Reversion - A Novel Part 17

Reversion - A Novel -

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She placed an arm around my shoulders, the hand still holding her gla.s.s, and she palmed my thigh high up near my fly. With her lips pressed against my cheek, she whispered, aPay no attention to him. Pretty soon heall be asking about you and your little sister.a aI heard that!a Cleaver announced. aThe sister is as precocious as he. Maybe more so. Sheas down the hall with Gordon between her legs right now: you know, that new guy in the history department.a aGordonas really special!a Mona responded with eager quickness, then added with a frown, aHe might be too large for a small girl. I know I had a problem with him.a aHow did that feel?a Cleaver leaned forward from his seat. aGordonas is as fat as Gregoras.a aBut not nearly as long, thank heaven.a She smiled reminiscently. aYou get rather numb, you know.a Smile became a giggle. aOnce he got it started it was super.a She began to toy at the bulge in my pants with an index finger.

aAnd how about you, Timmy?a she asked. aSome boys your age are almost fully grown down there.a I smiled, amused at their obsession. aFor sure I wonat put Gregor out of work.a aLet me see!a she exclaimed and sat up straight, putting her gla.s.s on the coffee table.

She set to work removing my formal clothing, exclaiming with pleasure when she discovered the d.i.c.key and lack of shorts, as per my agreement with Rosalind. Her eyes hardly left mine. I displayed my approval with a smile until Cleaver knelt on the floor in front of me and placed his hands on either side of my left thigh.

aNot now, Harrison!a Mona scolded and pushed him away with such force that he fell back onto his extended arms. aMaybe Timmy will let you touch him later,a she added in a mumble, athough isnat it a pretty thing? Gregoras may be larger, but this one is perfect: not a vein or a wart, just smooth skin and a big blue strawberry!a aYouare making my mouth water.a Indeed I saw him swallow.

She struggled to free trousers and suspenders from my shoes and finally solved the problem by removing them as well as my socks.

aPrettier and prettier!a she exclaimed, leaning back to examine me. aWhat lovely legs!a Shortly I was naked. Cleaver had retreated to his chair but leaned forward with mouth agape.

aSuck him!a he insisted when Mona backed away.

aBe patient, Harrison! We have all night. Timmy, will you please undo the b.u.t.tons at the back of my dress?a I stood to a.s.sist her. Both the old man and the young boy in me were ready for s.e.x with this lovely, fine-boned woman. When her dress fell to the floor I caressed her small shoulders. She leaned back against me and sought to kiss me from that awkward position.

aUnsnap the bra,a she said in voice that betrayed arousal. aI donat have much there, but theyare as firm as a young girlas.a aShe likes you to bite them, Timmy. I donat know why,a Cleaver proclaimed.

He was busy undoing his own clothes.

When I removed the bra I kissed her neck and reached around to cup the b.r.e.a.s.t.s, which were larger than she had intimated and not as firm as promised.

aYou seem so practiced, Timmy,a she sighed and squirmed her shoulders against me.

aPossibly more practiced than we imagine,a Cleaver remarked.

I shot him a glance. He stood naked. His hairy belly bulged slightly. His erect c.o.c.k was of ordinary manly proportions and condition. He stared back at me with a quizzical look on his face, for the moment no longer the agitated voyeur and would-be boy lover. I could not imagine he actually believed the truth about me, even if the FBI had whispered it, but I found his abrupt, sober demeanor challenging.

aYouare right, Harrison,a I said with a grin. aIave been f.u.c.king since before I could squirt.a The confession pleased him. aI knew it!a I sat on the couch and pulled Mona around to face me. Without a further word I undid her garter belt and rolled down her hose. She had lovely, pale thighs which I could not avoid kissing.

aThis shall be the experience of a life time,a she said as she tousled my hair. aAn accomplished lover with the half-grown body of a pretty boy.a aIam more than half grown, Mona,a I responded, rising to my feet to stand taller than she.

aWell, letas see,a she said and fell to her knees in front of me.

