Under The Highlander's Spell Part 11

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He took gentle hold of her face. Why would you ask that?

It bothered him that she stepped away as if she wished to distance herself from him.

I do not wish to bring trouble upon your family.

He smiled, reached out and drew her into his arms. My brothers relish a good fight.

But this is a different type of battle.

A battle nonetheless, and one we will win, he a.s.sured her.

An agonizing scream ripped through the air and all but ripped them apart.

I must go, she said, already turning away.

Can I help?

Zia stopped at the open door. Can you find a way to feed these people? They are starving.

Already done, he said.

She smiled then, and it overwhelmed him, but not near as much as when she declared, Youre my hero.

He never considered himself a hero, but he liked the idea of being her hero.

His men were welcomed with tears and cries of joy when they returned with sufficient game for the whole village. It wasnt long before the scent of roasting meat peppered the village and smiles decked most faces.

Artair spent his time between helping his men and checking to see how Zia was doing. She worked tirelessly, limp curls plastering her perspiring brow. She encouraged the laboring mother with soft words and a.s.sured her repeatedly that all would be fine.

Artair found the husband camped out on the side of the cottage, face in his hands, sobbing. He was barely old enough to be considered a man, but a man he needed to be.

Crying will not help her, he said, reaching his hand down to the lad.

The scrawny young man looked up, startled, wiped at his tears, then hesitantly grabbed for the offered hand. I am Albert.

Artair yanked him to his feet. Albert, youre a man who is about to be a father. You must be strong for your wife and child.

She suffers and I can do nothing, he said.

She needs your strength. Artair grasped his shoulder. Come eat and strengthen yourself. Then clean up and be ready to go to your wife a man.

The lad nodded and stood a little taller as he walked with Artair to the roasting pit.

The villagers feasted, laughed, and offered prayers for mother and child and the healer who had brought them such fortunate luck.

That is until the feudal lord arrived with six of his men.

The villagers grew quiet and huddled close to each other when he and his men rode up to the roasting pit and stared at what was left of the

His dark narrow eyes warned that he was not pleased and the tight set of his thin lips showed he fought to hold his tongue. He and his men looked well fed and their garments freshly woven. They obviously lived well off the sweat of others.

Artair stepped forward before any could be accused of theft. I am Artair, brother to Cavan, laird of the Clan Sinclare of Caithness.

The mans eyes rounded and his demeanor immediately changed. I am William, laird of the Clan MacWalter. You are most welcome on my land.

Artair knew the Sinclare clan would be recognized and respected, actually feared by some. His clan was known for its fierce and n.o.ble warriors, and many paid homage to them in hopes of earning them as friends rather than foes.

I appreciate your hospitality, William, though I am more than willing to reimburse you for the game my men hunted.

Nonsense, William said with a dismissive wave. Sinclares are welcome to hunt on my property whenever they pa.s.s through.

Your generosity is appreciated. I will be two, perhaps three days. My healer is seeing to one of the villagers.

Someone is ill? he asked sharply.

Artair knew it wasnt out of consideration that William asked, but rather, fear of catching a deadly illness. He set his mind at ease. A difficult birth.

William sneered. These pagans whelp their babes in the field and continue working. Do not waste your healers time on them.

My healer helps all those in need, Artair said firmly, knowing an altercation with this man would only provoke suffering for the villagers.

William gave a curt nod. As you wish. He sent a stern look at the villagers. This man is my honored guest; make certain you see to his care.

The villagers bowed their heads and kept them bowed until their liege lord had disappeared out of sight. Their frightened expressions showed that they feared reprisals. There was little Artair could do to help them since they belonged to anothers clan. He could, however, make certain that the village was supplied with enough game to smoke and dry for the winter.

Nightfall arrived, though the babe didnt. The longer it took, the more worried the women in the village became, and soon whispers were predicting that mother and child would not survive.

Albert trembled with fear, and Artair walked him away from the gossiping tongues.

Zia is an excellent healer, he said, hoping to rea.s.sure the lad, though wondering if there could be any truth to the chatter.

It has been nearly a full day my Ciley has labored to deliver our child. She must grow tired.

Before Artair could continue to rea.s.sure him, Zia stepped out of the cottage, a solemn look on her weary face.

Albert rushed over to her. Ciley?

Is resting, go see her.

Artair waited until Albert was out of sight and joined Zia. Whats wrong?

I fear the babe is somehow stuck. Ive seen it happen before.


