Reversion - A Novel Part 9

Reversion - A Novel -

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When Rosalind met me after the seminar, the sky was gray and threatening, but it was still warm enough for a light jacket. After our meeting in the commons we had discovered that every other day our campus departures led us to meet naturally because both our ended at the same time. I had by now walked her home several times. She and I were easy with each other. She liked to punch and tickle me and tousle my hair. I allowed it, biding my time.

The storm came upon us with unusual suddenness. Snow began to swirl as we pa.s.sed by the Quadrangle Club where Harvey worked as a waiter, and by the time we reached Dorchester the air had turned bitterly cold. A near blizzard lashed at us relentlessly.

aCome into my place,a Rosalind urged me, pulling on my hand.

I could not resist her offer, considering the circ.u.mstances. Besides it was a nice, neat apartment that smelled of her. I had visited a couple of times over the preceding few days, and each time the physical surroundings had in a curious way increased my affection for the girl. It was a one-room affair with a kitchen nook and an attached lavatory the door of which never shut properly. A carelessly made bed dominated the s.p.a.ce, along with a couch, an armchair and a rickety table and chairs. I thought I recalled a male student who would eventually live there.

aClara will worry about me,a I said immediately after she closed the door to the hallway.

aYes. Iam sorry, Timmy. And I donat have a phone. But maybe the weather will ease up soon.a It did not. The storm increased in such intensity over the next hour that snow began to pile against the bas.e.m.e.nt windows. We read to each other, played cards, wondered what to do, but after two hours the wind still screamed and the street outside became clogged with snow.

aYouare here for the night,a she eventually said, shrugging her shoulders at me. aLetas fix something to eat.a Despite her hot chocolate, Rosalind was not much of a cook. Because of that and owing to the lack of provisions in the apartment we ate noodles and cold tuna fish for supper. Afterwards we sat on the couch, each of us at either end with our legs drawn up onto the cus.h.i.+ons. We had exhausted the ba.n.a.lities of our usual conversation.

aI think Iam going to have a new boyfriend,a she said brightly all of a sudden.

aBut what about Harvey?a I inquired dutifully, knowing already that any presentable male could beat his time with Rosalind.

aHarvey? Heas a friend, of course. But heas not, you know, like other guys.a aThe problem with Harvey is that he likes other guys,a I observed sourly.

aReally, Timmy! How could you understand anything about that?a aChrist, Rosalind!a I exploded. aIam beyond pre-p.u.b.escence, you know!a aStill, itas not something you should talk about at your age.a aThere are boys my age who do more than talk about it, as well as guys like Harvey who are only too eager to help them.a She blushed deeply. aI didnat realize that,a she murmured with her head turned aside.

aI know all about s.e.x, perhaps even more than you. Have you ever been kissed properly?a aHarvey isnat that sort of guy,a she replied after taking a deep breath and making an effort to compose herself. aWe shouldnat be talking like this. Youare just a kid.a I shrugged in resignation, knowing I didnat stand a chance with the girl. aWho is this new friend,a I asked.

She brightened. aHeas a teaching a.s.sistant in the English department. Heas a poet.a aA poet,a I groaned. aRosalind, those guys collect virgins and discard them after a single use.a She sat with arms across her chest and a disapproving look on her face.

aPerhaps,a I suggested with a leer, athatas all you want in any case.a She fumed, aTimmy, I should throw you out into the snow. How could you have any idea what this is all about?a aI think I know you,a I replied softly. aAnd I certainly understand what most guys want.a aYouare only a child!a she retorted. She crossed her legs nervously, as though she suspected I might indeed know more about the birds and bees.

I reached down and placed my hand on her calf just above the sock. She moved the leg away, swinging it off the couch.

aI think we should get some sleep,a she declared, leaping to her feet. aYouare small enough for the couch,a she added pointedly.

I almost riposted bitterly, aToo small for you, eh?a but resisted speaking because it might not be entirely true. She threw me a blanket and a pillow before she retreated to the bathroom. I pulled off my shoes and reclined on the couch fully dressed. I watched shadowy movement through the crack in the door where she was obviously dressing for bed. The door soon opened and she stood with the light behind her clad in a long, flannel nightgown that b.u.t.toned up the front. The thickness of the fabric concealed her form despite the light.

aAre you going to sleep in your clothes?a she inquired like a b.i.t.c.hy older sister.

