im going to fix you the brew that you favor.

Really? she asked with a tender smile, and leaned back against the pillow.

He fussed with the leaves, hoping hed watched her enough to know how to prepare the concoction the way she liked it. How is everyone doing?

Much better. Old Mary has improved greatly, and most have no fever. I think the illness is finally under control.

Thats good to hear, he replied.

Its a relief for all concerned, she said.

He brought the mug to her and after handing it to her, he nudged her legs over so that he could sit down beside her. Tell me about you.

She sipped then shrugged. Theres not much to tell.

He smiled warmly. I beg to differ. Theres more to you than anyone can see. Or should I say, that you allow anyone to see.

Isnt that true of us all? To an extent, we all keep something of ourselves secret.

He ran the back of his fingers down her cheek. I want to know all your secrets.

And will you share yours with me?

I keep no secrets.

She laughed. We all keep secrets. Some large, others small, but they are there, tucked safely away where no one will ever find them.

Artair smiled sadly, her remark reminding him of an incident when he was young.

See, you recall one of those tucked away moments, Zia said. Tell me.

I havent thought about it in years, he said, shaking his head. I suppose I wanted to keep it so safe that I forgot about it until this very moment.

Please, she said, taking hold of his hand. Share it with me.

Her hand was warm from the mug, and he watched her slowly lace her fingers with his until their hands were wound together snug and firm, a perfect fit. Would their joining be as perfect?

He chased the l.u.s.tful thought from his head and returned to the memory she had inadvertently stirred. I was just a young lad of five and my brother Cavan and I were playing in the woods. He was seven, old and knowledgeable to my young mind.

Cavan had a wicked imagination and would create a world where we were mighty warriors fighting hordes of all manner of imaginable enemies. Cavan would have us gather fallen branches and use them as weapons. He told me that we must always be prepared. One day while I was supposed to be gathering branches, I got lost in my own imaginary world and started tracking a hare. Slow and steady the little beast moved, and I inched right along with it, thinking it an enemy I had to keep in my sights.

I lost track of time while tracking the hare and didnt bother to gather any weapons when I heard Cavan yelling. I ran to him and stared in horror as he tried to fight off a wild dog with what sticks he had. He saw me and called out for me to use my weapons. I had none, and Cavan saw that.

Artair shook his head. Cavan continued to battle, and after I finally got my wits about me, I picked up stones and started throwing them at the dog. Together we chased him off. Cavan never asked me why I didnt have any weapons. Instead, he claimed me a brave warrior.

I did not feel like one. I felt ashamed that I had not followed his orders. I wasnt prepared to help him defend against an enemy.

And you never told him that you were tracking a hare instead of gathering weapons, she said.

I was too ashamed and I didnt want him to be disappointed in me, so I never told him the truth.

But he wasnt disappointed, for you didnt fail him. You came to his aid and used weapons at hand. Your brother spoke the truth when he claimed you were a brave warrior.

Perhaps, but as I said, I didnt feel like one, and from that day on I made certain I was always prepared. He looked at her then. Now its your turn to tell me a secret.

Zia sipped at the brew and wrinkled her nose.

Too many to choose from? he teased.

No, I want to share a special secret with you. One I have kept close to my heart.

He squeezed her hand. Id like that, and know that your secret will always be safe with me.

I know, or else I would never chance sharing it with you.

It pleased him that her trust in him was growing stronger. It was a good sign, for trust was important to a marriage, and the more he got to know Zia, the more he realized that she would make him a truly good wife.

Zia began. There was this place on the hillside I liked to go to pick flowers and just sit and watch the sky. I loved the clouds and the way they would float by in all different shapes. I would talk to them, ask them where they were going and make up answers.

One day while talking to the clouds, I suddenly got an idea. I asked them if they would go find my father and bring him to me. I told them that I missed him, though I had never met him, and I was sure that he must miss me. I was only five that first time I asked, but I continued asking and only recently stopped.

She handed the empty mug to him. That was delicious. Could I have another?