aOh, my!a she exclaimed. aItas every bit as long as yours, Harrison, but it seems to be less used.a I did not consider that a compliment, but I was comforted by the knowledge that before I turned seventeen my c.o.c.k would grow more than another inch a" or as long as I wished if I adopted Claraas hints. Mona sucked the head of it into her mouth and proved immediately that she was indeed the special woman Cleaver had promised. I have been f.e.l.l.a.t.ed enough, especially in the last two years, to recognize the expert use of tongue, cheeks and palate. Tissues parting in the back of the throat are not so commonly felt. Her nose was gouging the pad above my d.i.c.k.

Cleaver was quickly on his knees beside her, his face crowding her. aDo I also get a taste?a She pulled her head back to look up at me. I wanted her to continue.

aHeas going to pester us until you allow it, Timmy,a she said, squatting on her heels. aLet him blow you and be done with it.a Cleaver understood my silence to be a.s.sent. He began to suck my c.o.c.k greedily with a hand fondling the back of my thigh. Meanwhile Mona stood up, wriggled out of her panties and kicked them away. She leaned over Cleaver and put her arms around my neck for a kiss. Although I was fully engaged in trading spit with Mona, I could hardly ignore the manas efforts, which quickly promised success.

aIam going to come,a I whispered to her.

aDonat warn him,a she whispered back and we resumed our wet kissing.

I embraced her tightly as I exploded suddenly in the manas mouth. He didnat pause for an instant, taking three powerful spurts without gagging, then pumping the rest into a loosely held mouth. I had to acknowledge he had made a splendid job of it. He stood and grinned at us with s.e.m.e.n drooling over his chin.

aI need to wash that down,a he announced, reaching for his gla.s.s on the table and swallowing it all in a single gulp.

He stood smacking his lips, looking at us with a smirk, apparently proud of himself. aYoung s.p.u.n.k is definitely sweeter, donat you think, Mona?a He jacked his c.o.c.k languidly with one hand and wiped his mouth with the back of the other. He reached out to stroke my chest and pinch a nipple.

aThatas all you get, Harrison,a Mona growled, pulling me close. aItas my turn now.a He snorted a brief laugh. aEver suck one, Tim?a He thrust his heavily veined tool toward me. It struck me as less appealing to the lips than a handlebar grip. He saw as much in my expression and laughed louder. aItas obvious I wonat get any relief here. By now there should be a line forming to f.u.c.k Rosalind and your sister. Iad better go break in.a He angered me, as he had intended. aYou mean in place of the girls?a aDonat get the wrong impression, Timmy, boy. You have a sweet young d.i.c.k that would feel good in anyoneas mouth a" or elsewhere, eh, Mona? And Iave noticed that some young men are grateful when they get a good b.l.o.w.j.o.b. Not that kind, are you, Tim?a He shrugged. aPerhaps I can thrill your sister.a He turned and strode to the door, leaving it open as he went into the hallway from which we heard boisterous noises.

aI should check on the girls,a I said to Mona, stepping back from her.

aDonat worry, darling,a she a.s.sured me and grasped my hand. aNo one will hurt them. At worst theyall wake up a little sore tomorrow.a She poured whiskey into two and handed me one. We inspected each otheras bodies as we drank. My c.o.c.k began to stir again at the sight of her attractive shape, which though mature, was the size of a much younger woman.

She nodded at my mid section. aI see youare coming back to life,a she remarked with a broad smile. aLetas go to the bed and get absolutely wild.a We did that. But the wildness came only after she had explored my body with her hands and mouth. Then we f.u.c.ked with abandon, pausing only to adopt different positions. aOh, youare a perpetual erection!a she declared breathlessly.