Without a word I stood and stripped completely.

She blinked. aWhatare you doing?a aI always sleep nude.a She did not display the least interest in my exposed flesh but turned aside to arrange the sheets and blankets on the bed. She switched off the light and climbed in even as I stood next to the couch.

aLetas hope weare not snowed in all weekend,a she said with a large yawn.

I stood naked in the cozy, dark room that smelled of her. The wind howled outside.

aMay I sleep on the bed?a I asked. aThe couch isnat really large enough.a When she didnat respond after a few seconds, I sank to the bed and climbed under the blanket. She moved her body to the further side of the narrow mattress to make room for me, but she still did not speak or otherwise object. I pulled on the smallish bedcover and she yanked it back with an angry grunt. For a couple of minutes I lay quietly near her inviting warmth pondering the situation. I had no thought of sleep. I was convinced the delicious girl was ripe and ready to be plucked. After a moment I tentatively extended a foot to brush against one of hers, which she quickly moved away. Her usual aroma of perfumed soap was particularly strong. I cautiously moved my head toward her pillow to inhale the lovely fragrance close up. My chin brushed against her hair. She did not move away, although she had to be aware of my nearness. I dared place a hand on her upper arm as she lay on her side and gently kneaded the soft flesh beneath the flannel garment.

aTimmy! What are you doing?a she barked abruptly and rolled onto her back which brought the full length of her body into contact with mine.

aI want to talk about your poet,a I replied softly.

Her face was so close to mine I could have extended my tongue to lick her cheek. aI think itas a shame youall be giving your first real kiss to a stranger.a aIave kissed before. Iam not so inexperienced,a she replied in annoyance and moved her head a further inch away.

aBut itas more than that, you know,a I persisted, finding her hand with mine. aYou must be very curious about men. Why would you choose a stranger? Do you feel youad be safer that way, more anonymous?a She turned her head to me. aHow did you guess that?a Her tone was marveling.

aI feel that I know you almost completely. As to anonymity, havenat you learned by now that you can trust me?a aTrust you with what?a aYour curiosity, for one thing.a aPerhaps so, Timmy, but Iam not curious about little boys.a aYouare just taller than me, Rosalind, nothing else. How can age be such a difference between people like us?a I placed a hand on her flat stomach. She seemed to quiver before roughly brus.h.i.+ng it aside.

She half raised her head. aYou know this has nothing to do with intellect, Timmy. This is something different entirely.a aHow do you know that?a I replied sweetly, replacing my hand on her soft mid section, my fingers toying with the b.u.t.tons of her nightgown. aPerhaps physical intimacy can be intellectually stimulating. Surely you wouldnat want to experience your first time with a brute.a aHeas not a brute!a aBut you donat know him the way you know me. He could be very selfish, uncaring. I would never hurt you. You certainly must understand that.a aHeas an adult, Timmy. A grown up man. A large man in fact.a She did not protest my undoing a couple of her b.u.t.tons. My fingers stole beneath the fabric to find the flesh of her stomach. The virginal softness aroused me.

aIs that a concern of yours, Rosalind? Size? Itas surely not something youad want for your first time.a My hard erection pressed against her hip. She had to feel it but remained immobile. I was encouraged to insert a hand into her nightgown and circle the palm slowly upwards until a thumb brushed against the softness of a pert breast.

aThis is not right, Timmy. You should go sleep on the couch, before aa The words, spoken with a tremulous voice, carried no conviction. Did she expect me to ask, aBefore what?a I placed my hand fully upon the small feminine mound and felt a hard nipple tickle my palm. The areola puckered. She s.h.i.+vered but failed to withdraw from contact even when I kissed her cheek lovingly and licked the skin of it.

aYou know itas right. In fact itas perfect for you,a I murmured into her ear. aThe poet would be a tawdry choice compared to me, at least for the first time. Maybe later for him, when you feel more confident about s.e.x.a I fondled the breast as I brushed my lips against her ear.

