Reversion - A Novel Part 10

Reversion - A Novel -

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aHere. Let me help you,a Jaun told him.

Harveyas scrawny, hairy body was quickly exposed. He lay on the bed with his feet resting on the floor.

aDo we both get to suck?a Harvey asked as he played with his half-erect p.e.n.i.s, looking up at the Cuban with a crooked grin.

Juan knelt beside him on the bed and leaned over to rub his fat member back and forth across Harveyas lips, which soon parted to receive the k.n.o.b. Suddenly the thin body straightened alertly. Harvey began to suck noisily. His hand rose tentatively and cupped the otheras drooping

aSo itas your first time, is it?a the Cuban mused, grinning in pleased triumph at the deepening penetration of Harveyas mouth, which he f.u.c.ked in slow strokes.

aDo you want to b.u.t.t f.u.c.k him, Timmy?a Juan asked coyly, looking over his shoulder at me.

Curiously Harvey had lost his hard-on. Wondering at the reason for that, I failed to answer immediately. Juan likely a.s.sumed that my silence implied virginal hesitation. He leaned toward me while his hand first forced the skinny legs apart then lifted the dangling out of the way. aSee it? All you have to do is spit on your hand and wet your peeny.a He grinned wider. aOr come up here and Iall wet it for you.a Stepping back I shook my head in a vigorous negative.

aThen how about me? All you need to do is whip it out and get behind me. Iall back up onto it.a Again I demurred, but perhaps not so forcefully as before. He had a well-rounded, almost feminine b.u.t.t.

aAh, well,a he sighed and raised up, removing himself from Harveyas mouth. aPerhaps youall let me suck some lubrication from your boy-c.o.c.k so I can ream Harvey in the behind.a aLubrication?a aYou know: j.i.s.m, s.p.u.n.k, love-juice.a I hesitated a moment to contemplate the opportunity of a quick b.l.o.w. .j.o.b from a source that ought to know all about it, but that wart was only too prominently before me. I said, aNo,a in a low voice.

He stood off the bed, studying me. One hand held his d.i.c.k. aSweety, I think you need a little bit of the strong arm.a aDid you forget thereas a cop in the house?a I reminded him.

Apparently he hadnat noticed OaHigginsa precipitous departure. His face paled a couple of shades. He sighed. aI guess itas just you and me, Harvey boy,a he said with a resigned shrug, turning again to the man on the bed.

Harvey did not respond except to grin and lick his lips. Juan knelt before him and engulfed the manas flaccid member, sucking it to hardness. With the expertise of long practice, accompanied by pops and slurps, the Cuban soon brought his subject to a gasping climax.

He backed away and smiled at me with his lips pressed together to hold a mouthful of s.p.u.n.k, driblets of which escaped down his chin. He spat the stuff gently into a hand and used it to slick his p.e.n.i.s, now larger than ever.

aRole over, sweetheart,a he commanded gaily. aItas time for me to visit you.a Harvey turned onto his stomach immediately. aBe nice,a he mumbled.

aThink lovely thoughts, darling,a the Cuban cooed, kneeling just behind his partner but holding still to look over his shoulder at me.

aCome here,a he ordered, gesturing with his head. aYou might enjoy guiding it in.a aNo, thanks.a aWell, Iam sure youad like to watch. You never saw anything like this before.a In that he was correct. I had plowed both Clara and Alice a.n.a.lly, but my little organ could hardly spread flesh in the manner of Juanas. Hesitantly I approached the bed. aCome on,a Juan urged. aRight up here beside us. I wonat hurt you!a Taking a deep breath, I obeyed.

Chuckling, the Cuban worked his warty k.n.o.b up and down and around, pus.h.i.+ng with increasing force, hard enough finally that he must enclose the root with his fist to keep it straight. I heard Harveyas breath whoosh as the long p.e.n.i.s suddenly sank out of sight. Juan chuckled again, probably at something he saw in my face. aPopping through the ring,a he observed. aAfter that itas easy as pie.a He snickered. aWith a new guy you can get a brown cherry every time. Why that look, sweetie? You think it mightave hurt him? What about it, Harvey?a he called. aDoes it hurt?a aN-no.a Harvey replied with a note of wonder. aFeels like s.h.i.+t going backwards. Can you a get any deeper?a Juan explained, aYou know, kid, how sometimes it feels good to s.h.i.+t? Well, this does too, for some of us, and I think good old Harveyas a natural.a He began to thrust slowly. Shortly his entire shaft was disappearing on every stroke. aOooh!a murmured Harvey, laughably almost in falsetto.