I checked with my built-in computer afterwards and found that we had f.u.c.ked a full 34 minutes before I could no longer withhold my climax. Although not a loud lover, she had clearly enjoyed at least a dozen by the time I finally spewed into her in the midst of a breathless kiss.

aOh, d.a.m.n, I forgot!a she complained as our panting eased. I was still atop her, perhaps the only advantage of lesser weight.

aForgot what?a She laughed. aI meant to taste that sweet come Harrison admired so.a aIall keep it in mind,a I a.s.sured her, afor the next time.a aIf any.a She looked past my shoulder. aHi, Donald.a I rolled off her sweaty body to see a naked guy standing at the foot of the bed. He was in his late twenties, perhaps a graduate student.

aMay I be next, Mona?a he asked politely.

aWhat a" me instead of Maggie?a He looked pained. aYou know how it is here.a His voice became falsetto. aaWhyad you bring me here if you werenat gonna let me have other guys?aa She laughed. aSheas right too. Itas the whole idea. But first get me a drink from the table over there.a She gave me a quick kiss when Donald turned to obey. aGo check on the girls now,a she said in a hushed voice, aand close the door behind you. Donaldas rather shy.a Was he indeed? I wondered how long he had stood watching us.

I strolled down the long hall. Several doors stood open with sweating bodies visible beyond them, some still in motion. I nodded, guessing that orgy was indeed the word for this, though to my understanding a proper orgy required all partic.i.p.ants in one large room, where sight and sound of other couplings, along with ready partner trading, could enhance the stimulation. I shrugged. Perhaps that described the cla.s.sical orgy, whereas this was only a chinchy modern one.

Two naked women, holding c.o.c.ktail, leaned on the doorjamb looking into the room from which George had earlier appeared. Eyes lit as I approached.

aLooking for me, sweetheart?a asked the one with the large round b.u.t.t. aIam Tilly. This is Pauline. And youare the kid who brought the girl with the painted She turned to face me, swinging two large ones of her own, big brown nipples crowning stretch marks and blue veins. Her belly was also well marked with the stigmata I have always regarded as badges of honor. I guessed she was approaching 40.

She simpered, aYou can paint mine, if you like, only I prefer man-paint, if you get what I mean.a She pushed her t.i.ts together. aHowad you like to squirt between these?a Iave done that. Once was enough. I answered, at.i.ts were meant to squeeze and to suck. Other avenues work a lot better for d.i.c.ks.a Her elbow nudged the other woman, a plump specimen with deeper sagging t.i.ts, and grinned widely. aAvenues, eh? Between us weave got six. How many you want?a aAll I can get of course. Whatas happening in there?a aSee for yourself.a When I stood in the doorway, Tilly threw an arm around my back and pulled me into her soft b.r.e.a.s.t.s. aSqueeze aem, then,a she ordered, aif thatas what theyare for.a In the room three bodies lay on their sides in the bed. The nearest, facing me, was a woman with her arms pulling up her knees while a fat p.e.n.i.s pumped slowly in her r.e.c.t.u.m. Her face was drawn into a mask that looked like pain but might have been ecstasy. The third person was another man. It took me a moment to realize that he was slowly sodomizing the sodomizer, using strokes of near maximum length. And what a length! I gaped at the organas size on each near-withdrawal.

aIs that Gregor?a I demanded in awe, forgetting to compress Tillyas t.i.t.

aIt sure is,a Tilly answered, turning her head to regard me. aDonat tell me youare jealous!a aCertainly not of the guy in front of him!a Both women laughed. aOh, I donat know,a murmured Pauline.

aWhatas your name?a asked Tilly.

aTim.a aWell, Tim, you shouldnat be jealous of Gregor,a said Tilly soothingly. aMost of us wonat have him.a aBut not all!a simpered Pauline, rolling her eyes at me.

aThatas a full ten incher heas got, and he loves to bruise a cervix with it, the selfish b.a.s.t.a.r.d.a aOh, but it sure does fill up your b.u.t.t,a the other added with a sigh.

ad.a.m.n it, Pauline, thatas not what weare here for!a Tilly continued, almost in my ear, aThe other thing is, Gregoras a dribbler. I think a man loses his squirting strength when it always gets sucked out.a aDoes that make any difference?a I asked, surprised that it might. Obviously these females had previously endured Gregoras attentions. I wondered how long ago.