Zia rubbed the back of her neck. Im not sure, but if I dont deliver the child soon, neither of them will survive the night.

Artair wrapped his arms around her, and she immediately rested her head on his chest. Youre tired.

That doesnt matter.

It does to me.

She smiled up at him. Its nice to have you here with me.

Im not much help.

Zia placed a hand to his cheek and a kiss to his lips. You have helped more than you know. She turned to reenter the cottage, but stopped and looked at him. Keep Albert away until I come for him.

Artair nodded, and when the young man joined him again, he placed a supportive arm around him and walked Albert to the roasting pit to sit and talk with him.

As the night wore on, Artair became more concerned for mother and child, but he did not let Albert see it. He kept him talking, even suggesting that Albert might find a better home elsewhere for his family, and telling him hed be welcome in Caithness with the Sinclare clan.

The young man had no chance to respond. Zia stepped out of the cottage and walked toward them. Artair stood along with Albert, intending to help the lad however he could, though he hoped it would be congratulations that he offered.

Zia sighed and ran a hand through her choppy hair as she approached. With hands on her hips, she settled a hard glare on Albert. So, are you ready to meet your son?

Albert broke out in a grin. Laughed, then cried. A son?

A big boy for sure, which is why you can have only a few minutes with Ciley and then she must sleep. She is exhausted. Zia smiled and pointed at the cottage. Go, they both wait to see you.

Thank you. Thank you, Albert said, bobbing his head as he ran past her to the cottage.

Artair went to Zia, slipped his arm around her waist and ran a gentle finger under each eye. Youre worn-out. You need to rest. A cottage has been prepared for you.

She nodded. The women told me.

Ill take you there when youre ready.

I just need to give instructions to the women who will watch over Ciley throughout the night. She rested her warm flushed cheek next to his cool one. I wont be long.

Ill be here, he said, running his hand down her arm and lacing his fingers with hers, only to reluctantly release her and feel her fingers slip one by one from his grasp.

He stood waiting where he was, and though she returned in mere minutes, it felt like much longer. He took her hand, lacing his fingers with hers once again, and again not wanting to let go, yet knowing he would soon have to. Even with slow steps, they would be at the cottage much too soon.

They strolled to the entrance and when they reached the door he planned to kiss her good-night. She surprised him and turned around, took hold of his other hand and hesitantly brushed her lips over his. I want to kiss you, she whispered as if seeking permission.

I want you to kiss me, he said.

She brushed her lips over his once again. I want to keep kissing you.

A low groan rumbled in his throat. I want you to keep kissing me.

Her lips kept brus.h.i.+ng, teasing and tasting his until she pushed the door open and pulled him inside.

Chapter 11.

Zia loved his arms around her, the strength of his kisses, the warmth of his body, but most of all his kindness. Artair might be a mighty warrior, but he was a compa.s.sionate man. He had helped the young father find courage, made certain the hungry were fed, and come after her, concerned for her safety. And more important, he was patient with her.

She pressed her cheek to his and rested there, wis.h.i.+ng nothing more than to remain close to him, feel his arms strong around her and know this moment was for them alone.

She would kiss him again; she knew that, but for now this was enough. This was what she wanted, to simply be close to him.

He obliged her by not moving, though he ran his hand up and down her back and it felt so wonderful that she could have remained there all night wrapped in his arms.

However, her yawn interrupted them.

You need to sleep, he said.

Slipping her arms around his waist, she prevented him from leaving her. Not yet.

If I stay too long, I will not want to leave.

Then stay, she whispered in his ear.

His inquisitive look questioned her motive.

Lie beside me and hold me, just hold me all night.

She saw reluctance in his eyes.

Do I ask too much? she asked.

He traced a finger around her lips. To lie beside you and not touch you might prove difficult.

She retraced his path with the tip of her tongue, then said, Am I that appealing?

He kissed her quick. You are that wicked.

I can be wicked, she teased with a sigh, but alas Im too tired.

He coiled his fingers around the back of her neck and ma.s.saged the stiff area, and she all but melted in his arms.

Now you take advantage, she said.

Dont tempt me.

She smiled and saw desire rage in his eyes, but tenderness remained in his touch. You are a good man.

You truly tempt my honorable nature.

Ah, but that is what I count on. Her smile faded and she pressed closer, his hands falling away from her neck to slip around her, and as he embraced her, she leaned in and kissed him.

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