I had seen enough. The rest was only too predictable. I quietly got off the bed.

aHey, where you going, sport?a asked the Cuban, regarding me in surprise. aIall bet your little weenie is as hard as you ever felt it!a He reached for my britches but I shrugged away from him. aStick around and Harvey and I together will make you feel better than you ever did before.a I opened the door and left the room. Yes, it was educational but he was wrong about my d.i.c.k. Suddenly I wanted the comfort of real females. But Alice was pa.s.sed out in her bedroom. Clara was busy playing gracious hostess. Then I remembered Rosalind.

She was downstairs with a group of perhaps six people centered on Clara, who was speaking animatedly about cosmology. I joined them and listened for a minute. To my surprise careful Clara was practicing anachronisms, declaiming about the planets around nearer stars detectable by perturbation of the stellar paths. Maybe not so anachronistic, I realized, when I heard her describe how they aoughta to be detectable.

Rosalind looked bored. She willingly separated herself from that bunch in response to my head jerk towards the foot of the stairs.

aI think itas time to leave,a she said, b.u.mping clumsily into me. aWhereas Harvey?a aOne too many, lover girl?a She frowned. aIam not drunk, if thatas what youare hoping.a I smirked. aI could show you Harvey, but you donat want to see it. Heas in the guest room with Juan.a She glared at me.

aCome upstairs,a I suggested as I pulled on her resisting hand. aIave got something to show you in my room.a She hesitated stubbornly for a moment but then relented. She allowed me to lead her up the stairs. I heard unintelligible menas voices behind the closed door of the guest room. We ducked into my bedroom.

aThis is like a monkas cell,a she said with disapproval, looking around at the bare walls and dearth of interesting furniture.

aI only sleep here,a I explained, pulling her to the bed where we sat together on the covered mattress.

When I stretched to kiss her face, she automatically resisted. On the second try, however, she relented and even returned it.

aDonat!a she exclaimed when I palmed a modest breast, but she did not brush my hand away nor did she attempt to stand.

aTimmy, please!a she protested my effort to locate the hem of her long dress. aI told you we wouldnat do it again. Besides itas the wrong time of the month for me.a I nevertheless found my way to a bare knee and scooted my hand up her thighs, which parted slightly in promise. She even let me push her back to lie on the bed, where we finally began to kiss pa.s.sionately. My fingers toyed with her panties, slipping inside them. To my pleased surprise she became thoroughly aroused, throwing her arms around me and venturing her tongue into my mouth while taking stentorian breaths through flared nostrils.

aI could get pregnant,a she mumbled against my lips as if in complaint.

aFrom fingers?a Two of mine discovered just the right place beneath the menstrual pad on her hairy groin. Her hips began to undulate. She moaned into my mouth.

aTimmy, please! Youare torturing me!

I persisted.

aPlease, Timmy! At least lick on me!a Aha! Within seconds I had her long green dress pushed above her waist and her panties pulled off. I unclipped the pad, wondering whether tampons had been invented yet a" though doubtlessly Rosalind had been perforate too briefly to learn their use. I noticed that her eyes were clenched shut to avoid seeing me look at her. The odor of blood was slight. I remembered tasting it on my second wife.

My mouth found her prominent c.l.i.t. She threw her legs over my shoulders, totally accepting my nasty tongue. I nibbled, sucked and licked the girl to a loud, flailing o.r.g.a.s.m, stopping my ministrations only when she clamped my head tightly with her thighs and uttered a brief cry of ecstasy. When she relaxed her legs and freed my head, I looked up to see her lying with eyes closed and a contented expression on her pretty lips. I laid next to her, a hand on a breast, to kiss that satisfied face.

aGuys get excited too,a I murmured into her ear. aIam hurting, Roz. I need some relief.a aIad get pregnant,a she responded, her eyes still closed.

aNot during your period, you ninny!a She made a writhing motion. aThatas a sickening idea!a aThen do it another way,a I suggested, wondering if by any slim possibility the b.l.o.w.j.o.b I had rejected in an inappropriate mouth might be obtained in this rosebud.

Her eyes popped open to find mine. aBring it here,a she directed.