aIt makes a difference when you want to put the stuff as far up the womb as you can.a I blinked at that. aI suppose so.a Then I had to chuckle. aWhat are you girls, professorsa wives? I canat believe you came here to get pregnant.a aBut we did!a Both Tilly and Pauline regarded me solemnly. Tilly stroked her belly. aIam looking for my fourth.a Pauline said, aI donat show it as much as Tilly, but Iam wanting my third.a She sighed. aExcept a thick one does feel super up the a.s.s!a aSpeak for yourself,a Tilly admonished dryly. Her hand fell on my slender equipment, just beginning to rise in response to this weird idea. aTimas here would send you to heaven in the right place.a aWait just a minute,a I protested, careful not to dislodge the womanas hand, which had begun to stroke. aLet me see if I have this straight. You two, ah, ladies came here tonight, knowing what to expect, in order to, ah aa aPut babes in our bellies,a Tilly finished.

aProfessorsa wives?a aNo, silly!a She chuckled. aWeare just housewives who love children. For one reason or another our husbands canat give us another one. Harrison Cleaver throws parties for us four times a year to help us out. Heas a great man.a Her voice grew reverent.

aHe is,a agreed Pauline, adding in disgust, abut too many of his men go for each other.a aHoly s.h.i.+t!a I breathed, thinking, What a clever dodge!

aYou like that idea of helping us out?a asked Tilly, studying me with a smile.

aWhat do your husbands think of it?a aMine doesnat know,a retorted Tilly. aHe thinks Iam visiting my sister.a aMine does,a Pauline bragged. aHe makes me tell him everything I do.a aAnd do you?a aOh, yes. Thatas some of our best times together!a I shook my head. aWhatas in it for Cleaver?a Tilly shrugged. aI guess he wants us here for the men.a aYouave been here a lot?a She smirked. aOh, yes, all during the war. Cleaver really invited the soldier boys.a She s.h.i.+vered, eyes alight. aPauline and I went to his parties twice a week. We had lots more men.a Pauline said reverently, aAll sizes, where it counts.a Tilly was studying my d.i.c.k. aHereas a pretty one!a Pauline craned around to see for herself. aG.o.d, it is!a she said reverently, s.n.a.t.c.hing Tillyas hand away. She sank down in the doorway and her mouth slurped onto me greedily.

Tilly sniffed. aSheas fast on her knees.a So I stood in the doorway, watching three people a.s.s-f.u.c.k on the bed, squeezing a most yielding set of t.i.ts, while the mouth of a second woman, whom I had never seen dressed to the best of my knowledge, zealously worked my young d.i.c.k.

Gregor chose that moment to o.r.g.a.s.m. At least he howled once and strained to thrust the entirety of his ma.s.sive manhood into the receptive a.n.u.s. Shortly he withdrew a lot of glistening organ and twisted around to sit up on the edge of the bed. The man he had favored, if thatas the word, rose up on an elbow to regard the woman still receiving his favor, again if thatas the word. This was George, the same one who had gone for the drinks earlier. His drooling a.n.u.s gaped.

aHoware you doing, angel?a he asked his woman.

She raised her head and looked owlishly around the room, finally responding with a question of her own. aDid you finally get enough of Gregor, you queer b.a.s.t.a.r.d?a aI think I got enough of Gregor,a he answered positively, grinning at me across the room.

aAll right, then. Marty, get your c.o.c.k over here.a Taking care not to dislodge him, she rolled her body up until she lay on her back atop George. Another watcher, who had been standing against the wall stroking his dong, climbed on the bed and crouched over the couple. I recognized him at last. It was Dr. Eccles, psychology.

aDonat put it up my a.s.s with George,a the woman admonished. aI want some meat in my p.u.s.s.y, if you donat mind.a aWhatever you say, honeybunch.a Curious word, that. I donat think Iave heard it applied to anyone beside oneas own wife. Was Eccles legally married to the meat in this Greek sandwich?