aYouare just a child,a she protested weakly.

aWeave already been through that argument, darling. Iam mature enough to give you a baby. Is that the problem? Are you afraid of becoming pregnant?a aIam at the safest time of the month,a she mumbled, twisting her torso, perhaps unconsciously, to her nipple against my palm.

aThen you should be happy at this opportunity. Isnat it more fitting for someone like me to introduce you to s.e.x? Weare special people, the two of us.a When she did not respond, I a.s.sumed she would have me, if only out of curiosity. I slowly removed my hand from beneath her night gown and cautiously undid the b.u.t.tons. As the other hand caressed her head I pressed my lips to hers for a gentle kiss to which she responded at first tentatively and then with a modest eagerness. When I finished with the b.u.t.tons I flipped the garment to either side of her long body. We continued to kiss, although she did not seek to embrace me. Her breathing against my lips became irregular. My free hand roamed her exposed body, exploring her modest b.r.e.a.s.t.s, firm stomach and one exquisite, slender thigh.

aPlease donat!a she cried weakly, when my fingers probed her moist pubic bush.

aDo you want me to kiss you there, darling? A virgin kiss?a aNo! No!a she protested and squeezed her thighs tightly together. aThatas disgusting.a But she endured my mouth on an erect nipple that I sucked with perhaps too much enthusiasm. aTimmy, please,a she sighed and fondled my head.

I gave up the responsive b.r.e.a.s.t.s and slipped down between her legs. Women may protest but I have never known one to break the first contact of tongue to c.l.i.toris. Neither did she, though she complained, aTimmy, thatas awful! Timmy a"a Her complaint ceased with a gasp. She opened her legs for the first time. Her tiny c.l.i.t swelled noticeably as my tongue circled it. Gathering my saliva, I licked the l.a.b.i.a apart and thrust between them. She groaned and her legs parted farther.

I rolled atop her, p.e.n.i.s pressing her lower lips.

aHow long have you dreamed of doing this, Rosalind?a I murmured against her shoulder. I was slightly frustrated by her taller body, because I could not reach her mouth without losing my position at the virgin opening.

aOh, Timmy!a was her only response.

I wriggled against her in wordless encouragement. Her legs parted fully to either side of my body. She raised a knee. With a hand on myself I ran the head up and down her crack. Of course she was very wet.

aDonat hurt me!a she exclaimed in a choking gasp while rocking her hips upward expectantly.

I pushed forcefully and broke through immediately. Her body went rigid and she cried out aOh!a but gave no other sign of distress. She was very tight, even on my smallish member, which soon tingled with pleasure. She whimpered, a sound more of pain than pleasure. I did not try to last. The excitement of antic.i.p.ation sweetened my climax, and I squirted like a schoolboy before she could complain about the hurt. For a while I lay between her thighs and tongued a nipple in blissful contentment, but soon she pushed at my body and I rolled off her.

She did not want to talk or cuddle. Without a word she turned onto her side facing away from me and seemed to fall sleep. When I touched her between the legs to feel my oozing seed, I found her hand there before me. I nestled myself against her and dozed off.

In the twilight before dawn I awoke to find my new sweetheart asleep on her back. I marveled at her young loveliness, more captivating than most of the prettier women I had known. I ran my fingers lightly across her somnolent body as my boyish member hardened. Her eyes popped open when I climbed atop her eager for another go.

aGet off, Timmy!a she shouted angrily. aYouave already done your job.a aSo now itas the poetas turn?a I asked ruefully, sitting up.

aPerhaps, perhaps,a she mumbled, getting out of bed. aThis morning I donat know.a She was naked. Long and tall, long and tall were redundant words that pa.s.sed repeatedly through my mind as I stared at her in open admiration. She looked like a runner.

aYouare ogling me!a she protested loudly and turned her back.

aDo you mind? Youare beautiful. And weare not exactly strangers.a She looked over her shoulder and then faced me, striking a pose.

aWhat do you think?a she asked playfully.