Bring it here! I think my chin sagged. She laughed. aI bet you didnat think I know what you mean.a I jerked my tights down and off one foot as if a well, as if my bladder was about to burst. Only it wasnat my bladder. In no time I had waddled up beside her head and presented my stiff-stander, pitiful in my own eyes compared to what I had recently seen next door.

I was so close she had to draw in her chin to study me. aYou have no hair,a she noted, aalthough youare half grown.a She looked up and nodded. aThis was the right one for my hymen, Timmy. Did I ever thank you?a aMaybe you will now,a I suggested. My five-incher was hard and moist at the tip. I pressed the glans with two fingers. aThe nerve endings combine here in the head of it,a I instructed her. aItas sensitive there just like your c.l.i.toris.a aOf course,a she said with a shrug.

aItas small yet,a I admitted, abut itas real.a She put three fingers and a thumb on the turgid member, squeezed it, toyed with it. Again she looked up at me. aHas anybody else ever sucked it for you?a aYes,a I said after a momentas hesitation.

Scornfully she asked, aThat Juan?a aNo man has ever touched me,a I said truthfully.

aWell, then, I want you to pay attention and tell me something.a aWhat?a I barked, annoyed by her sudden loquaciousness.

aWhether it feels better this way or the right way.a Rosalind was already doing s.e.x research? Suddenly I had a suspicion but wisely kept it to myself, at least for the moment. Instead I gave her some advice. aIall warn you when Iam about to squirt. Then you should close your throat or else you might choke.a She looked at me oddly with a hint of surprise, as if she wanted to ask how I knew a" which put us in the same boat. Then she seemed to make a decision. She raised her head enough to slurp the slender rod into her mouth. Her cheeks collapsed as she sucked, gently grazing me with her teeth. It was enough, plenty enough. In less than a minute the pleasure built to the point of no return.

aHere it comes!a I warned and placed both hands in her auburn hair The first, powerful spurt must have splashed forcefully against the back of her throat, but she did not display any sign of distress. She continued to suck until it became unbearable. I pushed at her head. She laid her head back to look up into my face, her slightly parted lips drooling s.e.m.e.n onto her chin.

aWhat do you want me to do wia it?a she asked in a voice m.u.f.fled by her mouthful.

aEither spit or swallow,a I suggested, pleased almost to giggles at the sight of her wet face.

She swallowed. Her eyes widened. Her tongue appeared to swab around her lips. aYours is so rich!a she declared. An instant later her eyes grew huge. aUh-oh!a I sighed and shook my head. aRich,a I repeated. aSo I didnat get a cherry this time.a She blushed furiously. aTimmy, Timmy aa she began, turning her face away.

aThe poet?a I asked.

Her hand rose to conceal her eyes but she nodded.

aHow many times?a Her hand came down and she stared at me. aTimmy aa aI want to know all about it. I want to know if he appreciates you.a She took a deep breath. aProbably not. But I appreciate him! He sent me to heaven.a aTo heaven.a I hope I kept the instant jealously from my voice. aYou had already let him know you were attracted, right?a aYes. After you a helped me the night of the blizzard a" and I do so want to thank you for that, Timmy. You were so lita" You were just what I needed.a She shuddered. aG.o.d, I hate to think how it would have been if he had been first!a I felt the beginning of bitterness. aHe had a really large one, did he?a aOh, yes, huge!a Suddenly her expression changed. aIam sorry, Timmy, but you did ask me.a aTell me all of it,a I grated. For the first time I felt sympathy for Aliceas b.o.o.b-less chest.