Tilly had another thought. aShe must be one of us, wants it in the right place.a aShe talks like a professoras wife,a I suggested whimsically.

aYou think so?a The subject began to come. At least she was groaning. Her arms and legs gripped Eccles and pulled him tightly upon her. I almost laughed at the way Georgeas toes suddenly curled.

Sight of one climax often stimulates another, but not this time. Though Paulineas mouth slurped on me a.s.siduously, I felt only a mild gratification. I saw motion from the corner of my eye and twisted to see a naked man approaching. He was a young and hairy specimen with a half-erect d.i.c.k. His face was flushed. Steady of foot he was not.

He said dourly, aThe two hot numbers pashed out. Can you believe it?a Shambling up behind Tilly and me, he put arms around both of us, hand closing beside mine on her big t.i.ts. He craned his chin over her shoulder to stare down at Paulineas bobbing head before leering around at me. aYou hooked her! Good for you. Got pretty good bait maself.a aWhatare you,a asked Tilly dryly, aa fisherman?a aFrom Boston. Wanna trap my lobster?a She rolled her eyes at me.

The fisherman continued, aHoo, looka there a" a fish sandwich!a He had spied the action on the bed. His hand slid down Tillyas belly to her thatch. The other one slipped between her and me to clutch the t.i.t I had missed. He said solemnly to me, aGonna borrow your spare, pal.a His lower hand was pumping in her groin. To her he added, aThaash if you can tear yourself away.a aSure, but I wonat suck you.a aaAtas only good the firsht time. aM ready for a long, slow f.u.c.k.a Tillyas face brightened slightly. aNot in my a.s.s, either,a she bargained.

Meanwhile Pauline had detected my lack of enthusiasm. She came up from her knees, slipped between Tilly and me to grab the fishermanas hook, leering into his face. aThisall be my lobster!a aYou got it, babe!a he declared, eyes alight. aCome on. Leas go swim in the sandwich shop.a He backed her through the doorway. She held on tight to his d.i.c.k, even when she fell across the undulating trio on the bed. Oaths resounded. Other loungers in the room fell atop them on the bed a" which promptly collapsed with a splintering crash.

Tilly turned to me wide-eyed. aTheyare fighting. Letas get outta here.a She grabbed my hand and towed me down the hall, ignoring my protests that I wanted to see who made the next sandwich.

Two men clad in T-s.h.i.+rts, d.i.c.ks about half-hard, lounged outside the room where I hoped to find Rosalind and Alice. One of them eyed Tillyas t.i.ts, the other my erect d.i.c.k. The t.i.tman licked his lips. aI sure would love to splash those melons!a Tilly snarled, aWhatas wrong with you guys? Why doesnat anybody like to squirt right?a Meanwhile the d.i.c.k-fancier looked up at me and remarked, aYouare too late. Theyare all worn out.a He was one of those who had frowned at my youth when I first arrived. He had a better view of me now that I was nude. He leered shamelessly, licking his lips, tilting his head toward his objective. aI could take care of that for you until the girls wake up. Or has Harrison drained you dry?a Going off with Cleaver had been taken as a declaration? While I thought about that, Tilly effected a compromise with her new acquaintance. She pumped his d.i.c.k while he sucked her t.i.t. I paused before the door. Someone had hung a sign on it: Trash Cans. I looked around. No, this was the room where Cleaver and I had spied upon Alice.

Without responding to the queer invitation, I pushed open the door. Cleaver lay on the bed between Alice and Rosalind with a hand in each groin. Both girls appeared to be asleep on their backs, arms over their heads, legs splayed. The faces and torsos of both were grossly slimed, especially around Rosalindas globular t.i.ts.