Her pubic hairs stuck together with my dried s.e.m.e.n and probably her blood. She had a marvelous torso, I thought, with a flat stomach and medium sized b.r.e.a.s.t.s that didnat sag. She glanced at my nakedness, but she did not exhibit any particular interest in my p.u.b.escent flesh, not even the rigid p.e.n.i.s.

aIad love to do some disgusting things with you,a I said, leering at her up and down.

aReally!a She giggled briefly. aYou already did!a She turned and went into the bathroom.

After a moment I heard the sound of p.i.s.sing. She soon returned to the room as the toilet flushed behind her.

aGet dressed now and go home, Timmy. I donat know what you intend to tell your Aunt Clara.a aItas still snowing,a I replied. aLetas go back to bed and enjoy each other some more.a She gave me a sour look. aIam still sore. I donat want to offend you, but last night was as enjoyable as a dental visit.a aAll of it?a She had the grace to blush.

I suggested, aPerhaps we should wait a few days before trying a"a aThere will be no next time, Timmy,a she interrupted me. aNot for us. Youall never again catch me as vulnerable as I was last night, although Iall always remember you as my first boy.a I had expected her to say something like that, and perhaps she meant it at the moment. But I was confident we would play together again, if under the right circ.u.mstances I begged her like a naughty boy, whether she was avulnerablea or not. She would do favors for me, her fellow genius, boy companion, even if I were physically too immature to interest her s.e.xually. But the old man inside me intended to have the lovely girl again at the earliest opportunity and f.u.c.k her to o.r.g.a.s.m with my young body. I would surprise her with the unexpected ecstasy and teach her how she had underestimated me.

But one must keep his bridges in good condition. I looked up at her contritely as I sat on the edge of the bed. aYou arenat angry with me, are you Rosalind? Iam sorry if I took advantage of you.a aNo, Timmy,a she responded with a grin and tousled my hair. aI was ready for what we did last night. You were right about that. Iad wanted it for a long time, but I was always afraid of the hurt. Now, thank G.o.d, that part is over.a I extended a hand and caressed an inner thigh high up near her matted hair. She stepped back out of reach, but continued to smile at me.

aYouad better go now,a she said softly. aIall give you some sweaters to wear under your jacket.a She leaned down and kissed my lips briefly like an old friend. I was very much in the mood for another f.u.c.k, but I began to gather my clothes. Clara and Alice would take care of me when I got home, freely, without any begging or seductive trickery on my part.

Or so I thought. aJust where the h.e.l.l have you been?a demanded Alice, nearly screaming, when I entered the front door and began stomping snow off my high tops.

I snapped, aWeave had a blizzard, in case you didnat notice.a aOh, Timmy!a She rushed to me, helping me out of my excessive clothing. aWe were so awfully worried! Why didnat you call?a aNo telephone,a I responded, trying to remove Rosalindas three sweaters at once. Alice pitched in and tugged but looked up wide-eyed when she held one of the garments. aThis is a womanas sweater!a she accused.

aAh, yes. When I went to school yesterday, it was warm. I had only that jacket.a aBut these are womenas sweaters!a aWell, yeah,a I admitted. aI had to borrow them or I wouldnat be home yet. Whereas Clara?a aLying down in her bedroom. Sheas been worried sick and so have I. Here, youare cold, arenat you? Let me help you off with these sweaty things. Weall wrap this afghan around you until you get some more clothes.a So briefly I stood naked in the living room. Alice clutched me to her, face buried in my shoulder. aOh G.o.d, Timmy, we were beside ourselves! Darling, are you truly all right?a She began to kiss me, right down my chest. Before I could stop her she popped my shriveled d.i.c.k into her mouth. And spat it out instantly. Up she came, her eyes wider than I can remember ever seeing in two lifetimes.

aYou, you a"a she stammered, glaring at me, unable for a moment to speak coherently. I knew only too well what she had tasted.

My mind froze. I could think of only one thing to say. aTV isnat here yet.a aT-TV! Timmy, how could you?a She backed away from me, stumbled over the ottoman and fell on her a.s.s. I sprang forward, hand extended. aLet me help you a"a aGet away from me!a she screamed, scrambling to her feet. She turned around to run away, I suppose, but found Clara coming into the room.