aHe asked me to come to his rooms. I did. I think heas used to women admiring his thing. He took it right out and let me play with it. I didnat think it would ever stop growing! I was afraid it would hurt me but I had to find out. It did too, because I was afraid. But then he changed around and did what you did, only all the way, and when he put it in again, it was no trouble at all. Oh, Timmy! I never felt anything so good in my whole life. I didnat know it was possible to feel such a such aa aEcstasy?a aI guess thatas as close as words can come.a aThen you blew him, didnat you?a Her brow wrinkled. aBlew?a aA slang expression. You sucked him.a She blushed again. aBut I couldnat do him as I did you. I could only get about half of his thing in my mouth before it gagged me. He liked that, gagging me. Did you know that the saliva glands really pump when you gag? That must make it feel better for a man. But do you want to hear something funny?a aYeah, Iad like to hear something funny.a aYours was at least twice, maybe three times, as much. Seminal fluid, I mean.a She frowned. aHis s.c.r.o.t.u.m is twice the size of yours. How could you do that?a aHe had probably whitewashed somebody a" I mean, been with another girl not long before he saw you.a aWhitewashed?a aHer tonsils. Itas just an expression.a To my surprise Rosalindas face brightened. She actually giggled. aI like that one! For your information, you really whitewashed mine! And it was thicker, richer than his. Iall bet you could make a girl pregnant without half trying.a Her face fell. aYouare right. I smelled another girlas cologne when I was there the second time but not the first.a aI told you.a aI remember. You said he used virgins and threw them away.a She giggled again. aAs if they were condoms.a aThat doesnat a put you off?a aIt should, I guess.a She grinned slyly and shook her head. aBut this was different. I used him.a aDid you? And now you love s.e.x, is that right?a aOh, yes, Timmy!a It was her turn to sigh. aBut Iam well aware of how dangerous it is. Do you know any eunuchs?a aWhat?a aYou know, men who have a"a She stared at me with a frown. aThatas not just something Richard Burton made up, is it?a I had to laugh. aWhere did you get a copy of Scheherezade in this day and age?a aMy mother has one. Do eunuchs really exist?a aWell, theyare not so common here as Arabian harems. But you cut a manas b.a.l.l.s off, Rosie, and he gets fat and wimpy. You wouldnat like him.a She snarled, aDonat call me Rosie!a aA term of endearment.a I backed away from her, feeling for my tights. aWhy the interest in eunuchs?a aThey canat make you pregnant. They were harem guards. Fatima had four that were all her own.a I had to chuckle. aHow many times did you reread The Arabian Nights?a aI donat know,a but she blushed once more.

aYou canat get pregnant from swallowing it. Or playing Juanas game.a She looked at me blankly. aHis game?a aUp the a.s.s.a aOh.a Her eyes were large but she evinced no squeamishness. aDoes that feel good?a I shrugged. aSometimes, so Iave been told. Rosalind, this sounds like youare planning a vigorous love life.a She licked her lips, but shook her head petulantly. aWhy does it have to be so dangerous?a aBecause itas so pretty. Thanks for the b.l.o.w.j.o.b.a aWeare even.a She grinned. aI could tell you were surprised.a aI was, but you still have something to learn about it.a aNot tonight,a she said with a shrug. She looked around herself, found her flopping pad and reattached it to the belt. aIs Harvey getting a b.l.o.w.j.o.b from that s.h.i.+fty Cuban?a I studied her and finally said, aYes.a She digested that, got to her feet and began drawing on the somewhat scattered parts of her costume. aDo you suppose I could walk home alone in the dark, Timmy?a aYou donat want to wait for Harvey?a She made a disgusted noise. aIad just as soon never hear his name again.a * * *

A little after eleven I got out of bed, dressed and made a momentary detour through Aliceas empty room. Upstairs and downstairs I couldnat believe it: the house was spotless! Clara and Alice were drinking coffee over the morning newspaper in the kitchen, looking very ordinary in their robes and slippers. I stood returning their inquiring looks. aYouave even had time to brush your hair!a aWhy not?a asked Alice.

aBut this place was a wreck last night when I left with Rosalind!a They didnat react except to maintain their stares.

aWhatas going on?a I asked. aWhy are you looking at me this way?a Alice c.o.c.ked her head. aWe were surprised when you came back.a aHuh? Came back from what?a aRosalindas house. Whatas the matter, didnat she ask you in?a As a matter of fact, she did. But her revelations about the poet had still been sitting uncomfortably on my d.i.c.k.

I returned Claraas stare. aThereas no way I can be quiet enough creeping up the stairs for you not to hear me. Is that right?a At least her eyes twinkled. aThatas right. Eventually.a I had to sigh. aIt seems Iam the one around here who sleeps like the dead.a Alice asked, aWhatare you getting at?a aI didnat hear you cleaning the vomit off your floor. The carpetas not even damp! Howad you manage that?a She looked puzzled. aSomebody vomited in my room?a aYeah,a I answered dryly. aHe squirted from both ends.a Alice looked at Clara. aYou didnat tell me about him getting sick. I wouldnat have thought he had so much to drink.a Clara opened her mouth to answer but I spoke first. aDrink didnat do it.a aWhat do you know about it?a Alice demanded.