At my entrance Cleaver pulled himself to the foot of the bed and got to his feet.

aItas time to leave,a I stated flatly.

aOh, no, the partyas just begun,a he protested. He indicated my girls. aTheyall be ready for another round after a little nap.a aAnother round? Who did they miss on the first one?a aNot too many.a He chuckled admiringly. aTheyare a game pair! I think every man in the house enjoyed them, except George a and you.a aGregor?a aPerhaps.a I studied the gaping mouths. Alice was snoring slightly. aAre you sure theyare okay?a aThey just need a little nap. Give them another ten minutes, why donat you?a He did not remain to argue further. After giving me a sniff, he exited the room, closing the door behind him. I shook Aliceas shoulder gently, rousing her to a bleary wakefulness. She reeked of whiskey.

aTim! I think I did a dozen of them,a she slurred proudly. aThree had me twice. I canat wait to see the viewers!a aWeare leaving,a I said and pulled her to a sitting position. aWhat about Rosalind?a aWould you believe her period started on the first f.u.c.k? She could only give a.s.s and b.l.o.w. Alice got shakily to her feet.

aWhat do you mean, aa.s.s?aa aWhat do you think? In her a.n.u.s.a With both hands on her slight shoulders I guided her to the bathroom, turned on the shower and helped her in. I returned to waken Rosalind, whose breath stank both of s.e.m.e.n and whiskey. As she struggled to rise, a glob of white fell on the sheet from her b.u.t.tocks. My d.i.c.k throbbed. I wondered how that orifice, my first outside the afamilya in this life, would feel now.

aTimmy!a she exclaimed, opening her eyes at last.

aIn the flesh.a aNice flesh.a Her hand flew up and pinched the head of my still game erection. Sometimes that happens after a lot of stimulation a" and sometimes just the opposite. aWell, come on,a she suggested, returning to her back and opening her legs. aOops!a she said. aI forgot. I have my period.a If so, I saw no sign of it on the upturned l.a.b.i.a. aDoesnat matter, though thank you very much, Rosalind. Come on, weare leaving.a She leered at me as I helped her up. aWhere have you been, anyway? We needed someone for traffic control.a I was not amused and pushed her into the shower with Alice. I resisted their giggly efforts to pull me after them, but finally acceded, if only to a.s.sure adequate hygiene. That was a mistake; they were in a state of prolonged s.e.xual frenzy, I gathered. They overpowered me and forced me onto the shower ledge, where Rosalind swallowed my d.i.c.k and Alice quite roughly thrust her c.u.n.t, just now sprouting hair, into my face. I thought they were kidding, but with Alice suffocating me I realized that this was more serious.

I finally slapped my way free of them. Even then they chased me around the bathroom. aG.o.d d.a.m.n it!a I roared, acut it out or Iam really gonna have to hurt you.a Rosalind, breathing hard, backed away at last. Alice followed her. Both stared at me as if I had lost my mind.

I demanded, aWhat in the h.e.l.l is the matter with you two?a aWe wanna f.u.c.k!a Alice a.s.serted, eyeing my d.a.m.nably still-hard d.i.c.k. aSo do you!a aNo, I donat, appearances to the contrary notwithstanding. What in the h.e.l.l did Cleaver put in your drink?a She pointed at my d.i.c.k. aThe same thing he put in yours.a aWell, weare gonna get the h.e.l.l out of here. Are your clothes in that room?a They nodded.

aHere!a I said, throwing them towels. aDry off while I go get mine, and for G.o.das sake donat start licking each otheras c.u.n.ts!a The looked a bit dazed but accepted the towels and began to wipe with them. I darted out into the bedroom but pulled up short. A naked woman stood with her back to me, peeking through the partly open outside door. She seemed to be wringing her hands.

I came up behind her. aWhatas going on?a She jumped and whirled. Though we were strangers, her terror eased when she saw my nakedness. aOh, G.o.d. Donat you know? Gerrymand is being raided!a aRaided?a aYeah! I canat believe it either. The top cops in this town collect half their salaries from Harrison.a She turned again and applied her eye below mine to the opening. Noise had risen in the hall. Several suited men were throwing open doors to reappear with nude and lewd partygoers.

aThose are cops?a I began, then conceded, aGood G.o.d, I canat believe it!a aI said that first,a she declared crossly.