She halted before the woman and asked rhetorically, aDo you know where heas been?a aYes, I do.a Clara replied quietly. She stepped forward and took the distraught girl in her arms. Her eyes on mine were unreadable. She murmured, aJust remember one thing: he came back to us.a Alice snarled, aA dog or a horse has that much sense!a Clara patted the girlas back. aYouave known a great many men, Alice. Did you ever know one worth having who wouldnat stray?a The girlas voice was m.u.f.fled but I understood her. aOnly Tim.a She began to sob.

aReally? What about the 15 girls in Rome of whom you spoke? What of Solayeva in St. Petersburg?a aOh, well, they didnat count.a aWhat about it, Tim? Have you met a better woman than your two that waited here? Or merely a more opportune one?a I took a deep breath. aOn the whole Earth no other woman even compares to either of you. I know that very well, for obvious reasons. Alice, what happened last night has no effect at all upon you a" unless you insist on it.a The girl whirled around, tears streaking her face, and pointed to my midsection. aThatas my c.o.c.k, d.a.m.n you!a I nodded. aYes, it is.a aAnd I want it now.a Well, that was about what I had antic.i.p.ated, except a aLet me give it a bath first,a I suggested.

She sneered. aFor an old man, youave got a lot to learn about women.a She tore off her robe, knelt before me and sucked me in almost fiercely.

I looked over her head at Clara. aWhat does she mean?a The woman sniffed before turning away. aYou figure it out, lover boy.a Both of my women angry at me! I believe it was a first. But Alice nevertheless gave me the quick relief I had needed. She didnat lose a drop of what I spewed down her throat.

What did she think I ought to learn? I always knew females were slightly bananas, if that was her point.

Clara bought a console aVictrolaa that included an aall banda AM radio. Apparently FM was not yet popular, but I enjoyed playing with the radio nevertheless. I found transmissions in the 40 meter band from England, Germany and the Soviet Union. It was a huge, solid piece of furniture, surprisingly expensive, but a necessarily stable platform for the 78-rpm musical records. The diamond needle had yet to be invented. You could play about a dozen records before the steel phonograph needle needed replacement.

Ah, but the music! I probably heard Glenn Miller live on the radio the first time around but was too young to appreciate it. Now I reveled in his stuff. His In the Mood may be one of my all-time favorite arrangements. We had Bing Crosby crooning and the Andrews Sisters harmonizing. Vaughn Monroeas velvety voice came through clearly and nostalgically. Alice and I danced in the living room in the day or two before the party. She taught me to jitterbug, by G.o.d! Itas not as hard as it looks, not when youare young and supple. We both taught Clara. She fell on me once. Three cheers for small women!

As planned, Alice and I dressed as elves in upturned toe slippers, false papier-mch faces and all. Clara shortened an old bra.s.siere and Alice strung it around her chest, stuffed with a shredded sponge. In her costume of white tights she actually looked d.a.m.n good, like a small teenager. Of course she already had shapely legs. Mine werenat so bad either, or so I was told several times, which was only the truth.

Clara hired a fat Santa Claus, who sat in the corner beside the Christmas tree, ready for the girls we would usher to his lap to whisper Christmas wishes in exchange for a tickle or two. We had a bar with beer, several liquors, mixers and even a soda siphon. Clara had wanted to hire a bartender and waiters, but I talked her out of it on the grounds that such an ostentatious display of wealth would get her condemned on Dorchester Street. We elves could serve the drinks and the canaps. Thinking it over afterwards I regretted persuading her. Ten years later, when I had known the street so well, a very different population had lived there. We might have only been admired for putting on the dog, in 1947.

Several neighbors arrived together. Alice and I took the first drink orders but the system immediately collapsed. When the guests discovered the bar set up in the kitchen, they took over and made their own drinks. Which suited me. I preferred to act as doorman anyway. I didnat have to wait long. The next set of arrivals included Rosalind and Harvey.

aGlad you could make it, folks,a I declared heartily. aCome on in!a I turned and gave Clara a nod.

aIs that you, Timmy?a Rosalind bent and peered at me behind my mask.