aI heard a scream and looked in on you right at the end of it. He pulled your bra.s.siere off and realized how young you were. Thatas what made him sick.a I chuckled grimly. aIall bet heas biting his fingernails off this morning.a aOh.a She actually grinned. aI wondered when the bra came off.a aYou donat remember much of it, do you?a She raised her chin. aI remember all of it.a She sighed. aExcept the last. Was it you that covered me up?a aYes.a aThank you.a aWhy did you seduce him, Alice?a Her look was expressionless. aIave always liked big men. Youall be one in a few years. Whatas your excuse?a aMy excuse?a Clara interjected, aI told her about Rosalindas hour in your bedroom.a aYou a You aa And I thought Clara never left the kitchen! But I was curious on another matter. aWhat happened to Harvey?a aHe and Juan woke up about five and stumbled out into the cold. They were the last to leave.a I regarded her almost in disbelief. Now what would make them do that? Before I could ask, she said, aIf youare hungry, some ham and scrambled eggs are keeping warm on the stove.a aIam ravenous,a I admitted, rounding the table. Shortly I joined them with a full plate and a cup of coffee heaped with cream and sugar. Around a mouthful of food, I noted, aYou still havenat told me what happened to Harvey.a Clara snorted. aYou were there. You tell us.a aI mean a Is he still likely to beget the line of men that leads to the Calamity?a aNo.a aHey, thatas what I call a straight answer! But you said the Springers were late begetters. Donat you know that queers often change orientation in middle age?a aHarvey Gambel Springer will father no offspring.a I studied her emotionless face. aShall we read in next weekas newspaper of Harveyas untimely demise?a aNot unless Juan kills him.a aWell, then, you have done this universe a very great favor.a aMaybe.a aOnly maybe?a She answered grimly, aIt occurs to me this morning that men do not actually father every babe for which they get credit.a I blinked. aThought you had DNA to prove it.a She shook her head. aNot for this one nor the next, Maurice Stapleton Stringer. We have it for the last two.a aWell, then a"a I started to make a murderous suggestion, but Alice interrupted me.

She said, aWe have a more immediate problem.a That made me chuckle. aAlmost any problem is more immediate!a aThis one certainly is. What shall we do about our unfaithful lover?a I could feel my eyes enlarge. aAre you referring to me? Or to yourself?a aWhat about both of you?a suggested Clara but her eyes were fixed on me.

Suddenly I felt cold. I returned Claraas stare. aWhat do you want to do about us?a aAbout Alice? Nothing. Tell him, dear.a The girl bit her lip and sighed. She murmured, aIam sorry, Timmy. Iam sorry I didnat ask you and Clara first.a aAsk us? Ask us what?a aIf you would let me f.u.c.k the cop.a I expelled my breath in disbelief. aIf I would let you!a aIf I had done it that way, I wouldnat have needed to get drunk. Then I could remember all the details and tell you blow-by-blow.a aYou a what?a I asked weakly. Iam sure my chin was dangling.

Clara said calmly, as if we were discussing schoolwork, aTim, you must realize that Aliceas indiscretions are just that. It is unlikely approaching impossible that she will ever stray far from us. She is well aware of how much she needs us and she lacks your independent nature. Who followed whom into Reversion?a Finally my brain began working. aI a see. Whereas in my case aa Clara nodded. aYes. That is the problem. You are our focus. Without you we have no interest or reason for existence. And in fact you need us just as much, though with the male orientation you will probably never acknowledge it.a Her voice trembled, though her gaze never wavered. aIn fact you scare us to death, Timmy.a I thought about it and admitted, aI think I understand. Iam sorry, ladies.a I took a deep breath, aBut sometimes a"a She raised a hand. aWe know. Sometimes you run across a female shape that gives off s.e.xual readiness like smoke from a fire. Timmy, we donat want you to become a monk. We donat even want you to stop noticing other females. If you werenat attracted to other women you wouldnat care so much for us either. We understand that.a aThank you. I donat think I ever heard a woman admit that before. All right. What do you want?a aThe same thing Alice has offered.a aYou, you a want me to ask permission?a aIf you have time.a Obviously they had already discussed this and reached agreement. Alice was nodding slightly as Clara continued, aBut if you donat have time, will you come to us as soon as you can and tell us all the details?a I stared from one to the other. They returned it. I asked, aOn what basis will you grant permission?a aOn the degree of threat to our family.a I studied their guileless faces. aIall think about it.a Clara shook her head. aWe want you to promise, Tim.a aNow,a added Alice, aas I have.a I asked incredulously, aYouave promised to get our permission to screw?a aOutside the family,a she responded levelly and tossed her head. aWe already get it implicitly of each other.a She took a breath and added, a quiver in her voice. aWeare afraid to go on without yours too.a Afraid to go on!