But my wonder was owed to the familiarity of one of the suits: a polyglot named Jones, of the Secret Service, last seen two years ago delivering us home from Was.h.i.+ngton.

Chapter 13: Staying with the Script.

aGood G.o.d,a she cried with a giggle, aare they stuck together?a Her question arose in regard to a man and a woman carried bodily out into the hall by three suits. The womanas legs and arms were locked around the manas hips and neck while his arms enclosed her back. Perhaps they had refused to part and the suits simply brought them out together. He was a slim fellow with short-cropped blond hair. Did the suits mistake him for me?

Raids are like that. The scene in the hall was as near to bedlam as anything I recall since the nuclear conference of a88, when I discovered that my hotel in Milan was actually a wh.o.r.ehouse which had fallen behind in its payoffs. This time, incredibly, not a single police uniform was visible. The two-dozen or so raiders were all dressed in business suits of various shades of gray with neckties to match. And that was clearly Jones giving directions. Could Cleaver somehow have come to the attention of the U. S. Secret Service?

Or was Jones looking for me?

I saw Tilly. With a wild light in her eyes and big t.i.ts waltzing on her chest, she caught a suit from behind. Her hands raised his coat and dipped under the front of his belt. His elbow came up immediately and bounced into her head. Down she went. The suit paused long enough to feel himself. Had she squeezed a bit too hard?

Suddenly my own d.i.c.k was taken in hand. The woman half-crouching with her back to me, eye below mine at the door crack, began to frig me. She said without turning her head, aThis is exciting to you too, isnat it?a If my d.i.c.k didnat loose some starch soon it might get embarra.s.sing. What was wrong with it?

Just then Cleaver appeared, pulling on the suit who held his arm. He shouted over the screams and oaths, aI demand to see whoeveras in charge!a Most of the noise subsided at that. Cleaver did not abate his tone, however. aThis is my house. Who are you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds and what are you doing?a All up and down the hall people straightened up. Jones stepped forward. aYou are Archibald Harrison Cleaver?a aYes. And who the h.e.l.l are you?a Now the hall was silent. Jonesa response was clear. aMr. Cleaver, we will release your house and all its occupants soon as we find the two people we came for.a Suddenly it clicked: by now it was June 25, 1950, and had been for over 14 hours on the Korean peninsula. The north had invaded the south and a rump division or two of U. S. troops was sitting in harmas way. Truman wanted the best intelligence he could get.

aI repeat,a screamed Cleaver, his face turning bright red, ajust who the h.e.l.l are you to invade my home like this?a Jones grinned sourly. aHandcuff him.a He turned away, beckoning at someone further up the hall, while the man holding Cleaveras arm jerked his hands together behind him with a click of metal. I distinctly heard the captor say, aCalm down before you have a heart attack.a Why hadnat Jones named his objectives? But who else could it be? aExcuse me,a I said, jerking my d.i.c.k out of the womanas hand, and looking back into the room. Those piles of clothing greatly resembled what my girls had worn here. At least they were the right colors.

In the bathroom Rosalind and Alice were lying on the floor in a 69, slurping each otheras c.u.n.ts. I jerked them roughly apart. aQuick, get up and get dressed. The Secret Service is looking for us.a Alice raised her head, a wild light in her eyes. aWhere are they?a aNot to screw, d.a.m.n it. They mean to haul us to Was.h.i.+ngton. Remember the Korean War? Quit fooling around and get dressed. Unfortunately my clothes are in Cleaveras room.a Rosalind shook her head to clear it. aThe Secret Service?a aYes. And to simplify things, youare going with us.a I made my voice deep as I could. aNow get up and get dressed, G.o.dd.a.m.n it!a It worked. Both females rose and followed me into the bedroom. aWhat Korean War?a asked Rosalind of Alice.