Her costume was that of a medieval princess with conical hat adorned by a gauze tail. Harvey was clad in corduroy knickers and the boots of a woodsman. More people crowded the steps behind them, vaguely known neighbors motley attired, one of whom was a policeman in uniform.

aHi, little guy,a he said affably as he reached the door. aRemember me? Sean OaHiggins from down the street. Iam just off s.h.i.+ft and didnat have time to change, although I left my gun at home.a Behind me Aliceas voice was slurred. aYou could pa.s.s for a cop easily even without it.a I thought she was making a joke. So did he. I saw his eyes light on her approvingly. She stepped forward to take his hand and lead him into the living room with a curious possessiveness. She had been drinking.

The last to arrive was not costumed, although he wore a beanie atop his head of kinky black hair. He had dusky skin and vaguely Negroid features on his grandly smiling face.

aYou must be Juan,a I said to the handsome Cuban about whom Clara had spoken. He was the guy who was expected to seduce Harvey into f.a.ggotry, and I thought it was a good choice on Claraas part. The man struck me as overtly illicit and strongly sensuous. He leaned forward to tilt my mask up for a peek.

aMy! You are a pretty boy,a he gushed, fingers lingering on my cheek. He gave me a lurid wink. aI could teach you some fun things, sweetheart, if you havenat already learned them for yourself. And even if you have aa Clara interrupted him. aJuan!a she exclaimed in greeting, presenting her cheek for a perfunctory buss. aTim here is not the boy youare after this evening. Let me take you to meet Harvey. Heas in the kitchen with his princess.a She led him away, although he continued to look over his shoulder at me. If he was s.e.xually attracted to p.u.b.escent boys, I thought, he might find his tryst with Harvey onerous.

The party evolved successfully. I remained the only person who wandered about unengaged, sitting at times in a corner to sip ginger ale laced with a splash of Canadian whiskey. Alice and the cop had disappeared, I realized after a while with some concern. I feared for the guy as much as for her, because the girl could be wicked at times. I slipped up the stairway to the second floor, the babble and music behind me receding as I reached the landing. A new sound caught my attention, one that was unmistakable in its origin, emanating from Aliceas bedroom. When I eased open her door and peered in, I saw the cop with his pants down f.u.c.king Alice who lay half on the bed with her feet on the floor, naked below the waist. She held the man by the ears and rolled her hips, grunting in time with his thrusts.

My mouth fell open. I wondered if this was Aliceas first infidelity in our new lives. It must have been. When did she have another opportunity? a" though in fact, I realized, she had as many as I. Our met at different times and if she were discreet about it, even Clara might not know. I also wondered how I felt about it: dismay and jealousy, yes; anger, too. But this cop, OaHiggins! He could hardly be the threat to me that Rosalind was to Alice. I knew from past experience that females were capable of seeking revenge in this way. Probably thatas all it was.

aOh G.o.d! Oh G.o.d!a the cop cried uncontrollably. His body froze in a long thrust that lifted the smaller hips clear of the bed. With a great sigh he collapsed atop her. She continued to squirm and moan, obviously unfinished.

aSo you want more,a I heard him murmur after he relaxed somewhat. aLetas do it again, leprechaun, but with you completely naked this time.a He pulled her bra up. A torrent of blue sponge bits popped out. It was only too obvious that Alice had no t.i.ts whatsoever.

aOh my G.o.d!a he screamed almost hysterically, jerking upright to stand on his feet. For the first time I got a glimpse of a wet and oversized d.i.c.k, implying another reason for Aliceas ready acceptance of it.

He stared down at the red-rimmed hairless t.w.a.t, now oozing his fluids. aOh G.o.d!a he declared again. aHow old are you, honey? Oh, G.o.d, tell me youare 16!a Alice glared up at him. Her mouth twisted. aI canat do that, Sean.a aNo, I guess you canat,a he admitted in wonder. aYouare just a baby!a He turned to the side and bent over holding his stomach. His belly heaved powerfully beneath the blue s.h.i.+rt and he vomited on the carpet. Choking, he grabbed his trousers and thrust his legs into them.