In the end I promised, of course. Iad rather not go on without them either.

Chapter 8: The Kidnapping.

aI hear you donat believe in Gravitational Diffraction.a I looked up at the deep masculine voice. It belonged to Dean Peyton Dell, who was lounging against the jamb of an office door that opened onto the corridor. I had just left a review for the seminar of that name.

aItas a chimera,a I declared as I had done to Clara and to the cla.s.s. No doubt the seminar professor had repeated my comments to Dell.

He chuckled skeptically. aHow remarkable that a twelve year-old is so certain! Youare finished for the day. Stop a minute and talk to me.a I shrugged and followed him into the empty seminar room, leaving the door open. He took a seat at the table and gestured for me to do the same. I set my books and clipboard on the table and leaned back in the chair. aWho picked it for me anyway?a aYou mean Gravitational Diffraction? Professor Ellison said you were interested in gravity.a I recalled our little exchange about the gravity focusing experiment adjacent to a nursery. I chuckled too. aHis idea of revenge, was it?a aWas he wrong, then?a I waved a hand negligently. aI suppose itas as useful to me as any other subject. Until Sirius explodes or we get into deep s.p.a.ce, no one is likely to build an instrument sensitive enough even to detect gravitational waves, must less separate them into component wavelengths.a I grinned. aAnd if Sirius explodes, its gravity waves will be the least of our concerns.a aYou are referring to the star?a aYes, a blue-white powerhouse about eight light-years away. A supernova there would sterilize the earth.a His eyes narrowed. aDo you predict one soon?a An interesting question! I studied his expression. What was he after? aWeare all betting against it,a I answered carefully.

He didnat smile. aI ask that with something more than ordinary curiosity. Your knowledge seems remarkably complete. I understand that your fellows in the Medieval Politics seminar are kicking themselves for not buying Airguidance stock last month as you recommended. Is it due to keep rising?a Time to stop that. Was I getting a reputation? aIad sell before March first, if I were into it.a aMarch first,a he repeated. aAnd Ellison tells me something of a most interesting nature. During his examination he asked you to estimate the atomic weights of fissile Uranium and Plutonium. You responded to four decimal places, although at that time they had only been published to two. He made a note, and last week when the government decla.s.sified that information and released its own measurements, yours turned out to be exactly right.a Oh, s.h.i.+t! I knew no good would come from that faux pas.

When I sat silently, he added, aDo you care to comment on that?a I shrugged. aIt has to be luck. Unless youare prepared to believe a twelve year-old is an atomic spy.a He nodded seriously. aI thought of that, and Iall grant itas hard to credit. But so is luck.a aTake your choice.a aI prefer a third explanation.a aReally? What explanation is that?a His eyes were penetrating but he said only, aIam working on it.a I stood up and gathered my books. aExcuse me, professor. I have another appointment.a He watched me through slit eyelids as I went out the door.

aItas for you.a I looked up blankly. Alice stood in the hall, holding out the telephone receiver in my direction. I got to my feet in surprise. My first phone call in Chicago!

When I took the instrument from her, she frankly hovered nearby. aItas a girl!a she whispered balefully.

ah.e.l.lo,a I answered cautiously.

aIs this Tim?a aRosalind!a I cried. aIs something wrong?a Alice glared at me. Across the room Clara raised her head to study my face.