I said, aYouall find out. Get your clothes on. I have to go out there. Excuse me.a Gently I pulled the strange woman back, opened the door wide enough and slipped into the hall. Jones happened to be looking my way. His eyes widened when he saw me emerge from the door with the Trash Cans label.

He tilted his head back and shouted hoa.r.s.ely, aTally ho!a At that cry silence fell and everyone in the hall turned to regard him, including the manacled Cleaver. Suited figures emerged from other rooms, now without prisoners in hand.

Jones looked at my erect d.i.c.k. His lip curled and he said to me in Russian, aEnjoy party?a I responded in the same language. aConfirm that I and my cousin are your objectives.a aDa.a aMy clothes are down hall.a aWhere is your, ah, cousin?a aShe gets dressed with friend who goes also.a aFriend? Your aunt waits outside.a aI mean different friend, another girl.a He studied me. We both ignored the many silent spectators. aWill you come voluntarily this time?a aIf friend comes with us.a aIs well.a He gestured up the hall and said in English, aDress quickly, please.a I wove my way among the staring spectators. One or two women snickered at my strangely persistent erection. Eyebrows rose above several suits. When one stretched out an arm for me, Jones called, aLet him pa.s.s!a I found Cleaveras door open a crack. Mona and Donald fell back nude when I pushed it wide. aExcuse me,a I intoned, brus.h.i.+ng past them.

aTim,a asked Mona breathlessly behind me, athey came for you?a aYes.a I made straight for my clothes, appreciating finally that Mona had thoughtfully hung them over a chair.

aThen you must know who they are,a she speculated.

I had noticed Jonesa care in omitting personal names, all but Cleaveras. Had he gained entry to the house without showing anyone a Secret Service ID? Was I now on his a" the governmentas a" side? The answer came instantly to my mind, still that of a liberal academic from 2002. It occurred to me that leaving someone behind who knew our whereabouts might even prove advantageous.

aYes, I know.a She and Donald stood with linked arms. He had lost his erection. What was keeping mine alive?

She said, aThey were pus.h.i.+ng people from downstairs up ahead of them. I heard the butler tell somebody they overpowered him with guns. He thinks theyare the mob, even if none of them has a black s.h.i.+rt.a aTheyare a mob, all right,a I sniffed, pulling on my socks. aTheyare the United States Secret Service.a aThe a the what?a aYou know: our presidential Praetorian Guard.a I jammed feet into shoes without lacing them. aAnd their leader is a guy named Jones.a I couldnat remember his first name a" or if I had ever heard it. aMona, can you tie a bow?a She swung around to my front, abandoning Donald, who stood gaping. Her hands worked busily at my neck. aWhat do they want with you?a aThe president wants my cousin and me in Was.h.i.+ngton. Presidents always need a lot of advice.a aAdvice about what?a aYouall guess when you see the morning papers.a aWho told you about it, whatever it is?a Slipping on my jacket, I grinned at her. aThatas the right question. Youare a smart girl, Mona, and you give great head.a To Donald I said, aWhy donat you take up where you left off?a The buzz of talk in the hall fell silent at my reappearance. It was comical: the clumps of suits, grim of face and closed of mouth, surrounded by nattering nabobs of nudity a" to mangle the originality of a future VP. But I marched solemnly among them.

As I pa.s.sed Jones, I said, aIall be back with the girls.a He looked me wryly up and down and said, again in Russian, aSo kin to man of steel dress up prettily!a adding in English, aHurry them along. We have a plane to catch.a Black pants in the pleated style of the Forties concealed an erection rather well. The crowd had lost interest in my d.i.c.k, but it was still standing tall. What the h.e.l.l was wrong with it?

I was pleased to see that my girls had at last taken me seriously. They were fully dressed. The strange woman, still nude, had found a comb and was doing up Rosalindas full head of auburn hair while Alice and Rosalind applied makeup to each otheras face.

aLetas go,a I directed.

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