The Blood Coven - Girls That Growl Part 18

The Blood Coven - Girls That Growl -

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The crowd leaps up in unison, a chaos of blue jackets, hats, and sweaters-cheering and clapping and whooping the old Wolf pack howl.

"Whoo! Yeah! Go Mike and Trevor!" we yell. Mandy does a back flip. Shantel and Nancy jump up and down.

I yell, too, even pulling off a pretty good round-off, coming back up with pom-poms still in place.

Yes, I, Rayne McDonald, am still a Wolves cheerleader. At least for now. After all, I couldn't just abandon my squad simply because I was done with my mission impossible. Homecoming's an important game and I can't have them basket-tossing Nancy without me there to make sure she gets caught.

So I'm a Goth. A vampire. And now a cheerleader. And no one's going to tell me it's not okay to be all three. After all, I've always prided myself as an individual. If I enjoy cheering, then I'll cheer. And if anyone wants to make anything of that, short skirt or not, I'll totally kick their a.s.s across the football field.

Even Mandy admitted, during her pep talk before the game, that I'd come a long way since day one of practice. Now that she's cured, she and I have settled into at least a temporary truce. We may never be best friends again, but at least now we have a grudging respect for one another and both understand a little better where the other is coming from.

"Rayne! Rayne!" My mom's beaming as she runs over to me, waving like a lunatic. Once I finally told her I was a cheerleader she insisted on coming to watch me. Which is pretty cool, I guess. Though slightly embarra.s.sing.

"Hey, Mom," I greet, waving a pom-pom in her direction. She embraces me tightly and I hug her back. My hippie, dip-pie mom. I love her so much. And like David, I will do anything to protect her.

"Wow, Rayne. You were amazing. Really amazing. I'm so impressed. I had no idea you could do those kinds of moves."

"Well, it did take some practice."

"Yeah, you were really something," David says, walking up behind Mom. "A total natural."

"Isn't she?" Sunny asks, joining the group. "I keep telling her that but she refuses to believe me."

I feel my face heat at all the compliments. I'm so used to being the bad girl. The one everyone's annoyed at or afraid of. It's weird being the center of positive attention. But I guess I can deal with it. At least for tonight.

"Can I speak to you for a minute, Rayne?" A voice makes me turn around. It's Mr. Teifert. Wow, does everyone and their mother come to these things?

"Well," I say, glancing over at my family. I'm not quite ready for the Rayne adoration to stop.

"We'll be right over here," David a.s.sures me, probably figuring Teifert wants to talk Slayer shop. He and Mom and Sunny take a few steps back. I can tell Sunny's trying to keep an ear open though.

"What's up, T?" I ask, wondering if he has another mission for me. Whatever it is, this time I won't argue. Whatever he wants me to do, no matter how crazy it sounds, I'm his girl. I'm Rayne McDonald. I'm the slayer.

"You're no longer the slayer."

I stare at him. "What?" I cry. "What do you mean?"

He smiles. "Bertha's back. She's undergone an extensive diet and exercise rehabilitation program and is now ready to resume her role as slayer. So you're off the hook."

I can't believe it. The girl's been out of commission since she dusted Lucifent and Magnus became coven leader. Been spending time at a fat farm ever since. And now she's back? I know I should be thrilled to hear I'll no longer be required to perform as a slayer, but for some reason I feel disappointed instead.

"So ... so you don't need me anymore?" I ask, trying to keep a poker face. The last thing I need is for him to see me all upset.

"Nope," Teifert says cheerily. He's probably happy to be rid of me. We never really did bond, what with my bad att.i.tude and all. Bertha's probably way nice to him. "We should be all right without you from now on. Thanks for all your hard work. It's been real, but the beat goes on."

"But ..." That's it? After all my training and world-saving it's just Adios, Rayne, don't let the door hit you on the way out?

That doesn't seem right. And what about David's warning that something evil was on its way? Don't they need me to face it?

"Are you sure you wouldn't like, um, a backup slayer?" I ask. "I mean, David was telling me you guys got some great evil swinging into town sometime soon. What if Bertha's ... out of practice? Or she needs someone to stand in at dinnertime when there's a big line at the drive-through?"