The voice on the phone replied, aWhat? Why should anything be wrong? I just got my telephone installed. Youare the second person I called.a aWho was first?a I asked, thinking of her poet.

aMy mother, of course, the one whoas paying for it.a aThen Iam honored. Congratulations, Rosalind. Iam happy to hear of it. Your social life should certainly improve now.a aPerhaps it will. But it was the lack of a vibrant social life that gave me the telephone. Isnat that ironical? I had so much free time I was able to put together that paper I told you about, the one on the Indo-European Ursprache. And guess what! Itas been accepted for publication in Philological Abstracts.a I was impressed. That was indeed an achievement for a mere graduate student. aCongratulations! But how did this lead to a telephone?a aMother gave it to me as a reward. She also gave me some mad money. I thought you might help me spend it.a aIam a lousy poet, Rosalind.a aDonat remind me of that awful person. You were right. He dumped me in favor of a round-heeled little trick from the Design School. All I want is to invite you downtown for dinner next Sunday.a aFor dinner.a aFor luncheon, I guess, a late one, say about two oaclock. I definitely want to be home before dark.a aYou want to invite me to a luncheon,a I repeated in wonder.

aMe, too!a declared Alice, her face not two feet from the phone.

Rosalind asked, aWhoas that?a aMy, ah, cousin Alice. You met her at the Christmas party.a aTim, why wonat you talk to me since that party?a aHuh? What do you mean? I speak to you after every gravity seminar!a aYeah, h.e.l.lo and good-bye. Didnat you like what I did for you that night?a I lied. aThat has nothing to do with anything. Sure, Iad like to see you again, but why over luncheon?a Alice moved a bit closer and laughed harshly. aShe wants to feed you something, Timmy.a Rosalind must have heard. She sounded irritated but said reasonably, aBecause I remembered what you said about German food during the blizzard.a aGerman food? You mean Holsteinschnitzel?a aThatas the stuff. My mother likes this authentic German restaurant downtown, the Spatenhaus. Itas in the Loop. I saw that dish on the menu.a I remembered the place faintly from 15 years later in time. For years I had fondly recalled Holsteinschnitzel, a runny egg on breaded veal cutlet. Yummy!

Staring at Alice, I said, aSounds good. And this is the chance to introduce my cousin to German food. Would you mind if she tags along? Iall cover her share.a Silence on the telephone and a sniff from Alice, though I could see the interest in her eyes.

Rosalind took a breath. aDidnat you say sheas in the graduate program too?a aYes. Her dissertation is on Cosmology.a aI didnat get to speak to her at the party. Sure, bring her along. I can tell the cab driver to drop her first.a So thatas how the wind lay! Some females get accustomed to male gristle in short order. I said, aA taxi, eh? Your mother must have been truly generous.a aShe was. Iall pick you up about 1:30.a aAll right, Rosalind. Itas a date. Weall be ready and thanks for thinking of me.a aSee you then.a When I hung up the phone, Alice thrust her face into mine. aWhat did she say?a aYou and I are having lunch with her Sunday at Spatenhaus. Youall learn about German food.a aIave eaten German food.a Her lip curled. aIall learn about Rosalind.a I turned, stricken, to Clara. aOh, Iam sorry, dear, for not including you! Iall get her number and call her back.a Clara waved a hand negligently. aDonat bother. If you like the food Iall take you both down there again.a Her eyes fixed on mine. aBut what does Rosalind expect after the luncheon?a We sat on the sofa and discussed that in the reasonable tones of adults. Like h.e.l.l we did!

Sunday arrived bitterly cold, made worse by a nasty wind blowing off the lake, so I was glad that Rosalind had rented a nice, heated taxi. She may also have been concerned about our security. In the worldas eye we were just two young kids, and Rosalindas presence offered little protection against a possible attack by muggers and the like. My internal old man would have smiled at that thought. Did women and children have to worry about muggers in 1948?

Rosalind didnat guess I needed no appeas.e.m.e.nt for her s.e.xual romp with the poet, that my hurt feelings at her admission were just pretense. I understood I could not keep her for myself, especially after the promise to my afamily.a Still, it was useful for her to feel guilty about betraying me because she might need to comfort me with her svelte, athletic body. Also she possessed one last virgin orifice I hoped to claim.

Alice would not normally volunteer to brave Chicagoas winter temperature, but she had admitted a desire to examine her acompet.i.tiona closely. Rosalind had agreed to it, I think, because she expected only to tolerate a pesky ten year-old.

I entered between them, the three of us tightly bundled against the weather in the back seat of the cab. Rosalind smiled when I sat and would have kissed me on the cheek. I turned and met her lip-to-lip and tongue-to-tongue, though within two seconds I felt Aliceas sharp little elbow in my ribs.