aOh, son of b.i.t.c.h, honey, please donat tell anyone! Please, oh please, sweet darling!a She had risen up on her elbows, the remains of her costume piled around her head on her shoulders. She ordered imperiously, aPut that c.o.c.k back in here, Sean. Iam not through with it yet.a But the c.o.c.k in question had lost half its previous grandeur. That may be why she failed to protest farther when Seanas only response was to hobble rapidly toward the door. I hurried down the hall and slipped into my room before he could catch me spying. He must have paused to straighten his clothes, because there was a moment of silence before I heard him cras.h.i.+ng down the stairs, still moaning, aOh G.o.d, oh G.o.d!a When I went to check on her, Alice lay on the bed rubbing herself between the legs.

aTimmy!a she exclaimed drunkenly when she saw me enter the room. aOaHiggins left me hanging. Be a good fellow and finish me off.a I strode angrily to the bed but found her in no condition to be chastised. Her head lolled on the pillow and she pa.s.sed out as I watched. I pulled the covers over her gently, turned off the light and left the room.

Downstairs I found the front door open to the winter wind. After closing it I checked around but found no police uniform. I had lost my mask. One of the female guests exclaimed, aWhat a pretty lad!a She caught me up against huge t.i.ts and kissed me on the mouth, thrusting with her tongue and beery breath. I fled through the den and saw Clara in the kitchen with her back to me.

I knew from her stance that she wanted to conceal something. I came in from the side and saw a line of white powder hiss from a folded paper in her hand to bubble and fizz in a tumbler of dark drink. Rum and Thatas what Harvey was drinking.

I came up beside her. aIs that for Harvey?a She turned coolly, the surrept.i.tious hand buried in the pocket of her costume. aYes, it is. Will you take it to him? This other gla.s.s is Juanas gin fizz.a aWill it hurt Harvey?a Her eye flashed. aItas only BC plus a little insurance.a It took me a moment to recall that BC was the brand name of an aspirin powder popular at that time. aI hope it doesnat smell of almonds,a I remarked as I set the drinks on my little tray.

She laughed gaily. aNow, Tim! Would I harm Mr. Stringer?a Her face sobered. aAnd check on Alice, will you, please? Her blue-coated playmate came downstairs just now as if chased by a ghost.a aIave already checked,a I told her. aSheas out cold with a head full of booze and a c.u.n.t full of come.a The woman sighed and nodded. aI suspected as much. She has forgotten how alcohol tolerance relates to overall ma.s.s.a aYou expected her to f.u.c.k that d.a.m.ned cop?a I hissed.

She nodded. aSo should you after last week.a I found Juan and Harvey standing in the upstairs hallway looking blankly at the closed doors. Juanas hand was in Harveyas pocket, I thought at first, but realized as I handed them their drinks that it was down the front of Harveyas britches.

aPretty one,a the Cuban cooed with a wink, ashow us where the guest room is.a aItas at the end of the hall,a I said and led them to it.

Harvey was a bit worse for wear. Juan supported him down the hallway and through the door I held open for them. Harvey flopped onto the bed but grunted and popped back up on an extended arm. I closed the door behind me, intending to observe them, emboldened by curiosity and whiskey to watch queers at play. The Cuban grinned at me the brief few seconds he needed to remove his clothing. Behind him his new lover hummed tunelessly while managing to remove his high tops.

aIs this going to hurt, Juan?a he whined. The Cuban ignored him.

aIave got a big one, pretty boy,a Juan said seductively to me. aLetas measure against each other.a He stood close in front me naked. His attractive, well-muscled body was sleek and virtually hairless. The swollen p.e.n.i.s, perhaps seven inches long, jutted upwards at an angle. It was circ.u.mcised and sported a a At first I thought it was a tongue clip driven through the tip but realized it was a wart growing atop the glans p.e.n.i.s: a genital wart, and he was proud of it. He said seductively, aYoursall be just as pretty in a few years.a His eyes sparkled. aI can help it along.a Almost shuddering, I declared stridently in my boyish treble, aI only want to watch,a and stepped back from the man.

aOf course, of course, sweet thing. But pull yours out and letas compare. Or can I help you with it?a I pointed to Harvey. aHeas the one who needs you just now.a He studied me with calculation and slowly nodded. aYeah, but donat go away. Youare about to get a real education.a He turned to his fumbling companion who sat on the bed struggling with his clothes evidently disinterested in my presence.

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