Teifert sighs. "Let me discuss it with the rest of Slayer Inc. But yes, I think if you want to stay on as a consultant of some sort, it can probably be arranged."

"Thanks!" I grin, not sure why this makes me happy. Maybe I just like knowing I'm needed. "Don't worry, T, I won't let you down. And I'll be totally un.o.btrusive. You won't even know I'm slaying."

"That's what I'm afraid of." He shakes his head. "I'll be seeing you around, Rayne," he says, then turns and walks toward the parking lot.

I return to where my family's hanging out a few feet away.

"Wasn't that the drama coach?" Mom asks. "What did he want?"

"Nothing much," I bluff. "Tried to convince me I'd make a kick-a.s.s Morgan Le Fay in his King Arthur play. Which I would.

But I told him I'm pretty overcommitted at the moment."

"So you're staying on the . . . team?" Sunny asks pointedly. And I realize she doesn't mean as a cheerleader.

"Yeah," I say. "I think so. At least for a bit. Why not, right? After all, they definitely need me."

"Well, congratulations again, Rayne," my mom says, kissing me on the forehead. "I'm really proud of you."

"Yes," David says. "I am as well." And I can tell he means more than my ability to do splits.

"We're going to head home now," Mom says. "It was great to see you perform."

"Thanks, guys!" I say. "Have a good night. I'll catch you later."

Mom and David turn to go. Sunny grins at me.

"A cheerleader," she says. "Who would have thought?"

"Yup. That's me. Mult.i.talented." I grin. "But listen to this. Teifert just tried to get me to quit the slayer thing. I guess Bertha's all recovered and ready to come back. But I told him he should keep me on retainer. After all, he might need me."

"Yeah, especially if what you told me David was saying is true," Sunny says. "You know, about the new danger coming into town."

"Exactly. Bertha's out of practice. And I'm not putting our family in danger just because we have an incompetent, burger- loving slayer on the payroll."

"Well, I know I feel safer knowing you're still on patrol," Sunny a.s.sures me. Then she lowers her voice. "By the way," she says, "I've decided to do it."

"Do what?" I ask, feigning complete innocence. As if I don't know exactly what she's talking about. Still, it's amusing to watch her squirm.

"It," she says, her face reddening. "You know, with Magnus."

"Ahhh," I say, realizing what she means. "My little twin is going to lose her innocence once and for all."

Sunny punches me in the shoulder. "Don't put it like that!" she squeals.

"I'm sorry," I say mockingly. "My sister is going to bonk her boyfriend for the first time."

"Rayne! I'm telling you a huge thing! And you-"

I laugh. "I'm just teasing, Sun. I think it's great. You and Magnus are a wonderful couple. He's completely loyal and devoted to you and he loves you with all his heart. It's obvious just by watching you together. And if you think you're ready and have really given it a lot of thought, then I say go for it."

Sunny beams. "I mean, I know we're not blood mates like you and Jareth. We're not linked by blood to stay together forever with none to tear us apart. But we're really close. I love him so much, Rayne. I don't even know how to explain it."

I watch as Jareth approaches from across the field. "It's okay, Sun," I say. "I know exactly how you feel."

"Hey, darling," Jareth says, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close. He plants a soft kiss on my mouth and then releases me. I lean my head against his chest. I love this man. "You were great on the field," he tells me. "I thought you said you weren't cheerleading material."

"Rayne underestimates herself," Sunny says. "She always has."

"Oh whatever, pot calling kettle black," I tease back.

"Hey, don't start the party without me," Magnus says, coming up behind Sunny. She turns around and throws herself in his arms. They look so happy. I wonder if she's told him yet. He's going to be even happier.

I cuddle against Jareth. Happy like me. For once in my life I'm not thinking of the future or the past. I'm living in the present.

And for the first time ever I really don't care what people think about me. I can be a Goth. I can be a cheerleader. I can be a vampire. And I can be a slayer. Whatever I want to be, I can be. And no one can tell me that those things don't mix.


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