I fell back in the seat. aYou remember my cousin, Alice.a aBarely.a Rosalind smiled across me with about as much warmth as that winter day. I have always enjoyed observing such feminine gestures. I dimly recalled losing an argument with Alice about them fifty years in the future. I had taken the position that they were rank hypocrisy. aHow old are you, Alice?a aAge as the criterion of maturity,a the little girl retorted, ais mere prejudice, donat you think?a Rosalindas eyes widened and she began a laugh, quickly suppressed. Her face grew solemn. aIn many things that may be true, but not in all. Youare younger than Timmie, I believe, and heas only twelve.a aWe have abilities that compensate,a Alice snapped.

aYouare probably the youngest graduate student in the country,a Rosalind said, apparently trying to establish a friendly rapport.

aIt runs in the family,a Alice responded in a superior tone of voice, taking hold of my hand possessively. aEven Aunt Clara is a genius.a aIam sure she is. But you are both so young! You must be particularly gifted.a Rosalind grasped my other hand.

aWe are, of course,a Alice replied smugly, aand I hope we wonat bore you with our talk of particle physics and cosmology.a aAnd I promise not to weary you with a monologue on Julian the Apostate.a Rosalind chuckled lightly. aLetas be friends and enjoy ourselves this afternoon. Spatenhaus is a famous German restaurant that sits just across the street from the Bund hall.a aIt remained open during the war?a I inquired.

aOh, yes, although the waiters then all claimed to be Swiss, Mother said. The food is remarkably good.a I had meant the Bund hall, not the restaurant, but I did not pursue the matter. My hand had wriggled out of Rosalindas to check out a memory of winter coats in this era. Yes! The side-pocket on the young womanas overcoat was slit for the weareras hands to reach her body. Did the manufacturer ever consider that another hand might pa.s.s through it and caress her belly through her blouse?

I found the bottom of her sweater and the waistband of her skirt. Prepared to curse the inventor of petticoats, I was delighted to discover none. Had she foreseen this precise little adventure? My hand darted under the elastic of her panties, fingers plunging into wiry hair.

Her eyes, widening slightly, flicked across mine as she said, aAlice, I understand Timmy is from Hightower in Indiana. Is that your home too?a aWe travel a lot,a the girl answered, her fingers ma.s.saging my palm. aTim tells us how studious you are, Rosalind. Congratulations on publis.h.i.+ng your paper! Itas good that men donat distract you, isnat it?a Rosalind laughed, a silvery sound with little humor. aI only recently noticed men, to tell you the truth.a She slid her b.u.t.t forward slightly, parting her knees. aI met this dreamy poet in one of my English who opened my eyes.a aOnly your eyes?a Alice asked sweetly.

My finger found the moist c.l.i.t. Stroking it, I felt Rosalind tremble almost imperceptibly. She said brightly, aOf course I came to know Timmy first.a Aliceas hand closed tight on mine.

Rosalind laughed fondly, winking at me. aHeas the real eye-opener.a aKnowing Timmy is an adventure,a Alice declared dryly.

For the first time in my two lives I had occasion to wonder if modern women use know in the biblical sense!

Rosalind produced a more genuine laugh, aYou must be right about age, Alice. You seem more like a diminutive co-ed, perhaps a friend.a aOh, yes. You and I have more in common than one would think.a I now had two fingers well into Rosalindas c.u.n.t. She was thoroughly wet. I performed a quick recall of dates. The party had been six weeks ago. I breathed a sigh of relief. No one would catch me red handed.

Itas a fairly long drive from the university to the Loop. During most of it two and sometimes three of my fingers soaked in Rosalindas juices. She developed a tiny twitch, masked from Alice by the heavy coat and a surprising ability to expound endlessly on campus gossip. I sat silently with a raging hard-on until I felt Aliceas hand make the same discovery in my coat pocket!

Out of Rosalindas clothes I came with alacrity, hitched forward on the seat and stared ostentatiously around. aThat was the El back there. How much farther, Rosalind?a Old habit from my previous life was responsible for that reaction. I already had permission from my women, however tearfully derived, to indulge myself in this third one. We had concluded that she represented a potentially useful social ally and merely a diversion for me, not a threat to the family.

As soon as I had forestalled Aliceas investigation, I regretted it. If she had discovered the evidence of my distraction, she might have pumped a little. The resulting wet jockey shorts would hardly have mattered to me more than wet panties to Rosalind, given that we would need to walk only a few steps from taxi to restaurant entrance. Of course, knowing Alice, she would more likely have pinched than pumped!

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