He took the mug from her and raised their joined hands to gently kiss her fingers. You never shared this with your grandmother?

She shook her head. I think I was afraid she would tell me that it was a useless task, that my father was never returning. And as a young child I didnt want to think that I had a father who not only didnt want me, but didnt love me.

He felt her ache, her emptiness, and the fear that goes with not knowing where a loved one was or if that loved one was all right. Ronans disappearance had taken its toll on him and his family, and it was drawing close to two years since hed been gone. He couldnt imagine what the pain was like for a child who longed to know her father.

I will help you find him, Artair said.

Perhaps someday, she said with a sad smile.

Artair stood, kissing her fingers one more time before releasing her hand and walking over to the hearth to prepare another mug of tea for her. Whenever youre ready, you just say the word and I will find him.

You sound so confident that you could, she said, surprised.

Just as I search tenaciously for my brother, I would search the same for your father.

That is generous of you. But why? You barely know me.

Barely know you? he said in feigned surprise. We just shared intimate secrets no one else knows about us. Id say that makes us at least best friends.

Her face lighted with joy. Id love to be best friends. You share everything with your best friend.

He handed her the steaming mug. I want you to share everything with me, and I will do the same.

She placed the mug on the chest beside the bed. Good, then since youre my best friend, I wish to ask a favor.

Anything, he smiled. Within reason of course.

She laughed and shook her head. What if its not reasonable?

Ill consider it but I cant make any promises.

She bounced off the bed and took his hand. Come take a swim with me.

You need food and rest, he argued.

But I want to take a swim.

The water will be"

Warm and welcoming, she finished, and tugged him toward the door.

He stopped abruptly, jolting her to a halt. Early morning would be better.

She stood staring at him for a moment, then smiled. Ill go myself.

She was out the door before he could stop her. He stood for a second, cursing her stubbornness, then went after her. She shouldnt be going off to the river at night by herself. All kinds of danger lurked in the dark.

He had forgotten how swift she was on her feet, and by the time he found her, she had already stripped and entered the water. The partial moon cast a soft glow along the surface of the river, and he watched her swim, her hands and arms skillfully cutting through the water.

She was a vision to behold. Her wet ivory skin glistened in the moonlight and the blond tips of her hair sparkled like stars around her head. She turned, her chest arching as her arms churned in powerful backstrokes, her tight nipples cresting the water just enough to send a flash of heat to his loins.

Join her.

He shot down his wild thought before it could gain momentum. He had no intention of taking advantage of her. She had invited him for a swim, not s.e.x.

Or had she?

Wishful thinking, he told himself. He wanted her, that was a certainty, but he wanted more than just s.e.x from Zia. The more he learned about her, the more interesting and appealing she became, and the more he wanted to know.

She turned again, spotted him and waved for him to join her.

Should he? Was it wise? Could he keep his hands off her?

She bounced along in the river, her persistent wave continuing to urge him to join her.

h.e.l.l, he muttered, and striped off his clothes.

He hit the water in a run and dove in, coming up not far from Zia. With a few quick strokes he was beside her and speechless. Her wet flesh s.h.i.+mmered like the dew on a blooming white rose and gave her a luscious appeal. His only thought was to touch and taste her.

Warm and welcoming, she said.

What? he snapped.

The river is warm and welcoming, she repeated.

It wasnt the river he wanted to greet him. He stared at the droplets of water that clung to her lips and thought of licking them off one by one. A quick lick with the tip of his tongue and theyd be gone, and hed want more.

He played it safe and kept his distance.

Its not wise to swim naked with a man.

True enough, but youre a safe man to swim naked with.

Why is that? he asked, not sure if he should be insulted or pleased.

Youre a practical man I can trust, especially when Im not being sensible.

Like now? he asked, forcing a smile.

Precisely. I know you will not do anything improper. She reached out and patted his shoulder. Youre a good man.

That I am, wife. His hands shot out and took hold of her waist, dragging her against him.

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